Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Cattle Feed in Take - CFIT

    Martin Riis Weisbjerg , Søren Østergaard , Troels Kristensen , Jan Lassen , Peter Løvendahl , Jørgen Rind Thomasen , Lars Arne Hjort Nielsen , Anders Fogh & Samantha Joan Noel

    This project will generate new data for individual cow feed intake. This will be a game changer in dairy cattleproduction going from optimization of management on herd level to optimization for the individual cow.

    Projektet er finansieret af InnovationsfondenBeskrivelse


  2. Cattle Feed InTake - CFIT

    Jan Lassen , Peter Løvendahl & Goutam Sahana

    Center for Kvantitativ Genetik og Genomforskning (QGG) ved Aarhus Universitet i Foulum er den primære forskningsdeltager I CFIT-projektet med i alt 43 månedsværk for seniorforskere og 110 månedsværk for postdocs i projektplanlægningen. QGGs forskning skal udvikle de statistiske modeler, der skal analysere 3D billeddata så man kan forudsigefodereffektivitet, negativ energibalance, vanførhed og tidlig advarsel om syge dyr. I samarbejde med SEGES skal QGG udvikle genomiske evalueringsmodeller for CFIT træk, og i samarbejde med ANIS skal QGG evaluere CFIT-trækkenes økonomi i avlsmålet.Beskrivelse


  3. Effekten af ultralydsskanning af gravide på højrisiko fødsler henvist til Masanga Hospitalet i det landlige Sierra Leone

    Matilde Have Kallesøe , Emmeli Fredsgaard R Mikkelsen , Niels Uldbjerg , Monica Kujabi & Susanne Haas

    Formålet med studiet er at undersøge effekten af et opsøgende tilbud om ultralydsskanning i graviditeten på antallet og udfaldet af højrisikofødsler på Masanga Hospitalet i det landlige Sierra Leone.
    I de landlige områder i Sierra
    Leone føder omkring 17% af gravide kvinder udenfor et hospital, hvilket kan have fatale konsekvenser for især højrisiko gravide og deres ufødte barn. Vores hypotese er, at nogle komplikationer kan forebygges ved at ultralydsscanne og herved identificere højrisiko gravide, så de kan rådes til at føde på
    Vi undersøger periodeprævalensen af højrisikofødsler på Masanga Hospitalet, periodeprævalensen af mødre- og spædbørnsdødeligheden samt svære fødselskomplikationer hos moderen før og efter implementeringen af ultralydsskanning på 4 sundhedscentre i oktober 2020.
    Dette studie kan belyse effekten af opsøgende ultralydsskanning og diskutere implementering heraf flere steder i Sierra Leone og andre lavindkomstlande.Beskrivelse


  4. Global Governance Beyond Neoliberalism

    Hagen Schulz-Forberg

    The last quarter century of war and economic crisis has revealed many of the limitations of international institutions, ending the era of liberal triumphalism which succeeded the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The period since 2008, characterized by acute economic crisis, the return of apparent great power rivalries, a threat of wider war between nuclear powers, is also accompanied by the historic acceleration of inflation and low growth globally. These developments, alongside a weakening of the liberal democratic order in general, suggest that the process of globalization itself – however illusory its promises for sustained economic dynamism once were – is also now being reversed.

    What are the underlying causes of the contemporary breakdown of globalization, flagging growth of the world economy, and the rise in militarism, including the militarization of much of civil society? Do such developments in turn mean that the neoliberal paradigm which informed globalization is likewise undergoing a fundamental change, or that it is itself being superseded? If the latter, by what, and driven by which political forces, deciding among which alternatives?

    The present era of historic transformation and crisis raises questions about how nearly all extant international and national institutions, official and civil, will respond and attempt to resolve the many contradictions now besieging them. A semester-long seminar series, one component of a project studying the world beyond neoliberalism, will be a venue for discussions among analysts of recent and contemporary history. The seminar will address a wide range of topics: from the state of international law, economic history, political theory, geopolitics and the interstate balance of power, to transformations in media and the arts. Beskrivelse


  5. HYBRIDA: Embedding a comprehensive ethical dimension to organoid-based research and resulting technologies

    Mads P. Sørensen , Tine Ravn , Mette Lindhart Falkenberg & Louise Isgaard Saugstrup

