Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Phage therapy to boost bacterial oil spill clean-up in the Arctic

    Friederike Marie Luise Grundger , Tenna Riis & Leendert Vergeynst

    In a nutshell
    Oil spills are threatening the pristine Arctic and many natural remedies such as bacterial degradation are being investigated to mitigate future impacts. But can we do something to boost microbial degradation of oil spills? Oil-degrading bacteria are often in competition for resources with other bacteria in the environment, decreasing their efficiency. This study will investigate the role of bacteriophages – or phages – in dynamically controlling bacterial populations that are in direct competition with oil-degrading bacteria. If successful, the project will generate urgently needed fundamental knowledge on natural phage-host interactions in Arctic marine environments and will be key to targeted applications of phages to accelerate oil spill bioremediation in some of the world’s most vulnerable and extreme ecosystems.Beskrivelse


  2. RewardEat: The role of psychological stressors on food reward and eating behaviour

    Barbara Vad Andersen , Derek V. Byrne & Nikoline Bach Hyldelund

    It is well believed that overconsumption as a result of non-homeostatic hunger is one of the main reasons for the current prevalence of obesity. Whether this over-consumption is explained by an excessive ‘wanting’ or craving for certain foods or perhaps finds its reasoning in some people having a reduced sensitivity for pleasure, and thereby have to eat more to fulfil expectations, is yet to be discovered.
    Another possible reason for over-consumption have been found in ‘stress-induced eating’ or ‘comfort eating’. Being stressed can cause non-homeostatic hunger and overconsumption leading to obesity, as food intake can dampen the physiological and behavioural stress responses. It is hypothesized that the pleasure from food is one of the main reasons for this comforting effect of food when being stressed. Thus, living in a stressful environment may alter what we find pleasurable as well as how much food is needed to reach an optimal level of pleasure.
    However, to fully understand the mechanisms behind non-homeostatic hunger, a much more nuanced notion of the concept, and thus also tool for measuring food derived pleasure, is needed.

    The aim of my PhD project is to explore the rewarding effects of food related experiences in general, as well as how environmental and psychological stressors may affect these reward mechanisms, and consequently also behavioural approaches to food. Furthermore, the PhD aims to further develop and validate a new method for measuring pleasure derived from food only.Beskrivelse


  3. Seeding-free, non-intrusive aero-engine distortion measurements

    Ulrich Doll

    One of the most important challenges in designing experiments is ensuring that you are not altering the phenomena you would like to measure with your measurement method. The evaluation of air flows in aeroengine inlets is currently performed using invasive methods. Alternative non-invasive ones require seeding particles to observe flow distortions, and these particles can interfere with engine operation. The EU-funded SINATRA project is developing an innovative, laser-based, non-intrusive, seed-free way to test inlet flow distortion with high spatial and temporal resolution, thus facilitating the streamlined and accurate testing of next-generation aircraft designs.Beskrivelse


  4. WPR - introduktion til Carol Bacchis policy analyse

    Tine Fristrup , Pia Seidler Cort , Anne Larson , Randi Boelskifte Skovhus , Rie Thomsen & Jens Erik Kristensen

    En lærebog for studerende om Carol Bacchis analysestrategi, WPR, og hvordan analysestrategien kan operationaliseres i opgaver og specialer. Derudover en introduktion til poststrukturalistisk interview analyse (PIA), som et nyt metodisk greb i WPR. Beskrivelse


  5. DEPARTED - a longitudinal study of irregular migration from Sub-Saharan Africa into Europe

    Christian Vium

    The proposed monograph 'Departed' is a journey alongside irregular migrants who travel from small villages in Sub-Saharan Africa through the hostile expanses of the Sahara desert, across the Mediterranean Sea, reaching Europe in the hope of establishing a better life for themselves and their families. Structured in three parts, the monograph presents a multitude of thick ethnographic cases based on recurrent anthropological fieldwork conducted in Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, and Denmark between 2006 and 2021.

