Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. General theory of pro-environmental behavior spillover

    John Thøgersen

    Psychology and related disciplines have made great progress in finding determinants of single pro-environmental behaviors in recent years. However, for challenges like global climate change or overuse of natural resources, it is not sufficient to address single behaviors but it is crucial to understand the links between a complex set of behaviors all affecting the problem: Under which conditions one pro-environmental behavior increases the likelihood of other pro-environmental behaviors by the same actor (positive spillover) and under which conditions it instead reduces the likelihood (negative spillover) is still an unsolved mystery, with only scattered findings in the literature. There is thus an urgent need for a firmer, comprehensive understanding of the complex underlying mechanisms of spillover, which requires methodologically demanding basic psychological research to develop an innovative, integrative theoretical model. The proposed project addresses this research gap with an international group of highly merited researchers in this field. The project will set the standard for future applied research in this highly relevant area of environmental behavior research.Beskrivelse


  2. Globale havne og søfart

    Annette Skovsted Hansen , Martin Arvad Nicolaisen , Ehud Gonen , Shoko Hirai , Christopher A. Gomez , Carmela Lutmar & Takeshi Haraguchi

    The main value of establishing this network is to begin to dislodge the research
    questions from national port or shipping line concerns and singular academic
    disciplines to explore questions posed at a super-national or even global level.
    Besides, the added-value of dialogue and co-writing of 1-2 research grant
    proposals between these researchers is the inclusion of academic perspectives and approaches of humanities, social and technical sciences, which defines the research management approach of this network. The combination of disciplines,
    nationalities, and locations will contribute to truly innovative research ideas for
    future collaboration on the aftermath of Covid 19, natural disasters, and the
    dynamic changes of the shipping industry and the impact on ports constructed and financed by individual nations.Beskrivelse


  3. Ph.d.-projekt: Use of fluorescence in thyroid operations

    Rasmus Reinke

    Hovedvejleder: Lars Rolighed
    Medvejledere: Lars Rejnmark, Stefano Londero og Martin AlmquistBeskrivelse


  4. PlantPro

    Maartje Mulders , Jessica Aschemann-Witzel , Meike Janssen , Maureen Schulze & Michael Bom Frøst

    PlantPro contributes to accelerating an efficient green consumer behaviour transition towards more plant-rich diets and reduced food waste.Beskrivelse


  5. Storskala måling af metan

    Mogens Sandø Lund , Goutam Sahana , Trine Michelle Villumsen & Peter Lund

    Måling af metanudledning af 5-10.000 individuelle køer mhp forbedrede bedriftsregnskaber og avl for mindre metanudledning

    Vi vil sænke metanudledningen fra mælkeproduktionen i Danmark dels gennem systematisk avl og dels gennem robuste estimater til managementmæssige og fodringsmæssige tiltag. Udgangspunktet er udviklingen af en målemetode til individuelle, kvantitative målinger af metanudskillelsen fra malkekoen direkte i stalden. Metoden vil give præcise målinger på et meget stort antal køer i danske malkekvægsbesætninger til en lav pris. Dette giver en unik fremtidssikret dataplatform, som er udgangspunktet for de øvrige aktiviteter. Derfor kan projektet som noget helt unikt på verdensplan udvikle og implementere et avlsindeks i kvægbruget, som gør det muligt at nedbringe metanudledningen fra malkekvægssektoren gennem et systematisk avlsarbejde under hensyntagen til koens fysiologi og sundhed. Derudover vil projektet generere data og estimere metanudledning af effekter der vil forbedre bedriftsregnskaber og modellering. Beskrivelse


  6. Supporting Pregnancy fOOd and Nutrition Security (SPOONS) in Denmark'smost marginalized neighbourhoods

    Luseadra Joy McKerracher

    A mixed methods research project aimed at understanding social, economic, and political causes and health and social consequences of food insecurity in expecting parents and families with young children living in Denmark, with a particular focus on marginalized neighbourhoods. Beskrivelse


  7. Vækst i Agroindustrien - powered by data

    Stefan Rahr Wagner

    ”Vækst i Agroindustrien – powered by data” er et projekt støttet af Industriens Fond med 6.3 mio.kr. og løber fra 2020 – 2023.

    Projektet, der er et samarbejde mellem Aarhus Universitet, Dansk Agroindustri, SEGES og Teknologisk Institut har til formål at styrke agroindustriens konkurrenceevne og position samt stimulere vækst på baggrund af data.

