Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Workshop series: Understanding digital transformation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher education: innovations, mediations and context

    Duncan Andrew Thomas

    Our workshop series, funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS), will produce policy-relevant academic knowledge about processes, opportunities and challenges of digital transformation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher education. Our overarching questions are: what kinds of transformations occur as a result of digitalisation of teaching &learning in Nordic higher education? How do we make sense of them within and beyond the classroom – e.g. effects on policies and practices in organisational, governance and technology domains linked to higher education teaching &learning? What theories, methods and empirical cases can successfully tackle these questions?Beskrivelse


  2. Workshop on application of genomic information in animal breeding and biodiversity conservation.

    Goutam Sahana & Mogens Sandø Lund

    A workshop entitled "Application of genomic information in animal breeding and biodiversity conservation" will be held at the Indian Coucil of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The purpose of the workshop is to exchange knowledge and enhance cooperation between Denmark and India, focusing on the area of genomic information applied in animal breeding and conservation animal genetic resources. The workshop is an important activity of the developing network between Danish and Indian instiutions.Beskrivelse


  3. Workshop in Beijing on air pollution modelling and policy options in Denmark

    Steen Solvang Jensen & Matthias Ketzel

    Workshop held in Beijing December 12-13, 2016 for officials and specialists from Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chinese Environmental Protection Agency and Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
    Introduction to air quality and integrated models applied in Denmark for air quality assessment, sources apportionment, health impact assessment and external costs, and impact assessment of different policy options for improving air quality with focus on traffic.
    Aarhus University funded by Danish Environmental Protection Agency via project funding from Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA).Beskrivelse


  4. Workplaces as transformative learning spaces in Latvia

    Elina Maslo

    ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub Network 2: Workplace Learning - joint study, the Latvian caseBeskrivelse


  5. Workplace Learning in Asia and Europe: the National Survey of Latvia

    Elina Maslo

    This joint study directs to the task of decoding working places as lifelong learning spaces across Asia and Europe. Workplaces offer very different kinds of learning opportunities - some are learning-friendly, others are less so; some provide structured work-related education and training for employees, whereas in others, learning is integrated into the flow of working processes.
    Therefore, the 'learning continuum' between formal, non-formal and informal learning is a key framework for understanding how opportunities for professional and personal development at work are distributed, structured, experienced and used. Through exchange of information, workshop discussions and joint studies, the network is building up a shared body of knowledge that is driven forward by comparing and contrasting how workplace learning is provided, practiced and understood in Asian and European countries.Beskrivelse


  6. Work participation among employees with depression - clarifying the perspectives of employers and highly educated employees with depression

    Cecilie Nørby Lyhne , Claus Vinther Nielsen , Merete Labriola & Merete Bjerrum

    The aim of this PhD project is to investigate how work participation among highly educated employees with depression is managed in order to provide knowledge that can be useful in developing ways to promote their work participation. By clarifying the views of highly educated employees with depression, focusing on their opportunities and challenges in managing work participation, and the attitudes of employers, focusing on their challenges and opportunities regarding the support of employees with depression, it may be possible to develop initiatives that meet their needs for support.Beskrivelse


  7. WORK-ON – work rehabilitation for persons with inflammatory arthritis

    Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen , Christina Merete Tvede Madsen & Ann Bremander

    Ph.d.-projekt af Christina Merete Tvede Madsen, Hovedvejleder Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen, Medvejleder Ann BremanderBeskrivelse


  8. Working Places as Learning Spaces: Contextualising lifelong learning in Asia and Europe

    Elina Maslo

    The study “Working Places as Learning Spaces: Contextualising lifelong learning in Asia and Europe” conducted by a research network on workplace learning of ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub. The aim of this comparative study is to document the diverse characteristics of occupationally specific working places in Asia and Europe. Beskrivelse


  9. Working Mediterranean Landscapes

    Jens Krasilnikoff

    Forskningssamarbejde om bogudgivelser med Professor Lin Foxhall, Univ. of Leicester og Professor Hamish Forbes, Univ. of Nottingham.Beskrivelse



    Jacob Klenø Nøjgaard , Thomas Ellermann , Andreas Massling , Ole Hertel , Torben Sigsgaard , Jakob Hjort Bønløkke & Carsten Bøcker Pedersen

    WOOD Combustion - detailed Monitoring related to Acute effects in DenmarkBeskrivelse


  11. Women of the year in academia

    Rubina Raja , Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard , Majken Schulz & Marie Louise Nosch

    Network Event and prize awardBeskrivelse


  12. Wireless Transceivers Lab

    Domenico Zito


  13. Winter Feeding of Organic Sows - WIFI

    Maria Eskildsen , Anne Grete Kongsted , Troels Kristensen , Tove Serup , Kristian Knage-Drangsfeldt , Frank W. Oudshoorn , Simme Eriksen , Torben Jensen , Bertel Hestbjerg & Niels Thing

