Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Joined Inclusion: Co-creation of a training program aiming to improve management of persons with functional somatic disorders in Danish job centres

    Eva Ladekjær Larsen , Mette Trøllund Rask , Claus Vinther Nielsen & Vivian Langagergaard

    Persons with functional somatic disorders (FSD) are frequently stuck in the municipalities' employment sector without receiving qualified support of vocational rehabilitation. This has severe consequences to their health, functioning, and general well-being, and they are at high risk of permanent labour market exclusion. Early and proper intervention is crucial to prevent these consequences. With this project we will develop a training program for case managers in Danish job centres with the overall aim to improve and optimize vocational support for persons with FSD. The project is based on participatory action research involving FSD health specialists, case managers from job centres, and persons with FSD in order to integrate end-users' perspectives and support knowledge implementation in the job centres. The specific aims are two-fold:
    1. Exploration of:
    a. Current multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral practices of FSD management in job centres.
    b. Needs of case managers to enable management of persons with FSD.
    c. Needs of persons with FSD for vocational rehabilitation support in their collaboration with case managers.
    2. Development of a training program in a joint co-creation process with FSD specialists, case managers at job centres and persons with FSD that:
    a. Increases knowledge of FSD among case managers.
    b. Supports case managers in FSD management.
    c. Meets the needs of persons with FSD to support vocational rehabilitation.
    The project results in a training program, which supports job centres in managing persons with FSDs to motivate and enhance their labour market inclusion and to prevent lengthy, exhaustingly, and unsuitable return to work interventions. In a future study, the training program will be tested, evaluated, and if proved successful implemented on a national scale.
    In addition to generating valuable, applicable knowledge in concrete settings, the project applies a novel approach of co-creation in complex interventions in general and vocational rehabilitation targeting persons with FSD in particular. The project contributes to challenges of 'implementation failure' by focusing on 'real life issues' exploring bottom up approaches to intervention development rather than top-down, desk-developed designs.


  2. Kvinders afsoningsbetingelser - læring, udvikling og resocialisering

    Charlotte Mathiassen

    I dette projekt følges etablering af Danmarks nye og eneste kvindefængsel. Dette gøres via såvel interviews, dokument studier og observationer som litteratur studier.Beskrivelse


  3. Mæglerroller og samarbejde i konfliktmægling

    Helle Merete Nordentoft & Birgitte Ravn Olesen

    Projektets formål er at blive klogere på både konfliktmægleres og parters oplevelse af, hvad der gør en forskel i mæglingssituationenBeskrivelse


  4. Sharing Mountains: Ethical Change in the Ik Mountains

    Lotte Meinert

    Carlsberg Monograph StipendBeskrivelse


  5. Tværfaglig indsats i forhold til børn og familie i udsatte positioner - Interdisciplinary efforts in relation to children and families in vulnerable positions - the first 1000 days.

    Fabio Dovigo , Grethe Kragh-Müller , Kirsten Elisa Petersen & Sebastian Damkjær Ohlsen

    Børn i Danmark har fra begyndelsen af livet ikke de samme muligheder for trivsel, læring og udvikling. Projektets formål er derfor at understøtte børns udviklingsbetingelser i de første 1000 dage, i et tværprofessionelt perspektiv på tværs af familie, sundhedsplejerske og pædagoger i daginstitution. Dertil er målet at generere forskningsbaseret viden, der konkret kan anvendes af pædagoger og andre faggruppers i arbejdet med børn og familier i udsatte positioner.

    Children in Denmark from the beginning of life do not have the same opportunities for well-being, learning and development. The purpose of the project is to support children's developmental conditions in the first 1000 days, in a cross-professional perspective across family, healthcare and daycare. In addition, the project will generate research-based knowledge that can be used by educators and other professional groups working with children and families in vulnerable positions.Beskrivelse


  6. Agile R&D processes and Lean Electrode Production for alkaline electrolysis

    Anders Bentien

    The vision of the "H2-LEAN" project is to support efficient scalable electrode production for alkaline electrolysis and build an agile R&D centre for electrode development, thus contributing to future hydrogen production becoming more efficient and cheaper and ensuring that new technology comes to market faster. This project helps to reduce the LCOH (Levelised Cost Of Hydrogen) and will contribute significantly to the green transition in the market from 2024/2025.
    The entire green hydrogen industry is still emerging and many technological and process innovations are needed to make the industry competitive. This applies to hydrogen buyers, hydrogen producers and OEM suppliers. Processes, management concepts and IT systems must be built to make production and development work efficient and scalable. In popular parlance, the hydrogen industry is where the wind turbine industry was some 20 years ago.
    This project focuses on introducing new production processes, data collection and installation of a new test/performance test platform to build a Lean-based and scalable electrode production unit and R&D centre with an agile product development concept with short development cycles.

