Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. ’Useful knowledge’ and the legitimisation of machinery: a study of the transition to early modern industrial society, England 1823-1851

    Thomas Palmelund Johansen

    In my PhD project I investigate the so-called machinery question in the 1820s to 1850s Britain. The project is at the intersection of intellectual history of economic thought and history of science and technology.
    The project examines how the use of machinery in the manufactures was legitimised, and how the idea of ‘useful knowledge’ was connected to the idea of economic and moral progress for all classes of society. I am specifically interested in the connections between the theory of political economy and the idea of ‘useful knowledge’ in the discussions surrounding the introduction and invention of new machinery.
    The project aims to provide new perspectives to the historical relations between value and knowledge, and thus to the intellectuel history of modern knowledge economy.Beskrivelse


  2. Uro-Gyn: Surgical treatment for anterior and apical vaginal prolapse with minimal mesh repair (Uphold); anatomical and patient-reported long-term outcomes

    Anne Munch , Susanne Maigaard Axelsen , Susanne Greisen , Karl Møller Bek , Rikke Guldberg & Marianne Glavind-Kristensen

    Fra tidligere studier ved vi, at kvinder opereret med Uphold operation har mindre risiko for fornyet nedsynkning, end kvinder opereret uden forstærkning af bindevævet. Der findes dog ikke særligt gode studier af resultaterne er på længere sigt. Særligt vil vi gerne finde ud af, om kvinderne oplever gener fra det net, der blev indsat i forbindelse med operationen. Beskrivelse


  3. Uro-Gyn: Resultaterne efter operation af recidiv prolaps med indsættelse af Prolift-mesh

    Line Winther Gustafson , Susanne Greisen , Susanne Maigaard Axelsen , Karl Møller Bek & Marianne Glavind-Kristensen

    At sikre diagnostik og behandling af komplikationer relateret til syntetisk mesh samt at evaluere patient-tilfredshed efter Prolift-operation udført i perioden 2005-2012.Beskrivelse


  4. Uro-Gyn: Perineoplastik - follow up studie

    Mette Meinert , Marianne Glavind-Kristensen & Soginy Antony

    Kvinder som efter fødsel føler sig åbentstående med gabende skedeindgang. Kvinderne har desuden gener i form af luftindtag i skeden og eventuel seksuelle gener.
    Kvinderne udfylder et større spørgeskema incl et valideret sexologisk spørgeskema før operationen og 6 mdr efter operationen. Pt undersøges før og 6 mdr efter operationen, hvor perineum højde måles incl afstand mellem urethra og anus.
    Ved operationen frilægges og samles mm. bulbocavernosi og evt m. transversus perinei.Beskrivelse


  5. Uro-Gyn: Forekomsten af urinvejsinfektion efter prolapsoperation i ambulant regi

    Hanne Mikkelsen Gravgaard , Karl Møller Bek , Susanne Maigaard Axelsen , Susanne Greisen & Marianne Glavind-Kristensen

    Prospektivt observationsstudie med inklusion af 100 konsekutive patienter, der inkluderes i forbindelse med operation for simpel prolaps (cysto-, recto- eller enterocele) i Dagkirurgisk Afsnit, Aarhus Universitetshospital. Standard telefon interview 3 mdr efter operationen udbygges med telefonisk spørgeskema vedr. symptomer og behandling for urinvejsinfektion efter operationen.Beskrivelse


  6. Uro-Gyn: Apikal kolpopexi i lokalanæstesi i sammedagskirurgisk setup - subjektive og objektive resultater

    Susanne Greisen , Marianne Glavind-Kristensen , Karl Møller Bek & Susanne Maigaard Axelsen

    Formålet studiet er dels at undersøge kvaliteten af behandlingen ved at se på recidivraten. Herudover vil patienterne blive bedt om at svare på spørgsmål vedrørende prolapssymptomer, inkontinens, dyspareuni før og 6 måneder efter operationen. Desuden vil patienternes oplevelse den anvendte anæstesiform blive evalueret.Beskrivelse


  7. Urogenital reconstructive surgery - phd-project

    Lotte Kaasgaard Jakobsen , L. Henning Olsen , Karl-Erik Andersson & Gitte M. Hvistendahl