    Økologisk svineproduktion er udfordret på både miljø og økonomisk
    konkurrenceevne. Lav fodereffektivitet kombineret med afhængighed af
    kraftfoder baseret på ikke-lokale proteinkilder øger næringstabet,
    klimaaftrykket samt behovet for landbrugsland. Derved kompromitteres
    både produktionens økonomi og bæredygtighed

    WI-FI tager fat på disse udfordringer med fokus på so ernæring. Der
    udvikles vinterfoderstrategier under hensyntagen til dyrenes indtag af
    ensilage. Projektet giver ny videnskabelig viden om 1) Energi og
    proteinbehov hos udendørs søer fodret på to proteinniveauer og 2)
    Indtag og udnyttelse af forskellige typer af grovfoder og hvordan disse
    påvirker proteinbehovet og søernes huld, reproduktion og

    Baseret på denne viden udvikles bæredygtige fodringsstrategier med
    den rette balance af grov- og kraftfoder samt recirkulerede
    restprodukter, som opfylder dyrenes behov. Foderstrategierne
    demonstreres i kommercielle besætninger.Beskrivelse


  14. WINGS: Elevating Women Entrepreneurship Initiatives for Generating Sustainable Impact and Networks.

    Eva Sørum Poulsen

    WINGS mission lies in making good woman entrepreneurship initiatives accessible EU wide, while bridging the gap with local and/or national WE initiatives.
    Moreover, the project will stimulate female entrepreneurs, that converge in common goals in connecting, while offering them innovative learning and training tools.Beskrivelse


  15. WindGIS

    Michael Alrøe



  16. Willy-August Linnemann - forsknings- og formidlingsprojekt

    Annegret Friedrichsen

    Forsknings- og formidlingsprojekt i Willy-August Linnemanns forfatterskab støttet af Flach-Bundegaards Fond i efteråret 2012 og af Christmas Møllers Mindefond i 2013.



  17. "Will steroids kill me if I use them once?" A qualitative analysis inquiries submitted to the Danish anti-doping authorities

    Ask Vest Christiansen & Jens Bojsen-Møller

    Kvalitativ undersøgelse af hvilke overvejelser og bekymringer brugere af Anti Doping Danmarks anonyme web-service udtrykker når de stiller spørgsmål om primært anabole, androgene steroider. Undersøgelsen er en opfølgning på et tidligere kvantitativt arbejde: Bojsen-Møller og Christiansen (2010)Beskrivelse


  18. Wide Span Gantry

    Claus Grøn Sørensen & Hans Henrik Pedersen

    Erhvervs-PhD projektBeskrivelse


  19. When nature knows best

    Lone Hymøller

    Vitamin D3 is involved in a large number of physiological processes from bone formation and reproduction to modulating the immune system. There are two sources of vitamin D3 in cattle and other mammals: Synthetic vitamin D3 supplied in the feed and natural vitamin D3, which is synthesised in the skin during exposure to sunlight or UV light. From a physical and chemical point of view, vitamin D3 from the two sources is indistinguishable; however, from a physiological perspective it seems to be an entirely different matter. But - how on earth does the body go about distinguishing two completely identical molecules from each other, and even discriminate so heavily against one of the forms (the synthetic) that it is highly toxic in the body and can be easily overdosed in contrast to the natural form? This is the question which this project attempts to answer before a much-needed revision of the existing recommendations for vitamin D3 supplementation of cattle and other livestock can be implemented. A revision, which ultimately may lead to the conclusion that vitamin D3 should not be provided through the diet, but should be provided through exposure to natural or artificial sunlight (UV light). An insight which could turn the management of livestock vitamin supply inside out in both conventional and organic farms.Beskrivelse


  20. When Economics Meets Law

    Matthew James Elsmore-Andersen

    I am writing an innovative and user-interactive textbook for autumn 2018 on the subject of law-and-economics, called When Economics Meets Law, with the subtitle, An Economic Analysis of Law and Legal Systems. Beskrivelse


  21. What works in innovation on education? Enhancing learning through formative assessment and the expansion of teacher repertoires (OECD/CERI)

    Lejf Moos , Poul Skov & Bent Brandt Jensen

    The importance of tailoring learning more closely to individual progress, rather than to suit the adminis-trative convenience of education systems, is a long-running theme of the lifelong learning agenda. The CERI study will look at some of the most promising existing models in schools that have developed new relationships between teaching and an understanding of learning needs, and have resulted in enhanced student outcomes. The CERI study will build on and enhance previous research on the underlying principles of effective for-mative assessment/innovative teaching practices, thereby adding to robustness of the data, and/or defin-ing new directions for study. The CERI study aims to add to the body of knowledge on formative assessment and other innovative approaches to teaching by providing vivid descriptions of teacher strategies and how teaching methods play out within the classroom. (Researchers agree that more description of successful formative assess-ment/innovative teaching practice is needed.) The CERI study will attempt to bring greater clarity to the concept of formative assessment, contributing to the overall body of research.Beskrivelse


