Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Integrated assessment of Atlantic marine ecosystems in space and time (iAtlantic)

    Christian Mohn & Eva Friis Møller

    Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, iAtlantic will - for the first time - undertake an ocean-wide approach to understanding the factors that control the distribution, stability and vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems. Work will span the full scale of the Atlantic basin, from the tip of Argentina in the south to Iceland in the north, and from the east coasts of USA and Brazil to the western margins of Europe and Africa. Central to the project's success is the international collaboration between scientists throughout the Atlantic region, with sharing of expertise, equipment, infrastructure, data and personnel placed at the forefront of iAtlantic's approach. Beskrivelse


  2. Konservering af grovfoder for god proteinkvalitet

    Marianne Johansen , Martin Riis Weisbjerg & Egil Prestløkken

    The project EngProt addresses the challenge of increasing the proportion of domestic and human-inedible protein sources in Norwegian ruminant diets. Presently, silages contribute the major part of the crude protein fraction, but their direct and indirect supply of amino acids that can be absorbed in the small intestine (AAT) is very variable. Cost-efficient measures in forage production that sustain a high silage AAT value will be sought developed in the project, and the basic idea is that highly controlled, restricted fermentation during preservation has a considerable potential in this regard. Previous research has confirmed that crop wilting and/or application of acid additives and salts restrict fermentation and preserve water soluble carbohydrates, prevent proteolysis and improve silage AAT. There are indications that both the fraction of rumen undegraded protein and microbial protein synthesis are affected in situ, but positive responses in milk production remain to be validated. These relationships will be investigated in digesta flow studies and production experiments with high yielding cows. Preservation experiments at laboratory scale will be conducted in order to define targeted fermentation patterns for different crops and to find the best options for controlling fermentation. The findings from the experiments will lastly be inputs to feed optimizing models prescribing diets at differing milk yields and then further analysed in a bio-economic linear
    programming model that establishes optimal farming systems and economic rewards of different silage productions regimes. The model also produces outputs that enable an investigation of constraints and environmental consequences of improved silage protein value in the Norwegian dairy milk production sector.
    The project is funded by the The Research Council of Norway.Beskrivelse


  3. LAR Vejbed

    Kai Bester


  4. Muligheder for at nedbringe landbrugets drivhusgasudledning ved ekstensiveret drift og udtagning af lavbundsjorde

    Jesper Riis Christiansen , Poul Erik Lærke , Klaus Steenberg Larsen & Jeroen Pullens

    Lavbundsjorde i omdrift er årsag til 32% af landbrugets samlede drivhusgasudledning i Danmark. Udtagning og ekstensivering af drift på lavbundsjorde er derfor vigtige virkemidler til at reducere landbrugets klimabelastning. Det er centralt at hæve vandspejlet, hvilket nedbringer udslippet af kuldioxid fra nedbrydning af jordens organiske materiale, men samtidig kan der dannes ideelle forhold for produktion af de stærkere drivhusgasser metan og lattergas. Der findes kun få målinger af den samlede drivhusgasbalance, der inkluderer alle tre primære drivhusgasser, for udtagne jorde i Danmark, og ingen der inddrager udviklingen af systemet over tid. Derfor er klimaeffekten ved udtagning som virkemiddel behæftet med stor usikkerhed.
    Vi vil måle den samlede årlige drivhusgasbalance på arealer med forskellige typer af udtagning på lavbundsarealer, inkluderende ekstensiveret drift med fortsat biomasseproduktion og forskellige dybder til vandspejlet samt forskellige udviklingsstadier af naturlig tilgroning i årene efter udtagning.
    Målet er at forbedre datagrundlaget markant for drift og forvaltning af udtagne lavbundsjorde, f.eks. ved skånsom biomasseproduktion eller ved at regulere vandstanden for at optimere klimagevinsten. Med de nye data vil vi udvikle et beregningsværktøj, der forbedrer bestemmelsen af specifikke emissionsfaktorer for drivhusgasser for danske lavbundsjorde baseret på gasudvekslingens årlige dynamik som funktion af områdets hydrologi, jordbundskemi og vegetation.


