Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. FIDUCIA: The theological roots of Danish trust culture undergirding the welfare state

    Sasja Emilie Mathiasen Stopa

    FIDUCIA explores potential influences of Lutheran theology on the development of Danish trust culture. The Danish welfare state is characterised by high levels of social and institutional trust, which nourish a socially cohesive society with low corruption, a minimum of bureaucracy, and limited 'free-riding', despite high taxes. This trust culture has attracted considerable international attention, but little is known about its historical background. FIDUCIA unearths the possible theological roots hereof, examining how theological social imaginaries of trust might have affected how Danes related to fellow citizens, societal institutions, and state authorities as Denmark developed from an absolutist kingdom to a nascent liberal democratic welfare state from the mid-19th century onwards.
    FIDUCIA is made possible through a Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowship and will be carried out at The School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh University.Beskrivelse


  2. Governing educational pasts, presents, and futures with data

    Miriam Madsen , Berit Karseth , Nelli Piattoeva , Ida Cheyenne Martinez Lunde , Ronni Laursen , Daniel M. Blaabjerg-Zederkoff , Helene Ratner & Maria Birch Rokoguniwai

    The proposed workshop series will explore the temporal dimensions of the use and impact of educational data in the governance of public education to support theoretical, conceptual, and methodological innovation. Data practices of progression measurement, projection, prediction, risk assessment, policymaking, management, and memory crafting are increasingly common, especially in the Nordic countries, making the Nordic context a unique and important context for exploring such practices. Data practices and their temporal dimensions are particularly interesting in the field of public education, where temporalities such as progression and potentiality are key to the formation of societies, populations, and individuals. To date, only a handful of educational scholars have attempted to explore the question of data and time. The workshop series deploys socio-material and new materialist perspectives, as well as empirical examples of data practices across the Nordic countries, to develop groundbreaking concepts and methodologies of use for future Nordic research and the wider international research community. The workshops furthermore promote Nordic mobility among early career researchers. The project builds and consolidates a hitherto loose network of Nordic researchers in the field of education and data who have not previously worked together.
    The workshop series encompasses three 2-day workshops and one online seminar as preparation for the third workshop. The three workshops will focus on different topics, including conceptualizations and theorizations of time (workshop 1, February 2022 in Copenhagen); novel and inventive methodologies as well as similarities and differences across the Nordic countries (workshop 2, August 2022 in Oslo); and the wider relations between data practices, temporality, and the construction of social structures and practices (workshop 3, February 2023 in Tampere). Each workshop addresses one or two topics through active and innovative workshop methods combined with inputs from relevant international scholars, and furthermore includes work-in-progress sessions leading to the publication of a thematic issue in a relevant journal, including individual and collaborative papers, as well as joint symposia at Nordic and European educational conferences. Besides these outputs, the workshop series will also develop proposals for future research projects and produce a blog to disseminate tentative workshop ideas to a wider audience.Beskrivelse


  3. Hjemlige duft- og lydmiljøer - Et interventionsstudie på aarhusianske plejehjem

    Marie Højlund

    I 2022 opstartede Aarhus Kommune den næste fase i duft- og lydarbejdet med et projekt, der har haft som formål at implementere konkrete løsninger til forbedring af plejehjemmenes duft- og lydmiljøer. Projektet er finansieret af Sundhedsstyrelsen, Socialstyrelsen og Aarhus Kommunes VT-OPI-pulje. Beskrivelse


  4. Lifestyle habits and screening for cardio-vascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - from register to the patient’s perspective

    Julie Katrine Karstensen , Ann Bremander , Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen & Jette Primdahl

    Ph.d.-projekt af Julie Katrine Karstensen, Hovedvejleder Ann Bremander, Medvejleder Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen, Medvejleder Jette PrimdahlBeskrivelse


  5. Metanproduktion fra heste fodret med forskellige grovfoderrationer

    Anne Louise Frydendahl Hellwing , Rasmus Bovbjerg Jensen & Eric Clausen

    Forsøgets formål er undersøge forskellige fodermidlers nedbrydning og gasproduktion med en laboratoriemetode og derefter udvælge to foderrationer, hvor metanproduktionen måles på heste.

    Projektet er finansieret af HesteafgiftsfondenBeskrivelse


  6. NøjSom - Klimaforbedringer og foderbesparelser ved optimeret fodring af drægtige søer

    Peter Kappel Theil

    Formålet er at minimere udledningen af klimagasser ved at reducere foderets proteinindhold og søernes samlede
    foderforbrug. Dette opnås ved at bestemme behovet for protein og lysin til sendrægtige søer. Resultaterne
    vil gøre det muligt at optimere foderudnyttelsen, samtidig med at væksten af de ufødte grise opretholdes og soens
    muskelvækst minimeres.