    Hver partner byder ind med højt specialiseret viden indenfor landbrugsfaglig viden, digitale forretningsmodeller, anvendelse af data og kendskab til agroindustrien. Netop denne kombination giver de deltagende virksomheder mulighed for at få kvalificeret sparring og rådgivning omkring deres data, anvendelse og forretningsmodel.

    Baggrund for projektet

    I 2028 var Danmarks fødevareklynges bidrag til indkomstdannelsen på 118 mia.kr., svarende til 5,5% af BNP, og en eksport på 92 mia. kr. Beskæftigelsen i erhvervet er på godt 180.000 personer. Disse nøgletal stadfæster landbruget som et af landets fortsat mest betydelige erhverv.

    Men øget konkurrence og stigende krav til præcision og dokumentation gør det nødvendigt at udvikle og forny agroindustriens produkter, services og forretningsmodeller ved at udnytte de muligheder, som teknologien skaber for at opsamle, udveksle, behandle og værdisætte data.

    Den grundlæggende teknologi er i høj grad allerede til rådighed eller kan videreudvikles efter behov, men virksomhederne i agroindustrien har behov for konkret viden, etablering af samarbejder og økosystemer samt hjælp til at udvikle services og forretningsmodeller for at kunne udnytte potentialerne i digitalisering.

    Projekt ”Vækst i Agroindustrien – powered by data” skriver sig således ind i tidens ånd, hvor data og anvendelsen af data kan være afgørende for, om en virksomhed vækster eller stagnerer.

    Læs mere på: https://www.agroindustri.dk/om/Beskrivelse


  8. Værdier og Normer for grøn omstilling i det blå Danmark

    Jakob Krause-Jensen , Perle Møhl , Bettina Skårup & Nanna Thit

    Den grønne omstilling står højt på dagsordenen i samfundet og blandt beslutningstagere i Det Blå Danmark. Alle synes enige om, at en grønne omstilling er tvingende nødvendig, men det er ikke entydigt, hvad ’den grønne omstilling’ betyder og hvilken slags handlinger, den kræver. Projektet afdækker forskellige værdier og normer i det blå Danmark i forhold til den grønne omstilling. Projektet udspringer af to tidligere forskningsprojekter – ”Robotten/Teknologien som ’kollega’” og ”Åben Innovation, videndeling og sparring”, der har peget på, hvordan en række kulturelle, sociale, organisatoriske og menneskelige forhold påvirker omstillingsprocesser i branchen.Beskrivelse


  9. Vand som ressource og udfordring

    Ellen Margrethe Basse

    Bogprojekt om den kompekse danske lovgivning vedrørende beskyttelse og benyttelse af vand samt klimatilpasningsudfordringe. En lovgivning, der dels er resultatet af mere end 100 års traditioner og minimumsimplementering af EU's vandlovgivning.Beskrivelse


  10. Ph.d.-projekt: Diagnostic work-up and treatment of patients with cancer of unknown primary in the head and neck

    Signe Bergliot Nielsen

    Hovedvejleder: Thomas Kjærgaard
    Medvejledere: Jens Overgaard og Christian GodballeBeskrivelse


  11. Growing co-design

    Lone Koefoed Hansen & Raune Frankjær

    Growing CoDesign forskningsprojektet ledes af Lone Koefoed Hansen og Raune Frankjær, med vægtige bidrag fra bl.a. Margrete Lodahl Rolighed, Ester Marie Aagaard og Marcus Due Jensen. Projektets formål er at udforske måder at anvende kreative praksisser og digitale teknologier til at inddrage naturen (især planter) i designpraksis. Helt konkret, så arbejder vi med de elektrofysiologiske signaler, som planter skaber, som udgangspunktet for plante-menneske samtaler og kreativt arbejde.Beskrivelse


  12. Nye hjemmesider til præsentation af medarbejdere

    Anja Cilius Jakobsen , Henning Troels Povlsen , Matilde Bisballe Jensen , Emil Skovgaard Mikkelsen , Nils-Jørgen Rasmussen & Nicolaj Pedersen Tanderup

    Universitetet stiller medarbejderhjemmesider til rådighed for alle medarbejdere via den såkaldte PURE-portal. Hjemmesiderne fungerer som medarbejdernes digitale visitkort over for offentligheden, eksterne samarbejdspartnere og over for andre kolleger/medarbejdere. Hjemmesiderne giver medarbejderen mulighed for at udstille deres kontaktinformationer, CV, publikationer, aktiviteter mv. PURE-portalen er varslet udfases af leverandøren (Elsevier) i 2023, derfor skal der findes en ny løsning.