    Phd-protocol:Urogenital Reconstructive Surgery -in Animal Models of Congenital Malformations BackgroundMalformations of the urinary tract can be found in 0.5% of all newborn children. Of these 25% are so severe that they will have important consequences for the health and quality of life of the child, and surgical intervention is needed.1 Children with malformations of the lower urinary tract, such as urethral valves (complete or partial closure of the urethra), or neurogenic bladder dysfunction (as in myelomeningocele) often have functional micturition disturbances and high pressures within the urinary tract. The problems may manifest already at the time of birth or during the first year of life. This may cause increasing negative effect on renal function, eventually ending with renal failure and kidney transplantation if treatment is not instituted.2 Early intervention, where the system is unloaded and free passage of urine from the bladder is created through a vesicocutaneostomy (opening of the bladder to the skin), suprapubic catheter (catheter through the skin to the bladder), removal of urethral valves or intermittent catheterization (emptying the bladder via a transurethral catheter), is therefore very important.3 Later on a more long-lasting reconstruction and a manageable outlet from the bladder can be offered by creation of a “low pressure system” by bladder augmentation and also drainage from this system. Doing so, the remaining renal function will be preserved and micturition improved.4Several studies have been published on either conservative or surgical treatment of the obstructed bladder (a small bladder with high pressure). 2, 5 The conservative treatment consists of bladder emptying at regular intervals through a transurethral catheter (clean intermittent catheterization = CIC) with or without additional medical (pharmacological) treatment, and will change the lower urinary tract from a constant to an intermittent high pressure system. With surgical treatment, a continuous drainage from the bladder is created by a vesicocutaneostomy, which secures a constant low pressure system. Surgical removal of a urethral valve, in contrast, will result in an intermittent high pressure system. With all approaches, the pressure in the bladder is reduced, and thereby pressure in the whole system, and renal function and micturition will be improved.6 However, it is unclear if the intermittent high pressure system will secure sufficient unloading of the bladder, and it is important to further study advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches to reduce bladder pressure. Studies on the morphological changes that occur in the different parts of the bladder (mucosa, smooth muscle) after different unloading procedures have not been performed, but may give important information that can have translational impact.One of the bladder structures that can be changed by intravesical pressure changes is the mucosa, which, among other important factors, contain aquaporins (AQPs). Particularly AQP3 is expressed in the bladder mucosa. Previous research in rodents have shown that AQPs are of importance for reabsorption of water in the kidney,10 and in animal models of outflow obstruction, a significant downregulation of AQP2 in the kidney was demonstrated.10 The presence of these membrane proteins in the bladder urothelium has only recently been demonstrated, and their role here is still unclear.7-10 In the human urothelium AQPs are suggested to provide a mechanism for modifying urine composition, and thus to have a modulatory role in water and salt homeostasis.26 This makes AQPs an interesting and important parameter that might reflect obstruction induced changes in the bladder mucosa. However, systematic studies of the AQPs in the pig bladder mucosa do not seem to have been performed previously. In addition, information on how high intravesical pressures affect the mucosal barrier function proteins is scarce or lacking.Lack of sufficient amounts of tissue limits urogenital reconstructive surgery, and the possibilities of regenerative medicine are increasingly explored.11-15 Currently gut tissue is most commonly used for reconstruction, but there is a number of complications involved, e.g. disturbances in the patient ́s acid-base, salt and fluid balance,16 insufficient uptake of vitamins (gut resection), generation of mucus, stone formation and infections. Tissue engineering is built on the principle that it is possible to use the body ́s own cells to influence regeneration and the maintenance of normal function in a tissue or an organ. 13-15,17 It is possible to culture a person ́s own cells outside the body (in vitro) and generate an autologous tissue, i.e. the body ́s own, which can be transplanted back into the patient.18 By using tissue engineering for reconstruction of the urinary bladder many of the disadvantages of using gut tissue can be avoided, 19 and resection of parts of the gut is no longer necessary. It has been shown that engineered bladder tissue can be used to augment the normal bladder,16 but there is still a need to develop the methodology for clinical use. 12,20,21 A large part of this research is carried out on normal bladders from small animals.To increase the translational impact of animal data it is important to study the approaches described above in large animal models where the diseased human bladder is mimicked. The present project aims at exploring (I) Functional and morphological changes after establishing a high pressure bladder system in the pig, and the optimal surgical treatment. After gathering such information (II) regenerative medicine approaches will be applied.(I) Questions1.Can an obstructive pig model be developed, mimicking the obstructed human bladder? 2.Which is the best method for unloading the high pressure obstructed bladder -vesicocutaneostomy or
intermittent emptying? 3.What functional (urodynamic) and morphological (urothelial permeability proteins, collagen 
deposition, smooth muscle hypertrophy, denervation) changes occur in the obstructed bladder and how are these changes affected by the different methods for pressure reduction? (II) Questions1. Can autologous tissue material for bladder augmentation be constructed as a useful alternative to gut tissue?General Aims of the ProjectThe overarching aim of the project is to develop a large animal model of obstruction of the lower urinary tract with a high pressure system that mimics what is found in human disease. Using this model, the possible differences in urodynamic, biomechanical and morphological changes occurring when relieving pressure constantly via a vesicocutaneostomy, or intermittently (corresponding to removal of a urethral valve and/or instituting CIC) can be studied. As a second part of the project the possibilities to develop a regenerative medicine approach (tissue engineering) for bladder augmentation will be explored.Specific (I) Aims/Approaches1.Development of a pig model of chronic infravesical obstruction (high pressure, small bladder capacity) 2.Unloading intervention a) constant low pressure system (vesicocutaneostomy), 