    'Departed' is envisioned as a combined anthropological and photographic monograph. Through its form and content, it draws its reader into a kaleidoscopic journey mirroring that of the migrants as they navigate the many challenges confronting them.Beskrivelse


  6. Kærlig Hilsen

    Marie Højlund

    Marie Koldkjær Højlund er blandt de fem kunstnere, der i 2023 hædres med Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens hæderslegat. Og på aftenen uropfører hun værket ‘Kærlig hilsen’’ i DR koncerthusets foyerBeskrivelse


  7. Etablering af en dyremodel for Hypertherm Intraperitoneal Kemoterapi

    Jonas Amstrup Funder & Anne Kraushaar Martensen

    Etablere en grisemodel for HIPEC og CRS. Beskrivelse


  8. Air Quality, Health Effects and External Costs in Selected Cities in Nordic Countries

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Jesper Heile Christensen , Zhuyun Ye , Lise Frohn , Camilla Geels , Mikael Skou Andersen , Ole-Kenneth Nielsen & Claus Nordstrøm

    Evaluation of air quality monitoring in Nordic countries with a comparison between measurement data and the former and new WHO air quality guidelines is carried out for rural, urban background and street stations in 13 selected cities in 2021. Projection of air quality for 2030 for Nordic countries and 13 selected cities based on air quality modelling. Sector specific contribution to air quality in 2030 for the five Nordic capital cities based on air quality modelling and modelling of health effects and related external costs. Funded by Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (NKL) under Nordic Council of Ministers.Beskrivelse


  9. Fra Migrant til SOSU-Aspirant. Velfærdsinnovation gennem aktionsforskning i tiltrækning og fastholdelse af SOSU-elever og SOSU-personale med migrant baggrund.

    Johanne Korsdal Sørensen , Sara Lei Sparre & Jakob Fredslund

    Danmark vil om 5 år mangle 42.000 SOSU-ansatte i ældreplejen. Et nyt forskningssamarbejde mellem antropologer og it-udviklere har til formål at tiltrække og fastholde flere SOSU-elever og SOSU-medarbejdere med migrantbaggrund. En læringsunderstøttende app og bedre erfaringsudveksling på tværs af landets SOSU-skoler og kommunale ældresektorer skal understøtte migranters læring, kommunikation og samarbejde i arbejdssituationer, og således sikre optimale uddannelsesforhold og motivere flere migranter til at blive i SOSU-faget.

    Projektet er udviklet af Moesgårds Antropologiske Analyseenhed (MANTRA) ved Aarhus Universitet i samarbejde med Alexandra Instituttet, og Innovationsfonden har investeret godt 6,1 mio. kr. i projektet.

    I projektet bidrager også Vejen Kommune Varde Kommune Høje-Taastrup Kommune SOSU Esbjerg SOSU H Danske SOSU-skoler FOA KL og Fællesudvalget for Erhvervsrettede Velfærdsuddannelser.Beskrivelse


  10. Manufactory projekt - Deif

    Birgitte Wiwe Lund

    Case: Optimization of the product development processes for "design for manufacturing", "design for assembly" and "design for supply chain" Beskrivelse


  11. Migranters sikkerhedsudfordringer i landbruget. Antropologisk forskning i sikkerhedspraksis- og samarbejde samt udvikling af anvendelsesorienteret sikkerhedskommunikation

    Johanne Korsdal Sørensen , Adrienne Mannov , Sofie Kønig Wilms , Astrid Stampe Lovelady & Helle Birk Domino

    I 2019 havde landbruget Danmarks højeste forekomst af arbejdsulykker med dødelig udgang, og i 2012-2016 havde landbruget flere anmeldelser af alvorlige arbejdsulykker end arbejdsmarkedet generelt.
    Danske landbrug er i dag i høj grad blevet internationaliseret, og medarbejdere fra hele verden udgør ca. 35% af arbejdsstyrken. Det medfører sproglige og kulturelle udfordringer i relation til sikkerhedspraksis.

    Formålet med projektet er at skabe ny viden om sikkerhedspraksis og risikohåndtering i dansk landbrug på tværs af nationale og internationale medarbejdere, ledere og eksterne aktører i dansk landbrug, herunder:
    Hvordan vi kan mindske antallet af arbejdsulykker blandt migranter i dansk landbrug ved at undersøge udfordringer og muligheder for at skabe en fælles sikkerhedskommunikation på tværs af landbrugsmedarbejdernes nationaliteter.
    Hvordan fælles sikkerhedskommunikation kan anvendes i håndteringsoptimering af migranters specifikke sikkerhedsudfordringer.