    HYBRIDA is a Horizon 2020 project that will develop a conceptual and regulatory framework for organoid research consisting of: (a) Operational guidelines for the field, (b) a code of conduct (CoC) for researchers in academia and industry, (c) a set of contributions to existing ethics and normative frameworks and, if needed, (d) a supplement to the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ECoC). HYBRIDA runs from 2021 until 2024. It involves eight partners: University of Oslo (coordinator), National Technical University of Athens, University of Manchester, Université Catholique de Louvain, Aarhus University (CFA), Leiden University Medical Center, French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, and Insubria University in Italy. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006012. Beskrivelse


  6. Monitoring long-transported pollution in Greenland biota 2020-2023

    Jens Søndergaard , Rune Dietz , Christian Sonne , Katrin Vorkamp , Rossana Bossi & R Frank

    Project granted by The Danish Environmental Protection Agency under the programme: ‘Miljøstøtte til Arktis’.Beskrivelse


  7. Performance of activities of daily living after surviving a cardiac arrest

    Lola Qvist Kristensen

    Frequently reported problems after surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, include difficulties when performing daily activities, carrying out family roles and returning to work. Early assessment of both cognitive function and the ability to perform daily activities are valuable means for making rehabilitative interventions and provide the support needed for the patient. This PhD project will explore how OHCA survivors manage their lives after discharge from hospital. Especially with the focus to investigate possible predicors in the ADL ability of long-term ADL ability, quality of life and work status. But also to highlight that rehabilitation for cardiac arrest survivors may be worth investing in. This will be carried out through a prospective cohort study and a nationwide register-based cost-of-illness study.Beskrivelse


  8. Pharmacokinetics of azithromycin: an experimental porcine model

    Mads Kristian Duborg Mikkelsen & Maiken Stilling

    Research Year Project (Diploma Project)Beskrivelse


  9. Professional Women at Aarhus University

    Pernille Svare Nygaard , Astrid Elkjær Sørensen , Ning de Coninck-Smith & Maria Tamboukou

    My PhD project is part of a larger research project, led by Professor Ning de Coninck-Smith, concerning women in higher education in Denmark during the 20th and 21st Century. My project, Professional Women at Aarhus University 1938-1968, is based on archive material, especially diaries, letters and personal accounts from the women who were enrolled in the higher educational programs within nursing and health care, home economics and occupational and physiotherapy at Aarhus University.

    In my research, I want to highlight the female perspective on being a part of university on one hand and educated within a - typical of the time - female profession on the other hand. I want to investigate who the women were, what they learned along the way, how they felt about their position and which academic identities they evolved. Also, I am searching to understand why Aarhus University opened for these profession-oriented educations in the first place, and how the development until today, where Danish women are in the majority in higher educations, can be explained with the professionally educated women’s access to further education at Aarhus University. Beskrivelse


  10. Social Inequality in Medical Treatment

    Amanda Paust

    Ph.d.-project Beskrivelse


  11. Supporting Pregnancy fOOd and Nutrition Security (SPOONS) in Denmark'smost marginalized neighbourhoods

    Luseadra Joy McKerracher

    A mixed methods research project aimed at understanding social, economic, and political causes and health and social consequences of food insecurity in expecting parents and families with young children living in Denmark, with a particular focus on marginalized neighbourhoods. Beskrivelse


  12. The psychology of administrative burden

    Martin Bækgaard

    All across the world, people experience burdens in their daily interactions with the public administration. Citizens applying for welfare benefits have to fill in complicated forms to prove eligibility, they often have to show up at public offices to apply and re-apply or to prove continued eligibility, and they often face long waiting times. They may also face requirements that seem unnecessary and indicative of mistrust, such as when they are told to provide excessive information beyond what is needed to prove eligibility for benefits programs or when unemployed people are asked to update their CVs on a weekly basis to maintain eligibility for unemployment benefits.

    The POAB project offers insights into the psychological processes by which individuals experience burdens when dealing state actions tied to welfare benefit programs. In order to effectively mitigate administrative burden and inequalities in citizens’ experiences of these burdens, we need a deep understanding of the psychological processes by which individuals experience burdens when dealing with state actions. We will identify and explain how, why, and for whom state actions are experienced as burdensome.Beskrivelse


  13. Time and Again in Gettysburg: Restaging America and its Civil Wars Today

    Mads Daugbjerg

    This book-writing project, made possible by a monograph grant from the Carlsberg Foundation, is about how the conflicts of the past inform the conflicts of the present in USA today. It will be based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted since 2010 at and around Gettysburg, an iconic battlefield of the American Civil War (1861–65) and nowadays a key node in an extensive heritage tourism network with millions of annual visitors. I suggest that a deep study of this place, its people and its tensions can serve as a unique window for understanding the current struggles enveloping the American nation. I also argue that to do so, we must pay particular heed to the human management and experience of time – of how materials and emotions from the past are appropriated, recycled, and revised in the present – as a key element in the ongoing shaping of heritage and identity. In an era where identities and historical truths are ceaselessly challenged, the book’s wider ambition is to retheorize the role of time and temporal experience in studies of heritage and collective memory.Beskrivelse