b) intermittent high pressure system (mimicking removal of a urethral valve) 3.Urodynamic evaluation of bladder function before, during, and after relief of obstruction 4.In vitro evaluation of bladder smooth muscle contractility in normal bladders and in obstructed 
bladders before and after relief of obstruction 5.Histological and immunohistological evaluation of the bladder before, during and after relief of 
obstruction, including assessment of AQP changes Specific (II) Aims/Approaches1. Use of tissue engineering techniques (cell culture, scaffolds) for construction of autologous bladder tissue suitable for bladder augmentationMethodsProject (I): Study design and proceduresThe general study design is illustrated in Figure 1. Four groups of animals (n=6) will be investigated. In groups 2-4 outflow obstruction will be created. The animals are anesthetized and the abdomen is opened under sterile conditions. Two pressure sensors are placed in the bladder and abdominal cavity enabling continuous recording of detrusor pressure by telemetry. A port catheter will also be placed in the bladder with the port at the back of the pig. This will serve as volume-control both for the urodynamics and for assessment of residual-urine and bladder emptying. After a week of recordings, the animals are anesthetized again, the urethra is isolated and an expanding ring is placed around the urethra to create obstruction. A gradual obstruction will develop as described previously. 22,23 After 4 weeks, all animals are anesthetized again and bladder biopsy will be performed. In group 3 the obstruction is removed, and bladder emptying in the remaining period will be conducted in a way similar to CIC, via the port catheter. In group 4 a vesicocutaneostomy is created. Group 1 serves as a sham-operated control and group 2 is the control of the obstructed animals. Before the study, and at 4 and 8 weeks, urodynamic assessment will be performed in all groups. The telemetric pressure measurements will provide the pressure data for this assessment, and the pigs will be trained to void in a flow-meter, either in a metabolic cage or in a sling, to provide the flow-data. After 8 weeks the animals are again anesthetized and euthanized, the bladder is removed and weighed, and tissue samples taken for biomechanical and pharmacological investigations (organ bath studies) and for histology and immunohistochemistry. Blood and urine samples are taken before the study and at 4 and 8 weeks.Project (II)Urothelial and muscle cells taken by biopsy will be cultured and seeded on scaffolds which are then implanted in normal and obstructed bladders. The long-term goal is to augment the bladder to increase bladder capacity and reduce bladder pressure in obstructed animals.Experimental animalsThe experiments will be performed on pigs (Danish Landrace) weighing approximately 5-10 kg, corresponding to an age of 4-6 weeks, which is the normal time of weaning. The animals will receive all necessary care. All investigations will be done under sterile conditions.Anesthesia and medicationThe operations will be performed under general anesthesia and sterile conditions. The sedation is started with dormicum (midazolam). A venflon is placed in an ear vein and the animal is intubated after injection of hypnomidate (etomidate) and afterwards continuously sedated with propofol. Artificial respiration (respirator) is initiated and blood pressure, pulse and temperature are monitored. The animal is given fentanyl for pain relief and kept hydrated by glucose infusion during the operation. Local anesthesia with bupivacaine/adrenaline is applied around the incision. Postoperatively, pain relief is given by intramuscular or oral Flunixin vet once daily for 3-5 days, then as needed. As infection prophylaxis Tribrissen vet (trimethoprim-sulfa) is given daily for 5 days after the operation. A weekly dose of ammoniumchloride is given to prevent clotting of the catheters. The animals are euthanized by an overdose of phenobarbital while still anesthetized.Organ Bath StudiesAfter euthanasia, the bladders will be removed and immediately placed into ice-cold Krebs/Ringer buffer. Bladder strips (3mm x10mm) will be prepared. The strips (with intact urothelium) will be attached to tissue holders at one end and force transducers at the other in an organ bath system (Danish Myo Technology) containing 15mL of Krebs buffer aerated with 95% O2 / 5% CO2 at 37 ̊C. Bladder strips will be subjected to a resting tension of 1gm and allowed to stabilize for at least 30min. Contractions will be recorded as changes in tension from baseline in response to 60mM KCl, carbachol, and electrical field stimulation (EFS). Carbachol dose-response curves will be generated by adding increasing concentrations of carbachol at 0.5 log increments starting at 3nM up to 100μM. For EFS, strips will be placed between two platinum electrodes in the organ chamber, and electrical pulses (0.1 ms pulse width, 20 V in the bath) delivered, lasting 10sec at increasing frequency (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32Hz), using an S88 stimulator (Grass Instruments). All tissue responses will be normalized to gm tissue weight.Histological ExaminationThe bladders from each group will be immersed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin and cut into 6 μm sections. Slides cleared in xylene and dehydrated will be used for staining. Staining with standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and Masson’s trichrome stain will be performed. Computer assisted histomorphometric analysis of H&E stained and Masson’s trichrome stained bladder tissues will be performed using image analysis software and a microscope.Immunohistochemistry and western blottingAnalysis using standard methodology will be performed for cholinergic (vesicular acetyl choline transporter; VACht ), adrenergic (tyrosine hydroxylase) and peptidergic (substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide) nerves, AQPs , and urothelial cellular proteins that may be involved in maintaining urothelial barrier functions such as uroplakins, connexins, and tight junction proteins8. Cell cultureUrothelial and smooth muscle cells will be cultured according to published protocols12,18,24,25 . Muscle fragments will be plated on culture dishes with explant techniques, and cells expanded in Dulbeccos Modifi ed Eagles Medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Urothelial cultures will be expanded with keratinocyte growth medium (Gibco). The cells will be maintained in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator at 37°C until seeding. Biodegradable scaffolds such as polyglycolic acid (PGA) or poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) will be used. The procedures used for implanting the cultured cells are not yet described as the applicant will achieve knowledge of these during visits to the collaborators at Karolinska University Hospital.StatisticsData will be presented as medians (range). ANOVA and t-tests will be used as appropriate. Kruskall-Wallis test will be used for non-parametric comparisons, and Pearson's rho will be used for calculation of pair-wise correlations. Significance level will be set a pBeskrivelse


