Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Chinese e-Grammar Project

    Mette Thunoe , Lene Sønderby Bech , Chun Zhang , Karen Louise Møller & Francesco Caviglia

    Development of digital platform for Chinese grammar explanations, exercises and interactive student engagementBeskrivelse


  2. PIX implementeringspilot

    Mads Ronald Dahl

    Pilot teste sistemet PIX.org som platform til at forbedre de studerendes generelle digitale kompetencer og digitale dannelse.
    Teste, forberede og kvalificere systemet PIX.ORAG for en potentielt løbende udvikling, måling og certificering af de studerendes generelle digitale kompetencer, så AU opnår en brugbar og effektiv målemetode af disse kompetencer, der kan udvikles og driftes i en central løsning fremover. Et samarbejde mellem CED, NAT, BSS, TECH og DBK.


  3. Total Devotion – passions and plots in radical religion in the ancient world

    Armin W. Geertz

    Projektet analyserer religiøse fortællinger som idealiserer "total devotion" med total emotionel overbevisning i perioden ca. 520 BCE-450 CE. Projektet ledes af Laura Feldt ved Syddansk Universitet og finansieres af Danmarks Frie Forskningsråd.Beskrivelse


  4. Towards precision medicine in Psychiatry: Investigating the utility of polygenic risk scores as predictors of clinical outcomes in depression

    Katherine Musliner & Jessica Rose Mundy

    Depression is the cause of enormous suffering in the world. Although we cannot yet prevent depression, we can potentially mitigate its negative consequences through early identification of patients at risk for poor outcomes such as recurrence, chronicity, or progression to bipolar disorder. Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) show great promise for use in clinical settings to inform diagnosis and treatment, but more research is needed to determine whether incorporating PRSs into clinical settings can improve prediction of outcomes in hospital-treated depression patients. In this postdoc, I will use data from ~32,500 hospital-treated depression patients in the iPSYCH cohort to quantify and characterize the associations between different PRSs and clinical outcomes. I will also build prediction models for patient outcomes in the iPSYCH sample, and determine whether adding PRSs improves the predictive capacity of these models beyond what is achievable through clinical and demographic variables alone. This research will provide much needed insight into the role of genetics in predicting clinical outcomes in depression, and will form an evidence base for incorporating PRSs into clinical practice. Because they will be based on iPSYCH data, the findings of this project will be especially useful for Danish psychiatric practice.Beskrivelse


  5. Constructed wetlands for the treatment of cyanotoxins: enabling water reclamation for irrigation

    Pedro Carvalho , Carlos Alberto Arias & Anders Johansen

    More and longer events of cyanobacterial blooms are resulting in the irrigation of crops with contaminated water. Thus, the consumption of contaminated vegetables increases the risk of poisoning to humans. The usage of constructed wetlands to mitigate cyanotoxins contamination from surface waters is deemed interesting due to their proven capacity to reduce pollutants, their low- technological requirements and landscape integration. However, it is currently unknown if constructed wetlands can be used to remove the cyanobacteria biomass and degrade the cyanotoxins. In addition, a balance is needed in terms of process optimisation. Ideally, we want to clean the water from the cyanobacteria/cyanotoxins, while the nutrients should remain available for the crops. WETCYANO proposes an in-depth characterization of the potential for removal, including removal mechanisms and cyanotoxins biotransformation, as well as how shock loads of cyanobacteria may impact the microbial community in the constructed wetlands.Beskrivelse


  6. Digital twin platform for efficient construction management

    Jochen Teizer

    The use of advanced technology is essential for improving the construction industry by allowing for more efficient management, increased productivity, and reduction of operational waste and carbon footprint. The EU-funded BIM2TWIN project will create a Digital Building Twin (DBT) platform for construction site management using artificial intelligence (AI) and semantic linked data techniques. The platform will provide full situational insight on the as-built product and as-performed processes, which will be used and compared to the as-designed product and as-planned processes through an extensible set of construction management applications to implement a closed-loop Plan-Do-Check-Act process. The full process will rely on multiple onsite sensors for data acquisition and cross-domain analysis, and complex AI-based event processing. The DBT will offer an application programming interface allowing construction management applications to interoperate with its data/information/knowledge basesBeskrivelse