    Projektet er bevilliget af SvineafgiftsfondenBeskrivelse


  7. Økofaba: Nutritional value and exploitation of Faba beans in organic production

    Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Lotte Bach Larsen , Tianzhen Xiao , Karin Loft Eybye , Eva-Marie Lange , Astrid Søgaard & Malene Søgaard

    In the ØkoFaba project, we want to examine a long range of organically grown varieties of Faba beans for the contents of protein and amino acids, as well as macro- and micro-nutrients, as these can vary between varieties and growing conditions. Furthermore, we want to investigate how these variations affect the physical and functional properties of Faba beans during processing e.g. in relation to plant-based drinks or meat substitutes. Furthermore, the effect of extraction (e.g. wet/dry extraction, milling, high temperatures, etc.) on the nutritional quality of the final product will be explored relative to aggregate formation, cross-linking and/or reduction of the content of anti-nutritional factors.

    The specific aims of the project
    • Investigate the importance of varieties and annual variation on the nutritional quality of Faba beans
    • Explain variations in the raw material and its importance for functionality and processing
    • Ensure good yields and optimal protein quality for healthy plant-based foods


  8. Polymer Brushes for Energy Storage

    Dorthe Ravnsbæk

    Co-PI on Innovation Fond Denmark Industrial post doc project in collaboration RadisurfBeskrivelse


  9. Repairable IoT (Digital Lead)

    Mirko Presser


  10. Risk and responsibility in an age of global threat

    Antoinette Mary Fage-Butler

    This book project has been made possible through generous funding by Carlsberg Foundation Research Fellowship. We live in a time of multiple global threats; our media spheres in the 2020s have been saturated with information about what we should or should not be doing to meet the challenges of the pandemic and climate change. Given the current role and prevalence of global risk communication, this project will explore connections between risks and responsibility in official risk communication about the "super wicked problems" of the pandemic and climate change. It seeks to contribute new insights and to further understanding of how risks "responsibilise" publics, where the public are encouraged to adopt risk-minimizing behaviours.Beskrivelse


  11. Shaping Digital Citizenship - SHAPE

    Peter Danholt

    AU projektBeskrivelse


  12. Tidligere og tydeligere arkæologiske udgravninger - potentialer i nye hurtigmetoder

    Søren M. Kristiansen , Charlotte Rasmussen , Anna Katarina Ejgreen Tjelldén , Lars Krants Larsen , David Stott , Niels Nørkjær Johannsen & Søren Michael Sindbæk

    Fra Augustinus Fonden er der givet støtte til TITAN projektet der skal undersøge om et paradigmeskift er muligt i feltarkæologi ved at afprøve nye metoder til undersøgelse af kulturlag, der kan implementeres tidligere i undersøgelsesprocessen.Beskrivelse


  13. Vikingernes Aros: Ny indsigt i vikingetidens Aarhus ca. 750-1050

    Jette Linaa , Welmoed Out , Peter Mose Jensen , Jacob Kveiborg , Peter Jensen Maring & Torbjörn Brorsson

    Vikingetiden, ca. 750-1050 er en brydningstid for de danske byer, Vikingernes Aros – Aarhus navn i vikingetiden – blev anlagt som handelsplads og center for håndværk, et knudepunkt i trafikken mellem de vikingetidige byer Hedeby ved Slien og Kaupang i Norge. I 900-tallet befæstes byen i en dramatisk aktion af en kongemagt, og den får nu også funktion som et betydeligt militært støttepunkt, Samtidigt får byen sin første kirke. Byens befæstning forstærkes samtidig med at ringborgene bygges, og de arkæologiske fund tyder på at byen nu er centrum for en række dramatiske begivenheder, kampe og overfald. Formålet med dette projekt er at klarlægge hvad der skete. Det gøres i projektets første del ved at klarlægge byens topografi, dens internationale kontaktnet, dens funktioner og migrationer og beboernes dagligliv mellem anlæggelsen of vikingetidens slutning ud fra de arkæologiske strukturer og fund der er afdækket i byens mange udgravninger. Centrum i projektets anden del er et meget velbevaret, nedbrændt grubehus fra slutningen af 900-tallet, der for nylig er udgravet i den centrale bymidte syd for domkirken og nær vikingetidens havn. Fokuserede naturvidenskabelige og arkæologiske analyser af grubehusets indhold af våben, handelsvarer, bygningstømmer og dagliglivets genstande skal dels klarlægge ejerens erhverv, position i byen og internationale forbindelser, og dels klarlægge hvilken begivenhed der førte til at huset brændte ned. Dermed vil de to projektdele tilsammen give afgørende ny viden om vikingernes Aros.Beskrivelse


  14. Danish - Korean cooperation on redox flow battery development for energy storage

    Anders Bentien

    DanKoBat aims at providing a commercial breakthrough for vanadium flow redox batteries (VFRB) by developing a novel and more cost effective membrane compared to the available commercial products. VRFB are foreseen to be a dominant solution to electrical energy storage (EES) challenges worldwide.
    Project budget: 1.5 mio EUR
    Funding Source
    EUREKA - Innovation Foundation Denmark.