  8. Uren Pædagogik 3

    Thomas Aastrup Rømer , Svend Brinkmann & Lene Tanggaard Pedersen

    udarbejdelse af antologi Uren Pædagogik 3Beskrivelse


  9. Uren Pædagogik 2

    Thomas Aastrup Rømer , Lene Tanggaard Pedersen & Svend Brinkmann

    bidrag og redaktion ifm udgivelse af ntologi nr. 2 i serien om Uren PædagogikBeskrivelse


  10. Uren Pædagogik

    Thomas Aastrup Rømer , Lene Tanggaard Pedersen & Svend Brinkmann

    bidragsyder og redaktion på antologien Uren PædagogikBeskrivelse



    Trine Bjørn Olsen & Allan Gross


  12. Urban Tranquility

    Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen

    European Regional Development Fund, Interreg V.
    co-applicant, Danish coordinatorBeskrivelse


  13. UrbanIxD - Designing Human Interactions in the Networked City

    Martin Brynskov

    UrbanIxD is a 2 year European project that will build a research network around the domain of data-rich urban environments, focusing on human activities, experiences and behaviours.Beskrivelse


  14. Urban Health Sensing: Measuring human physiological stress response to urban settings using personalised sensors

    Zhaoxi Zhang

    The rapid urbanization worldwide is still challenging the health burden of the environment we live,although a number of actions are being prompted to promote urban health for today and tomorrow’s cities. Yet, a challenge is still to develop an in-depth investigation to monitor the environmental risks to combat environment-related disease. With the advancement of sensing technology, a body-worn system based environment and health monitor is rapidly gaining ground, which provides a fresh perspective to investigate the health impact of the environment on the individual level.My study hopes to take advantage of the novel technology to explore how the city influences our mental health by measuring the physiological response objectively during physical activity in real urban environments, to develop an in-depth investigation of the role of urban place in public health. Beskrivelse


  15. Urban Encounters - Mobility, Migration and Networks in pre-modern Scandinavia

    Hanna Sofia Strandmark Dahlström , Kirstine Haase & Søren Michael Sindbæk

    The research- and public outreach project Urban Encounters – mobility, migration and networks in pre-modern Scandinavia explores new perspectives of research into pre-modern urbanism in northern Europe (1000-1700 AD). Urban Encounters is funded by the Velux foundation and is a collaboration between Museum of Copenhagen, Odense City Museums, The Nya Lödöse-project in Gothenburg (The National Historical Museums (SHMM) and their collaborators Bohusläns Museum, Museum of Gothenburg and RIO Gothenburg) and Center for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) at Aarhus University. The project runs over a period of 4 years starting 1st of January 2016.
    Urban Encounters investigates the establishing and development of towns trough the vast material brought to light in the large excavations conducted in Odense, København and Nya Lödöse in the recent years. The size of the projects and the new scientific methods used during the excavations gives a unique possibility of comparative and contextualised analysis of the premodern urbanization. Through a broad understanding of the concepts migration, mobility and networks, Urban Encounters aim to explore ways to study urbanism through tracing different types of actors, meetings, practices and networks in the material culture and see how these affected the urban places. The multitude of encounters taking place in the towns is part of what makes towns and town life different from life in other places. To see the town as an instrument or catalyst for meetings between people gives a perspective which puts people, their motivations and experiences in focus. This is an aspect of the study of pre-modern urbanism which holds great potential but is in need of further attention.

    The following research questions are central to the project:
    • How can urbanization be seen in the material culture of the three towns?
    • Is it possible to trace urban identities and life forms in the archeological record?
    • How is the town as a meeting place expressed in the archaeological record?
    • How has migration and peopling of the town contributed to the shaping of an urban identity and way of life?
    The first three questions relate to the extensive archeological material from the three excavations while the fourth is putting the results into perspective according to resent research on migration and identity. Beskrivelse


  16. Urban Diaspora - heating systems in Danish and Immigrant households

    Rainer Atzbach

    The multicultural nature of Danish cities is debated every day, but that is nothing new. This research project aims to redress the balance by providing an insight into the relationship between Danes and the foreigners who came to our cities in the Early Modern period, c. 1450-1650. Written sources tell us that up to one third of the inhabitants of Danish cities were of foreign descent at this time. However, these diaspora communities have not yet been the subject of systematic archaeological research. Our aim is to shed light on how immigrant groups interacted with each other, with their new society and with the societies, they left behind.Beskrivelse


