Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. NKJ--Exploring pathways to protect soil carbon stocks in agroecosystems

    Ji Chen , Thomas Kätterer , Kristiina Regina & Siri Svendgård-Stokke

    First, overview of current research activities on agricultural soil C among the Nordic countries. This network project is highly related to my Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship and Aarhus University starting grant projects. Both projects are to study soil C dynamics and the driving processes in agroecosystems. We will prepare an opinion or review paper entitled “Exploring pathways to protect soil C stocks in Nordic agroecosystems” as well as another meta-analysis paper on soil C stocks across agroecosystems. The planed publications are not direct deliverables from this network project but could be enriched by frequent discussion within this network project. This paper will build on the knowledge and insights from the project partners of the network and developed through the workshops, and will be submitted to an international journal.
    Second, overview of available results on agricultural soil C in the Nordic countries from long-term experiments and monitoring networks. There are several ongoing projects from the applicant’s institutes focusing on the soil C stocks in the agroecosystems. This provides us unique opportunity to align results from the different long-term data series available in the Nordic countries. The preliminary results will be extensively discussed within this network. We aim to extract new pathways to increase soil C stocks in agroecosystems based on the overview of existing research and preliminary results from ongoing studies. A comprehensive comparison of results from different Nordic regions will likely open new research areas for the future larger research projects.
    Third, research gaps for agricultural soil C in Nordic regions. Based on the abovementioned overview of research and meta-analysis, we will identify the major research gaps in the agroecosystems in the Nordic countries. Those research gaps will provide the basis for future research proposals. The network project will form the foundation for applying new domestic or international research projects. Participants outside Nordic countries will also promote the international larger research projects.Beskrivelse


  2. Sex in Iceland in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries CE

    Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir

    The Cambridge World History of Sexualities
    Edited by Merry Wiesner-Hanks
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    and Mathew Kuefler
    San Diego State University


  3. Strategier for produktion af græsensilage som reducerer enterisk metan emission fra drøvtyggere

    Peter Lund

    I dette projekt vil vi udvikle strategier inden for produktion af græsensilage, der mindsker emission af enterisk metan (CH4) fra drøvtyggere. På verdensplan er enterisk CH4 en betydelig bidragsyder til drivhusgasudledningen (GHG), og den tegner sig for næsten halvdelen af de samlede drivhusgasemissioner fra norsk landbrug.

    Græsensilage er det dominerende konserverede foder i drøvtyggers foderrationer i Norge, og den praksis der anvendes til produktion af græsensilage er meget forskelligartet, hvilket resulterer i stor variation i egenskaber såsom kemisk sammensætning og næringsværdi og dermed indflydelse på enterisk CH4-emission.

    Projektet vil identificere måder at producere græsensilage på der minimerer enterisk CH4-emission, hvilket er vigtigt for at reducere drivhusgasemissioner fra norsk landbrug.

    Bevillingsgiver: Norwegian Research CouncilBeskrivelse


  4. The influence of Earth-surface processes on solid-Earth, ice-sheet, and sea-level interactions for Scandinavian Ice-Sheet collapse

    Vivi Kathrine Pedersen , Nicolaj Krog Larsen , Mads Faurschou Knudsen , D.L. Egholm , Jerry Mitrovica , Natalya Gomez , Robert Moucha , Kerim Nisancioglu , Anna Hughes , john-Inge Svendsen & Petra Langebroek