  15. Effekt af skærpede miljøzoner og forbud mod ældre brændeovne i Odense Kommune

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Matthias Ketzel & Marlene Schmidt Plejdrup

    Rapporten beskriver indledningsvis en luftkvalitetsvurdering, hvor nuværende luftkvalitet sammenlignes med EU grænseværdier og nye WHO retningslinjer. Der foretages en effektvurdering af (a) forbud mod ældre brændeovne fra før 2008 i kollektive varmeforsyningsområder, (b) forbud mod dieselpersonbiler uden partikelfiltre i nuværende miljøzone, (c) nulemissionszoner i forskellige geografiske udstrækninger. Finansieret af Odense Kommune.Beskrivelse


  16. Wave - exploring sound solastalgia

    Marie Højlund

    Sound composition for sound bench at Lunds University Sverige.

    The piece “Wave - exploring sound solastalgia” for Sound Environment Centre's Sound Bench seeks to give sense and explore basic affects related to our sonically changing life worlds.

    Nature sounds are often seen as relaxing, and understood as reconnecting our minds and bodies with something primeval. Such sounds are used for stress recovery in the fields of medicine and psychology, as well as in our personal meditation app downloaded on our phone. At the same time a continuous climate anxiety has invaded many personal experiences in relation to nature environments and phenomena. An anxiety that seems impossible to escape.

    For more information visit: https://www.lmc.lu.se/ljudbanken/waveBeskrivelse


  17. Marie Sklodowska Curie Action, KNOWN: Know thy neighbor

    Bodil Ehlers , Jaishree Subrahmaniam & Marianne Glasius

    Understanding how plants recognize each other is a crucial step in determining how competitive traits evolve in intraspecific plant-plant interacting
    systems, which has implications in both natural and agroecological contexts. Comprehending intraspecific recognition mechanisms can ultimately
    help illuminate the dynamics of natural plant populations and aid in predicting their resilience in the face of current and future global changes. More
    importantly, understanding this link between recognition and belowground plastic responses can be exploited to design efficient crop variety
    mixtures with high yield potential owing to cooperative interactions.Beskrivelse


  18. Migranters sikkerhedsudfordringer i landbruget. Antropologisk forskning i sikkerhedspraksis- og samarbejde samt udvikling af anvendelsesorienteret sikkerhedskommunikation

    Johanne Korsdal Sørensen , Adrienne Mannov , Sofie Kønig Wilms , Astrid Stampe Lovelady & Helle Birk Domino

    I 2019 havde landbruget Danmarks højeste forekomst af arbejdsulykker med dødelig udgang, og i 2012-2016 havde landbruget flere anmeldelser af alvorlige arbejdsulykker end arbejdsmarkedet generelt.
    Danske landbrug er i dag i høj grad blevet internationaliseret, og medarbejdere fra hele verden udgør ca. 35% af arbejdsstyrken. Det medfører sproglige og kulturelle udfordringer i relation til sikkerhedspraksis.

    Formålet med projektet er at skabe ny viden om sikkerhedspraksis og risikohåndtering i dansk landbrug på tværs af nationale og internationale medarbejdere, ledere og eksterne aktører i dansk landbrug, herunder:
    Hvordan vi kan mindske antallet af arbejdsulykker blandt migranter i dansk landbrug ved at undersøge udfordringer og muligheder for at skabe en fælles sikkerhedskommunikation på tværs af landbrugsmedarbejdernes nationaliteter.
    Hvordan fælles sikkerhedskommunikation kan anvendes i håndteringsoptimering af migranters specifikke sikkerhedsudfordringer.

    Projektet er udviklet af Moesgårds Antropologiske Analyseenhed (MANTRA) ved Aarhus Universitet i samarbejde med SEGES, og Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden (The Working Environment Research Fund) har bevilget 3,2 mio. kr. i projektet.


  19. Special Issue Toxic Effects and Ecological Risk Assessment of Typical Pollutants in Aquatic Environments

    Chenglian Feng , Chunjiang An , Qiao-Guo Tan , