Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Værdiskabelse med græsprotein

    Lene Stødkilde-Jørgensen & Søren Krogh Jensen

    Projektet vil fremme kommercialiseringen af græsprotein gennem optimering af nøgleelementer i produktionen samt produktion af højværdiprodukter til styrkelse af produktionsøkonomien.
    De bedste sorter af græs og kløver til produktion af græsprotein vil blive identificeret gennem en omfattende screening og bestemmelse af
    proteinudbytte og værdi af fiberrest til biogasproduktion. Der vil blive udviklet høstmaskiner, der på optimal vis høster græsset,så proteinindholdet bevares og kvaliteten holdes i top.
    Tilsvarende afdækkes hvilken neddelingsteknik, der sikrer en effektiv udvindingsproces på bioraffinaderiet.
    Der bliver ekstraheret tanniner fra græsmaterialet, for at afdække om der kan produceres et højværdiprodukt i form af tanninholdigt fodertilskud, der kan mindske husdyrenes infektioner med indvoldsorm.
    Det vil have stor værdi især for dyr på friland.
    Projektet vil også dokumentere Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) for foder med græsprotein, hvilket forventes at kunne medføre en merpris for græsproteinfoderet.
    Projektet er finansieret af GUDP.Beskrivelse


  2. Værdiskabende Udvikling af Organisatorisk Samspil

    Margit Malmmose & Anne Bøllingtoft

    Den kvalitative del af VOUS projektet som undersøger effekterne af tre forskellige
    udviklingsforløb for både ledere og medarbejdere på hospitaler. Beskrivelse


  3. Værktøj til måling af interesse og motivation i naturfag

    Niels Bonderup Dohn , Morten Rask Petersen , Nanna Villumsen & Tine Bunk Schrøder

    CESE forskningsprojekt i regi af NAFA-programmet, støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden og VILLUM FONDENBeskrivelse


  4. Vikingernes Aros: Ny indsigt i vikingetidens Aarhus ca. 750-1050

    Jette Linaa , Welmoed Out , Peter Mose Jensen , Jacob Kveiborg , Peter Jensen Maring & Torbjörn Brorsson

    Vikingetiden, ca. 750-1050 er en brydningstid for de danske byer, Vikingernes Aros – Aarhus navn i vikingetiden – blev anlagt som handelsplads og center for håndværk, et knudepunkt i trafikken mellem de vikingetidige byer Hedeby ved Slien og Kaupang i Norge. I 900-tallet befæstes byen i en dramatisk aktion af en kongemagt, og den får nu også funktion som et betydeligt militært støttepunkt, Samtidigt får byen sin første kirke. Byens befæstning forstærkes samtidig med at ringborgene bygges, og de arkæologiske fund tyder på at byen nu er centrum for en række dramatiske begivenheder, kampe og overfald. Formålet med dette projekt er at klarlægge hvad der skete. Det gøres i projektets første del ved at klarlægge byens topografi, dens internationale kontaktnet, dens funktioner og migrationer og beboernes dagligliv mellem anlæggelsen of vikingetidens slutning ud fra de arkæologiske strukturer og fund der er afdækket i byens mange udgravninger. Centrum i projektets anden del er et meget velbevaret, nedbrændt grubehus fra slutningen af 900-tallet, der for nylig er udgravet i den centrale bymidte syd for domkirken og nær vikingetidens havn. Fokuserede naturvidenskabelige og arkæologiske analyser af grubehusets indhold af våben, handelsvarer, bygningstømmer og dagliglivets genstande skal dels klarlægge ejerens erhverv, position i byen og internationale forbindelser, og dels klarlægge hvilken begivenhed der førte til at huset brændte ned. Dermed vil de to projektdele tilsammen give afgørende ny viden om vikingernes Aros.Beskrivelse


  5. VILLUM Investigator project “Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World”

    J.-C. Svenning

    Principal investigatorBeskrivelse


  6. Winter Feeding of Organic Sows - WIFI

    Maria Eskildsen , Anne Grete Kongsted , Troels Kristensen , Tove Serup , Kristian Knage-Drangsfeldt , Frank W. Oudshoorn , Simme Eriksen , Torben Jensen , Bertel Hestbjerg & Niels Thing

    Økologisk svineproduktion er udfordret på både miljø og økonomisk
    konkurrenceevne. Lav fodereffektivitet kombineret med afhængighed af
    kraftfoder baseret på ikke-lokale proteinkilder øger næringstabet,
    klimaaftrykket samt behovet for landbrugsland. Derved kompromitteres
    både produktionens økonomi og bæredygtighed

    WI-FI tager fat på disse udfordringer med fokus på so ernæring. Der
    udvikles vinterfoderstrategier under hensyntagen til dyrenes indtag af
    ensilage. Projektet giver ny videnskabelig viden om 1) Energi og
    proteinbehov hos udendørs søer fodret på to proteinniveauer og 2)
    Indtag og udnyttelse af forskellige typer af grovfoder og hvordan disse
    påvirker proteinbehovet og søernes huld, reproduktion og

    Baseret på denne viden udvikles bæredygtige fodringsstrategier med
    den rette balance af grov- og kraftfoder samt recirkulerede
    restprodukter, som opfylder dyrenes behov. Foderstrategierne
    demonstreres i kommercielle besætninger.Beskrivelse


  7. Content and Language Integrated Learning in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages

    Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska

    Associate Partner for the ECML project coordinated by Petra Daryai-Hansen, University of CopenhagenBeskrivelse


  8. COVID-19 Health Literacy School Principals Survey (Denmark)

    Venka Simovska , Rune Müller Kristensen & Oskar Guldbæk Holgersen

    COVID-HL School Principals Survey aims at exploring burden and stress that school principals and school administrators (e.g., deputy principals or members of the school management team) experience in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. An international network was established to enable research on health literacy within the framework of COVID-19. The COVID-HL Network is understood as a cooperative and collaborative approach which is based on the idea of joint generation of knowledge/evidence and its open distribution. At the moment, more than 100 researchers from 50 countries and located on five continents are involved in the COVID-HL Network.

    In particular, the study focuses on the following research questions:
    - What is the level of work-related stress for school principals during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    - How are school principals dealing with work-related stress? To what extent school principals apply maladaptive coping strategies at the workplace?
    - What is the mental health situation of school principals?
    - What is the relationship between the current working situation of school principals and their mental health?
    - What is the Sense of Coherence (SoC) level of school principals in the time of COVID-19?
    - What is the level of corona-specific health literacy among school principals?
    - Are there any associations between SoC and health literacy and school principals’ health?
    - What school health promotion measures are implemented in schools during COVID-19?

    Supported by the World Health Organization, the Health Promoting School (HPS) is considered the most promising approach to promote and maintain good health and wellbeing in the school setting. In contrast to behavioural interventions, the HPS framework is rooted in a determinants-based and structural approach, referring to a holistic intervention approach in which health is promoted in a systematic and asset-based way. HPS is aiming at different levels of the school (teaching, organization, staff, school environment) and involves all relevant groups inside and outside school such as teachers, school leaders, and schoolchildren, as well as parents and school related stakeholders. In context of school closures and restrictions, the question arises whether and to what extent health-promoting measures are currently undertaken by the school.



  9. Experts of the Undercommons

    Tobias Dias

    The project Experts of the Undercommons is a public program that during 2023 takes form around the discussion and enactment of counter-infrastructures of knowledge, art, and expertise.

    In a series of workshops, talks, and readings groups with artists, theorists, and activists, the public program seeks to question what happens underneath today’s knowledge economy; how new forms of transversal knowledge, skills, and literacies can be nurtured and socialized in the undercommon worlds inhabited by precarious cultural and cognitive workers.

    Against the backdrop of the vast implementation and construction of technoscientific infrastructures and the equally vast contestation of established knowledge authorities, the project investigates experimental and antagonistic formats of distributing and socializing expertise. How can we exploit the conflicts prompted by so-called “post-truth” forces and the related “crisis of expertise” for more emancipatory agendas? How might we be able to organize and facilitate conditions on which a “riotous epistemology” can evolve? Find ways to conspire together otherwise?

    The project is a collaboration between Kunsthal Aarhus and researcher, critic, and editor Tobias Dias. It is funded by The Novo Nordisk FoundationBeskrivelse


  10. 1. Ny uddannelse - nye værdier?