    One of the grand challenges for society in the future will be to cope with the consequences of a changing climate and resulting changes in global sea level. Yet, predictions of past and future scenarios are associated with significant uncertainties, as we do not currently understand all processes that influence ice-sheet variability and thereby global ice volume. One key shortcoming relates to Earth-surface processes. Fjord formation by selective glacial erosion has the potential to elevate surrounding regions significantly by erosional unloading (~1 km in Greenland). However, the consequences for ice-sheet dynamics and global sea level have never been explored. My approach is to combine state-of-the-art numerical modelling efforts from the two disciplines of sea-level research and glacial geomorphology with empirical data analysis, in order to investigate the influence of such processes on the solid Earth, ice sheets, and sea level. I will apply this novel modelling scheme to study the former Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS), where remarkable empirical constraints exist on glacial isostatic rebound, past ice sheet extent, and deposited sediment volumes. By investigating a former ice sheet, I will improve our understanding of processes that are highly relevant for the future evolution of existing ice sheets. This will improve the scientific basis for decision makers to shape well-founded policies for optimal adaptation to future sea- slevel changes. While acquiring new expertise in glacial geology and sedimentology, I will i) constrain solid-Earth deformation and global sea-level changes due to Quaternary erosion and deposition in the Scandinavian region, ii) assess the influence of long-term glacial erosion for SIS dynamics, ice volume, and sea-level contributions, and iii) gain significant insight into important interactions between surface processes, solid-Earth deformation, ice-sheet variability and sea-level changes, and improve our understanding of SIS collapse.Beskrivelse


  5. Sesame Street at 50: The Shapes of Digital Memory

    Helle Strandgaard Jensen , Josephine Møller Jensen , Alexander Ulrich Thygesen , Max Odsbjerg Pedersen & Victor Harbo Johnston

    I dette projekt samarbejder vi om at analysere erindringskultur på Twitter med det amerikanske børne-tv program Sesame Street som case. Vores metode er ’scalable readings,’ det vil sige, at vi kombinerer traditionel humanistisk nærlæsning med computer-assisteret analyse af to datasæt med cirka 200,000 tweets til sammen. Formålet er at undersøge, hvordan SoMe plaforme er med til at facilitere og forme erindringsprocesser og samtidig bidrage til diskussionen om ’digital humanties’ nytte i forhold til eksisterende forskning ved at diskutere kvaliteten af de bidrag som den computer-assisterede forskning kan have i forhold til traditionelle tilgange i memory studies og historie. Lægmandssprog


  6. Combining genetic and clinical data to identify patients with bipolar disorder at risk for poor outcomes

    Katherine Musliner

    Bipolar disorder (BD) is a rare and severe psychiatric disorder with a lifetime risk of 1-4%1,2. BD typically has an onset in young adulthood, and the lifetime personal, social and economic consequences for individuals suffering from this disorder are substantial.BD is highly genetic, with a heritability of around 85%4. Recent years have seen promising advances in our understanding of the underlying genetics of BD. Evidence suggests that like other psychiatric disorders, BD is highly polygenic meaning that genetic liability for BD is attributable to multiple loci spread across the genome, each contributing small effects. Recent studies suggest that polygenic risk scores (PRSs) can distinguish
    between BD patients with different phenotypic presentations, but it has yet to be demonstrated that PRS can be used to directly improve patient outcomes and care. A prediction model that would aid clinicians in identifying which newly-diagnosed BD patients were most likely to experience negative outcomes could help to focus resources on the people who need them most, and ultimately reduce the negative impact and suffering caused by BD. My specific aims in this project are 1) to characterize the associations between PRSs and outcomes in patients with BD, and 2) to build prediction models with PRSs and
    clinical/demographic risk factors to aid in identification of BD patients at risk for negative outcomes.Beskrivelse


  7. Theory of mind and social responsiveness in offspring of parents diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: Behavioral assessment and neuroimaging

    Lotte Veddum

    This PhD project is accomplished as a part of The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study - VIA, which is a longitudinal nationwide familial high-risk study carried out in collaboration between Mental Health Centre Copenhagen and Aarhus University Hospital Risskov. The overall purpose of the VIA-study is to identify early risk and resilience factors of schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) as well as to examine developmental trajectories in order to be able to develop future preventative and protective interventions.
    The main aim of this PhD study is to examine theory of mind (ToM) and social responsiveness in children at familial high-risk of SZ or BD compared to a group of population-based controls. This will be done with data from MRI and fMRI scans as well as behavioral data. Beskrivelse


  8. Ophold på UNSW i Sydney, Australien: bogprojekt Signalethics

    Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen

    Forskningsophold, støttet af AUFF til 3 måneders forskningsophold til udarbejdelse af bogmanus, sammen med australsk forsker.Beskrivelse