  17. Urban Diaspora

    Mikkel Thelle , Jette Linaa & Jakob Ørnbjerg

    Målet med dette projekt er at kaste lys over, hvordan medlemmer af indvandrersamfund forholdt sig til hinanden, til lokalsamfundet og til de områder de kom fra, og over hvordan dette reflekteres gennem deres materielle kultur. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i indvandrersamfund i Helsingør, Aalborg og det tidlige Göteborg. I projektet indgår studier af immigranternes brug af materiel kultur, af deres konflikter med lokale beboere, af deres netværk lokalt og internationalt og af deres forbindelser med de områder, de kom fra. Tilstedeværelsen af stadigt voksende og indflydelsesrige indvandrersamfund af først og fremmest tyskere og hollændere i de tidligmoderne bysamfund mellem c. 1450 og 1650 er veldokumenteret i historiske kilder. Men disse samfund har endnu ikke været genstand for systematisk arkæologisk forskning. Projektet er dermed grundforskning, der vil give ny viden om indvandrersamfund og deres rolle i dannelsen af det tidligmoderne Danmark i perioden før nationalstaternes opkomst. I projektet deltager en række forskere fra Moesgård Museum, Gilleleje Museum, Nationalmuseet, Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Riksantikvarämbetet, Aarhus Universitet, Göteborgs Universitet, Københavns Universitet og Universitetet i Amsterdam.Beskrivelse


  18. Urban deposits

    Kirstine Haase

    3D mapping of archaeological deposits in medieval cities based on existing archaeological and geological data. In contrast to the existing GIS-based documentation, which is usually two-dimensional, a 3D model will illustrate the extent to which the archaeological deposits are preserved and identify areas where they are endangered. The aim is also to investigate methods for evaluating the state of the archaeological record and its preservation conditions.Beskrivelse


  19. Urban Consumption. Tracing urbanity in the archaeological record of Aarhus 800-1800

    Jette Linaa

    Publikation af monografiNøgleresultater


  20. Urban and social aspects of adaptation

    Margaretha Breil , Marianne Zandersen , Petya Pishmisheva , Anders Branth Pedersen , Linda Romanovska , Magdalena Rogger , Katie Johnson & Hanne Van den Berg

    This project is a task carried out under the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA).
    The task explored i.a. the topic of just transition. Just transformation is a key element in recent and forthcoming EU policies and initiatives related to climate change adaptation– the European Green Deal policy package, the blueprint of the EU Adaptation Strategy, the EU Mission on adaptation to climate change including societal transformation. These policies are guided by the principle of just transition which is described as ‘leaving no-one behind’. It is important to specify what this means in policy terms and in practice. Therefore, the main task for 2021 is the development of an ETC technical paper on ‘just transition’ in the context of adaptation.Beskrivelse


  21. Upscaling Key Power-to-X SOEC Electrolysis Solutions

    Thomas Lundgaard , Behzad Partoon , Björn Andresen , Christian Dannesboe & Kristian Bek Helmig

    Reconfiguration of current SOEC4NH3 plant to host the second generation of Topsoe's SOEC, TSP2, for higher pressure hydrogen production by Solid Oxide cellsBeskrivelse


  22. Upscaling Key Power-to-X SOEC Electrolysis Solutions

    Arman Fathollahidehkordi

    Reconfiguration of current SOEC4NH3 plant to host the second generation of Topsoe's SOEC, TSP2, for higher pressure hydrogen production by Solid Oxide cellsBeskrivelse


  23. UPGEM - Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered Map of Europe (UPGEM)

    Anne Bjerregaard Sinding

    I projektet UPGEM, der er finansieret af EU 6. rammeprogram, ser en gruppe europæiske forskere fra et bredt humanistisk spekter på, hvad der ligger bag vores myter og selvfølgelige forestillinger om kønnede udfoldelsesmuligheder og karriereveje i akademia med fysikområdet som eksempel. Projektet har tre mål: 1. Et anvendt: at sikre at færre kvindelige fysikere forlader karriereveje i akademia ved at finde forskellige kulturelt formede årsager til frafald og forslå nye policy tiltag, der kan takle disse årsager 2. Et teoretisk: at skabe en teoretisk forståelse af, hvad der skaber kulturelle forskelle på kønnede karriereveje 3. Et grundforskningsspørgsmål: at stille nye spørgsmål til samspil mellem læreprocesser og kulturel diversitet. Abstract: Alle har stærke meninger om den såkaldte feminisering af folkeskolen, kvindefag som pædagog og lærer eller maskuliniseringen af de naturvidenskabelige uddannelser og arbejdet som fysiker eller ingeniør. Vi har formodninger om at der findes "hårde" og "bløde" fagområder og fagidentiteter, der kan knytte sig til en lang række feminine og maskuline værdier. Samtidig opfatter vi Danmark som et af de lande, hvor ligestillingen mellem kønnene er kommet længst. På den baggrund er det overraskende, at Danmark har et langt mere kønssegregeret uddannelses- og arbejdsmarked end de europæiske lande vi normalt sammenligner os med - det gælder ikke mindst inden for det naturvidenskabelige område. Eksempelvis kan vi finde flere kvindelige fysikere i Europas Syd- og Østeuropæiske lande end i nordlige postindustrielle nationer som Danmark. Partnerlandene i projektet er valgt så de afspejler dette billede (Polen, Estland, Finland, Italien og Danmark). Hvorfor finder vi denne kulturelle diversitet? Hvad skaber sådanne kulturelle forskelle? Har kulturelle læreprocesser overhovedet noget at gøre med kønnede karriereveje inden for ?hårde? videnskaber som fysik og IT? Er forestillinger om "hårde" og "bløde" videnskaber forskellige i forskellige europæiske lande? Er forestillinger om mande- og kvindefag kulturelt forskellige? I projekt UPGEM undersøges dette gennem: 1. Kvalitative forskningsinterview med kvindelige og mandlige fysikere fra deltagerlandene, der har forladt en akademisk karriere eller er forblevet i akademia. 2. Deltagerobservation på udvalgte fysikarbejdspladser i akademia i deltagerlandene 3. En kvantitativ undersøgelse baseret på kvalitative forskningsresultater sendt til ca. 1500 fysikere på institutioner i deltagerlandene.Beskrivelse


  24. UPGEM - Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered Map of Europe (UPGEM)

    Cathrine Hasse

    Projekt UPGEM blev afsluttet i 2008, men genererer stadigt nye publikationer og forskning. Se www.upgem.dk.
    I projektet UPGEM, der er finansieret af EU 6. rammeprogram, ser en gruppe europæiske forskere fra et bredt humanistisk spekter på, hvad der ligger bag vores myter og selvfølgelige forestillinger om kønnede udfoldelsesmuligheder og karriereveje i akademia med fysikområdet som eksempel. Projektet har tre mål: 1. Et anvendt: at sikre at færre kvindelige fysikere forlader karriereveje i akademia ved at finde forskellige kulturelt formede årsager til frafald og forslå nye policy tiltag, der kan takle disse årsager 2. Et teoretisk: at skabe en teoretisk forståelse af, hvad der skaber kulturelle forskelle på kønnede karriereveje 3. Et grundforskningsspørgsmål: at stille nye spørgsmål til samspil mellem læreprocesser og kulturel diversitet. Abstract: Alle har stærke meninger om den såkaldte feminisering af folkeskolen, kvindefag som pædagog og lærer eller maskuliniseringen af de naturvidenskabelige uddannelser og arbejdet som fysiker eller ingeniør. Vi har formodninger om at der findes ?hårde? og ?bløde? fagområder og fagidentiteter, der kan knytte sig til en lang række feminine og maskuline værdier. Samtidig opfatter vi Danmark som et af de lande, hvor ligestillingen mellem kønnene er kommet længst. På den baggrund er det overraskende, at Danmark har et langt mere kønssegregeret uddannelses- og arbejdsmarked end de europæiske lande vi normalt sammenligner os med ? det gælder ikke mindst inden for det naturvidenskabelige område. Eksempelvis kan vi finde flere kvindelige fysikere i Europas Syd ? og Østeuropæiske lande end i nordlige postindustrielle nationer som Danmark. Partnerlandene i projektet er valgt så de afspejler dette billede (Polen, Estland, Finland, Italien og Danmark). Hvorfor finde vi denne kulturelle diversitet? Hvad skaber sådanne kulturelle forskelle? Har kulturelle læreprocesser overhovedet noget at gøre med kønnede karriereveje inden for ?hårde? videnskaber som fysik og IT? Er forestillinger om ?hårde? og ?bløde? videnskaber forskellige i forskellige europæiske lande? Er forestillinger om mande- og kvindefag kulturelt forskellige? I projekt UPGEM undersøges dette gennem: 1. Kvalitative forskningsinterview med kvindelige og mandlige fysikere fra deltagerlandene, der har forladt en akademisk karriere eller er forblevet i akademia. 2. Deltagerobservation på udvalgte fysikarbejdspladser i akademia i deltagerlandene 3. En kvantitativ undersøgelse baseret på kvalitative forskningsresultater sendt til ca. 1500 fysikere på institutioner i deltagerlandene.Beskrivelse


  25. Upcycling food and agricultural waste into biodegradable packaging materials

    Mario Martinez-Martinez

    Plant polysaccharides from food and agricultural waste constitute the main source of renewable and biodegradable polymers (or polymeric networks). The growth in the use of plastics has brought millions of tons of plastic accumulation in the oceans and landfills and it is therefore paramount to design renewable-based biodegradable materials with adequate permeability and mechanical properties. This project aims at understanding the supramolecular structure of food and agricultural by-products (e.g. cell wall-rich pomaces and skins), the isolation of valuable polysaccharides, the investigation of their molecular architecture, and their performance as food packaging materials. The focus of this project is in the identification of building blocks (isolated or as part of a plant tissue matrix) for the design of packaging materials that will close the loop of circularity in a post-fossil fuel economy.