  5. Musikalske Besøgsvenner

    Nanna Schneidermann , Kenni Eilert , Amalie Bakkær Munk Andersen & Tanja Kronborg Hansen

    Projektet Musikalske Besøgsvenner er et samarbejde mellem Dansk Rock Samråd (ROSA) og Center for Kollaborativ Anthropologi og Samskabelse ved Aarhus Universitet. Det undersøger musikkens sundheds- og trivselsfremmende potentiale i forhold til ensomme borgere igennem en række musikalske besøg/intimkoncerter i deltagernes hjem sammen med disses besøgsvenner (formidlet via diverse besøgstjenester).

    Det metodemæssige omdrejningspunkt for projektet er samskabelse; imellem ensomme og deres besøgsvenner, komponister og forskere og specialestuderende fra Aarhus Universitet.
    Vi sætter kunstnere/komponister og borgerne sammen i et musikalsk møde og undersøger om der sker en værdiskabelse: hvad er udbyttet for de medvirkende ensomme borgere/besøgsvenneparrene? Hvilke udvekslinger og transformationer sker der i mødet med komponisten? Og ligeledes: Hvad er det kreative udbytte og betydningen af mødet for kunstneren/komponisten?

    Derudover udforsker projektet innovative og inkluderende koncertformater i en tid hvor koncerter generelt er vanskeligt at gennemføre på grund af COVID-19, og undersøger hvordan det at gentænke konventionelle kulturelle former, kan føre til et mere inkluderende kulturliv.

    De involverede i projektet (komponister, borgere og besøgstjenester) vil blive inddraget i at svare på disse spørgsmål og skabe ny viden ved spørgeskemaundersøgelser for alle deltagere, dels i forbindelse med selve besøget (umiddelbare erfaringer og oplevelser) og ved projektets afslutning (langtidseffekter).


  6. Origen on Gender

    Lavinia Cerioni

    My project aims to investigates to what extent Origen of Alexandria used the feminine as an intellectual category, that is, as a rhetorical and literary code for expressing theological doctrines. The majority of studies on women and gender have only marginally discussed the works of such a renown third century theologian, since Origen does not fit the dichotomous paradigm of research in this field, traditionally divided between “gender studies” and “women’s studies”. Rather, he employed the feminine as a philosophical and theological category to express his trinitarian, anthropological and ecclesiological doctrines. My project will be conducted in three following steps, each one focused on a specific objective. First, I will identify and list all the occurrences in which the feminine is employed as an intellectual category in Origen’s literary production. Secondly, I will contextualise these passages within Origen’s overall theology. Thirdly, I will identify antecedent traditions which held similar beliefs about the feminine and from which Origen could have drawn. I am well suited for this task, as I am trained in historical theological methods of investigation and have already conducted research on feminine imagery in early Christianity. Moreover, my project is innovative in the field as there are only a handful of studies which considers the feminine as an intellectual category, and none of them concerns Origen of Alexandria. Aarhus University is the perfect match to my project, as my proposed supervisor (Prof. Anders-Christian Jacobsen) is an expert on Origen of Alexandria and the other members of staff are experts in Origen’s reception history and trained in literary analysis of early Christian texts.Beskrivelse


  7. Ph.d.-projekt: Use of fluorescence in thyroid operations

    Rasmus Reinke

    Hovedvejleder: Lars Rolighed
    Medvejledere: Lars Rejnmark, Stefano Londero og Martin AlmquistBeskrivelse


  8. PlantPro

    Maartje Mulders , Jessica Aschemann-Witzel , Meike Janssen , Maureen Schulze & Michael Bom Frøst

    PlantPro contributes to accelerating an efficient green consumer behaviour transition towards more plant-rich diets and reduced food waste.Beskrivelse


  9. Reaching Young Audiences: Serial Fiction and Cross-Media Storyworlds for Children and Young Audiences

    Jakob Freudendal , Pia Majbritt Jensen , Eva Novrup Redvall , Christa Lykke Christensen , Petar Mitric & Katrine B. Christensen