    Morten Brænder

    Undersøgelsen af de nye officersuddannelsers betydning for den danske officersstands værdier og ledelsespraksis foretages i samarbejde med Institut for ledelse og Organisation på Forsvarsakademiet.
    Denne side bruges primært til distribution af survey-links til brug i projektetBeskrivelse


  11. Effekt for luftforureningen ved udbredelse af miljøzoner til flere byer

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Matthias Ketzel & Morten Winther

    Rapporten beskriver effekten for emission og luftkvalitet ved udbredelse af miljøzoner til flere byer end de eksisterende miljøzonebyer: København, Frederiksberg, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg. Dette belyses gennem tre scenarier (a) miljøzonekrav i alle byer over 25.000 indbyggere (b) miljøzonekrav i alle byer over 50.000 indbyggere og (c) miljøzonekrav i byområder i Hovedstadsområdet uanset disses indbyggertal. Effektvurderingen er baseret på oplysninger fra den nationale emissionsopgørelse for vejtransporten og luftkvalitetsberegninger for 2025, og tager udgangspunkt i fire casestudier (Svendborg, Roskilde, Rødovre, Esbjerg), hvor resultaterne er ekstrapoleret til de øvrige byer. Finansieret af Miljøministeriet.Beskrivelse


  12. Ethical and methodological dilemmas in social science interventions - Careful engagements in healthcare, museums, design and beyond

    Niels Christian M Nickelsen

    A long running discussion within the social sciences and humanities are if and how researchers should engage with an intervene in their fields of study. Some worry that by being engaged the
    researcher is compromising their “objective” position, while other warn that by being distant the researcher will fail to improve problematic or unethical conditions. However, in a quite recent book Zuiderent-Jerak (2015) suggests that a problem in these discussions is that the act of engagement is separated from the production of knowledge. “Twisting the lions tail” Zuiderent-Jerak thus suggests interventions as a generative mode of knowledge production. This edited volume will add to the understanding about interventions as generative mode of knowledge production by discussing the dilemmas involved in this process and the motivations to engage and intervene from a theoretical perspective of care. We find this increasingly important in a time where on the one hand many researchers want to be more engaged in a world that is increasingly polarized, and on the other many research grants come with stipulations about partnership with actors outside academia. We identify two main ways of approaching engagement from a perspective of care. The first approach to care can be called a “care in practice” – approach which understands care as persistent tinkering. The care in practice approach employs a form of empirical philosophy aiming to study facts, concerns, goods and values produced in situ. Much like Jensen’s (2007) call to sort attachments and Zuiderent-Jerak’s (2015) suggestion of situated interventions, care in practice scholars have emphasized the importance of studying goods and values within the setting under study, rather than engaging with and bringing in normativities from the “outside”. In this context, Pols (2008) stress the promises of being re-scriptive and suggestive by interfering “in the practices studied by opening implicit notions of good care for (self) reflection” (Pols 2008: 52). Drawing on in situ observations and situated analysis researchers can thus make suggestions for improvement and construct interventions.The second approach is often called critical care. A key issue in this approach is to draw attention questions of power, to care’s non-innocence and to the exclusions reproduced in and through care (Martin, Myers & Viseu 2015). In relation to engagement and interventions, critical care scholars emphasize commitment as an important aspect of care (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017). Care from this approach is not just something existing in the practices and situations we study, but instead Puig de la Bellacasa urges the researcher to think about their own cares and asks, “what we are encouraging caring for?” (2011: 92). She suggests that interventions can be ethically committed without being normative. An approach which is “More than following the actors, less than showing ‘the’ way” (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017: 143). Similarly, López-Gómez suggests to use care as a heuristic for “taking sides, participating, acting, making a choice, taking a position, but without taking for granted a general or fundamental principle on which these actions would safely and coherently be grounded” (López-Gómez 2019: 10). Thinking about engagement with care, a number of questions arise. How can we make careful engagements and interventions? How can we make re-scriptions? What inequalities do we risk producing especially when there is funding involved? How do we take sides without taking for granted a fundamental principle of action? What tensions and struggles do we meet while engaging with care in practice? How does this affect academic work and output? The book will provide empirical examples of careful engagement, as well as theoretical reflections about the issues and questions presented above.Beskrivelse


  13. Obstetrics: Overførsel af jern fra mor til barn

    Mette Julsgaard , Niels Uldbjerg , Anna Sandager Hansen , Thea Cæcilie Viborg Vestergaard , Jens Kelsen , Simon Mark Dahl Baunwall , Henning Grønbæk , Jens Frederik Dahlerup , Christian Lodberg Hvas , Anne Grosen , Elizabeta Nemeth & Veena Sangkhae