    Projektet er udviklet af Moesgårds Antropologiske Analyseenhed (MANTRA) ved Aarhus Universitet i samarbejde med SEGES, og Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden (The Working Environment Research Fund) har bevilget 3,2 mio. kr. i projektet.


  12. TITAN

    Jesper Damsgaard Gunst


  13. Women of the year in academia

    Rubina Raja , Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard , Majken Schulz & Marie Louise Nosch

    Network Event and prize awardBeskrivelse


  14. Ablacto+ - Bioteknologisk bekæmpelse af fravænningsdiarré

    Sandra Wingaard Thrane , Mads Laustsen , Nuria Canibe , Susanne Brix Pedersen , Carsten Hjort & Nicolai Weber

    Projektet er bevilliget af GUDP, Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet.

    Ablacto+, er et banebrydende nyt produkt til bekæmpelse af fravænningsdiarré i smågrise. Ablacto+ fremstilles af Bactolife ApS, der udvikler produkter til forebyggelse af bakterielle maveinfektioner hos dyr og mennesker. Fravænningsdiarré er udbredt i dansk svineproduktion, og der blev i 2017 blev brugt 33,8 ton antibiotika og ca. 535 tons zinkoxid på behandling af netop det.

    Efter fravænning fra soen kan smågrisene få infektioner, der giver diarré, feber, vægttab og i værste fald dødsfald i besætningerne. Høje mængder af zinkoxid, som er det hyppigst anvendte alternativ til antibiotika til behandling af fravænningsdiarré, fjernes fra markedet i 2022. Ablacto+ er sammensat af komponenter, der specifikt udskadeliggør enterotoksigene E. coli, der er den primære årsag til infektionsbetinget fravænningsdiarré.

    Ablacto+ er under udvikling, og ’proof of concept’ for både produktion (i Novozymes' pilot plant) og effekt af produktet er vist. Foreløbige resultater fra en eksperimentel E. coli model med smågrise tildelt Ablacto+ i Marts 2019 på AU-ANIS demonstrerer effekten af produktet.

    Dette samarbejdsprojekt mellem Bactolife ApS, Novozymes A/S, DTU Bioengineering, AU-ANIS og SEGES har til formål at understøtte den videre produktudvikling af Ablacto+ og definere dosis, formulering, administration og sikkerhed for det endelige produkt. Ligeledes skal dette projekt sikre, at Ablacto+ udvikles, så det understøtter svineproducenternes økonomi og miljøet bedst muligt.Beskrivelse


  15. AgilEIoT: Agile Edge Intelligence for Delay Sensitive IoT

    Qi Zhang & Alexandros Iosifidis

    Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond | Tematisk forskning - Digitale teknologierBeskrivelse


  16. Concrete abrasion in hydraulic structures

    Min Wu

    Long-term abrasion of concrete in hydraulic structures leading to damages and consequently the shortened service life has been frequently reported, i.e. mainly caused by water-borne silt, sand, gravel, rocks and other debris. However, neither testing methods nor mathematical models which could adequately reflect the abrasion phenomena observed in field exist. This poses a great challenge in designing a structure with a service life requirement of 100 years or more.

    By performing this work, we expect that important fundamentals behind concrete abrasion in hydraulic structures will be revealed. In addition, the outcome of the project will form useful guidance in designing durable hydraulic structures concerning abrasion damage.Lægmandssprog