  9. Exploring phthalate contamination of globally traded vegetables produced in plastic greenhouses

    Yanxia Zhang , Marianne Thomsen & Clive Eric Sabel

    My research at AIAS focuses on the risk cycle of phthalate transfer driven by food trade between the EU and China under current policy conditions. I will quantify phthalate exposure and health impacts associated with vegetable consumption as an example traded with China, explore whether existing policy loopholes, and provide science-based support for alternative policy measures if it is. Methods are related to an environmental mixed unit input-output model, process-based life cycle analysis, exposure scenario modelling, urinary metabolites biomonitoring, phthalate dose-response curves of diabetes or other diseases, and cost-benefit analysis. Beskrivelse


  10. Doctorals students' stress and wellbeing

    Gitte Wichmann-Hansen & Ditte-Marie From

    Litterature reviewBeskrivelse


  11. Hjemlige duft- og lydmiljøer - Et interventionsstudie på aarhusianske plejehjem

    Marie Højlund

    I 2022 opstartede Aarhus Kommune den næste fase i duft- og lydarbejdet med et projekt, der har haft som formål at implementere konkrete løsninger til forbedring af plejehjemmenes duft- og lydmiljøer. Projektet er finansieret af Sundhedsstyrelsen, Socialstyrelsen og Aarhus Kommunes VT-OPI-pulje. Beskrivelse


  12. BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme

    Carter Walter Bloch , Ea Høg Utoft , Anna-Kathrine Bendtsen & Ebbe Krogh Graversen

    The BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme constitutes a unique training scheme aimed at developing future leaders of healthcare innovation. Central to the programme is the goal of identifying a critical need, inventing, and implementing new health technologies. The programme further seeks to contribute with new knowledge on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and in particular on how individuals can develop skills and mindsets needed to identify needs and develop innovations within healthcare. Beskrivelse


  13. CleanMeat and CleanMilk – future sustainable food production

    Margrethe Therkildsen , Lotte Bach Larsen , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Martin Krøyer Rasmussen , Jette F Young , Stig Purup , Lisbeth Mogensen , Dang Quang Svend Le & Christian Perti

    Danish food production amounts for approximately 21% of the total Danish greenhouse gas emission (GHG), and especially animal-based food production draws heavily on land and water resources. Thus, any strategy to decrease these numbers are highly relevant to pursue to fulfill the Danish climate targets in 2030 (39 % reduction in GHG) and further in 2050 (carbon neutrality). In vitro (IV) culture of animal-based cells to deliver meat and milk-like products could be one sustainable solution to support these climate targets, while still delivering highly nutritional and appreciated products. In 2013, the first non-commercial burger was produced from cultured bovine muscle cells, but still no commercial products are available, because there are several challenges to overcome.
    The project CleanPro aims at establishing robust model systems to test IV meat and milk production, and to generate the necessary know-how on IV food production, which will contribute to Denmark’s future positioning in this field. In four research work packages we will 1) establish robust bovine mammary and muscle cell cultures with the capacity to grow, while still maintaining the characteristics to produce milk and meat, 2) test alternatives to calf serum as growth media aiming at serum-reduced production, 3) characterize the functionality of the produced products and finally 4) develop Life Cycle Assessment models of the IV produced CleanMeat and CleanMilk produced under the developed production systems.


  14. Coldzymes: Cold-active enZymes

    Mariane Schmidt Thøgersen , Thanassis Zervas & Lea Ellegaard-Jensen

    In many industrial processes, enzymes are attractive, green alternatives to chemicals. Today, enzymes are key ingredients in many products like food, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and detergents, and the enzyme market for detergents alone has become a multibillion dollar industry worldwide. For decades, it has been a goal for producers of detergent enzymes to develop cold-active enzymes due to their performance at low-temperature resulting in significant reduction in energy consumption and costs. Development of cold-active enzymes is currently approached in two ways: Protein engineering of well-known commercial mesophilic enzymes or de novo discovery of cold-active enzymes from the environment.
    The Coldzymes project is driven by the wish to make an impact. Therefore we wish to discover novel, truly cold-active enzymes with potentially uncharacterized structures and adaptations to activity at low temperature. The project aims at developing and improving methods for discovery of truly cold-active enzymes used in detergents for laundry and washing processes at low temperature. In order to search for truly cold-active enzymes, we have chosen to investigate the potential of the microbiome of the ikaite columns in the Ikka Fjord in SW Greenland. The ikaite columns have been shown to habor a large diversity of bacteria, and with their internal pH of 10.4 and year-round low temperature, the ikaite columns are the perfect place to search cold-active enzymes that are active at high pH.
    Two approaches to screen for novel enzymes will be applied in this project: Function-based sceening through increased culturability and sequence-based screening through improved DNA extraction methods. Sequencing of cultured microorganisms as well as DNA extracted directly from the ikaite columns is carried out by our in-house Sequencing Center using state-of-the-art sequencing platforms.
    The outcome of Coldzymes will be a range of new, cold-active and alkali-stable enzymes that are active in detergents that may feed into a larger innovation-based project involving commercial as well as scientific partners.Beskrivelse


  15. Complexity and Beyond in Studies of Religiosity in the Nordic Countries

    Peter Birkelund Andersen , Henrik Reintoft Christensen , Lene Kühle , Pål Ketil Botvar , Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir , Anders Sjöborg , Pamela Slotte , Kati Tervo-Niemelä , Marlene Ringgaard Lorensen , Maren Marie Sø Leth-Nissen & Kimmo Ketola

    The aim of the network is to develop new and more precise understandings of the characteristics and backgrounds for changes in religiosity at the individual level in the Nordic countries. Beskrivelse


  16. Didaktisk vidensbase til mundtlighedsundervisning på videregående uddannelser

    Bente Mosgaard Jørgensen , Susana Ester Mellerup , Anja Krogsgaard Vesterager , Julia Feller , Anke Heier & Marianne Høi Liisberg

    Der oprettes et netværk blandt sprogundervisere
    på tysk, spansk og fransk, IKK, med henblik på
    at tilvejebringe ny viden om
    forskningsbegrundede metoder til undervisning i
    mundtlighed i fremmedsprogsundervisningen på
    danske universiteter. Netværket samarbejder om
    at oprette en vidensbase, der dels orienterer om
    principper, som er fremhævet i litteraturen, dels
    giver 12 eksempler på arbejdsmetoder, der følger
    de præsenterede principper. Disse
    arbejdsmetoder søges afprøvet inden udgivelsen
    af arbejdet. Vidensbasen skal stå til rådighed for
    undervisere på de videregående uddannelser og
    meget gerne udvikle sig over tid. Den er specielt
    relevant for de tiltag, der kommer med
    Folketingets bevilling til sprogligt løft i tysk og
    fransk på de videregående uddannelser.Beskrivelse


  17. Didaktisk vidensbase til mundtlighedsundervisning på videregående uddannelser 2022-2023

    Bente Mosgaard Jørgensen

    Etablering af en teoretisk funderet, men let tilgængelig vidensbase om fremmedsprogspædagogik med introduktioner til centreale begreber og og forslag til taskes, der omsætter begreberne til praktisk task-baseret undervisningBeskrivelse


  18. Gender Empowment through Politics in Classrooms

    Dorthe Staunæs , Christian Christrup Kjeldsen , Andreas Lieberoth , Niels Rosendal Jensen & Sofie Gry Bindslev

    Ensuring the future of democracy requires empowering all social group to engage, yet the gender gap in political leadership, political ambition and political self-efficacy is the most persistent and most difficult to tackle across Western democracies. The situation when looking across the intersect of gender, social class and ethnicity becomes even more grave. These differences have been shown to begin in the school and classroom dynamics has been cited as the likely socialisation process that leads to these different outcomes. G-EPIC, a multinational consortium of universities and civil society organisations, has been brought together with the aim of fostering social innovation and testing interventions to reduce gender inequality in politics.