    Til grundlag for beslutning om ny løsning laves en grundig behovsafdækning af både afsender og modtager-behov for portalen via interview af udvalgte brugere fra de mange brugergrupper.
    Input fra denne behovsafdækning skal ligge til grund for en analyse af mulige løsningsmuligheder. Den nuværende leverandør; Elsevier stiller et nyt produkt til rådighed, men da dette er et væsentlig andet produkt end den nuværende portal, skal det vejes op imod behovene fra analysen, og det skal afsøges om andre alternativer (herunder egenudvikling) evt. Bedre kan leve op til de krav, der fremkommer i behovsafdækningen.

    Den fremtidige løsning skal levere personlige hjemmesider, som er ensartet i udtryk og med opdaterede, valide data. Samtidig skal der være så høj en grad af automatisering af data til udstilling på hjemmesiderne, så manuel indtastning for den enkelte medarbejder mindskes. Hjemmesiderne skal desuden gøre det let for brugeren at finde relevante informationer både via navigation og søgning.Beskrivelse


  13. A history of online virality (HIVI)

    Valérie Schafer , Niels Brügger , Frédéric Clavert , Florentina Armaselu , Lars Wieneke & Carmen Noguera

    Combining close and distant reading, this historical research analyses the evolution of viral content on the Web and on social media and their digital “noise” and traces within web archives, from the early Web in the 1990s to Instagram and Twitter. The project is funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).Beskrivelse


  14. Albani Kirke i det tidlige Odense - Et arkæologisk studie af den gensidige påvirkning mellem urbanisering og den tidlige kristendom i de formative år fra c. 900 til 1200 e.Kr. med Odense som eksempel

    Kirstine Haase & Mikael Manøe Bjerregaard

    Albani Kirke i det tidlige Odense” er et etårigt forskningsprojekt, som er støttet af Kulturministeriets Forskningsudvalg. Overgangen fra vikingetid til middelalder markerer begyndelsen på to skelsættende begivenheder i Danmarkshistorien, nemlig indførelsen af kristendommen og fremvæksten af byer. Kristendommen fik stor indflydelse på byernes udformning, med grundlæggelsen af kirker, klostre og kirkegårde. Det kristne tankegods og udøvelsen af kristendommen fik ligeledes stor indflydelse på livet i byen, og samtidig smittede hverdagens praksisser af på det religiøse liv. I projektet Albani kirke i det tidlige Odense undersøges, denne gensidige påvirkning mellem kirke og by, på overgangen fra vikingetid til tidlig middelalder, gennem det arkæologiske og skriftlige kildemateriale.Beskrivelse


  15. Boost din sprogfærdighed - fransk

    Bente Mosgaard Jørgensen & Nina Hauge Jensen

    Udvikling af 8 ugers forløb i mundtlig sprogfærdighed i fransk for studerende på AU og VIABeskrivelse


  16. Cable Bacteria in Surface Water Restoration

    Julia Marén Otte

    funded by CEM/Aarhus University and company Söll GmbH, Project leader: A. Schramm, U. Marzocchi, T. Willuweit and J. OtteBeskrivelse


  17. Et ICT-baseret rådgivningsværktøj til at minimere forekomsten af halebid

    Lene Juul Pedersen , Guilherme Amorim Franchi , Tomas Norton , Keeling O'Driscoll , Laura Boyle & Mona Lilian Vestbjerg Larsen

    Projektet udvikler et varslingsværktøj for igangværende halebids adfærd vha automatiseret overvågning via video og billede behandlings algorithmer. Værktøjet vil desuden angive sandsynlige risikofaktorer og derved virkningsfulde interventioner. Projektet er finansieret af GUDP.Beskrivelse


  18. Future floriculture with less waste, better plant quality and a high focus on innovative and alternative technologies

    Tabata Bergonci

    Greenhouse production of ornamental plants is one of the most important
    sectors in Denmark. With an annual production value of 1.9 billion, the sector
    is larger than the sector for fruit and berries, and vegetables together. The
    Danish ornamental plant sector operates internationally, both with
    manufactured goods and, even more important, with protected varieties such
    as cuttings / small plants, which are sold to growers all over the world. The
    long transport of cuttings is costly and have high demands to quality. Poor
    cutting quality typically appears late in production, as plants that will not root,
    weak root systems or poor growth. A large part of resources is wasted on
    plants that are discarded, even before they reach maturity.
    There is a great need to find solutions that will ensure protected plant
    production in the future in an extremely variable climate and subjected to
    increased demand of sustainability. In the project, we will focus on
    increasing quality, and at the same time reduce waste and energy
    consumption throughout the production chain from stockplant to cutting, and
    to finished product. Climate-adapted management of the greenhouse
    climate, as well as future-proofing of the production by moving parts indoors,
    will be investigated with the aim of reducing costs for transport and energy.
    New disruptive methods for rooting ability and quality will be tested. All in all,
    a significant boost to sustainable horticulture, with both green and economic