    Project budget: 0.99 million EUR

    Funding Source



  7. Amager Dutch: Reinstating a Unique Minority Language in Danish History

    Joost Roger Robbe

    I 2021 er det 500 år siden, at hollandske kolonister slog sig ned på Amager efter officiel indbydelse fra kong Christian II. Denne begivenhed markerer begyndelsen på et af de mest bemærkelsesværdige eksempler på sproglig og social integration i danmarkshistorien. På dansk grund udviklede kolonisterne snart deres eget unikke sprog, amagerhollandsk, som de fortsatte med at benytte internt i over 300 år, hvilket overgår de fleste andre indvandrersprogs levetid. Trods denne bemærkelsesværdige tilblivelseshistorie har hidtidig forskning i amagerhollandsks sproglige egenart været ret beskeden, ligesom spørgsmålet om sprogets lange levetid endnu står ubesvaret hen. Formålet med nærværende projekt er at gennemføre en undersøgelse af amagerhollandsk med fokus på sproget dels i sociolingvistisk belysning, dels i mere snæver lingvistisk optik. Med digitale hjælpemidler vil projektet tillige fastlægge amagerhollandsks forhold til andre germanske sprog (nedertysk, nederlandsk og dansk) og identificere sprogkontakten mellem amagerhollandsk og majoritetssproget dansk. Ud fra disse data vil den sociolingvistiske del af undersøgelsen udforske en særlig religiøs/liturgisk variant af amagerhollandsk samt omfanget af den opbakning, som denne havde hos de danske myndigheder og i det amagerhollandske samfunds egne institutioner. Projektet søger på denne måde at belyse spørgsmålet omkring amagerhollandsks lange levetid og den særlige rolle, som det har spillet som immigrantsprog i danmarkshistorie.Lægmandssprog


  8. A microbial toolbox for RAS production and innovation

    Lea Ellegaard-Jensen , Thanassis Zervas & Peter Stougaard

    The use of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in fish farming, is a promising strategy for an economically and environmentally sustainable fish industry. Microorganisms constitute an essential component of all RAS facilities, since they ensure a high water quality by degrading organic matter and oxidizing potentially toxic ammonium to nitrate. A high water quality is vital for maintaining stable RAS conditions that can ensure health and welfare of the fish, as well as profitability of the production.

    However, microorganisms are not exclusively beneficial to RAS functions. They compete with the fish for oxygen in the water during degradation of organic matter, may produce extremely toxic hydrogen sulfide, and spread diseases. In addition, some of the microorganisms in RAS facilities may also produce off-flavors that accumulate in fish flesh and reduce consumer attraction for aquaculture-produced fish. Yet, little is known about microbiomes in RAS systems, particularly in terms of their mutual dependency and role in RAS system dynamics.

    The RAS-TOOLS project is driven by innovation, expertise by RAS producers and academic knowledge to develop a novel toolbox for monitoring and control of RAS microbiomes. Through massive sequencing of DNA and RNA to better understand microbial communities and their functions in RAS, we expect to reveal new biosignatures for early detection of non-optimal operational conditions. Through modelling and simulations, we expect to obtain a better holistic understanding of the dynamics of RAS systems, and what effects important operational changes (such as changes in pH, alkalinity, and oxidation procedures) might have for the system as a whole.

    The RAS-TOOLS project will pave the way for the development of next generation RAS monitoring for better control of water quality and fish health issues, and thereby contribute to the development of a sustainable RAS industry.Beskrivelse


  9. Biopolitical Imaging

    Christina Varvia


  10. Children's Interaction with Nature: Imagine, Narrated and Instituted

    Sally Dean Anderson , Gertrud Lynge Esbensen , Fredrika Mårtensson , Anne Caroline Prevót , Jeppe Læssøe & Stine Casparij KOndrup

    Work package 5 Education, Awareness and Participation; Task 5.1 Chilren's interaction with Nature Months (4-38) Lead: Sally Anderson. Abstract: Childrens' different positipons as minors, learners, social agents in specific contexts has potential impact on the implementation, transfer, and appropriation of environmental education programmes, digital learning platforms and landscape interventions aimed at enhancing children's awareness, learning processes and out door play. This task consists of a comparative litterature review, participant observation, interviews an collaboration with teachers and municipal authorities in Velica Gorica, Croatia and Aarhus (and with Paris Region).Beskrivelse


  11. Digital Methods Platform for Arts & Humanities

    Marianne Ping Huang

    DiMPAH aims to aggregate, connect and make widely available novel Open Education Resources (OERs) on selected digital methods, apply these to interdisciplinary contexts and foster novel creative learning experiences by taking data from the past into future stories.Beskrivelse


  12. Enduring Materialities of Colonialism (EMoC): temporality, spatiality and memory

    Laura McAtackney & Magdalena Ewa Naum

    DFF Project 2-funded project (2019-2023). A collaborative contemporary archaeology and heritage project on the colonial remnants on the island of St Croix (former Danish West Indies) and their material and social afterlife.Beskrivelse


  13. Familieliv i en coronatid

    Ida Wentzel Winther , Karen Ida Dannesboe , Nana Clemensen , Dorte Kousholt & Nanna Jordt Jørgensen

    Familielivet er udfordret pga. corona pandamien. Vi er hjemsendt og skal gøre ALT hjemmefra. Sårbarhed og styrke udfordres og tager sig ud på nye måder. Hverdagens common sense synes at vakle. Vi har siden april 2020 interviewet ca. 50 familier, og disse sender materialer til os (små film, dagbøger og fotografier). Beskrivelse


  14. Hverdagsgrammatik - Hvordan folk stiller spørgsmål, forhandler samtaledeltagelse og styrer andres handlinger i dansk hverdagsinteraktion

    Jakob Steensig , Nicholas Mikkelsen & Maria Jørgensen

    This project contributes to building a grammar for Danish talk-in-interaction. It is nested within the research unit, DanTIN (“The grammar of Danish talk-ininteraction”), which has developed descriptions of interaction-grammatical
    phenomena. The theoretical basis is interactional linguistics, the database is around 50 hours of already recorded and transcribed recordings of naturally occurring, everyday interaction in Danish. The project provides in-depth descriptions of the international functions and grammatical (including phonetic and prosodic) structures of: (1) Questions and answers, (2) Negotiation of participation, and (3) Directive utterances. Furthermore, it contributes with theoretical contributions to the yet undeveloped field of grammatical theorizing within interactional linguistics. The results will also be used to develop teaching materials for Danish as a second language and for increasing awareness about talk-in-interaction in the general public.Beskrivelse


  15. SinProPack. Grass fiber-based paper for sustainable “to-go” packaging products

    Morten Ambye-Jensen & Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

    Projektet vil eftervise anvendelse af restprodukter fra bioraffierning af græs til fremstilling af komposterbar engangsemballage.Beskrivelse


  16. Teachers’ learning designs as catalysts for rethinking and rebuilding learning materials

    Morten Winther Bülow

    The purpose of the project is to examine how the teachers’ collaborative interaction with the educational tools may form a part of the ongoing improvement of the courses and materials, which may be included in their design of contextualised learning paths.

    The project will challenge and modify the design based research methods by use of a mix of anthropological methods and the new user-data-based analysis methods, which are often used for this type of research. Consequently, the dual purpose of the project will be:

    - To create knowledge about the possibilities for incorporating user knowledge and behaviour in the design of educational materials.
    - To further develop methodical approaches within design based research.

    The technological options such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and learning analytics (LA) will during the design process itself constitute the experimental setups, which may show the way for better learning materials in the future.

    By embedding the project in an interdisciplinary approach with counsellors specialised in educational design, subject related didactics and computer supported cooperative work, a scientific dialog may be established, which may create new knowledge on how better learning materials are created without disempowering the teachers - but on the contrary using their knowledge and educational practice to design learning materials.Beskrivelse


  17. The Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivor Toxicity And Rehabilitation (ALL-STAR) study

    Thomas Leth Frandsen , Kjeld Schmiegelow , BK Albertsen , Liv Andrés-Jensen & Mette Tiedemann Skipper

    National clinical investigation on late effects after treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Protocol: NOPHO ALL2008)Beskrivelse


  18. The ‘deserving refugee mother’ in a context of war: How Ukrainian refugee mothers are shaped as deserving in a context of solidarity, the cases of the UK and Denmark

    Andrea Verdasco Martinez

    The aim of this research project is to examine and analyse the political, socio-legal and bureaucratic attitudes towards refugee Ukrainian families in the context of the Ukrainian refugee crisis through the lens of the Ukrainian refugee mother. In particular, I will examine how cultural and geographic circumstances are used to construct discrete classes of refugees, what it means to be “deserving” and gendered notions of deservingness. I will explore how the ‘figure of the ‘deserving refugee mother’ is configured by civil society organisations (CSOs), advocates and local authorities and the media. Fleeing and migrating are always gendered experiences, thus I aim to explore what makes these refugee mothers particular and how ‘experts: that is the CSOs, advocates and government actors who mediate between different institutions and help navigate complex bureaucracies to provide support to ‘the deserving refugee mother’, construct or challenge this categoryBeskrivelse


  19. The Rise and Fall of Cycling’s Doping Culture, 1990 to 2020: Causes, experience, politics, and consequences

    Ask Vest Christiansen , John Gleaves & Matt Englar-Carlson

    This project aims to reassess the history of doping in professional cycling for the period 1990-2020 to better understand its origins and cultural impact. Thousands of newspaper articles, along with hundreds of journal articles, reports, and books have detailed aspects of doping in cycling. However, scholars have yet to produce a comprehensive overview and analysis of what happened, why it happened, who the key players were, and what the consequences of cycling’s doping era were for riders, organizations and fans as well as for society’s view of high-performance sport and sport’s moral integrity.Beskrivelse



    Helle Vrønning Dam , Anja Krogsgaard Vesterager & Karen Korning Zethsen

    ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership project with 10 universitiesBeskrivelse


  21. Urban deposits

    Kirstine Haase

    3D mapping of archaeological deposits in medieval cities based on existing archaeological and geological data. In contrast to the existing GIS-based documentation, which is usually two-dimensional, a 3D model will illustrate the extent to which the archaeological deposits are preserved and identify areas where they are endangered. The aim is also to investigate methods for evaluating the state of the archaeological record and its preservation conditions.Beskrivelse


  22. PoshBee: pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees

    Christopher John Topping & Jordan Chetcuti

    Bees – honey bees, bumble bees, and solitary bees – pollinate crops and wildflowers and are essential for both human and planetary well-being. However, all around the globe, bees face many threats and are often in decline. While studies suggest that agrochemicals have a negative impact on bee health, their importance and relevance in the real world remains unclear. PoshBee aims to support healthy bee populations, sustainable beekeeping and pollination across Europe. Beskrivelse


  23. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

    Karolina Zawieska

    This project brings a sociological perspective to the field of roboethics and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The project aims to investigate how to facilitate integration of ethics into the roboticists’ thinking and actual work as op-posed to approaching ethics as a mainly philosophical or procedural matter. In particular, the goal is to investigate which strategies and measures would need to be undertaken in order to facilitate the emergence of ‘a culture of responsible robotics’ (CRR) within the community of HRI researchers and beyond. In order to develop frameworks for CRR, the project involves studying of how roboticists and HRI researchers understand the meaning of ‘sociality’ and ‘ethics’ and whether it is possible and how to combine the two.

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-search and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895785Beskrivelse


  24. Udnyttelse af unge til narkokriminalitet

    Thomas Friis Søgaard & Nina Tvede Korshøj

    Projektets formålet er at skabe ny viden om de drivkrafter, som ligger bag, når unge bliver udnyttet eller manipuleret til og fastholdt i at begå narkotikakriminalitet for andre mennesker. Samtidig vil vi gerne kortlægge de fysiske og psykiske overgreb, som unge oplever i denne proces.

    Er du mellem 15 og 29 år og involveret i narkomarkedet og gerne vil deltage - anonymt - i forskningsprojektet, så kontakt projektmedarbejder Nina Tvede Korshøj på tlf. 93522409. Arbejder du med eller kender unge, som bliver udnyttet til fx at transportere eller sælge stoffer, så kontakt også gerne Nina.