  14. Velfærdsvurdering af dyr på afstand –vurdering af indikatorer og tekniske hjælpemidler

    Britt I. F. Henriksen & Janne Winther Christensen

    Formålet med projektet har været at evaluere hvilke eksisterende tekniske hjælpemidler som kan være et supplement til fysisk opsyn med dyrene ved velfærdsvurdering i områder som er svært tilgængelige, eller hvor dyrene er svære at komme tæt på. Vi har vurdere i hvilket omfang droner kan være et hjælpemiddel ved vurdering af velfærdsindikatorer, samt hvordan man kan undersøge om ændring i social adfærd målt som afstand til andre individer via billeder og elektroniske øremærker eller GPS-halsbånd, kan indikere sygdom eller mistrivsel. Der er indsamlet viden og erfaringer fra andre projekter via webinar og EAAP-konference (særligt projekter som TeckCare og Sm@rt), samt via review af videnskabelige publikationer. Der blev også gennemført et pilotprojekt vedr. huldvurdering af heste og overflyvning med drone med henblik på optagelse af fotomateriale til huldvurdering.



  15. Quasi-Experimental Study across 25 Danish Municipalities: Effectiveness and Secondary Effects of the Incredible Years Training Program for Parents of Young Children with Disruptive Behavior

    Lea Tangelev Greve

    Projektet undersøger effekten af forældretræningsforløbet De Utrolige År (DUÅ) på børns udadreagerende adfærd blandt 842 familier med børn i alderen 2-12 år. Kommunerne fik støtte af Socialministeriet til at implementere DUÅ som led i en national strategi om at udbrede evidensbaserede metoder på børne- og unge socialområdet. 21 kommunerne indsamlede data fra deltagerne over årene 2012-2019 til en database ved Socialministeriet. Indsamlingen af data er således foretaget i praksis af praktikere, uafhængigt af forskermiljøer.Beskrivelse


  16. Fencing the Feral - Biosecurity and the Invasive Other in the Danish-German Borderlands

    Michael Eilenberg & Annika Pohl Harrisson

    This research project will investigate the radical transformations of the social and natural landscape in the Danish-German borderland, caused by the construction of a wildlife fence in order to prevent the migration of wild boars and the spread of Classical Swine Fever. It will analyze how national spaces and borders are co-produced through the spatial strategies of fencing, discourses of biosecurity and the invasive other. The project explores how technological interventions like wildlife fencing relate to larger political narratives of walls, borders and flows. It is the project’s hypotheses that biosecurity barriers through wildlife fencing in the Danish borderlands (and beyond) besides being a key driver for the reordering of the natural and social landscape and a general heightened securitization of the borderland, also provide important insight into the particular ways in which feral species like wild boars are portrayed and politized.



  17. GreenBlueProcess

    Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard

    Underlying mechanisms behind biocheical changes in green and blue biomasses during processing and storage (CBIO, GSTS) Beskrivelse


  18. Green Transition in Lower-Secondary Education: A Mixed-Methods Study of Quality Teaching in Danish Schools

    Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard

    The ambition of the project is to investigate how lower-secondary students and
    teachers experience the quality of teaching dealing with green transition, and to do
    so to develop new quality criteria for green transition teaching. The conceptually
    clear elaboration of such criteria for quality teaching are needed to rectify the
    overly cognitive teaching style that dominates much contemporary green transition
    teaching. Through four work packages, the project carries out two explorative case
    studies of three critical case schools currently adapting UN’s 17 sustainable
    development goals in the attempt to realise the ideal of education for sustainable
    development. The project then carries out a survey study of students and teachers
    at public, private and free schools. Finally, the project develops new quality criteria
    for green transition teaching in Danish lower-secondary education contexts, which
    will assist teachers and leaders in the educational adaptation of green transition.