  19. Integrative Green Infrastructure Planning

    Maya Pasgaard , J.-C. Svenning & Kristine Engemann

    The GRIP project provides new knowledge on green infrastructure in South Africa through an interdisciplinary research project that seeks to strengthen the integrated planning approaches in the national capital of South Africa, City of Tshwane (CoT). GRIP will facilitate lessons from City of Aarhus (CoA), in particular their holistic planning integrating social, economic, and cultural issues with urban issues such as non-motorized transportation, densification, water infrastructure and liveable public spaces. Through the GRIP project, a city-to-city collaboration was combined with research that cross-fertilizes spatial ecology, environmental justice and landscape design, building capacities across disciplines, borders, and sectors. Knowledge was be co-created through reciprocal exchange of management experiences (e.g. organization and communication) and stronger technical capacities (high-resolution mapping and big data modelling of multifunctionality), and through integration of ecological knowledge (on species and habitats) and social gains (local identity, equity, justice and economic development, in particular).Beskrivelse


  20. Long term chemical stability of vanadium flow batteries

    Anders Bentien

    The project is focused on increasing the fundamental understanding of long term (> years) chemical stability of liquid vanadium solutions in flow batteries. Because of the usage of the same solution in both half cells, vanadium cross-over in the stack has no damaging effect and Vanadium Flow Batteries (VFBs) are considered to have infinite lifetime. However, in practice there are three reversible mechanisms that can degrade the chemical integrity of VFBs and lead to capacity loss over time: (1) external oxidation, (2) vanadium/volumetric crossover and (3) temperature stability.

    Through lab-scale proof-of concept, the goal is to quantify these mechanisms and develop new methods that would reverse the degradation. Additionally, in co-operation with VisBlue, the aim is to implement these methods in real battery systems.

    Project budget: 0.15 mio EUR

    Funding Source

    PhD – Innovation Foundation Denmark



  21. Lyddesign til fødestuer til Hospitalsenheden Vest

    Marie Højlund

    lyddesign til samlet atmosfæredesign på nye fødestuer på Gødstrup Hospitalsenheden VestBeskrivelse


  22. MeatSecret: Uncovering the secretome of evolving primary muscle cells for in vitro meat production

    Jette F Young

    This project will deliver profiles of the secreted components (secretomics) and microRNA (miRNA) from both proliferating and differentiated primary bovine muscle cells.

    The cell culturing lab has well established procedures for muscle cell isolation, culturing and quality assessment i.e. proliferation by mitochondria activity and doubling time, assurance of correct population by expression of muscle specific genes (Pax7, Myf5 and MyoD by RT-PCR) and markers of maturity (myosin heavy chain - MHC1).

    Based on isolations from three different animals the culture media from cells in the proliferation (50% and 80% confluent cells) and differentiation (1 and 3 days after initiating differentiation) stages will be sampled for analysis on state of the art analytical platforms; 1) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) equipment (e.g. TimsToF Pro, IM-QTOF, Triple Q) based on a new technology which will overcome general challenges in MS analysis, such as sample complexity and large dynamic range of compounds and 2) the affymetrix platform for exploratory analysis of miRNA which utilizes micro-arrays with all known bovine miRNA sequences (approx. 250).

    Data from both platforms will be published in open access peer reviewed journal including full access to the complete list of data as supplementary data. The data sharing benefits the scientific community and increases the knowledge base enabling progression in the field of cultured meat.