    The 7 partners in 6 countries (Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) will begin by establishing the state of play through classroom observations and reanalysis of existing quantitative data to understand how inequalities in attitudes and dispositions towards political engagement are learnt. G-EPIC will then create experiments in schools and pilot design-based interventions co-developed with civil-society, teachers and students. These experiments and interventions will be rigorously evaluated in comparisons with control groups and will lead to the development of the Gender Empowerment in Classroom intervention that will be disseminated and delivered in schools across Europe creating the possibility for real change and the reduction of the gender gap in political leadership. In addition, G-EPIC will also carry out a holistic evaluation of the national context and the local and European policy framework to design strategies, regulations and policies that are conducive to a more equitable gender political involvement, particularly of girls with a disadvantaged background.Beskrivelse


  19. Innovative hybrid INTensive – EXTensive resource recovery from wastewater in small communities

    Carlos Alberto Arias , Raul Cano , Luz Herreo & Philipp Otter

    LIFE INTEXT aims to develop innovative solutions based on a combination of INTensive and EXTensive technologies for dealing with wastewater treatment and reuse to tackle water scarcity in small communities, benefiting from the advantages that both types of technologies offer. It will also provide a smart monitoring and evaluation system for consistent operation of the technologies and criteria for supporting the decision-making process of operators in real-time.

    The Project will create two technological platforms located in Talavera de la Reina wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and in CENTA research center, where innovative hybrid technologies for wastewater treatment and resource recovery in small communities will be developed. LIFE INTEXT will focus its work in the next objectives:

    Wastewater treatment system robustness against environmental (winter-summer) and pollutant/industrial loads variations.
    Reduction of investment and maintenance costs.
    Reduction of the required area per population equivalent (PE) (<1m2/PE).
    Quantification and assessment of greenhouse gases emissions reduction.
    Assessment of emergent pollutants removal.
    Disinfection and water reuse.
    Decision Support System (DSS) based on Life Cycle Analysis.
    Validation of technologies broadly used in the north and centre of Europe.Beskrivelse


  20. Integrative Green Infrastructure Planning

    Maya Pasgaard , J.-C. Svenning & Kristine Engemann

    The GRIP project provides new knowledge on green infrastructure in South Africa through an interdisciplinary research project that seeks to strengthen the integrated planning approaches in the national capital of South Africa, City of Tshwane (CoT). GRIP will facilitate lessons from City of Aarhus (CoA), in particular their holistic planning integrating social, economic, and cultural issues with urban issues such as non-motorized transportation, densification, water infrastructure and liveable public spaces. Through the GRIP project, a city-to-city collaboration was combined with research that cross-fertilizes spatial ecology, environmental justice and landscape design, building capacities across disciplines, borders, and sectors. Knowledge was be co-created through reciprocal exchange of management experiences (e.g. organization and communication) and stronger technical capacities (high-resolution mapping and big data modelling of multifunctionality), and through integration of ecological knowledge (on species and habitats) and social gains (local identity, equity, justice and economic development, in particular).Beskrivelse


  21. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and bilirubin induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND)

    Yuelian Sun , Rikke Damkjær Maimburg , Chunsen Wu , Jakob Christensen , Julie Werenberg Dreier , John Rosendahl Østergaard , Henrik Toft Sørensen , Jørn Olsen , Jesper Padkær Petersen & Tine Brink Henriksen

    Extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia has largely decreased in the last decades, but moderate hyperbilirubinemia, which may cause subtle bilirubin-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND), is much more prevalent and of concern. More evidence is needed to be able to improve prevention. We will use data on clinical measurements of bilirubin in neonates born in two regions in Denmark (1997-2016) and estimate the association between hyperbilirubinemia and BIND outcomes: 1) developmental milestones in early life, 2) neurologic or neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), auditory neuropathic disorder, epilepsy, and mental retardation, and 3) school performance. We will explore potential dose-response effects in these associations. Furthermore, we will apply a regression discontinuity (RD) design, which is a quasi-experimental study design allowing for rigorous causal inference, to estimate the causal treatment effect of phototherapy in preventing BIND in children with hyperbilirubinemia.Beskrivelse


  22. Re-placing interaction? How ICT influences knowledge sharing and leadership in physically dispersed public organizations

    Anne Mette Møller & Caroline Howard Grøn

    Hvilken betydning har det for ledelse og vidensdeling i offentlige organisationer, når ledere og medarbejdere kommunikerer digitalt frem for ansigt-til-ansigt? Det er hovedspørgsmålet i REPLACE-projektet, som er finansieret af Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond. I projektet gennemfører vi et komparativt kvalitativt studie i seks offentlige organisationer fordelt på tre forskellige sektorer: ældreområdet, dagtilbud og staten. Vi undersøger både organisationer, der er fysisk samlet, og organisationer der er fysisk spredt. Data består af observationer og interview samt lederes og medarbejderes ”digitale fodspor”. Vi kalder det digital etnografi. Formålet med projektet er at identificere mønstre på tværs af forskellige organisatoriske kontekster – med forskellige opgaver, forskellige medarbejdere og forskellig grad af modenhed ift. teknologi. Den viden, der skabes i projektet, vil blive omsat til handlingsrettede anbefalinger til offentlige ledere og medarbejdere.Lægmandssprog


  23. Research project on translation technology: Humans, applications and languages

    Anne Schjoldager , Tina Paulsen Christensen , Kristine Bundgaard & Helle Dam Jensen

    The aim of the HAL network is to provide Danish and international researchers with a research platform for exploring human factors in professional and nonprofessional translation with technology. In doing so, the network aims at strengthening translation technology research (TTR) on the interplay between humans, applications and languages, as a new paradigm within Translation Studies (TS) by developing a shared conceptual, methodological, and didactic framework. Beskrivelse


  24. Solving Challenges In PhD supervision

    Gitte Wichmann-Hansen

    Research question: What factors influence supervisors’ decisions in terminating a supervision relationship?

    The project is an international collaboration between Aarhus University in Denmark, Oslo Metroplitan University in Norway, Jönköping University in Sweden, West University in Sweden, and the University of the Free State in South Africa.Beskrivelse


  25. Sounds of War: The Memory of World war II in Taiwan, East Germany, and Denmark, 1945-2015

    Andreas Steen & Wulf Kansteiner

    The SoundTrak researchers analyse how communities in Taiwan, East Germany and Denmark have been using sound as interpretations of World War II - music, language, tones or even noise – to build a collective memory and collective identity during and after the Cold War. Therefore, SoundTrak takes researchers to audio and media files to find out what sounds were key memorial sites in the three communities and whether the sounds contributed to the development of specific national identities.
    The research is new and exciting because historians and researchers have been very focused on texts and visual media and not so much on audio, although the human listening sense plays an important role for intellectual and emotional orientation in the world. For example, it could turn out that sound is an important source of memory policy and community formation especially for small states with comparatively limited media industries. Last but not least, as we listen to memories of the Second World War in different countries, we can determine whether a kind of transnational memory has developed over the past 70 years.Beskrivelse


  26. The Nordic Network of Religion, Media and Populism

    Henrik Reintoft Christensen , Mia Lövheim , Mona Abdel-Fadil , Katja Valaskivi & Johanna Sumiala

    This a unique interdisciplinary network gathers Nordic scholars sharing special expertise in media studies, study of religion, political science and computational social science to produce new comparative knowledge on how Protestant Christianity and populism are intertwined in the Nordic societies.Beskrivelse


  27. Cirkulerende DNA og cirkulerende celler i diagnostik af maligne trofoblastsygdomme

    Lone Sunde , Mona Kristiansen , Isa Niemann , Jacob Christian Lindegaard , Dorte Launholt Lildballe , Ripudaman Singh , Palle Schelde & Lotte Hatt

    In this project we will develop methods for diagnosing the origin of malignant trophoblastic tumours. With these methods we will analyse the prognostic value of parental origin of the genome in these tumours. Next we will attempt to further refine the methods, in order to improve the follow-up of patients after being treated for a trophoblastic disease. Beskrivelse


  28. Climatic impacts on the availability and transfer of chemical elements through Arctic terrestrial food-chains: a pilot study.