  7. General theory of pro-environmental behavior spillover

    John Thøgersen

    Psychology and related disciplines have made great progress in finding determinants of single pro-environmental behaviors in recent years. However, for challenges like global climate change or overuse of natural resources, it is not sufficient to address single behaviors but it is crucial to understand the links between a complex set of behaviors all affecting the problem: Under which conditions one pro-environmental behavior increases the likelihood of other pro-environmental behaviors by the same actor (positive spillover) and under which conditions it instead reduces the likelihood (negative spillover) is still an unsolved mystery, with only scattered findings in the literature. There is thus an urgent need for a firmer, comprehensive understanding of the complex underlying mechanisms of spillover, which requires methodologically demanding basic psychological research to develop an innovative, integrative theoretical model. The proposed project addresses this research gap with an international group of highly merited researchers in this field. The project will set the standard for future applied research in this highly relevant area of environmental behavior research.Beskrivelse


  8. Identifikation og belysning af bioaktivitet af nye forbindelser udskilt i mælk som følge af introduktion af nyt foder og/eller anti-methanogene fodertilsætningsstoffer i kost til kvæg

    Mette Olaf Nielsen , Marie Rønn , Natalja Nørskov , Stig Purup , Peter Lund , Christine Brøkner , Peter Langborg Wejse & Henrik Jørgen Andersen

    Formålet med ph.d.-projektet er at udvikle og validere (i denne ph.d.: 3-4 nye fodertilsætningsstoffer) en metodologisk tilgang til identifikation og sikkerhedsvurdering af ukendte stoffer, der potentielt kan udskilles i mælk (eller akkumuleres i kød), når nye fodertilsætningsstoffer introduceres for markant at reducere enterisk metan-emission for at være i stand til at overholde klimamål, der er defineret af EU, den danske regering samt mejeri-/ oksekødsindustrien.

    Metanreduktionseffektivitet og sikkerhed vurderet af 3-4 nye anti-methanogene fodertilsætningsstoffer, som i øjeblikket undersøges ved AU som en del af IFD-projekter: stoffet X og nordiske makroalger. 1) Validerede målrettede metoder vil blive raffineret for nøjagtigt at kvantificere stoffet X og mulige nedbrydningsprodukter i biologiske prøver (f.eks. blod, mælk og kød). 2) Umålrettede metabolomiske tilgange vil blive anvendt til at identificere hidtil ukendte stoffer udskilt i mælk, når makroalger eller stof X-baserede fodertilsætningsstoffer er inkluderet i ko-diæter.
    Projektet er finansieret af AU-Arla ph.d.-forening, GSTS og IFD.Beskrivelse


  9. KOM UD - nature-based rehabilitation for adults with acquired brain injury - a feasibility study.

    Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen & Anne Pernille Vipholm

    Ph.d.-projekt af Anne Pernille Vipholm, Hovedvejleder Jeanette Reffstrup ChristensenBeskrivelse


  10. Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed Kaffemik/Rosendahlmetoden

    Lars Geer Hammershøj

    Forskning i samskabelse om kreative processer i filmproduktion. Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed med filminstruktør Christina Rosendahl.Beskrivelse


  11. Miljøberigelse af forældredyr II

    Anja Brinch Riber & Kaitlin Elizabeth Wurtz



  12. Modeling Impacts of Ship Noise and Variations in Food Availability on Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Populations

    Xiuqing Hao & Jacob Nabe-Nielsen

    The objective of this project is to assess the impacts of shipping noise and variation in food availability on harbor porpoise populations in the inner Danish waters. The study will be based on statistical analyses of empirical porpoise data and DEPONS to identify the relevant species-environment relationship and to predict the species’ response to shipping noise, climate change and fisheries.Beskrivelse


  13. PhD project: Evaluation of potential risk factors of pre-natal aspirin treatment with emphasis on brain development, placental function and foetal growth.

    Julie Hauer Vendelbo , Zeyan Liew , Tine Brink Henriksen , Agnete Larsen & Lars Henning Pedersen

    Pre-eclampsia is a potentially life-threatening, placenta-associated disease that affects 3% of pregnancies. Aspirin treatment started early in pregnancy reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia but recent guidelines call for prophylactic treatment of 1 in 10 normal pregnancies based on a screening procedure. The problem is the paucity of data on the potential long-term effects, lack of maternal safety data, and surprisingly, insufficient knowledge on the mechanism behind the beneficial effects of aspirin. We will use advanced epidemiological methods to investigate potential risks of aspirin in the Danish registries and in a unique source of prenatal ultrasound data. Outcome include maternal postpartum haemorrhage, foetal growth, and neurodevelopmental offspring outcomes. To corroborate the epidemiological findings and to provide new biological insight in placental biology, we will perform Next Generation Sequencing on placental tissue from unexposed and aspirin exposed pregnancies. Beskrivelse