    The media use and viewing habits of children and young people have changed dramatically in the past few years. Fictional content and ‘media snacks’ on Netflix and YouTube are now a major part of their media diet while their encounters with national film, TV and online fiction are declining. If national productions and perspectives are still to have an impact among Danish children and young
    audiences – as explicitly stated in the film agreement and the public service contract – now is the time to carefully esearch how to best reach this audience and further scholarly theories about digital childhoods and industry notions of conducive production practices. The aim of this research project is to provide detailed knowledge about the national production and audience reception of serial fiction and cross-media storyworlds for older children and teenagers by offering in-depth analysis through three closely linked research work packages focusing on: 1) the
    understandings of childhood in a digital media landscape among commissioners and producers of content for children and teenagers; 2) the development and production strategies behind successful public service fictional content for this target group; and 3) the reception of these productions and other content among young audiences and their notions of quality and relevance in this regard.Beskrivelse


  10. Tidligere og tydeligere arkæologiske udgravninger - potentialer i nye hurtigmetoder

    Søren M. Kristiansen , Charlotte Rasmussen , Anna Katarina Ejgreen Tjelldén , Lars Krants Larsen , David Stott , Niels Nørkjær Johannsen & Søren Michael Sindbæk

    Fra Augustinus Fonden er der givet støtte til TITAN projektet der skal undersøge om et paradigmeskift er muligt i feltarkæologi ved at afprøve nye metoder til undersøgelse af kulturlag, der kan implementeres tidligere i undersøgelsesprocessen.Beskrivelse


  11. VEGMILK: Milk and its plant based alternatives - Linking process load and protein qualities

    Lotte Bach Larsen , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Søren Drud-Heydary Nielsen & Ida Schwartz Roland

    A diet rich in plant-based foods and with fewer animal source foods confers both improved health and environmental benefits. This has resulted in an expanding market for plant-based protein alternatives, e.g. for vegan milk alternatives. However, the nutritional quality of these plant based products vary a lot, while heavy processing may affect quality and digestibility and thus the nutritional value considerably. During processing both dairy and plant-derived proteins undergo heat induced denaturation and chemical changes and modifications. Some of these changes include molecular modifications of essential amino acids, like lysines, through complex pathways (e.g. Maillard and/or lysinoalanine pathways). This can lead to protein crosslinks and aggregation. Even though both animal and plant based proteins undergo various processing steps prior to consumption, typically, the steps plant proteins undergo are more severe due to the process of isolating/extruding, up-concentration and re-mixing with other ingredients to make the plant-based drinks.

    The goal of the VEGMILK project is to establish a method platform for specific molecular markers for process load and history of food proteins using advanced quantitative mass spectrometric methods, and perform comparative studies of the proteins in milk and its vegan alternatives. This is to ensure that these new vegan proteins or plant/animal protein mixtures support healthy diets.


  12. DigiGlass-Machine learning empowered digitalization to boost circular use and sustainability in glass fiber large scale manufacturing

    Michail Beliatis , Jalil Boudjadar & Alexandros Iosifidis

    This project goal is to develop a joint mini educational demo and a feasibility study where existing ML/machine vision libraries are evaluated for suitability on identifying different type of GF materials, their texture, size, and geometry, as well as the position in the shop floor space for enabling a virtual robotic arm (digital twin) to accomplish the separation and sorting task of different materials.Beskrivelse


  13. Ph.d.-projekt: Diagnostic work-up and treatment of patients with cancer of unknown primary in the head and neck

    Signe Bergliot Nielsen

    Hovedvejleder: Thomas Kjærgaard
    Medvejledere: Jens Overgaard og Christian GodballeBeskrivelse


  14. Familieliv i en coronatid

    Ida Wentzel Winther , Karen Ida Dannesboe , Nana Clemensen , Dorte Kousholt & Nanna Jordt Jørgensen

    Den 11. marts 2020 blev 1,3 millioner børn sendt hjem. Pludselig skulle familien være ramme for både hjemmeskole af de store børn, pasning af de små, omsorg og hjemmearbejde på samme tid. Projektet undersøger familiernes nye hverdagsliv under Corona: Hvordan organiseres og håndteres hverdagen i lyset af Corona-epidemiens risici og restriktioner, eksempelvis alt efter om man bor i hus med have, i en lille lejlighed, om familien består af børn i mange aldre, er en kerne- eller skilsmissefamilie, eller om nogen i familien er særligt sårbare.
    I projektet medvirker 50 familier, fra forskellige familietyper (socialt, uddannelsesmæssigt og geografisk). Forskerne gennemfører online interviews med både voksne og børn og samtidig bliver der indsamlet et meget stort materiale fra familierne i form af videodagbøger, film, børnetegninger mm.