  19. Media, Security Crises and Youth

    Poul Erik Nielsen , Teke Ngomba & Heidi Boysen

    Research network on Media, Security Crises and Youth in the Sahel countries funded by FKKBeskrivelse


  20. NON-Fôr

    Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard

    NON-Food Organic Resources-based feeds optimised for salmon until post-smolt stages, a ~7 mill DKK project financed by NordForsk. We focus optimization of the extrusion processBeskrivelse


  21. Nye samarbejds- og organiseringsformer til fremme af læring, trivsel og udvikling i den danske folkeskole: Udbredelse, ledelse, kompetenceudvikling og effekter

    Lars Qvortrup , Mathias Merrild Roerup Thorborg , Anne Mette Kjeldsen , Bente Bjørnholt , Jakob Majlund Holm & Mads Thau

    Fagprofessionelles samarbejde i folkeskolen kan potentielt styrke motivationen blandt de ansatte, højne undervisningens kvalitet samt øge elevernes læring og trivsel. Men samarbejdets indhold, organisering og ledelse er afgørende for, hvorvidt og hvordan det sker. Det er udgangspunktet for dette projekt. Projektet vil undersøge, i hvilket omfang og hvordan de fagprofessionelle samarbejder i skolen, konsekvenserne og effekterne heraf, samt hvordan man organisatorisk og ledelsesmæssigt bedst understøtter et samarbejde, der kan forbedre undervisningens kvalitet og styrke elevernes læring, trivsel og udvikling. Projektet er således helt centralt for udvikling af det fagprofessionelle samarbejde i grundskolen og for udvikling af den danske folkeskole generelt med afsæt i professionalisme samt elevernes læring, trivsel og udvikling. Beskrivelse


  22. Polymer Brushes for Energy Storage

    Dorthe Ravnsbæk

    Co-PI on Innovation Fond Denmark Industrial post doc project in collaboration RadisurfBeskrivelse



    Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard

    Total Value Chain Optimization of seaweeds Furcellaria lumbricalis, A bioeconomical ALGAE demonstration, granted by ERANET-BLUEBIO, 9.8 mill DKK. We focus on biorefinery of Furcellaria lumbricalis and are investigating the red pigment phycoerythrin and the protein fraction with respect to food quality.Beskrivelse


  24. AI billedpraksisser som digitalt medborgerskab

    Lotte Philipsen

    Projektets formål er 1): at undersøge, hvilke roller nye computer-billedpraksisser drevet af kunstig intelligens kan komme til at spille i udvik-ling af medborgerskab og 2): at bruge disse indsigter som fundament for en større projektansøgning om visuelt, digitalt medborgerskab.

    Konkret undersøger projektet disse spørgsmål ved at gennemføre fire kunstnerdrevne workshops med eksterne partnere, et fælles seminar, samt en afsluttende skriveworkshop i 2023. Aktiviteterne udføres i regi af Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images: https://cc.au.dk/en/aiimBeskrivelse


  25. All Geopolitics is Local: Russia’s Turn to Africa and Its Implications for the UN System

    Jonas Gejl Kaas & Elias Götz

    All Geopolitics is Local: Russia’s Turn to Africa and Its Implications for the UN System

    In an emergency session of the UN General Assembly on 2 March 2022, 28 African countries condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Only Eritrea’s rabidly anti-Western government sided with Moscow (along with Belarus, North Korea, and Syria). However, 17 African states abstained while another 8 did not show up for the vote. African countries thus accounted for more than two thirds of the 35 abstentions. On 23 February 2023, Ghana was the only out of three African states that are currently members of the Security Council that voted in favor of a General Assembly resolution urging Russia to stop the war in Ukraine; Mozambique and Gabon abstained. Mali joined Eritrea in voting no. It is also noteworthy that hardly any African state followed the West’s lead in imposing economic sanctions or trade restrictions on Russia. This caught many Western observers and diplomats by surprise.

    For Denmark, as a member of the UN Peacebuilding Commission with aspirations for a seat in the Security Council, it is of utmost importance to understand Africa’s changing geopolitical and diplomatic landscape. Indeed, during a previous DIIS event with participants from the Danish Foreign Ministry, questions about Russia’s increased activism in Africa and its implications came up repeatedly.

    In this context, the following questions are relevant:

    • What tools and tactics does Russia employ to seek influence on political decision-making in Africa?
    • To what extent is Russia able to affect the political alignment choices and UN voting behavior of African governments? And how, if at all, has Russia’s war in Ukraine affected the UN agendas and activities of Africa’s three elected Security Council members?
    • What does this mean for the West, and especially for Denmark’s prospective membership and activities in the UN Security Council?

    The proposed project seeks to address these questions by proceeding in three steps. First, to set the stage, we provide an overview of Russia’s stepped-up engagement in Africa, which includes various forms of food, vaccine, and nuclear diplomacy as well as weapons sales. In particular, however, we focus on how the Kremlin uses parastatal military companies such as the notorious Wagner group in combination with information operations and deployment of “political consultants” to influence local and national level events and actors.