  14. Prosthesis Versus Active Exercise Program in Patients With Cuff Tear Arthropathy who are eligible for reverse shoulder arthroplasty: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial

    Josefine Beck Larsen , Inger Mechlenburg , Theis Muncholm Thillemann , Antti Launonen , Thomas Falstie-Jensen , Steen Lund Jensen , Helle Kvistgaard Østergaard , Srdjan Zivanovic , Aleksi Reito , Brian Elmengaard , Stine Junge Due & Mette Axelsen

    A multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of reverse shoulder arthroplasty surgery compared to 12 weeks of physiotherapist supervised exercise on pain and physical function in patients with cuff tear arthropathy who are eligible for a reverse shoulder arthroplasty.Beskrivelse


  15. PROsthesis vs ACTive exercise program in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis eligible for shoulder arthroplasty: the ProAct multicenter, randomized controlled trial

    Josefine Beck Larsen , Inger Mechlenburg , Theis Muncholm Thillemann , Antti P Launonen , Thomas Falstie-Jensen , Steen Lund Jensen , Helle Kvistgaard Østergaard , Srdjan Zivanovic & Aleksi Reito

    A multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of shoulder arthroplasty surgery compared to 12 weeks of physiotherapist supervised exercise on pain and physical function in patients with glenohumeral osteoarhtritis who are eligible for a shoulder arthroplasty. Beskrivelse


  16. Smart pipes with battery-less embedded sensors monitored by brain-inspired drones

    Mohammad Hassan Khooban

    Technologies have been developed to help detect leaks in district heating systems for decades, but there is still no cheap, simple and autonomous technology which can transmit operational data such as temperature and pressure to the cloud even without an external power supply. This is what we want to develop with this system, in which we link brain-inspired, so-called neuromorphic data processing with energy-harvesting technologies to create an extremely low-energy system, built directly into the district heating pipes. The focal point of this new project, which is called PipeSense, is very small sensors placed inside the insulation material around the district heating pipes that automatically harvest energy from their surroundings. Consequently, the sensors do not need a battery, as they continuously measure a wide range of different parameters.Beskrivelse


  17. SMIL-projektet

    Lars Wiking , Maximillian Kleinert , Bente Kiens , Rikke Ploug Frydenberg & Zheng Guo

    Mellemkædede fedtsyrer (MCFAs) er bestemte fedtsyrer, der består af 8-12 kulstofatomer. MCFAs udgør 10% af fedtet i mælk4,12 og er vist at forbedre insulinfølsomhed6,9,26 og øge energiforbruget i mennesker. Grundet disse sundhedsfremmende effekter vil vi danne to gensidigt afhængige og støttende arbejdsgrupper (WP). I arbejdsgruppe 1 (WP1) vil vi på Aarhus Universitet (Institut for Fødevarer og Institutfor Ingeniørvidenskab) for første gang kombinere hhv. udvælgelse af bestemt råmælk, tørfraktionering og såkaldt ”short path”-destillering til at generere mælkefedtfraktioner med 2-3 gange større MCFA-indhold end almindelig mælk. Efter en karakterisering af denne nye MCFA-berigede mælk vil vi producere af den særegne mælk til brug for testning i mennesker. I WP2, vi vil på Københavns Universitet først undersøge mekanismerne hvormed forskellige MCFA forbedrer sundheden i gnavere og mennesker – heriblandt en evaluering af hvilke MCFA, der er mest effektive i at medføre sundhedsforbedringerne. Dette indledende arbejde vil 1) identificere hvilke MCFA som mælken i WP1 primært skal beriges med og 2) etablere biomarkører til at bestemme MCFA-drevne effekter. I en anden fase af projektet vil vi teste hvorvidt det nye MCFA-berigede mælkefedt (produceret iWP1) kan modvirke helkrops insulinfølsomhed induceret af overfodring med en fedtrig kost i mennesker. Samlet set vil vi kombinere moderne og banebrydende teknologi og biologi til at skabe et nyt mejeriprodukt,
    som har potentiale til at blive et ernæringsmæssigt værktøj i en sund kost samt i kampen mod overvægt og type 2 diabetes.