    I 2020 lavede Center for Rusmiddelforskning et spørgeskemabaseret trendspotterstudie, som viste, at udnyttelse af udsatte unge til narkotikakriminalitet er gået fra at være et sporadisk til at blive et systemisk træk ved det danske illegale stofmarked. At udsatte unge udnyttes til narkotikakriminalitet af kriminelle er ikke et nyt fænomen. Der er dog tre strukturelle forhold, der har gjort dette til et voksende problem:

    Det illegale stofmarked er blevet mere fragmenteret og konkurrencepræget, hvorfor flere kriminelle grupper forsøger at rekruttere udsatte unge som stofsælgere i forsøget på at vinde markedsandele. I de senere år er der sket en udbredelse af nye og mere arbejdskrævende salgsmetoder, hvor sælgerne tilbyder at bringe stofferne ud til køberne. Dette har skabt en situation, hvor kriminelle bagmænd har brug for en større arbejdsstyrke af unge hjælpere. Flere unge i dag vokser op i relativ fattigdom, og at flere unge lever som hjemløse, hvilket har fået forskere og folk, som arbejder med unge, til at ytre voksende bekymring for, at flere unge er blevet lettere ofre for banders og andre kriminelles udnyttelse.
    I Danmark mangler der imidlertid dybdegående kvalitativ viden om, hvordan udsatte unge bliver udnyttet til narkotikakriminalitet. På denne baggrund undersøger vi med dette forskningsprojekt, hvilke udnyttelsesdynamikker, som både kan drive unge ud i og fastholde dem i narkotikakriminalitet.

    Vi foretager kvalitative interviews med 40 udsatte unge i alderen 15 til 29 år, som har erfaring med at sælge, transportere og/eller opbevare væsentligt mængder af ulovlige stoffer for andre. Interviewene skal blandt andet afdække:

    De udnyttelsesdynamikker, der driver udsatte unge ud i og fastholder dem i narkotikakriminalitet.

    De psykiske og fysiske overgreb de unge oplever i denne proces.
    I hvilket omfang og i hvilke situationer de unge opfatter sig selv som udnyttede.

    Hvilke barrierer der gør, at udnyttede unge ikke altid søger hjælp hos

    Vi gennemfører undersøgelsen fra august 2021 til august 2023.Beskrivelse


  25. Electronic Literature (e-lit) and Covid 19

    Søren Bro Pold , Scott Rettberg & Anna Nacher

    How is the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting measures, and movement of cultural life online reflected in electronic literature and other digital narrative practices online? With this project we will develop an analytical research study, an open-access research collection, an online exhibition and a critical study of electronic literature and digital art produced during this time of COVID 19.
    Supported by DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium)Beskrivelse


  26. Redox Mediated Microbial CO2 Reduction

    Anders Bentien

    The ReMeSh project is related to investigation of a new concept that we term Redox Mediated Microbial CO2 Reduction. It will combine electrochemical flow cells known from water electrolyser/flow batteries, to efficiently reduce a water soluble organic redox mediator. The mediator is subsequently pumped into a microbial reactor where protons/electrons are transferred to the microbes that reduces CO2 to form methane. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the concept has the potential to surpass the conversion turnover several orders of magnitude and if the ReMeSh project is successful could constitute a milestone in microbial CO2 reduction/Power-to-X.

    Project budget: 0.66 mio EUR

    Funding Source
    Exploratory Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme – Novo Nordic Foundation



  27. Ergonomiske interventioner som behandlingen for arbejdsrelateret muskel-skeletbesvær i arm, skulder eller nakke

    Jeanette Trøstrup

    Formålet er at klarlægge effekten af ergonomiske interventioner og identificere de mest effektive interventioner for voksne med arbejdsrelateret muskel-skeletbesvær. Projektet udarbejdes som et Cochrane review. Samarbejdspartnere: Sietske S.J. Tamminga, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, University of Amsterdam; Poonam Mehta, Peter Stubbs, Arianne Verhagen, Graduate School of Health, Discipline of Physiotherapy, the University of Technology Sydney.Beskrivelse