    Second, we assess the impact of Russia’s activities on the alignment choices and UN voting behavior of African governments. Our pre-studies indicate that Russia rarely has been able to affect how African states vote in UN forums through the provision of material assistance. Instead, Russia has been more successful in influencing the geopolitical orientation, and thus voting behavior, of African states through shaping domestic and/or regional narratives. We unpack and explore our pre-findings more thoroughly in the proposed project. In extension, we provide a systematic assessment of the voting behavior of Africa’s three elected Security Council members (known as A3) and discuss to what extent and how their UN agendas have changed in the post-February 2022 context.

    Third, based on this, the project explores opportunities and constraints from a (Western) small state perspective of how to deal effectively with African states in the Security Council. Specifically, it investigates three ideal-typical strategies: (1) Pragmatist deal making, which refers to an approach of combining a low-key stance on matters involving great power rivalry with cooperative engagement on issues such as peacekeeping, aid programs, and humanitarian disaster relief. (2) Competitive norm entrepreneurship, which refers to an approach of promoting liberal notions of political and economic development, but also directly challenging Russian-promoted narratives. (3) Nudging, which refers to an approach of using formal and informal practices in the Security Council to subtly influence the position of African states. The project discusses the benefits and pitfalls of each strategy, aiming to identify the conditions under which one or the other approach are most likely to be successful. By highlighting the opportunities and challenges of each strategy, the project provides hands-on recommendations to assist Denmark in fulfilling its commitment to safeguard an international order based on rules and right.


  26. Angst: Hvad gør vi med klimaet

    Kenni Eilert , Rasmus Mondrup & Ida Grundfør Richter

    Angst is a collaborative film project where we are exploring the everyday experiences of climate change. Applying our knowledge from anthropology we explore along with the research participants the manifold encounters between "the climate", our everyday lives and everyday praxis in Denmark. The project explores both the affective dimension of climate change and the many ways this can determine how one lives one's life and what choices one makes in the everyday. Beskrivelse


  27. Animal contact

    Karen Thodberg , Janne Winther Christensen , Poul B Videbech , Lene Vase , Sigrid Juhl Lunde & Lene Høeg Fuglsang-Damgaard

    Dyre-assisteret terapi (DAT) er i vækst og har potentialet til at blive et vigtigt ikke-farmakologisk supplement til behandling af mennesker med f.eks. psykisk sygdom, stress eller udviklingsforstyrrelser. Forskning viser, at anvendelsen af dyr i terapeutisk behandling kan have betydelige effekter på forskellige målgrupper, men det er ikke klart, hvad det specifikt er ved kontakten til dyr, der påvirker behandlingsresultatet.
    Projektet er inddelt i 4 arbejdspakker, hvor vi i de første identificer og udvælger hvilke fysiologiske, psykologiske og adfærdsmæssige mål for effekten af forskellige grader af kontakt til dyr. I sidste halvdel af projektet undersøger vi plejehjemsbeboeres og militærveteraners umiddelbare reaktion på kontakt og samvær med hunde ved hjælp af de udvalgte mål.
    Projektet er finansieret af TrygFonden.Beskrivelse


  28. Automatisk insektmonitering på fondens arealer - natsommerfugle som eksempel

    Toke Thomas Høye , Kim Bjerge & Mads Dyrmann

    Dette projekt har til formål at implementere et billedbaseret insektovervågningssystem med fokus på natsommerfugle på udvalgte Aage V. Jensens Fonde naturområder og vurdere metodens anvendelighed til brug for en bredere biodiversitetskortlægning og -overvågning. Vi vil fokusere på lysåbne fugtige og tørre arealer, hvor vi vurderer at samspillet mellem naturforvaltning og naturlig klimatisk dynamik vil afspejle sig i natsommerfuglenes forekomst, artssammensætning, og sæsondynamik. Data vil belyse betydningen af naturtilstand og habitattype samt vejrforhold.Beskrivelse


  29. Boghvedes egnethed og kvalitet til økologisk fødevareproduktion

    Ulla Kidmose & Johannes Ravn Jørgensen

    Formålet er at undersøge kvaliteten af forskellige boghvedesorters frøfraktioner, dyrket under danske forhold. Denne viden vil give et grundlag for kommende boghvedeproducenter og fødevareindustrier der ønsker produktion af danske boghvedeprodukter med forskellige kvalitetsegenskaber.Beskrivelse