    Vi vil belyse om kronisk inflammatorisk tarmsygdom (IBD) og aktivitet i IBD øger moderens hepcidin og derved risikoen for jernmangel og som følge heraf nedsat transport af jern over moderkagen, hvorved der er øget risiko for jernmangel/blodmangel i barnet. Ugunstigt fødselsudkomme og børnenes udvikling vil også blive belyst. Forskningsprojektet vil give viden om jern-regulering i den gravide og jern-status i barnet. Projektet vil danne basis for bedre monitorering og håndtering af jernstatus ved gravide kvinder for at sikre bedst muligt fødselsudkomme og barnets trivsel. Beskrivelse


  14. Analytics on Compressed IoT Data

    Aaron Hurst , Qi Zhang & Daniel Enrique Lucani Rötter

    The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a paradigm in which internet connectivity is ubiquitous among all kinds of devices everywhere. Associated with this is a massive increase in data collection and use, which has the potential to deliver huge long-term value to people and society. For example, reducing downtime and maintenance costs for production systems, improving autonomous vehicle safety and reducing environmental impact through efficiency improvements.

    However, current technology is not prepared to deal with so many devices transmitting and using data simultaneously. To realise the benefits of IoT, an end-to-end framework that considers data compressing and data analysis wholistically is critical.

    The goal of this project is to investigate the synergies and trade-offs between data compression and analysis. Specifically, this will involve developing algorithms for doing analytics directly on compressed data and optimising compression for both storage and analytics concurrently.Beskrivelse


  15. Converting Time: A study of how histories emerge as people’s futures change and make demands on the past

    Jakob Timmer

    Our current world is increasingly characterised by uncertain futures, but how do we evaluate and revise our assumptions about the past as markers of identity? While the humanities’ interest in time is gaining pace, the realisation that the exploration of modes of temporalisation opens a privileged perspective on who we are and on the nature of the world has only scarcely lead to proper theorisation of how pasts emerge. In this fellowship, I will contribute to our understanding of how people make demands on the past as their future expectations change. A study of a religious movement in Solomon Islands will ensure that this theoretical advancement is grounded in ethnographic detail that has analytical clarity. I will complete a book manuscript, write an account of the theory that will be submitted to a journal, and organise a conference. Beskrivelse


  16. Decoding the Rhizobiota Interactome for Improved Crop Resilience (INTERACT)

    Thanassis Zervas , Lea Ellegaard-Jensen , Carsten Suhr Jacobsen & Maria Scheel

    INTERACT will focus on the essential and mutually beneficial interactions between plants and microbes below ground. This project will go beyond a mere inventory of wheat plant microbiome community members, and will provide much needed insight into rhizosphere ecology and microbial communication, with a goal of establishing diagnostic chemical/biological signatures for agro-system stability. With this knowledge, we can rationally and strategically manipulate plant-associated microbial communities to support high plant productivity across challenging climatic and stress scenarios. These critical advances in our understanding of rhizosphere community structure and the chemical landscape that influences its formation and function will be achieved by using genomics, transcriptomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics, in-field and greenhouse plant phenotyping, and network analysis/model construction for evaluating rhizosphere interactions for wheat.Beskrivelse


  17. Digital Katalysator

    Annabeth Aagaard & Mette Neville

    Industriens FondBeskrivelse


  18. GentænkNU

    Annabeth Aagaard & Mette Neville

    Industriens FondBeskrivelse


  19. Marie Sklodowska Curie Action, KNOWN: Know thy neighbor

    Bodil Ehlers , Jaishree Subrahmaniam & Marianne Glasius

    Understanding how plants recognize each other is a crucial step in determining how competitive traits evolve in intraspecific plant-plant interacting
    systems, which has implications in both natural and agroecological contexts. Comprehending intraspecific recognition mechanisms can ultimately
    help illuminate the dynamics of natural plant populations and aid in predicting their resilience in the face of current and future global changes. More
    importantly, understanding this link between recognition and belowground plastic responses can be exploited to design efficient crop variety
    mixtures with high yield potential owing to cooperative interactions.Beskrivelse


  20. Philology in the Early Modern Period (c. 1400-1700)

    Marianne Pade

    Carlsberg monografistipendiumBeskrivelse


  21. The Iberian Greeks and their Mediterranean Context

    Jens Krasilnikoff & Benedict James Lowe

    Konference og bogprojekt med Ben Lowe/Conference and Book project with Ben LoweBeskrivelse


  22. NORdic observatory for digital media & Information DISorder

    Anja Bechmann , Mathias Holm Tveen , Jessica Gabriele Walter , Ida Anthonj Nissen & Marina Charquero Ballester

    The Action NORDIS establishes a strong independent Nordic regional hub with 8 partners - national fact-checkers organisations and four universities in each of the four biggest Nordic countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The aim of the Action is to strengthen the national and regional infrastructure through a cross-country, cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral knowledge-based hub.