  28. Living Labs: An Interventionist Ethnographic Approach to Technologies of the Future

    Maja Hojer Bruun & Andreas Brandt

    Living labs are an increasingly important experimental research and innovation method that engage users as co-creators of new technologies in open real-life communities and settings. A lot of hopes are invested in this new form of knowledge production, but we know very little about their effects, the involved researchers and participants, and the experiences and imaginative horizons that they bring about. This research project aims to 1) explore the knowledge practices implied in living labs as a research and development concept for the production of future technologies and analyse the complex interactions between different agents involved (researchers, technicians, public and private organisations, citizens, etc.). 2) We will develop an interventionist ethnographic approach, so that living labs can function as political platforms to deal with technological matters of public concern. The project operates at the intersection of anthropology, science and technology studies and co-design.Beskrivelse


  29. Market economy or oriental bazaar? The nature of Roman economic activities as seen through the distribution of amphoras in Italy

    Paulina Komar & Tom Brughmans

    This project aims to test models of the Roman economy using amphora distribution in Italy between 1 and 700 AD. The question whether it was market-driven or coerced transfers that dominated ancient Roman economic activities is crucial to the current discussion regarding the nature of the ancient economy, which has recently become polarised around two models: The ‘market economy’ model proposed by P. Temin, which states that Roman markets were integrated enough to enable the production and distribution of goods to be guided by prices, thus obeying the rules of supply and demand. The ‘bazaar economy’ model, which assumes that the flow of information within the Roman Empire was too limited to allow for market integration and the subsequent interdependence of various areas of the Mediterranean. According to P. Bang, who created the model, in such an environment prices must have been volatile because the usual rule of supply and demand did not exist. Therefore, instead of seeking profit, merchants shipped goods only to destinations that were deemed ‘safe’, mostly answering to the demand provided by the state. Therefore, most commercial transactions were organised in accordance with orders from the state, or certain institutions. Previous attempts to prove or disprove these models using the price of goods as evidence, or by adopting a comparative approach, have so far failed to provide conclusive results. This project proposes a new approach, which involves analysing the distribution of ancient transport containers in Italy throughout the Roman imperial period and late antiquity (1st - 7th c. AD). This distribution will then be compared with transport costs provided by ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, which is a computer-based model produced by scholars from Stanford University that shows transport conditions in the Roman Empire. If the distribution of amphoras in different centres of the Mediterranean matches the lowest cost contours, this would provide an argument for those who espouse the existence of the ‘market economy’ during the Roman times. Whereas, if the distribution does not match the lowest cost contours, then the ‘bazaar model’ would appear to be closer to reality. In order to further test the results, the amphora distribution will then be subjected to regression analysis and agent-based modelling (ABM). A regression model assuming that the percentage of amphoras is positively correlated with the lowest cost contours will be built and it will be compared with the excavated amphora distribution at different archaeological sites in Italy. Subsequently, an agent-based model will be constructed and implemented to verify whether the distribution of amphoras suggests high or low market integration. The application of computer-based analyses to archaeological material has already shown its potential with regards to the understanding of certain social and economic phenomena. Therefore, this project is an important step forward in the study of the ancient economy, as it will allow theoretical models to be tested and consequently proved or disproved.Beskrivelse


  30. Methane a sign of life - what drives its dynamics on Mars?

    Kai Finster , Per Nørnberg , Svend Knak Jensen , Jan Thøgersen & Mikkel Bregnhøj

    The dominant source of methane (CH4) on Earth is biological and thus a sign of life. Therefore, the discovery of CH4 in the Martian atmosphere was sensational and attracted a lot of attention both within the science community and in the public. Since its discovery, we have learned that the concentration of CH4 on Mars is very dynamic and follows an annual cycle with relatively high concentration during Martian summer and low concentration during winter. Until now the drivers behind this dynamic pattern remain enigmatic as photochemistry which stands behind most atmospheric processes on Mars is too slow to explain the rapid decline. I propose that wind-driven erosion processes as known from dust-devils and/or sand storms can work as rapid CH4 sinks and that CH4 is converted to complex organic molecules that accumulate on the surface of the dust. The outcome of this study will make significant new contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms that stand behind the production and degradation of organics on the Red planet.Beskrivelse


  31. New ways to design foods: Programmable Synthesis of Lipids and Continuous Liquid Interface (3D) Printing

    Zheng Guo

    The ultimate goal of this project is to create the product arrays of new lipid molecules with documented know-hows on programmable and standardized protocols; and to generate sufficient scientific knowledge and technology for building up a CLIP-based 3D printing for food application. Beskrivelse