  17. DairyCross: Krydsning - optimering på tværs af malkeracer

    Jørn Rind Thomasen , Hanne Marie Nielsen , Line Hjortø & Morten Kargo

    Projektets formål er at forbedre konkurrenceevnen for danske mælkeproducenter og kvægavlsforeningen VikingGenetics samt forbedre ressourceudnyttelsen i malkekvægsektoren ved at udnytte det fulde potentiale i krydsning mellem malkeracer. Krydsning bruges i høj grad inden for andre produktionsgrene til at opnå krydsningsfrodighed, men har begrænset udbredelse inden for malkekvæg, fordi der mangler styringsredskaber. Resultatet af projektet bliver krydsningskøer med forbedret sundhed, frugtbarhed og holdbarhed. Dette fører til ca. 200 mio. kr./år i videre økonomiske effekter hos mælkeproducenterne, et lavere foderforbrug/kg værdistof og en lavere CO2-udledning/kg værdistof. Desuden opnås en større genetisk diversitet inden for racerne. Projektets formål opnås ved at udvikle og implementere beslutningsstøtteværktøjer i form af 1) genetiske værdier for krydsningsdyr baseret på genomisk information, 2) nye moduler til simuleringsprogrammet SimHerd, så det kan understøtte de beslutninger, den enkelte mælkeproducent skal træffe for sin besætning vedr. krydsning og 3) nye moduler til insemineringsplansprogrammet, så det kan maksimere krydsningsfrodigheden i hver enkel parring vha. genomisk information. Desuden vil projektet, som det første, opbygge et beslutningsgrundlag for at designe renracede linjer af malkekvæg, der er udvalgt til at producere effektivt krydsningsafkom i modsætning til i dag, hvor avlsarbejdet udelukkende fokuserer på at forbedre de renracede dyrs præstation.Beskrivelse



    Floris van Beest & Sophia V. Hansson

    The project aim is to provide the scientific basis needed to evaluate if and how hair can be used as a reliable diagnostic approach to assess health of individual deer (Figure 1). To do so, we focus on two deer species found in Denmark: red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama). The objectives are to quantify statistical relationships between trace element concentrations measured in different body tissues to those measured in hair and, subsequently, provide linkages to individual health. For hair to be a reliable health monitoring tool, we expect (1) the chemical composition of
    trace elements in hair to closely relate to those in other tissues and (2) the concentration of essential (and non-essential) elements to differ between healthy and unhealthy individuals as determined by ecological indicators, the levels of inflammatory markers in the blood and parasitic load in both blood and faecal samples.Beskrivelse


  19. FACT - Integrated Care for Vulnerable People

    Michael Fehsenfeld & Viola Burau

    Projektet vil undersøge hvorvidt og hvordan organisatoriske mekanismer kan bidrage til reduktion af den sociale ulighed i sundhed overfor nogle af de mest udsatte borgere.
    I samarbejde med tre kommuner (Skive, Silkeborg og Viborg) og Regionspsykiatrien Midt vil vi undersøge den EU-støttede implementering af FACT, og modellens betydning for at denne gruppe af sårbare borgere får bedre adgang til sociale og sundhedsydelser og oplever det som nemmere at navigere i de forskelige tilbud.Beskrivelse


  20. Flood and Drought – Tracking water in the shallow subsurface

    Jakob Juul Larsen

    New technology will provide super-precise groundwater models
    Newly developed NMR technology from Aarhus University can become a gamechanger for 3D modelling of groundwater resources and soil conditions.Beskrivelse


  21. Gender and environmental violence in Arabic literature and culture: an ecocritical study

    Jihan Mohammed Zakarriya Mahmoud

    My project provides a substantive, interdisciplinary ecocritical perspective on different forms of human and environmental violence and insecurities. I pursue this objective through a selection of contemporary and modern Arabic novels that reveal and connect different dimensions of real aspects of gendered, ecological, and political-religious violence. My project argues that the destruction of the environment in Arabic literature parallels and intersects with the violation of women’s bodies that both have marked recent real religious political conflicts in Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria and Egypt. My project asks: (1) what is the systematic, interdependence between gendered and ecological violence and how does this interdependence advance ecocritical understandings of religious-political conflicts as reflected in Arabic literature? (2) How does the breadth of human and environmental violence and insecurities within various Arabic contexts develop ecocritical perspectives on Arabic literature and culture? (3) What are the underlying characteristics and additions of Arabic ecocriticism?



  22. Global Governance Beyond Neoliberalism

    Hagen Schulz-Forberg & Joshua Rahtz

    The last quarter century of war and economic crisis has revealed many of the limitations of international institutions, ending the era of liberal triumphalism which succeeded the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The period since 2008, characterized by acute economic crisis, the return of apparent great power rivalries, a threat of wider war between nuclear powers, is also accompanied by the historic acceleration of inflation and low growth globally. These developments, alongside a weakening of the liberal democratic order in general, suggest that the process of globalization itself – however illusory its promises for sustained economic dynamism once were – is also now being reversed.

    What are the underlying causes of the contemporary breakdown of globalization, flagging growth of the world economy, and the rise in militarism, including the militarization of much of civil society? Do such developments in turn mean that the neoliberal paradigm which informed globalization is likewise undergoing a fundamental change, or that it is itself being superseded? If the latter, by what, and driven by which political forces, deciding among which alternatives? Beskrivelse



    Sadia Anwar & Peter Lindgren


  24. Latin American Center Aarhus University

    Diana González Martin , Georg Fischer , Hans Lauge Hansen , Sven Tarp , Karen-Margrethe Simonsen , Ana Paulla Braga Mattos , Camila Dilli , Derek Pardue , Line Dalsgård , Mads Anders Baggesgaard , Octavio Ruiz Santillán , Susana Ester Mellerup , Susana Silvia Fernandez & Vladimir Douglas Pacheco Cueva

    he central objective of LACUA is to explore, stimulate and strengthen inspiring and mutually beneficial relationships between European and Latin American societies. On the one hand, these relationships engage cross-disciplinary research activities related to social, cultural, economic, political and environmental challenges in both regions taking cultural studies and social sciences as core disciplinary approaches. On the other hand, LACUA seeks to create new partnerships and reinforce the existing collaborations between scholars and social actors in both regions.Beskrivelse


  25. Molecular investigations of platelets in patients with coronary artery disease

    Oliver Buchhave Pedersen

    Hjertekarsygdomme er årsag til mange dødsfald i Danmark. Desværre bliver en stor andel af patienter med åreforkalkning i hjertet ramt fle-re gange af blodpropper trods behandling med forebyggende medicin. I projektet undersøges nye mulige biomarkører til at identificere pati-enter i øget risiko for gentagne blodpropper ved hjælp af nye avance-ret laboratoriemetoder. Herved opnås ny værdifuld viden om mulige biomarkører for en ny blodprop i hjertet, der potentielt kan forbedre den forebyggende behandling af patienter med hjertekarsygdom, og undgå at patienterne rammes flere gange af blodpropper.Beskrivelse


  26. Net Zero Geothermal Research for District Infrastructure Engineering

    Ole Windahl Pedersen

    The UK is committed to become a low-carbon economy, with a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. To do this will require fuel switching, for example from fossil fuel power to renewable energy sources. In the UK the main source of emissions from the residential and public sector in 2018 was the use of natural gas for heating. Due to the diversity of heat demand by consumers, which varies with time/season and in magnitude, no single approach will provide the optimum solution.

    Geothermal heat has been widely recognised to have the potential to make significant regional contributions to decarbonising heating in the UK, but currently deep geothermal and heat pumps account for just 5.2% of renewable energy sources. This project will investigate the use of closed loop single well geothermal systems as a viable alternative in scenarios where traditional open loop geothermal systems are not feasible. It particularly addresses the possibility of using wells drilled for other purposes, that might have failed in their original objectives, as sources of geothermal energy, thus mitigating some of the costs of their construction. Uniquely, the research will use, in Newcastle city centre, an existing 1.6km deep borehole and adjacent large instrumented building as a research facility, and integrate the research as part of whole energy system approach. Modelling will couple the heating/cooling needs of new urban buildings with an understanding of the performance of a single well geothermal system so that those demands are met.

    The project will address fundamental challenges in 1) heat abstraction and storage; 2) the engineering challenges of integrating geothermal energy to whole energy systems, and 3) regulatory and legal implications of closed loop systems and subsequent liabilities. The proposed research sets out to mitigate the technical and economic risks associated with deep UK geothermal energy for heating and cooling, and so to facilitate its future adoption to enable zero carbon targets to be reached.Beskrivelse


  27. Novel photo-assisted systems for direct solar-driven reduction of CO2 to energy rich chemicals

    Allan Gross , Peter Enevoldsen , Anne Gammelgaard Ballantyne , Trine Bjørn Olsen & Maja Due Kadenic

    Ethylene is an energy-rich chemical produced from fossil fuels in industry, with high commercial value and a strong presence in the global market. Targeting ethylene as the final product, the EU-funded SUN2CHEM project aims to develop solutions that will result in efficient solar-driven CO2 reduction. To do this, the project will develop all the components to be integrated into tandem photoelectrochemical cells and advanced photocatalytic reactors. It will also conduct environmental and social studies on the new technology in the context of a circular economy, its energy security impacts and the social acceptance of chemicals produced from sunlight conversion. The project will play a role in making us less dependent on fossil fuels and in reducing carbon emissions by CO2 conversion.Beskrivelse


  28. Queer and COVID Toronto

    Luseadra Joy McKerracher

    A mixed methods investigation of LGBTQ+ health experiences during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.Beskrivelse


  29. The CAVA-Project: Comparing Adverse Vaccine Event Reporting – an interdisciplinary study of early 21st Century digital health citizenship in Denmark

    Marie Louise Tørring , Torben Esbo Agergaard , Dorte Rytter , Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen & Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo

    The Danish Medicines Agency’s pharmacovigilance database provides data about suspected adverse reactions reported in Denmark for specific types of medicine.1 The information is used to support postmarketing safety surveillance programs. Currently, thousands of case reports are submitted to the database each year, making it a vast repository of drug safety information. Sometimes cited as a limitation of pharmacovigilance, however, is the assumption that “stimulated reporting” of adverse events occurs in response to warnings, alerts, and label changes that are issued by the health authorities. In vaccine research literature, the idea of ‘stimulated reporting’ builds upon the assumption that reporting of adverse events may burst into self-oscillation when vaccinated subjects are prompted or triggered by feral vaccine risk communication in the media. This entails the hypothesis that adverse vaccine event reports reflect sensory, conscious and communicative phenomena tied to the rise of digital health communication and monitoring technologies that responsibilizes citizens for the care of themselves and others. By comparing communication environments surrounding the implementation of different vaccination programs in Denmark, the project aims to identify and explore self-oscillating effects of pharmacovigilance to understand how these imply a new kind of digital health citizenship emerging out of early 21st Century vaccine politics.Beskrivelse


  30. Videodebriefing at the delivery ward - Empowering obstetric teams to high performance

    Lena Have Rosvig , Niels Uldbjerg , Lise Brogaard , Lone Hvidman , Stina Lou & Ole Kierkegaard

    PhD projekt.
    Afd. Kvindesygdomme og Fødsler, Regionshospitalet Horsens
    Afd. Kvindesygdomme og Fødsler, Aarhus UniversitetshospitalBeskrivelse


  31. Patienten på arbejde - forhandlinger af opgaver og omsorg blandt patienter med kronisk sygdom og gentagne akutte indlæggelser

    Anna Louise Skovgaard , Marianne Johansson Jørgensen , Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen & Mette Terp Høybye

    Når man bliver ramt af en kronisk sygdom skifter fokus fra helbredelse til forebyggelse og (egen)omsorg. Et stigende antal opgaver bliver i den forbindelse lagt ud til patienterne og deres pårørende. For at kunne tilrettelægge patientforløb som tager højde for patientens tilgængelige ressourcer og behov, er det afgørende at vi har viden om den kontekst og betingelse som arbejdet udgør i patienternes og de pårørendes dagligdag.
    Dette Phd-studie vil, med antropologiske metoder, udforske hvordan kronisk syge patienter forhandler opgaver, ressourcer og omsorg i dagligdagen på tværs af diagnoser, sektorer, klinik og hjem. Undersøgelsen har særligt fokus på de tidslige, rumlige og sociale aspekter af sygdoms- og behandlingsforløbet. De anvendte metoder er deltagerobservation og interviews. Der bruges en abduktiv tilgang til analysen, hvor den studerende bevæger sig frem og tilbage mellem de empiriske og teoretiske aspekter. 10-15 informanter bliver rekrutteret under en akut indlæggelse og følges i 6-12 måneder.Beskrivelse


  32. Poco a poco: The climate (of) cracks in Europe’s kitchen garden

    Trine My Thygaard-Nielsen

    Forms part of the project Ecological Globalisation: Anthropology on the New Pangaea (https://projects.au.dk/ecoglobal/) PI Professor Heather Anne Swanson