    Floris van Beest & Sophia V. Hansson

    The aim of this pilot study is to provide the first insight into climate change effects on the bioavailability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through Arctic food-chains. All living organisms require minerals and nutrients (i.e. essential elements) to survive, grow, and reproduce. In contrast, contaminants and potentially toxic elements, such as metals/metalloids including lead (Pb) or mercury (Hg) (i.e. non-essential elements) can suppress health and Darwinian fitness. Shifts in local availability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through food-chains can have negative effects across all trophic levels and ultimately on the biodiversity of entire ecosystems. Climate change is believed to impact the biogeochemical processes involved in the deposition, bioavailability, and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through terrestrial food-chains, by influencing aboveground-belowground linkages and trophic interactions. The Arctic tundra provides an ideal setting to study climate-induced shifts in the transfer of these elements as the region is warming rapidly and experiencing dramatic changes in snow regimes. Moreover, long-range transport of contaminants into the region also occurs, causing a serious concern for the health of humans and wildlife. The proposed pilot project will exploit long-term monitoring stations, muskox exclosures, and experimental warming plots in Zackenberg valley (Greenland) to collect the baseline field data needed to quantify climate change impacts on the bioavailability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through local food-chains. By uniting empirical, experimental and predictive modelling approaches the project will deliver i) maps showing spatial and temporal variation in the chemical composition of different soil and vegetation types, ii) quantitative values of essential and non-essential element transfer between trophic levels, and iii) an assessment of how climate change can affect aboveground-belowground linkages and trophic interactions at Zackenberg. The design, results and outputs of this pilot study could set the golden standard for ecosystem monitoring and experimental projects elsewhere in the Arctic. Beskrivelse


  29. Conceptualising and Operationalising Sustainable Education

    Susan Wright

    Circle U seed fundingBeskrivelse


  30. Educators’ perception of ’useful’ digital technologies in university teaching and learning

    Maria Hvid Stenalt & Jesper Aagaard

    COVID-19 has led to large-scale uptake of digital technologies as most courses have been converted into online courses, substituting existing teaching practices, and changing Danish university teaching traditions completely. The large-scale approach raises questions about the role that digital technologies now play in educators’ teaching, which aspects of teaching and learning that digital technologies are perceived to support by educators, legitimized digital practices, and expectations for technology-supported learning.

    This project aims to develop realistic accounts of how digital technologies now form a part of the contemporary teaching experience.


  31. EMODnet chemistry

    Martin Mørk Larsen , Jonas Koefoed Rømer & David Rytter

    European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Lot 5 ChemistryBeskrivelse


  32. Erfarne underviseres beskrivelser af pædagogiske kompetencer i undervisningsportfolier

    Gitte Wichmann-Hansen , Mette Krogh Christensen & Iris Maria Pedersen

    Projektets forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan beskriver erfarne underviserne deres kompetencer i et undervisningsportfolio indenfor henholdsvis det didaktiske og kollegiale handlerum? Beskrivelse


  33. High efficiency membranes and stacks for flow batteries

    Anders Bentien

    Funding Source: Innovation Foundation Denmark.

    • Department of Biological & Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University (PI)
    • Blue World Technologies
    • Visblue
    • DTU Energy
    • The Korean Institute of Science and Technology

    The main objective is to pave the way for a future generation of low-cost stationary redox flow batteries for storage of renewable electricity that will enable the levelised-cost-of-electricity-storage below the €0.05/kWh/cycle. This is considered to be a threshold for disruptive breakthrough of stationary batteries which will be a key component for the transition to a fully renewable based energy system. This highly collaborative project leverages the know-how of two Danish SMEs (DPS and VisBlue) combined with that of leading academic groups in Denmark (AU and DTU) and Korea (KIST) to make PBI based membranes a key material to create a low-cost high-performance stack for VisBlue’s systems.

    Project budget: 2 mio EUR


  34. Nettilsluttede Hybridbatterier

    Anders Bentien

    At udføre forstudie af et nettilsluttet Li-ion/Flow hybridbatteri.

    Målet med projektet er at foretage indledende
    •undersøgelse af forretningsmodeller for nettilsluttede hybridbatterier
    •optimering af dimensionering af hybridbatteri (kapacitet/effekt)
    •beskrivelse af arkitektur (power-elektronik, el-diagrammer for hybridisering, evt. fysisk opbygning af containere)
    •beskrivelse af styring/kontrol af hybridbatteriet
    Det overordnede formål er skabe grundlag for en Go/NoGo beslutning omkring opbygning/demonstration af et hybridt batteri på stor skala.

    Project budget: 53 kEUR

    Funding Source
    Energy Cluster Denmark