  22. What went wrong? Examining teachers’ data use and instructional decision making through a bottom-up data intervention in Denmark

    Ida Gran Andersen

    This study investigates the bottom-up implementation of a data informed evaluation culture in public schools in two Danish municipalities. The study examines attitudinal and behavioral changes to the teachers’ data use during a data intervention by analyzing longitudinal mixed methods data. Results show that 1) teachers are very reluctant to use data, which resulted in low fidelity with the intervention 2) teachers lack the competencies to act didactically on data, and 3) when there is a mismatch between data and their subjective assessment of a student, they look for individual explanations, which may explain why the data is wrong. Beskrivelse


  23. What Social Robots can and should do - towards integrative social robotics

    Johanna Seibt , John Parm Ulhøi , Sladjana Nørskov , Raffaele Rodogno , Andreas Roepstorff , Joshua Skewes , Jens Christian Bjerring & Marco Nørskov

    An interdisciplinary research consortia that has been awarded a Semper Ardens basic research grant from Carlsberg Foundation. The reseach consortia is going to undertake fundamental research in “Social robotics”—the new revolutionary the 21st century robotics technology, that aims at creating social intelligence in machines—is projected to bring about a technological revolution with profound socio-economic impact and, potentially, particularly disruptive effects on our socio-cultural values. This research will define and implement a new paradigm for the proactive regulation of social robotics applications. By integrating robotics research with empirical and conceptual research in the Humanities, Social and Human Sciences, a project team of 25 researchers from 11 disciplines will work out the methodological foundations needed to develop responsible social robotics applications. To investigate the performance of the new method, the team will design and test several innovative social robotics applications that promote socio-cultural values and norms of personal well-being, such as fairness, authenticity, autonomy, and creative self-realization.Beskrivelse


  24. What's love got to do with it? On womanhood, love and witnessing in Nordeste

    Line Dalsgård

    A book project based on long-term relations with six women, living on the outskirts of Recife, Northeast Brazil. Beskrivelse


  25. "What is an organization that it may learn?"

    Bente Elkjaer

    I projektet arbejder jeg på at definere organisatorisk læring, således at læring reflekterer 'organisationen', de organisatoriske processer. De overskrider både de individuelle og de kollektive ved fx at inddrage betydningen af arbejdets deling og koordination.Beskrivelse


  26. What Inspectors Really Want

    Eimear Theresa Mc Loughlin

    As part of the Work Programme for EURCAW-Pigs 21/22, I am currently conducting fieldwork with animal welfare inspectors on farm, at transport, and at slaughter across four European countries. I am using ethnographic methods of participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and photography to study the experiences and challenges of animal welfare inspections. This project will provide rich insights into the training needs of inspectors across Europe and will contribute to greater collaboration and networking.Beskrivelse


  27. What do we (really) know about doping?

    Ask Vest Christiansen & John Gleaves

    Special issue for the journal Performance Enhancement and HealthBeskrivelse


  28. What can we learn from one another? Comparing Denmark, Singapore, and Canada to meet global, educational challenges

    Dorthe Staunæs & Jens Rasmussen

    What can we learn from one another?

    Comparing Denmark, Singapore, and Canada to meet global, educational challenges

    This is a pilot project for a project that will help identify the changes required of the Danish school system, and thereby prepare Denmark for the challenges of education and educational economy that follow from globalization.

    The aim is two-fold:

    1) Teacher education, curriculum, and teaching, particularly didactics and educational policies (Rasmussen)

    2) School leadership/management, management organisation and formal education of school leaders, particularly diversity- and equity management and spectrum of ‘soft’ leadership technologies (Staunæs)


  29. Well-founded Engineering of System of Systems

    Claus Ballegård Nielsen


    The constant growth of software systems naturally leads to advances in the field of software engineering, where the increasing size and complexity of systems requires more sophisticated development techniques and new engineering paradigms.

    System of Systems is a rising interdisciplinary area concerning the engineering of systems which themselves consists of other distinct systems. A System of Systems consist of multiple independent complex systems which themselves are distributed heterogeneous parts of a complex adaptive system, that has been established to form a synergistic collaboration through which the involved systems can achieve a common goal and through the synergy between the systems reach a higher functionality than delivered by the systems separately.

    A System of Systems is often found in the Aeronautics, Astronautics, Healthcare and Automotive industry because of these areas complex and interdisciplinary nature. Their trade is the development of mission-critical systems which have high demands for dependability and integrity combined with complex requirements and the necessity of integration with existing systems.