    DATALAB at Aarhus University are coordinating the hubBeskrivelse


  23. VINDØRE - skitseprojekt til Strandbakkehuset

    Marie Højlund & Morten S. Riis

    Skitseprojekt til udfoldelse af stedsspecifik lydkunst til Strandbakkehuset, kurateret af Byg med KunstBeskrivelse


  24. NOS-HS Workship series

    Christa Thomsen

    A Nordic perspective on strategy development and implementationBeskrivelse


  25. B-GOOD: Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making

    Christopher John Topping , Xiaodong Duan , James Henty Williams , Trine Poulsen , Luna Kondrup Marcussen , Jamie Alison , Geoffrey Brian Groom & Natasha Mølgaard

    B-GOOD will pave the way towards healthy and sustainable beekeeping within the European Union by following a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach. Merging data from within and around beehives as well as wider socioeconomic conditions, B-GOOD will develop and test innovative tools to perform risk assessments according to the Health Status Index (HSI).

    B-GOOD has the overall goal to provide guidance for beekeepers and help them make better and more informed decisions.Beskrivelse


  26. Chris Madsen - review, biografi, fortællinger, myter og undervisningsmateriale

    Frans Ørsted Andersen , Anne Ingeborg Frank Sørensen & Lars Jakob Longmuir Jensen

    Tværinstitutionelt projekt, der sætter fokus på den farverige dansk-amerikaner, Chris Madsens lange liv (1851-1944) mhp at lave undervisningsmaterialer, biografier, mv. Beskrivelse


  27. Explaining Nordic Atheism

    Valerie van Mulukom , Anne Lundahl Mauritsen , Sara Evelina Lundmark , Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen & Roosa Haimila

    Over the last decade, researchers in the cognitive science of religion have started to converge on the idea that religious beliefs are adaptive, and as such, a product of evolved human psychology. This raises the question of how we can explain the presence of atheism around the world — if religious beliefs come naturally and intuitively as an adaptive trait, then whence religious non-belief? We propose, in line with recent evolutionary theories of atheism, that atheistic beliefs, like religious beliefs, are adaptive worldview beliefs made possible by evolved cognitive apparatus, and shaped by one’s local cultural context through cultural learning mechanisms.

    In this project, we empirically test this thesis through an examination of the relevant cultural contexts of the Nordic countries. In doing so, we propose new cultural learning mechanisms of belief, and test them together with cognitive factors through a survey with large, representative samples from the Nordic countries, thus providing novel insight into the relative importance of these different transmission factors. Moreover, by employing a worldview approach, atheism will be investigated not just as a lack of belief in God, but also as part of a broader secular worldview. This will further allow us to uncover different types of atheism.Beskrivelse


  28. Pigens blik - Køn, politik og æstetik

    Jakob Rosendal

    Projektet har fokus på pigebilleder i et samtidigt og et historisk perspektiv og den rolle pigens blik spiller ift. pigens politiske og æstetiske status. Empirisk undersøger projektet pigebilleder fra det 19. og 20. århunderede i museet KØNs samling, samt nyere pigefremstillinger i Kathrine Ærtebjergs kunst, serien Stranger Things og i form af det globale ikon Greta Thunberg. Arbejdshypotesen er, at disse pigefremstillinger igennem deres billedlige og motiviske gentagelser ikke bare viser noget om pigens ændrede socio-politiske og symbolsk-æstetiske status, men også afslører noget om, hvordan pigen kan være forstyrrende eller ligefrem traumatisk for vores visuelle kultur eller for samfundsordenen mere bredt og derfor fremkalde konflikter og forsvarsreaktioner. Ambitionen er med andre ord at indkredse et kulturelt ubevidste i relation til pigen, hvor hun i billedernes gentagelse viser sig som udspændt mellem symbol og symptom, fantasi og begær, fortrængning og det fortrængtes genkomst.Beskrivelse


