Aarhus Universitets segl

Mario Martinez-Martinez


Associate Professor

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Mario Martinez-Martinez





Mario Martinez is Associate Professor and Sapere Aude Research Leader at the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University. He started his independent research career as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph (ON, Canada) in August 2017, where he was awarded the College of Engineering and Physical Science (CEPS) Assistant Professor Research Excellence Award from CEPS, the Ontario Early Researcher Award (ERA) from the Government of Ontario, and the Young Scientist award from the Cereals & Grains Association. Mario Martinez joined Aarhus University in April 2020. 

His research program is on translational biopolymer science, approaching the structure and function of food biopolymers, their binding potential to plant secondary metabolites, the elucidation of their complex structural biochemistry, and their food structuring behaviour. Mario's team also works on understanding the fundamental aspects related to the structuring technologies of plant-based foods (e.g., using extrusion processing) as well as the establishment of green derivatization and compatibilization routes of polysaccharides into high-performing packaging materials. Mario is the recipient of the Nils Foss Talent Prize 2021 (Foss, Denmark), and was recently recognized as Sapere Aude Research Leader by Independent Research Fund Denmark. Mario is adjunct Associate Professor at the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research (Purdue University, IN, USA). All in all, Mario´s team relies on coherent and focused food system approaches to find common ground for health and environmental sustainability.

The list of publications from Dr. Martinez until 2019 can be found in the following link. His publications from 2020 are listed in Research Outputs Section. 

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