    The relational complexity and independence of these constituent systems entail that the scope and behaviour of the system is difficult to define, as both resources and authority are independent and distributed. A key challenge is how these independent entities, of which there is no central authority, can be engineered to realize a synergism in which a higher common goal is reached? How a system of such complexity can be trusted in a mission-critical environment, when there is not full control of each independent part?

    The dependability of the System of System as a whole needs to be guaranteed and it is the belief of this project that it can be addressed through a universal and precise agreement between the diverse stakeholders representing each of the independent systems. A formal contract can be used to ensure a certain commitment and accountability to architectural and behavioural requirements of the system through contractual obligations. The use of the formal contracts will not only be applicable to new system designs but also for the integration of legacy systems, some of which may not originally be designed for cooperation, into the collaboration with new constituent systems.

    Project objectives:

    This project will engage in the founding of an analysis methodology for the fulfilment of required properties defined in a formal contract in relation to a System of Systems, consisting of both legacy and newly designed heterogeneous constituent systems.

    The objectives of the project can be grouped into the following fragments; (1) To explore the feasibility of establishing a contractual relationship between constituent systems and stakeholders in a System of Systems in which specific system properties can be described; (2) The creation of an analysis methodology for describing required System of Systems properties in a contractual language in order to form a formal contract; (3) The establishment of a link between the contractual language and executable software such that legacy systems are represented by their real software and then executed in parallel with the formal contract: (4) The development of a prototype tool which supports the combination of the contractual language and the simulation of a model of System of Systems, and (5) the application of the methodology and prototype tool to real existing software systems.Beskrivelse


  30. Wellbeing from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics

    Marianne Zandersen , Uzma Aslam & Thomas Becker

    How will the Baltic Sea change in 100 years? How does climate change affect the Baltic Sea? How can we sustain the valuable services that the sea provides us?
    The BONUS BalticAPP project will seek answers to these questions. Using state-of-the-art modelling tools and data the project identifies strategies to safeguard the many ecosystem services the Baltic Sea provides us.Beskrivelse


  31. WelFur IV Mink projekt

    Steen Henrik Møller , Britt I. F. Henriksen , Tine Rousing & Jens Malmkvist

    Projekt til sikring af fortsat korrekt implementering af WelFur-Mink på Europæiske minkfarme. Projektet har 7 arbejdspakker: 1. Projektmanagement og information. 2. Bidrag til udvikling og test af ny WelFur app. (WMA2) til dataopsamling ved velfærdsvurderinger på farme. 3. Udvikling af undervisningsmateriale til periodespecifik træning af auditører. 4. Vedligehold og udvikling af velfærdsvurderingsprotokollen i forhold til ny viden. 5. Analyse af resultaterne fra WelFur på basis af anonyme, men landespecifikke data. 6. Forberedelse af en reideret version 2 af WelFur protokollen. 7. Videnskabelig publicering.

    Projektet er finansieret af Fur Europe med 2,222 mio. kr + 44% OH og medfinansieret af AU med 0,791 mio. kr.Beskrivelse


  32. WelFur III

    Steen Henrik Møller , Anna Feldberg Marsbøll , Britt I. F. Henriksen & Jens Malmkvist

    The overall aim of the WelFur III project is to facilitate the implementation of the welfare assessment protocol for mink in Europe. A test of the WelFur protocol at farms in 10 European countries disclosed a number of issues that needed to be solved in order to make sure that WelFur could correctly handle all conditions found around Europe in each of the three seasons that covers the strict annual cycle of mink production.
    A Ph.D. project is aiming at increasing the feasibility and exploring ways to reduce the costs of assessment, without reducing the validity or the reliability.
    The project included 37 hours courses for training of WelFur assessors, including an exam that should be passed in order to qualify as a WelFur-Mink asssessor.
    The project was financed by 3.932.000 DKK + 44% overhead (OH) from Fur Europe and co-funded by 452.000 DKK from AU. Beskrivelse


  33. Welfare Professionals in Conflicts with Clients

    Niels Christian M Nickelsen

    An investigation of conflicts at work experienced by the professionals of the welfare state. 25 welfare professionals such as teachers, educators and social advisors are interviewed (up to five hours) about their involvement in conflicts at their workplace involving citizens. The project works from the hypothesis that welfare professionals have limited possibility to share critical events leading to invisible work. The project scrutinizes how conflicts may make the ground for collective learning. Beskrivelse


  34. Welfare of fur animals. Initiation project. WelFur I

    Steen Henrik Møller , Steffen Werner Hansen , Jens Malmkvist & Tine Rousing

    Projekt til afklaring af om og i givet fald hvordan der kan etableres en velfærdsvurderingsprotokol for pelsdyr, efter principperne udviklet i EU-projektet Welfare Quality (R). AU varetog projektdelen vedr Mink

    Projektet blev finansieret af EFBA med 100.000 € + 44% OHBeskrivelse