  29. The Caesar’s Forum Project

    Rubina Raja , Jan Kindberg Jacobsen , Claudio Parisi Presicce , Sine Grove Saxkjær , Giovanni Murro , Line Egelund Hejlskov , Nikoline Sauer , Nora Petersen , Francisca Lobera Corsetti , Laura Di Siena , Eleni Kopanaki , Joos Melander & Trine Arlund Hass

    The Caesar’s Forum Project is a Danish-Italian research-based excavation project. It is conducted with permission from the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC) in collaboration between the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence, Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet), the Danish Institute in Rome (DIR) and Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. The project directors are Prof. Dr. Rubina Raja (UrbNet), Dr. Jan Kindberg Jacobsen (DIR) and Dott. Claudio Parisi Presicce (Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Direzione Musei archeologici e storico-artistici). The project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation since 2017 and Aarhus University Research Foundation since 2019.

    Caesar’s Forum was a monumental public space in the centre of ancient Rome, created as an expansion of Forum Romanum. Caesar initiated the construction of his forum in 54 BCE and at its inauguration in 46 BCE, it stood as a manifestation of his achievements and his strive for a single-ruler regime. The complex of Caesar’s Forum became a benchmark for the displays of imperial power in the following centuries, as is visible from Augustus’, Trajan’s and Nerva’s Forum as well as Vespasian’s Templum Pacis complex. Furthermore, Caesar’s Forum became the starting point for an architectural tradition of open public spaces, which has continued up until modern times in the urban architectural layout of larger western European cities. However, the archaeological potential of the area reaches far beyond the Late Republican and Imperial periods. Previous research on the site has established that the archaeological strata of the area covers the period from the 1920s until the earliest phases of Rome’s history, the Late Bronze Age (13th century BCE), hereby capturing the full timeline of Rome’s urban history and development.

    The Caesar’s Forum Project was inaugurated in the autumn of 2017 with the participation of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II and the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi. After preparations, the excavations, which are taking place in the south-eastern part of Caesar’s Forum, were initiated in December 2018. Using the latest technology and newest archaeo-science methods, the new excavations on Caesar’s Forum will increase our understanding of the site’s urban development as well as potentially give a better understanding of the site’s other, previously excavated complexes.

    The excavations have so far uncovered the historical phases at the site, that is, the remains from Alessandrino neighbourhood, originally established in the late 16th century BCE and in use until its demolition in the early 1930s. The upcoming excavation phase, in which the excavation field will be expanded to 900 m2, will include a further uncovering of the Alessandrino neighbourhood to the north and subsequently a destruction of these remains throughout the excavation field, which will allow for the excavations to reach the sequence of undisturbed stratigraphical contexts ranging from the medieval to the prehistoric phases at the site.Beskrivelse


  30. Afprøvning af Klinisk Akademisk Gruppe, Region Midtjylland

    Lene Bastrup & Jesper Just Fabricius

    KAG-afprøvning foregår igennem et forskningsprojekt, hvor klinikere og forskere arbejder tæt sammen om udvikling af praksis, øge forskningsaktivitet og kompetenceudvikle ved et forskningsprojekt med titlen:
    Hvornår kan jeg spise? Udvikling og validering af et prognostisk redskab til afvænning af sondeernæring hos patienter med en neurologisk lidelseBeskrivelse


  31. Bayesian AnaLysis of Diabetes for Enhanced biomarkeR and drug target

    Peter Sørensen & Mads Kjolby

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common disease with a prevalence in Denmark of 250.000 diagnosed patients. T2DM has a strong underlying genetic component; for example, having a parent with T2DM, your risk is approximately 40%. Genetic variants associated with T2DM currently only explain 3% of the disease risk. Increased power to detect variants is mainly obtained by increasing sample size, or as we propose better use of existing data. We will increase detection power by developing a multi-trait and multi-component Bayesian Linear Regression (MT-BLR) model that combine information on multiple correlated traits and information on groups of genetic variants located within functional units (e.g., pathways). Our modelling approach allow better use of existing data such as functional marker information in biological databases, and availability of large independently collected genotype and phenotype data sets for a range of diseases, including T2DM. We will use these existing data to develop statistical models that better use information on correlated traits and disease for detecting genetic signals underlying T2DM. We anticipate that our modelling approach will generate novel biological insight into T2DM disease aetiology. Importantly, the discovery of novel genetic markers associated with T2DM can help identify potential drug targets for T2DM including genes and regulatory elements located nearby disease-associated variants or biological pathway. We will gather this information in a database for T2DM for genomic informed drug target identification, and the corresponding statistical methodologies will be implemented in open-source software packages allowing us to share openly with other research groups in academia and pharmaceutical industry. While the focus in this project is on improving the drug target discovery process our modelling approach can also be used for developing more accurate genetic risk predictors for complex diseases. We are convinced that our novel statistical modelling approaches and genomic informed drug target identification strategy can be applied to other complex diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease) contributing to the identification of potential drug targets for a range complex diseases.Beskrivelse


  32. Biochar produced from bio-refined grass clover pulp for feed and technical purposes

    Andrej Saner

    The objective of this PhD project is to support a sustainable production of protein feed from grass by Green Protein Plant. The grass protein production is challenged in order to make a truly sustainable business case. Adding pyrolysis technology will result in production of both renewable energy and biochar. The produced energy will be integrated with the protein separation process and cover the internal energy demand of Green Protein plant. This will make the production independent of fossil energy and reduce the energy costs. The biochar, which is expected to be low in ash and thus of high quality, has potential high value market applications as toxin binder in the feed industry and as pollutant remover. Adding an extra high value product to the green biorefinery concept as well as reducing dependence on fossil energy will improve the economics and sustainability of green protein production and make it a viable business case.Beskrivelse


  33. Cable bacteria

    Bo Wang


  34. Combating plastic pollution: de novo discovery of enzyme to break C-C backbone

    Zheng Guo

    Plastic pollutions are adversely affecting our living environment, wildlife and ecological cycle; and C-C backboned polymers constitute >80 % of the annual plastic production; however, their chemical structure renders a strong resistance to nature processes of degradation. With polyethylene(PE)-degrading microbial strains as a starting point, this project will employ a multidisciplinary approach, combining genomic/proteomic analysis for de novo discovery of PE-degrading enzymes. On top of enzyme crystal structure analysis, in-depth spectroscopic diagnosis and isotopic labelling chemistry will be used to illustrate catalytic mechanism. The enzyme proficiency for improved degradation of C-C backboned plastics will be demonstrated through iterative incremental evolutions. Upon a successful implementation, this project will open up a new research area in development of polymer (with C-C backbone) degrading enzymes; which may offer a completely new solution to combating plastic pollutions.Beskrivelse


  35. EUROpean quality Controlled Harmonization Assuring Reproducible Monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution

    Jakob Strand , Zhanna Tairova , Vitor Hugo da Silva & Louise Feld

    Plastic pollution has become a global environmental and societal concern in recent years. Numerous protocols have been developed to monitor plastic debris, but these are rarely comparable. This has hindered gathering of knowledge regarding pollution sources, development of monitoring programmes and risk assessments and implementation of mitigation measures. To develop long-term solutions to reduce plastic pollution, it is essential to establish harmonised methodologies.
    EUROqCHARM will address this by critically reviewing state-of-the-art analytical methods and, taking harmonisation one step further, validating them through an interlaboratory comparison (ILC) study. This will bring together prominent
    laboratories in environmental plastics analysis and will produce certified reference materials to be marketed for at least three of the four target matrices (water, soil/sediment, biota, air), during and after project completion.
    EUROqCHARM recognises that harmonisation for large scale monitoring requires flexibility, comparability and reliability. We will identify Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP), resulting in a catalogue of RAP procedures for nano-, micro- and macro-plastics for the four target matrices. Each RAP will be validated in terms of Technology Readiness Level to decide if further validation is needed (by ILC).
    Blueprints for standards, recommendations for policy and legislation and support for the establishment of acceptable reference levels and environmental targets will be given. This will include a roadmap for harmonised data collection and management, where policy analysis and coherence will be integral parts. To maximise impact, EUROqCHARM will also establish and consolidate an operational network for plastic monitoring, stimulating Transnational Joint Actions built on existing and future European and international initiatives.
    The multi-stakeholder composition of EUROqCHARM puts the group in a unique position to achieve these ambitious goals.Beskrivelse


  36. Henfald på kanten

    Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo & Karsten Riisager

    Henfald af atomkerner på kanten af eksistensen af bundne atomkerner. Eksperimenterne udføres ved USA's ledende facilitet for sådanne studier ved Michigan State University.Beskrivelse