    Projektperioded: Maj 2021- April 2024
    Finansiering: Arla Foods for Health
    Samarbejdspartnere: Copenhagen University, Dept of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport. Arla Foods Amba. Arla Foods Ingredients

    Deltagere: Maximillian Kleinert (PI) & Bente Kiens KU Dept of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport: Rikke Frydenberg og Lars Wiking AU FOOD: Zheng Guo AU ENG:


  18. SMiL – Special Milk Lipids for Health

    Zheng Guo

    Aims to develop the processing technology for condensation of short/medium chain enriched milk fats, and use them for human intervention studyBeskrivelse


  19. UK Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Verifiability Node

    Ana Lucia Caneca Cavalcanti & James Woodcock

    EPSRC: £603,666.08Beskrivelse


  20. Intercultural Ecclesiology (PhD project) - A practical theological study of lived ecclesiology in intercultural encounters in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark

    Laura Bjørg Serup Petersen

    A practical theological study of embodied ecclesiological reflexions of intercultural encounters in local congregations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark, motivated by demographical changes due to immigration and a shift to practice in theological research. A multi-case study of three local churches, where immigrants are taking part in the congregational life. Qualitative research methodology consists of participation observations and semi-structured interviews. The cases will be analysed from an operationalized concept of ecclesiology as procedural dynamics of interacting, reflecting individuals in concrete practices in the churches. I expect the research to be capable of nuancing the existing systematic ecclesiology from an ethnographic perspective, and to challenge the existing, ethnographic ecclesiological field, which most often operates within mono-cultural localities with a polyphonic input from a diverse reality.Beskrivelse


  21. Making Data Work Visible: Business Intelligence in Healthcare

    Asbjørn Malte Pedersen

    Dette projekt er en del af projektet "Making Data Work Visible: Knowledge, skills and changing professions in healthcare"

    Formålet er at identificere de færdigheder og opgaver, der konstituerer dataarbejde i en Business Intelligence enhed og lokale afdelinger på et hospital, samt hvilke roller og professioner, der udfører det. Dette vil ske på baggrund af etnografiske undersøgelser samt ved brug af en række kvalitative metoder.

    Projektet tager afsæt i litteraturen om data, dataarbejde, informationsteknologi og professioner, samt et eksplorativt feltstudie på en BI-enhed i region Midtjylland, der siden 2012 konstant har udviklet sin opgave- og kompetenceportefølje. Feltstudiet indebærer deltagerobservation i enheden samt semi-strukturerede interviews med medarbejdere og afdelingsledere. Dette fungerer samtidig som et afsæt til at undersøge, hvem der udfører data-arbejde på hospitaler og de lokale afdelinger, og dertil hvad dette består af.

    Formålet med delprojektet er at frembringe dybdegående empirisk viden om personalets datapraksis, og der vil derfor være fokus på deres færdigheder og daglige arbejde, som f.eks. hvem der udfører hvilke dataopgaver, hvilket uddannelses- og erfaringsgrundlag de har, samt hvilke færdigheder og kompetencer de tillærer sig. Dertil vil der blive fokuseret på arbejdspraksis ift., hvordan de arbejder med data, hvem de samarbejder med, og hvordan de samarbejder på tværs af BI-enheden og relevante hospitalsafdelinger. I forlængelse heraf danner feltstudiet samtidig grundlag for at undersøge, hvordan dataarbejdsopgaver og professioner bliver forandret i sundhedsvæsenet.Beskrivelse


  22. Making Data Work Visible: Knowledge, Skills and Changing Professions in Healthcare

    Claus Bossen & Pernille Bertelsen

    Healthcare been rapidly and profoundly digitalized in the last decades and huge
    amounts of data is produced. The project investigates the new knowledge and skills required to work with data, and the impact of this new kind of data work for professions.
    The project’s point of departure is humanistic and critical data studies as well as socio-technical studies of work, emphasizing the contextual knowledge and skill required to generate and make data useful. The project applies qualitative,
    ethnographic research and document studies. Three subprojects focus on the following:
    1) a data work profession (medical secretaries),
    2) a data work site (a Business Intelligence unit), and
    3) an overview of new data work in healthcare in Denmark.
    The project’s contributions will be a) to make humanistic aspects of data work visible, b) analyses of how data work changes professions in healthcare, 3) inform healthcare stakeholders about skill requirements in healthcare.Beskrivelse


  23. Edvard Elgar bogprojekt

    John Parm Ulhøi


  24. Mårdyrs sundhedstilstand

    Morten Elmeros



    Stine Slotsbo

    PRORISK is a European Training Network funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859891 (MSCA-ETN). The consortium comprises of 18 universities, research institutions, enterprises and partner organisations in 9 European countries and Canada.Beskrivelse


  26. Behov for kupering af lammehaler

    Britt I. F. Henriksen

    Formål med projektet:
    Det ønskes undersøgt, om der ud fra et dyrevelfærdsmæssigt perspektiv er behov for om-fattende halekupering af lam under danske forhold.