  23. Nitrogen sources for Arctic freshwaters

    Ada Pastor Oliveras , Tenna Riis & Pau Gimenez Grau

    The main aim of Nitrofresh is to assess the N sources for streams and the linkages between terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems across different regions with continuous permafrost in High Arctic. In particular, we have three objectives: (1) to quantify and characterize N pools along the riparian-stream continuum, (2) to determine the amount of available N for biological assimilation (i.e. gross ammonification), and (3) to evaluate the main drivers of N pools and processes (i.e. vegetation, lithology, soil type and geomorphology).
    NitroFresh will provide relevant ecological information on the ecosystem function at the terrestrial-freshwater interface, which is relevant to understand how biogeochemical processes and exports respond to climate change.Beskrivelse


  24. Patients self-perceived periodontal status

    Rodrigo Lopez & Julie Pajaniaye


  25. Prosthesis Versus Active Exercise Program in Patients With Cuff Tear Arthropathy who are eligible for reverse shoulder arthroplasty: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial

    Josefine Beck Larsen , Inger Mechlenburg , Theis Muncholm Thillemann , Antti Launonen , Thomas Falstie-Jensen , Steen Lund Jensen , Helle Kvistgaard Østergaard , Srdjan Zivanovic , Aleksi Reito , Brian Elmengaard , Stine Junge Due & Mette Axelsen

    A multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of reverse shoulder arthroplasty surgery compared to 12 weeks of physiotherapist supervised exercise on pain and physical function in patients with cuff tear arthropathy who are eligible for a reverse shoulder arthroplasty.Beskrivelse


  26. PROsthesis vs ACTive exercise program in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis eligible for shoulder arthroplasty: the ProAct multicenter, randomized controlled trial

    Josefine Beck Larsen , Inger Mechlenburg , Theis Muncholm Thillemann , Antti P Launonen , Thomas Falstie-Jensen , Steen Lund Jensen , Helle Kvistgaard Østergaard , Srdjan Zivanovic & Aleksi Reito

    A multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of shoulder arthroplasty surgery compared to 12 weeks of physiotherapist supervised exercise on pain and physical function in patients with glenohumeral osteoarhtritis who are eligible for a shoulder arthroplasty. Beskrivelse


  27. Scaleup of redox flow batteries

    Anders Bentien

    The project is on rechargeable batteries for large scale energy storage, where a solution of vanadium is used to hold the energy. A danish produced stack (battery assembly) will be developed, and a system will be demonstrated where 100 kWh of power can be stored. The idea is to ude the system for storage of renewable energy from wind turbines etc.

    Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) is a promising technology for renewable energy storage and load balancing. Applications include domestic and local load balancing of photovaltaics. By scale-up of the modular technology, VRFB systems will be very suitable for energy storage on the level of wind turbines and for grid balancing (MW/MWh scale).

    The project RED-BATS will scale-up VRFB stacks from 5 to 25 kW to establish compatibility with large system (MW) and increase efficiency and reduce cost of ownership of systems.

    At 25 kW/100 kWh range system will be demonstrated. It is the ambition to establish a Danish production of RFB stacks and systems at VisBlue in Aarhus, as well as to expand a competitive Danish supply-chain for VFB key components.

    Project budget: 2.4 mio EUR
    Funding Source
    Energy Development & Demonstration Projects (EUDP)

    The project RED-BATS will scale-up VRFB stacks from 5 to 25 kW to establish compatibility with large system (MW) and increase efficiency and reduce cost of ownership of systems.

    At 25 kW/100 kWh range system will be demonstrated. It is the ambition to establish a Danish production of RFB stacks and systems at VisBlue in Aarhus, as well as to expand a competitive Danish supply-chain for VFB key components.


  28. Sigurd fortæller om naturvidenskab

    Niels Bonderup Dohn

    "Sigurd fortæller om naturvidenskab” er et multimedieprojekt, som har til formål at udbrede den almene kendskab til naturvidenskab hos børn, unge og voksne. Projektet realiseres som en række delprojekter, da vi ønsker at nå målgruppen de steder, de færdes, nemlig på nettet, i kulturlivet, i dagtilbud,
    i skolen samt i familien


  29. SinProPack. Grass fiber-based paper for sustainable “to-go” packaging products

    Morten Ambye-Jensen & Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

    Projektet vil eftervise anvendelse af restprodukter fra bioraffierning af græs til fremstilling af komposterbar engangsemballage.Beskrivelse


  30. TEDCO - Teaching Technology Design for Collaborative Reflection Practices in Higher Education

    Eva Eriksson

    In response to the challenges posed by COVID-19, where remote collaboration has become radically more important, the need for designing and developing technologies that efficiently support collaborative interaction has become an even higher priority. This project aims to spread the knowledge gained in research on the design of collaborative technologies by the project partners, by developing teaching materials for higher education in designing technologies that support collaborative interaction mediated by technology. Beskrivelse