    Funding: Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond (AUFF)-Starting Grant


  26. UnWind - Blockchain in the wind turbine industry

    Michail Beliatis

    Blockchain use for innovation in the value chain within the wind turbine industry and strengthen cooperation between subcontractorsBeskrivelse


  27. Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe

    Hans Lauge Hansen , Wulf Kansteiner & Diana González Martin

    Project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme, Reflective SocietiesBeskrivelse


  28. Unravelling Mechanisms for Novel Fast-Acting Antidepressant Drugs with Cannabidiol

    Sâmia Joca

    BACKGROUND: All known antidepressants promote mood improving effects only after several weeks of treatment and are ineffective in about 40% of patients. Identification of novel molecular and cellular targets for more efficient antidepressants represent a significant unmet medical need. Although several targets for antidepressant drugs have been identified, it is not clear how these targets are translated into mechanisms that trigger their clinical effect. In the search for new drug targets that may help point the way to developing more effective medication for mood disorders, we will explore the molecular signature underlying the actions of cannabidiol (CBD), which triggers fast and sustained antidepressant effects. The mechanisms behind this remarkable action

    OBJECTIVES. The overall objectives are to investigate and clarify the molecular and morphological landscape of two new promising antidepressant strategies, ketamine and CBD, in disease models of depression, as well as to identify potential biomarkers for depression and response to treatment.
    METHODS: Methylomic, transcriptomic (RNAseq), proteomic (LC/MS) and neuroplastic data will be obtained from advanced animal models of depression and treatment-resistant depression. The data from the brain and peripheral tissue will be subjected to an advanced pathway analysis in order to understand common molecular and morphological signatures, which will later be compared to clinical samples.
    SCIENTIFIC, SCHOLARY & SOCIETAL RELEVANCE: By unbiased identification of the common molecular signatures of CBD and ketamine, the project will clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in the antidepressant effect. The project will also contribute with the identification of potential biological markers associated with response/resistance to treatment. The success of the research program could benefit society in several aspects, from the patient to universities and the pharmaceutical industry.


  29. Unravelling Civilisation. European Travel and Travel Writing

    Hagen Schulz-Forberg , James M. Buzard , Lorenza Mondada , Plinio Ferire Gomes , Babak Rahimi , Larry Wolff , Natalia Morazova , Hans Erich Boedeker , Andrei Zorin , Soren Dalsgaard , Rudy Koshar , Tim Youngs , Raffaele Romanelli , Peter Becker , Diogo Curto , Anthony Molho , Regina Schulte , Bo Stråth , Rita Peero & Agneta Edman

    Unravelling Civilisation adheres to the magical interpretation network attached to travel and travel writing. Nothing less is expected from travel writing than the decoding of an intricately different culture. And it also reflects what we expect from travel ourselves. The book is a result of a two-day conference at the European University Institute in Florence that took place already in May 2001. The articles string together variation of a theme over time and space. European civilisation as a semantic field, and the history of travel and travel writing are followed from the pre-modern period to the peak of travel writing during Enlightenment. The book also picks up the thread in the early nineteenth century and follows the nexus of an idea of Europe and how it is reflected in travel writing until today. Beskrivelse


  30. UN PRME

    Svend Hylleberg , Pernille Kallehave , Peder Østergaard , Steen Ib Kjeldsen , Jakob Lauring , Christa Thomsen , Birgitte Egelund Olsen , Ellen Margrethe Basse , John Thøgersen , Philipp Schröder , Michael Evan Goodsite , Jan Bentzen , John Parm Ulhøi , Gert Tinggaard Svendsen , Jessica Aschemann-Witzel , Børge Obel , Bodil Løck Møller & Søren Harbo Jensen

    "Principles for Responsible Management Education" is a UN programme for business and management education. Aarhus University, business and social sciences is a signatory of this programme.
    The mission of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative is to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally.
    The PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. They seek to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education in order to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century.
    In the current academic environment, corporate responsibility and sustainability have entered but not yet become embedded in the mainstream of business-related education. The PRME are therefore a timely global call for business schools and universities worldwide to gradually adapt their curricula, research, teaching methodologies and institutional strategies to the new business challenges and opportunities.Beskrivelse


  31. Unormal adfærd hos mink – har de forskellige former samme årsag og betydning?

    Jens Malmkvist & Janne Winther Christensen

    Nærværende projekt har som mål (1) at øge forståelse af hvad som kan betegnes som unormal adfærd, samt (2) at undersøge hvorvidt alle former for stereotypi har samme baggrund og kan betegnes som lige alvorlige for mink.
    Projektet er finansieret af Pelsdyrafgiftsfonden.