    Projektets relevans og perspektiv:
    Formålet med halekupering er at forebygge Myasis som er angreb af fluelarver/maddiker og det anses for sandsynligt, at størstedelen af lam i Danmark halekuperes med den begrundelse. Halekupering medfører smerte hos lam. Det er relevant at undersøge om halekupering opfylder et reelt velfærdsmæssigt behov hos lammene.

    Baggrund for projektet:
    Specielt økologireglerne, men også generelle dyrevelfærdsregler søger begrænsning af indgreb som kupering, hvis de ikke er absolut nødvendige. Flueangreb sker typisk i områder på dyret hvor der sidder skidt, som fluerne kan sidde i og under. Formålet med halekupering er at minimere risikoen for at diarre eller snavs sætter sig og dækkes af halen, som fluerne kan sidde i/under. Der er også et managementelement i det ift. at undgå diarre og tage forholdsregler, hvis lammene får diarre.
    Det ønskes at få belyst, i hvilket omfang der er behov for halekupering af lam i Danmark



    Yonglun Luo

    Studying extrachromosomal circular DNA in cancersBeskrivelse


  28. Crops for future climates – Improve roots, boost resilience, RadiBooster

    Christian Sig Jensen , Torben Asp & Just Jensen

    Projektets mål er at udvikle nye hvede-, græs- og kartoffelsorter, der kan producere op til 10 pct. mere udbytte end traditionelle sorter under forårs- og sommertørke.Beskrivelse


  29. Eco-friendly solutions for the integrated management of late and early blight of potatoes

    Jens Grønbech Hansen & Isaac Kwesi Abuley

    The main aim of the proposed project is to improve sustainable disease management of the economically important diseases late blight and
    early blight of potato. This aim has relevance wherever potato is grown, both in Europe and internationally. The outcomes align with a
    number of the UN SDGs, in particular, SDG2 ‘Zero Hunger’, aiming to ‘waste less food and support local farmers’ and specifically, Target 2.4
    ‘Ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices…’; SDG 12 ‘Sustainable consumption &
    production’: Targets 2.1. ‘Developed countries to take the lead to implement the 10-year framework for sustainable consumption and
    production…’ and 12.2 ‘the sustainable management and efficient use of resources’.Beskrivelse


  30. Et ICT-baseret rådgivningsværktøj til at minimere forekomsten af halebid

    Lene Juul Pedersen , Guilherme Amorim Franchi , Tomas Norton , Keeling O'Driscoll , Laura Boyle & Mona Lilian Vestbjerg Larsen

    Projektet udvikler et varslingsværktøj for igangværende halebids adfærd vha automatiseret overvågning via video og billede behandlings algorithmer. Værktøjet vil desuden angive sandsynlige risikofaktorer og derved virkningsfulde interventioner. Projektet er finansieret af GUDP.Beskrivelse


  31. Fermentation-induced valorization of side stream blends from oilseed and dairy industry

    Milena Corredig & Norbert Raak

    Sustainable production which, among others, addresses waste reduction and the exploration of innovative ways to increase resource efficiency, is one of the major challenges of the food chain. This project addresses the valorization of two side streams, namely press cakes from organic oilseed processing and whey from cheese production, through fermentation, to create platform products with improved technological and nutritional functionality. Especially small and medium sized organic seed oil producers and dairy companies are challenged by an adequate handling and meaningful utilization of their side streams. By combining the aforementioned side streams, process circularity will be strengthened, and the strategies developed in this project can be exploited by different actors in the food supply chain. Pre- and posttreatment procedures of raw materials and the fermented blends will reduce antinutritional compounds, increase fermentability and ensure sensory quality and food safety. Processing methodologies thereby will pay attention to the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, aiming at creating more climate friendly food platforms.