  31. Ud med sproget! Et digitalt Sprogligt boost i fransk for franskstuderende på universitet og i læreruddannelsen

    Bente Mosgaard Jørgensen & Nina Hauge Jensen

    Dette projekt sigter mod at skabe rammer for udvikling og evaluering af et nyskabende digitalt format for samarbejde om Sprogligt boost i fransk på tværs af læreruddannelse og universitet. Projektet tager afsæt i erfaringerne fra et tidligere projekt med fokus på Sprogligt boost i tysk, men bevæger sig også væsentligt herudover. Ligesom i Sprogligt boost i tysk er udvikling af et funktionelt og præcist fransk talesprog et centralt formål. Der arbejdes tematisk og indholdsbaseret, og undervisningen er præget af dialog og interaktion, mens der sideløbende arbejdes bevidst og kontekstualiseret med fransk grammatik. Alle udgifter til drift i forbindelse med undervisningen afholdes af VIA og AU, og dette projekt sigter mod at skabe rammer for udvikling af et nyskabende digitalt format for Sprogligt boost. Beskrivelse


  32. Violence and Warfare in the Nordic Corded Ware Complex 2900‐2300 BCE

    Helle Vandkilde & Anna Tornberg

    The last decade of archaeo‐genetic research has revealed substantial biocultural changes setting forth in Europe around and after 2900 BCE. In the Nordic region, the First Farmer population vanished, fled into retreats or became absorbed by Corded Ware lineages of the newcomers whose genetic ancestry traces back to pastoralists of the Eurasian Steppe. Researchers currently discuss causes, effects and timelines.
    The RJ project will investigate the role of violence at scales from household to tribe and from local to interregional. Trauma‐pathological changes to skeletal remains will be compared with the archaeological record of notably weapon graves (battle‐axes, arrow projectiles). In collaboration with colleagues, we will
    begin with so‐called Battle‐Axe cemeteries in Scania and then proceed to Denmark and Germany. We expect to clarify the level of violence compared to ‘before’ and ‘after’ including fluctuations at different scales: who were at risk of violence and the degree to which violence linked to warfare and militarization.
    Genomic and meta‐genomic analyses will thereto be able to inform about the role of kinship organization, infectious disease (e.g. Y. pestis) and the areas in Europe from where the Nordic branches of the Corded Ware complex originated. High‐resolution Sr isotope analysis will capture migration histories at the individual level hence nuancing population dynamics revealed by aDNA.Beskrivelse


  33. Coronatrivsel under skolenedlukninger i Århus Kommune - elever og forældre i 4.-9. klasse

    Lars Qvortrup , Jacob Christensen & Karen Wistoft

    Opfølgende undersøgelse af elever social og faglige trivsel samt forældrenes oplevelser under skolenedlukninger i Århus Kommune marts 2021. Første undersøgelse foretaget i seks kommuner inkl. Århus april 2020.Beskrivelse


  34. Sunde liv og lokalt samarbejde - samskabelse om etniske minoriteters sundhedskompetence

    Anna Sofia Elisabeth Aaby , Helle Terkildsen Maindal , Knud Ryom & Helene Kirkegaard

    Lighed i sundhed handler bl.a. om at alle borgere har mulighed for at finde, forstå, tilgå og fastholdes i sundhedstilbud i lokalsamfundet.

    Formålet med LIVE er i samarbejde med Folkesundhed Aarhus, Afdeling Vest, Aarhus Kommune samt lokale aktører i området 8220 at kortlægge faktorer af betydning for etniske minoriteters adgang til sundhedstilbud og på den baggrund samskabe og afprøve kvalitetsforbedrende tiltag.

    Projektet anvender en systembaseret tilgang og gruppebaseret modellering til at forbedre den lokale community health literacy.Beskrivelse


  35. Cattle Feed in Take - CFIT

    Martin Riis Weisbjerg , Søren Østergaard , Troels Kristensen , Jan Lassen , Peter Løvendahl , Jørgen Rind Thomasen , Lars Arne Hjort Nielsen , Anders Fogh & Samantha Joan Noel

    This project will generate new data for individual cow feed intake. This will be a game changer in dairy cattleproduction going from optimization of management on herd level to optimization for the individual cow.

    Projektet er finansieret af InnovationsfondenBeskrivelse


  36. Cultural Heritage Data

    Kristina Risom Jespersen

    Mapping The Danish co-creative innovation culture since 2005 through collection of a data on co-creation by means of internet communication. Danish internet sites are harvested four times a year which create a significant large panel data on the companies engage in co-creation for innovation.Beskrivelse