  15. EUdaphobase: European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection

    Paul Henning Krogh , Anne Winding & Mette Vestergård Madsen

    European authorities and stakeholders urgently need reliable tools for monitoring and evaluating the environmental condition of soils within policy assessment in context of numerous EU directives. The focus of the EUdaphobase Action is on creating the structures and procedures necessary for developing an open Europe-wide soil biodiversity data infrastructure. The ultimate goal of EUdaphobase is to establish a pan-European soil-biological data and knowledge warehouse, which can be used for understanding, protecting and sustainably managing soils, their biodiversity and functions. A focal approach is to combine available soil biota's distributional & trait data with indispensable environmental metadata to gain insight into functional relationships in soils and to predict the state of ecosystem services (ESS). The activities follow an information flow from data providers to users of assessment tools. The data warehouse will host and allow open sharing of data. Intermediate in the project is developing standardized terminologies, data quality-control protocols and ecological traits used as proxies for soil ESS. The Action will curate, harmonize, quality check and standardize existing data according to protocols agreed upon during the Action. Innovative procedures to operationalize assessments of the state of soil concerning biodiversity and ESS will be offered. For this, specific analytical tools will be developed for applied uses of policy, management and regulatory agencies. These tools will recognize and visualize (i.e. on maps) functional biological characteristics of soils related to type, use and management practices as well as determine and delineate ecosystem services, baselines, relationships and set the basis for forecasting changes.Beskrivelse


  16. EcoStack: Stacking of ecosystems services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity

    Christopher John Topping , James Henty Williams , Astrid Holm Andersen , Peet Thomsen , Luna Kondrup Marcussen , Elzbieta Ziolkowska , Natasha Mølgaard , Jordan Chetcuti , Bjarke Damsgaard Eriksen & Toke Thomas Høye

    Agriculture has to face the great challenge of balancing the demand for high productivity, imposed by the global increase of human population, with environmental impacts and social acceptability of new production strategies. EcoStack will develop ecologically, economically and socially sustainable crop production strategies via stacking of biodiversity service providers and bio-inspired tools for crop protection, within and around agricultural fields, in order enhance sustainability of food production systems across Europe.Beskrivelse


  17. PhD Project - Developing entrepreneurial universities of applied science

    Michael Breum Ramsgaard

    Despite the extraordinary attention that entrepreneurship education (EE) is attracting within academic programmes worldwide, there is still little scientific understanding of the mechanisms of the contextualized pedagogical practices within EE. This calls for theory development to comprehend and advance the general theoretical knowledge of the relationship between the context of the entrepreneurial university (EUni) and pedagogical practice of EE.

    In this PhD project, I will study the institutional and pedagogical practices involved in the process of developing an entrepreneurial UAS. The aim of the thesis is to build on existing research within EE to expand it by adding a more applied educational setting (i.e., a UAS). Another aim is to examine EE practices from the perspectives of educators and students to deepen the understanding of applied and contextualised EE. The overall purpose is to contribute with improved and better-contextualised theories of how understandings of EUnis interact with pedagogical and didactical understandings at a microlevel perspective of EE in the UAS context.Beskrivelse


  18. Violence and Warfare in the Nordic Corded Ware Complex 2900‐2300 BCE

    Helle Vandkilde & Anna Tornberg

    The last decade of archaeo‐genetic research has revealed substantial biocultural changes setting forth in Europe around and after 2900 BCE. In the Nordic region, the First Farmer population vanished, fled into retreats or became absorbed by Corded Ware lineages of the newcomers whose genetic ancestry traces back to pastoralists of the Eurasian Steppe. Researchers currently discuss causes, effects and timelines.
    The RJ project will investigate the role of violence at scales from household to tribe and from local to interregional. Trauma‐pathological changes to skeletal remains will be compared with the archaeological record of notably weapon graves (battle‐axes, arrow projectiles). In collaboration with colleagues, we will
    begin with so‐called Battle‐Axe cemeteries in Scania and then proceed to Denmark and Germany. We expect to clarify the level of violence compared to ‘before’ and ‘after’ including fluctuations at different scales: who were at risk of violence and the degree to which violence linked to warfare and militarization.
    Genomic and meta‐genomic analyses will thereto be able to inform about the role of kinship organization, infectious disease (e.g. Y. pestis) and the areas in Europe from where the Nordic branches of the Corded Ware complex originated. High‐resolution Sr isotope analysis will capture migration histories at the individual level hence nuancing population dynamics revealed by aDNA.Beskrivelse


  19. Enhancing Quality in Family Day Care

    Fabio Dovigo & Grethe Kragh-Müller

    This peer learning project will explore partners’ examples of inspiring and effective policies and implementation in family day care (FDC) governance and management systems, workforce professionalisation and development, and recruitment and retention, to strengthen the provision of accessible, affordable, high-quality FDC
    This aim will be achieved through 3 LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activities) and the development and dissemination of a final report and documentation detailing the learning arising.
    Project objectives:
    1. Identify and explore effective approaches to developing competent multi-level systems in FDC governance and quality management, enabling professionalisation and workforce development, and generating FDC recruitment and retention strategies, to strengthen FDC
    2. Share the learning with target groups and stakeholders responsible for multi-level policymaking and VET infrastructures, to influence policy objectives and actions
    3. Increase the capacity of partner organisations to advocate for effective policies and practices that enable high-quality FDC systems and services
    4. Explore further partnerships opportunities and ways to engage family day carers in EU cooperation and learning activities Learning Outcomes/Results
    •Project partners and target groups will demonstrate improved knowledge of effective policy options and instruments for FDC systems development, workforce professionalisation and development, and recruitment and retention due to participating in the LTTAs
    •Target groups and stakeholders will engage with their learning achieved through LTTA and final project output dissemination
    •Project partners will demonstrate an increased capacity to articulate and advocate for policies and implementation that strengthen the provision of accessible, affordable, high-quality FDC
    •Project partners will be more open and committed to transnational EU cooperation and exchange and would consider engaging in a further EU project that includes family day carers.
    This project links with the Erasmus + Programme priorities as in the partner countries socially and economically disadvantaged families, and children with special needs, are great users of FDC, in the Irish case, more than centre-based services. Yet there remain challenges in all 3 partner countries to supporting the workforce in FDC to meet the rights and needs of vulnerable children and families and progress inclusion and understand diversity. The workforce can lack the competence in inclusive pedagogy due to non-participation in relevant CPD.
    Family day carers, largely female, have poor pay and conditions: Professionalisation is crucial.
    While countries like Denmark have plans and management systems in place to pursue inclusive practice, and support access for a diverse population of children and families, strategies and guidelines from municipalities remain inadequate to accommodate children and families from non-standard backgrounds - exclusion is widespread.Beskrivelse


  20. Intravenous vs. Intraosseous Vascular Access During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

    Lars Wiuff Andersen & Mikael Fink Vallentin

    The IVIO-trial is a randomized clinical trial evaluating intravenous vs. intraosseous vascular access during adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Beskrivelse


  21. A history of online virality (HIVI)

    Valérie Schafer , Niels Brügger , Frédéric Clavert , Florentina Armaselu , Lars Wieneke & Carmen Noguera

    Combining close and distant reading, this historical research analyses the evolution of viral content on the Web and on social media and their digital “noise” and traces within web archives, from the early Web in the 1990s to Instagram and Twitter. The project is funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).Beskrivelse


  22. Animation på Tværs

    Steffen Hansen , Mette Terp Høybye , Tue Secher Jensen , Janni Strøm , Claus Vinther Nielsen , Nanna Rolving & Peter Vistisen

    Formålet med projektet er, ved hjælp af animeret information, at øge borgere med lav sundhedskompetences optag af sundhedsinformation om egen behandling og forløb, når forløbet varetages på tværs af sektorer. Formålet er at borgere og deres pårørende blive bedre i stand til at varetage egen sygdom og sundhed gennem et større informationsoptag, og en afledt langsigtede effekt er at reducere ulighed i sundhed.
    Formålet er, foruden et øget informationsoptag, at ensrette informationen mellem de forskellige sektorer, og for borgeren bidrage til at informationen er lettere tilgængelig, forståelig og bidrager til en oplevelse af sammenhæng i eget behandlingsforløb.

    Endelig vil vi afslutningsvis udvikle en generisk ramme for form, indhold og formidling af animeret information. I Danmark mangler vi animationsfilm, som er anvendelige på tværs af hospitaler, kommuner og almen praksis. Formålet med den generiske ramme er at sikre information af høj kvalitet og øge informationsoptaget, gennem et fagligt og organisatorisk set-up for de tværsektorielle, kroniske og langvarige forløb. Rammen vil kunne udgøre grundlaget for patientinddragelse og oplevelsen af sammenhængende patientforløb.


  23. Fostering nature-based solutions for equitable, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China

    Pia Frederiksen , Marianne Zandersen , Gregor Levin , Anne Jensen , Clive Eric Sabel , Anders Branth Pedersen , Doan Nainggolan & Toke Emil Panduro

    A new urban model to enhance and conserve natural capital
    More than 70 % of Europe’s population and nearly 60 % of China’s population live in cities. Societal challenges deriving from this development need mitigation and nature-based solutions (NBS) are promising approaches. They will assist cities to adapt to climate change, to reduce the risk of extreme weather events, and to counteract biodiversity loss and other detrimental effects. The EU-funded REGREEN project will investigate NBS to restore, improve, enhance and conserve natural capital and biodiversity. It will help build climate resilience in cities, improve liveability, and contribute to building inclusive communities, in line with urban priorities. Together with urban planners, citizens and businesses in urban living labs, REGREEN aims to speed up the transition toward equitable, green and healthy cities.

    Urban systems globally experience significant and interlinked societal challenges including pressures on public health and well-being and growing inequalities and social disruption. At the same time, urban systems are particularly vulnerable to impacts of climate change and suffer from degraded or lack of natural ecosystems to help alleviate these impacts. A promising approach to deal with these challenges is to work with nature’s capacity and qualities in a sustainability perspective. Working with nature in urban settings has advantages over other approaches: multi-functionality, multi-benefits and cost-effectiveness. Nature Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions that seek to restore, improve, enhance or conserve natural capital and biodiversity in terms of habitats or ecosystems. Subsequently, these ecosystems provide enhanced multiple ecosystem services that contribute to social and economic benefits, reducing the urban societal challenges. They can help build climate resilience in cities, improve liveability, and in collaboration with other urban priorities contribute to building inclusive communities, closing social equality gaps, while promoting innovative businesses and jobs. The aim of Regreen is to generate evidence for how Nature-based solutions (NBS) underpinned by improved urban governance, and public and private participation can systematically integrate ecosystem services and biodiversity and advocate their benefits and values in urban planning to meet societal challenges including climate change resilience, public health and well-being, and social inclusion. Co-creation with urban planners, citizens and business in urban living labs and educational programs for children ensure long-term sustainability of solutions, and support to business development assist further realization. This to accelerate the crucial transition toward smart, green and healthy cities in Europe and China.

    The REGREEN consortium consists of the following partners:


  24. H2020 REGREEN: REGREEN: Fostering nature-based solutions for equitable, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China

    Sally Dean Anderson & Gertrud Lynge Esbensen

    REGREEN is a large international EU project designed to promote urban liveability by fostering nature-based solutions to urban environmental challenges in both Europe and China. It aims to accelerate the transition towards equitable, green and healthy cities through the development of evidence-based mapping, modelling and valuating tools, improved urban governance and promoting educational programs.

    I coordinate Work Package 5 on Education, Participation and Awareness. The aim ofthis work package is to develop educational programmes and tools for bringing knowledge, awareness and a sense of individual and collective agency to children, as future creators and custodians of viable Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). In collaboration with schools and municipalities, and drawing on state of the art citizen science programmes, participatory pedagogy, technology for environmental learning, and landscape laboratories, we create innovative, realistic, cost- and learning effective approaches to fostering children’s appreciation, understanding and involvement in local NBS.

    WP5's international research team comprises:
    - Professor Emeritus Jeppe Læssøe (DPU/AU)
    - Post doc Gertrud Lynge Esbensen (DPU/AU)
    - Senior researchers Åsa Sang, Fredrika Mårtensson, Marcus Hedblom and Björn Wiström (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU)
    - Directeurrice de recherche Anne-Caroline Prevot, Postdoc Mara Sierra-Jimenez, Simon Bénateau, Sebastian Turpín (Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation, MNHN, Paris.
    - Bin Zhao, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

    WP5 researchers collaborate with city officials in Velica Gorica (Croatia), Aarhus kommune (Denmark), and Paris Region (Écologue chez IAU île-de-France), as well as with green business partners in Denmark (INTUGREEN), Germany (Olanis) and Croatia (ZEZ).Beskrivelse


  25. Long term chemical stability of vanadium flow batteries

    Anders Bentien

    The project is focused on increasing the fundamental understanding of long term (> years) chemical stability of liquid vanadium solutions in flow batteries. Because of the usage of the same solution in both half cells, vanadium cross-over in the stack has no damaging effect and Vanadium Flow Batteries (VFBs) are considered to have infinite lifetime. However, in practice there are three reversible mechanisms that can degrade the chemical integrity of VFBs and lead to capacity loss over time: (1) external oxidation, (2) vanadium/volumetric crossover and (3) temperature stability.

    Through lab-scale proof-of concept, the goal is to quantify these mechanisms and develop new methods that would reverse the degradation. Additionally, in co-operation with VisBlue, the aim is to implement these methods in real battery systems.

    Project budget: 0.15 mio EUR

    Funding Source

    PhD – Innovation Foundation Denmark



  26. Project Half Double phase 3 (Danish Industry Foundation)

    Per Svejvig & Anna Gerstrøm

    Since the kick off in June 2015 the Danish Industry Foundation has invested DKK 12.5 Million in the concept – not to mention the thousands and thousands of hours dedicated by passionate community members and partners in the consortium. Aarhus University, DTU, 16 pilot project organisations and Implement Consulting Group have all put in a great effort to get to where we are today.

    The impact is considerably:

    The Half Double methodology has a proven success rate of 70% confirmed by researchers from Aarhus University in 13 pilot projects so far
    It won an award for “most innovative project management idea of the year” in 2018
    +50 Half Double projects have officially been completed
    +400 Half Double practitioners are now endorsed
    More than 2,000 members signed up and engaged in the Half Double community

    Phase 3 will focus on getting even more Danish organisations to use the Half Double methodology in their projects – with the upside of increasing the impact in each project. Together with Dansk Projektledelse, it is the ambition to create a standardised education and endorsement process making it possible for even more project people to become Half Double practitioners. A take on Half Double in the portfolio will soon follow and a lot of community events is yet to come.

    Aarhus University will be leading the research process as part of Project Half Double with an action research approach focusing on effect evaluation.Beskrivelse


  27. REGREEN - Nature Based Solutions

    Jeppe Læssøe

    EU H2020 projekt. Deltager i WP5 om Education, Participation and AwarenessBeskrivelse


  28. Villum Experiment

    Shubiao Wu


  29. Villum Experiment: Does organic matter released from the melting Greenland Ice Sheet influence cloud processes in the Arctic?

    Johnna Michelle Holding

    This Villum Experiment proposes that organic matter entering the Arctic Ocean with melting glaciers may be an overlooked source of volatile compounds to the atmosphere with unique aerosol forming potential. Thus, this organic matter could indirectly influence cloud processes in the Arctic, which has important implications for climate feedbacks.Beskrivelse


  30. Big Data Centre for Environment and Health

    Clive Eric Sabel

    Novo Nordisk funded research centreBeskrivelse


  31. Klima- og miljøeffekter af nitrifikationshæmmere

    Anne Winding , Paul Henning Krogh , Sander Bruun , Søren O Petersen , Rumakanta Sapkota , Zivile Buivydaite , Tina Thane & Marianne Bruus

    Nitrifikationshæmmere (NI) anvendes for at reducere kvælstoftab efter
    gødskning og øge kvælstoftilgængeligheden for afgrøden. Udenlandske
    undersøgelser har fundet, at udledningen af den potente drivhusgas
    lattergas (N2O) efter gødningstilførsel med NI reduceres markant.
    Danske beregninger estimerer, at NI kan reducere N2O-emissione med
    op til 709 kt CO2-ækv/år. Før det politisk besluttes at fremme brugen af
    NI, er det nødvendigt at dokumentere potentialet for N2O-reduktion
    under danske forhold, og at undersøge potentielle risici over for
    jordbundsorganismer og NI’s skæbne, inkl. risiko for udvaskning.
    Vores mål er at kvantificere potentialet for N2O-reduktion under danske
    forhold, at studere NI’s skæbne i jorden, udføre økotoksikologisk tests
    og beskrive effekter på jordbundsorganismer efter tilførsel af
    markedsførte NI under relevante markforhold mht klima, jordtype og
    landbrugspraksis. Hypoteserne er, at NI signifikant vil reducere
    udledningen af N2O fra handels- og husdyrgødning, nedbrydes i jorden
    inden for vækstsæsonen og have relativt små effekter på jordbundens
    organismer ift. f.eks. konventionel jordbearbejdning. Formålet er at
    sikre en miljømæssig forsvarlig brug af NI til reduktion af N2O-emission
    fra dansk landbrug og medvirke til forbedrede emissionsopgørelser af
    N2O. Resultater vil anvendes som basis for anbefalinger til
    jordbrugserhvervet om brug af NI som implementerbart
    klimavirkemiddel og dermed reducere N2O-emission og bringe os
    nærmere klimamålene for 2030.Beskrivelse


  32. Case studie - Sammenligning af empirisk og modelleret metanemission fra slagtesvinestalde

    Michael Jørgen Hansen & Pablo Garcia Perez

    Det overordnede formål med projektet er at teste modelleret metanemission fra svinestalde ved at 1) sammenholde modeldata baseret på generelle inputdata med målt metanemission og 2) sammenholde modeldata baseret på inputdata fra den aktuelle besætning med målt metanemission. Desuden er det formålet at generere inputdata til den fremtidige modellering af metanemission fra slagtesvinestalde, samt at vurdere variationen i inputdata.Beskrivelse


  33. Does rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty work?

    Merete Nørgaard Madsen , David Høyrup Christiansen , Lone Ramer Mikkelsen , Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen & Thomas Bandholm

    A PhD project comprising four studies. Using different methods and perspectives, the four studies aims to investigate the preliminary effectiveness of and patient perceptions on early initiated physical rehabilitation exercise after total hip arthroplasty.Beskrivelse


  34. Metabolic effects of odour-induced sweetness illusions (MetaSweet)

    Per Bendix Jeppesen & Qian Janice Wang

    Grounded in anticipatory budging theory, the project will assess, for the first time, the metabolic effects of perceptual sweetness illusions produced by odour-taste integrationBeskrivelse


  35. BeSAFE - Being Safe at Home

    Stefan Rahr Wagner

    Mange ældre borgere bor alene og klarer sig selv. Nogle kan være utrygge ved dette og det kan de pårørende også være. Hvis pludselig sygdom indtræffer såsom en hjerneblødning eller en blodprop i hjernen kan det i nogle tilfælde være svært at ringe efter hjælp, eller give besked til en pårørende. Disse hændelser kaldes også for “stroke” som en samlet betegnelse. Der findes en række bevægelsessensorer der kan monteres i hjemmet, enten alene eller i kombination med en interaktiv tablet, som har potentiale til at advisere pårørende hvis en borger får et stroke eller en anden tilsvarende hændelse. En af udfordringerne er, at finde den rette balance mellem potentielt falske adviseringer, og tidsrammen for hvor hurtigt et stroke kan opdages. Beskrivelse


  36. Diaphragm studies

    Søren Helbo Skaarup


  37. FOod processing in a boX

    Lina Jacobsen

    Innovative local food processing for a sustainable futureBeskrivelse


  38. Insulinresistens og motion i graviditeten

    Sofie Riise Stampe

    Til mit specialeprojekt vil jeg undersøge hvorledes motion influerer insulinresistens i graviditeten, dette med afsæt i biomarkørerne TNF-alfa og CD163.Beskrivelse


  39. Biomarker-directed aptamer panels for diagnosis and staging in gastrointestinal cancers and steatotic liver disease

    Henning Grønbæk , Jørgen Kjems & Mikkel Breinholt Kjær

    Investigations of biomarker-directed aptamer panels in individuals with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseasen, hepatocellular carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumors of the small intestine and the pancreas.Beskrivelse