    Fermentation of the combined side streams is the key step to obtain safe and adequate products through microbial activity. Subsequent to adequate post-treatment, we aim at developing a series of solutions for the obtained platform products, with beverages, semi-solid spreads and snacks being the target model applications. We expect a substantial increase of knowledge concerning processing and fermentation of blends of oilseed press cakes and whey resulting in tailored food products.

    This project brings together the competencies of 4 partners from Denmark, Germany, Italy and Poland, and of 2 institutes from Spain and Turkey who contribute as associated partners. Nine NGOs and 15 companies from 5 EU countries are the primary addressates for implementation of the results.Beskrivelse


  32. FIDUCIA: The theological roots of Danish trust culture undergirding the welfare state

    Sasja Emilie Mathiasen Stopa

    FIDUCIA explores potential influences of Lutheran theology on the development of Danish trust culture. The Danish welfare state is characterised by high levels of social and institutional trust, which nourish a socially cohesive society with low corruption, a minimum of bureaucracy, and limited 'free-riding', despite high taxes. This trust culture has attracted considerable international attention, but little is known about its historical background. FIDUCIA unearths the possible theological roots hereof, examining how theological social imaginaries of trust might have affected how Danes related to fellow citizens, societal institutions, and state authorities as Denmark developed from an absolutist kingdom to a nascent liberal democratic welfare state from the mid-19th century onwards.
    FIDUCIA is made possible through a Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowship and will be carried out at The School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh University.Beskrivelse


  33. Hybrid intelligence processes and narratives in robotic manufacturing

    Michail Beliatis & Jacob Sherson

    The collaboration aims to create a Hybrid Intelligence-designed Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) interface. This interface will be presented to the student class at Master level of Prof. Beliatis and will be accompanied by technology acceptance surveys developed by Prof. Sherson. Prof. Beliatis' expertise in robotics and automation technology in industrial manufacturing settings will be leveraged to create realistic scenarios for testing. Prof. Sherson's Hybrid Intelligence Technology Acceptance Model (HI-TAM) will be used to measure factors like willingness to train and co-develop systems. The output will include a hybrid intelligence narrative of continual human-machine learning and adaptation designed to create psychological safety and alleviate fears of job replacement among production line workers in the digitalization era.Beskrivelse


  34. Integrated assessment of Atlantic marine ecosystems in space and time (iAtlantic)

    Christian Mohn & Eva Friis Møller

    Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, iAtlantic will - for the first time - undertake an ocean-wide approach to understanding the factors that control the distribution, stability and vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems. Work will span the full scale of the Atlantic basin, from the tip of Argentina in the south to Iceland in the north, and from the east coasts of USA and Brazil to the western margins of Europe and Africa. Central to the project's success is the international collaboration between scientists throughout the Atlantic region, with sharing of expertise, equipment, infrastructure, data and personnel placed at the forefront of iAtlantic's approach. Beskrivelse


  35. Konservering af grovfoder for god proteinkvalitet

    Marianne Johansen , Martin Riis Weisbjerg & Egil Prestløkken

    The project EngProt addresses the challenge of increasing the proportion of domestic and human-inedible protein sources in Norwegian ruminant diets. Presently, silages contribute the major part of the crude protein fraction, but their direct and indirect supply of amino acids that can be absorbed in the small intestine (AAT) is very variable. Cost-efficient measures in forage production that sustain a high silage AAT value will be sought developed in the project, and the basic idea is that highly controlled, restricted fermentation during preservation has a considerable potential in this regard. Previous research has confirmed that crop wilting and/or application of acid additives and salts restrict fermentation and preserve water soluble carbohydrates, prevent proteolysis and improve silage AAT. There are indications that both the fraction of rumen undegraded protein and microbial protein synthesis are affected in situ, but positive responses in milk production remain to be validated. These relationships will be investigated in digesta flow studies and production experiments with high yielding cows. Preservation experiments at laboratory scale will be conducted in order to define targeted fermentation patterns for different crops and to find the best options for controlling fermentation. The findings from the experiments will lastly be inputs to feed optimizing models prescribing diets at differing milk yields and then further analysed in a bio-economic linear
    programming model that establishes optimal farming systems and economic rewards of different silage productions regimes. The model also produces outputs that enable an investigation of constraints and environmental consequences of improved silage protein value in the Norwegian dairy milk production sector.
    The project is funded by the The Research Council of Norway.Beskrivelse