    In Almería, in the south of Spain nested in between the Mediterranean and the mountains of Sierra Nevada, we find the world’s biggest assembly of greenhouses. Known as the ´Plastic Ocean´ to the locals, but more widely recognised as ‘The European Kitchen Garden’ as farmers here deliver fruits and vegetables to the European continent and beyond. The 30.000+ hectares of land is to a large degree small-scale and family farming consisting of 2-5 hectares tied up in cooperatives. Crops spans from a vast variety of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, egg plants, beans, etc. and farmers tend to have two cycles of different crops.
    The semi-arid area, along with the entire Iberian Peninsula, is destined to become the first European desert by 2070. This project is centered around how it is to live with climate in conventional intensive greenhouse production. Taking the view of the working farmers the project draws attention to the changes that are taking place in the view of the climatic and environmental crisis that the region and the planet is undergoing.
    Household farming took off in the 1960’ under a national colonisation strategy implemented by the Franco regime and it gradually developed into more intensive and competitive farming, which picked up speed with the entrance into the EU in 1985. From here onwards exportation and intensification went hand in hand with technological improvement, professionalisation and ongoing training. The changes that have taken place and continue to take place have created an environment where the purpose of farming, working with plants and producing food is ever-changing.
    To understand what it means to be farming and be a farmer the project foregrounds the farmers’ accounts of technologies, politics, and evolving expertise – e.g., the introduction of insects as biological control has demanded farmers to live in a new way with their plants. Through the multispecies accounts a unique view of climate’s ever-changing character is offered. It becomes clear that climate is working in plural and that climate is not a phenomenon on its own, but a human-climate relation mediated and experienced through the tools at hand as well as through the multispecies world we inhabit. I have been carrying out ethnographic fieldwork in Andalusia for more than a year. The latest part of which was January-February 2022.


  33. Skammens æstetik, begærets infrastruktur

    Anne Kølbæk Iversen

    Nærværende post.doc.-projekt er en kortlægning og undersøgelse af aktuelle feministiske og queer artikulationer af køn, krop, seksualitet, begær og skam inden for den danske samtidskunst. De valgte kunstneriske praksisser vidner om, at er der mange forskellige måder og vilkår for at erfare gennem kroppen og ”have” en krop på. Det er derfor ambitionen med dette projekt at arbejde med aktuelle transformationer af et klassisk motiv fra kunsthistorien, den tildækkede og afdækkede krop, hvor det især er ideen om kropsliggørelse og situering, der bliver central - og med et udvidet fokus på de mediale, materielle og tekniske vilkår, kropsliggørelsen finder sted under.
    Projektet er inspireret af de artikulationer og undersøgelser, som kunstværkerne leverer og er teoretisk informeret bl.a. af nyere konceptualiseringer af skam som en hhv. æstetisk-visuel og social følelse (Büttner, 2008, 2020; Ahmed, 2004) samt en aktuel medie- og billedteori, der understreger repræsentationernes operationalitet og distribution inden for specifikke systemer og netværk og billedet derfor også som noget, der har agens ud over det repræsenterende niveau (Blom, 2017; Farocki, 2004; Paglen, 2014; Terranova, 2017). Værkerne udtrykker en interesse for at afsøge, hvordan man kan forstå det kvindelige og kvinden, men samtidig en skepsis over for selvsamme definitioner. Redefinitionen af etablerede kategorier er tæt forbundet til en undersøgelse af det sociale rum, hvori kategorierne bliver til og opretholdes - et rum, der nødvendigvis inkluderer teknologiske infrastrukturer ved siden af de politiske og kulturelle (Easterling, 2014). Udover at trække på en teoretisk tradition med fokus på kønnets og seksualitetens konstruktion gennem diskursive og performative praksisser (de Beauvoir, 2019; Butler, 1990; Lacan, 1999) trækker projektet i høj grad på teoridannelser inden for det medieteoretiske og posthumane felt, der understreger kroppens og dermed også seksualitetens hybriditet (Braidotti, 2013; Deleuze-Guattari, 1987; Haraway, 1991; Parisi, 2004). De aktuelle værker samt den nye teori peger på kroppene - såvel som kroppens drifter og følelser - som konstruerede, hybride og distribuerede.