    Projektet er finansieret af Pelsdyrafgiftsfonden med 564.167 kr. + 20 % OH


  32. University Reform, Globalization and Europeanization(URGE)

    Susan Wright , Stavros Moutsios , Gritt B. Nielsen , Dirk Michel-Schertges , Jakob Krause-Jensen , Lene Teglhus Kauffmann , Susan Robertson & Cris Shore

    URGE (University Reform, Globalisation and Regionalisation) is a multidisciplinary and comparative Joint Exchange programme which aims atexamininghow processes of regionalization and globalization are redefining the nature and scope of universities and analysing the different responses of governments and universities to these processes.Beskrivelse


  33. University of Copenhagen Postgraduate Law Conference 2015

    Ahmed El-Sayed , Amalie Frese , Céline Brassart Olsen , Diana Nacea , Graham Butler , Katharina Ó Cathaoir & Katarina Hyltén-Cavallius

    URL: http://jura.ku.dk/english/calendar/2015/postgraduate-law-conference-2015/Beskrivelse


  34. University Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe

    Peter Plant & Rie Thomsen

    Pan-European Erasmus Network, led by the University of Heidelberg, which promotes innovative approaches to the training of career guidance professionals.

    The "Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe" (NICE) aims at contributing strongly to the implementation of the European Lifelong Learning Program. Through their cooperation, the engaged 41 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) want to set up a joint basis for empowering (future) practitioners of career guidance & counselling to help their clients deal with the challenges of on-going social change and to make lifelong guidance a reality. From November 2009 to October 2012 the NICE Network's development is funded by the European Commission.Beskrivelse


  35. Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE)

    Miguel Antonio Lim , Susan Wright , Jie Gao , Corina Balaban , Rebecca Boden , Rebecca Lund , Jana Bacevic , Jakob Williams Ørberg , Mei Qu , Kathrin Gramsch , Susan Robertson & Roger Dale

    Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE) is a four year collaborative research project investigating the dynamic relationships between universities and knowledge economies in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific Rim. The project is funded by the European Commission and the actual research is conducted by 12 doctoral fellows and three post-doctoral fellows at six different universities: Aarhus University, ENS Lyon, Ljubljana University, Roehampton University, the University of Bristol, and Porto University.Beskrivelse


  36. Universities in the Knowledge Economy

    Lisbeth Kristine Walakira

    Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE) is a four year collaborative research project investigating the dynamic relationships between universities and knowledge economies in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific Rim. The project is funded by the European Commission and the actual research is conducted by 12 doctoral fellows and three post-doctoral fellows at six different universities: Aarhus University, ENS Lyon, Ljubljana University, Roehampton University, the University of Bristol, and Porto University.Beskrivelse


  37. Universitetsuddannelsers læreplaner og didaktiske praksis

    Josefine Dalum Hansen

    Mit ph.d.-projekt omhandler universitetsuddannelsers læreplaner og didaktiske praksis, hvor jeg arbejder med planlægningsniveauet. Mit fokus er på forberedelsen af undervisningen med særligt henblik på indholdsdimensionen. Mere specifikt er min forskning koncentreret om universitetsunderviseres indholdsudvælgelse.Beskrivelse


  38. Universitetsuddannelsers arbejdsmarkedsrelevans i et policy-antropologisk perspektiv

    Miriam Madsen

    'Arbejdsmarkedsrelevans' er et fænomen, som aktuelt udgør et væsentligt afsæt for dansk uddannelsespolitik. Projektet undersøger dels af det politiske felts forestillinger om uddannelsers arbejdsmarkedsrelevans og om hvordan denne relevans styrkes, og dels af universiteternes praksis i forhold til at styrke uddannelsernes arbejdsmarkedsrelevans.
    Min undersøgelse er inspireret af policy-antropologien, særligt med fokus på af Latours begreb om translation. Mit genstandsfelt afgrænser sig til policy knyttet til akkrediteringsbekendtgørelsens operationalisering af fænomenet 'relevans'.
    Undersøgelsens del 1 vil omfatte en diskursanalyse af politiske dokumenter relateret til undersøgelsens genstandsfelt.
    Undersøgelsens del 2 udformes som en etnografisk undersøgelse af tre humanistiske uddannelsesmiljøer fra tre forskellige universiteter. Observationsmaterialerne vil danne udgangspunkt for en materialitetsanalyse af, hvordan policy om styrkelse af uddannelsernes relevans gøres i praksis.Beskrivelse


  39. Universiteter i en virtuel realitet - It og institutkultur

    Mie Buhl , Karin Tweddell Levinsen , Signe Pildal Hansen & Lars Birch Andreasen

    Institut for pædagogisk antropologi er Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets pædagogiske IT frontløber-institut. Med denne status følger en række udfordringer, ikke bare tekniske, men også faglige/ forskningsmæssige, sociale og institut-/organisationskulturelle. Stadig flere af instituttets og universitetets funktioner og mere af medarbejdernes arbejde foregår i et it-medieret virtuelt rum. Disse udfordringer skal undersøges, som et centralt led i instituttets arbejde med at komme i front. Undersøgelserne har primært to mål, nemlig dels at fremskrive kulturelle implikationer af forandringsprocesser, hvori it indgår; dels at tilvejebringe forskningsbaserede belæg for anbefalinger til, hvordan it integreres i universitetsregi.Beskrivelse
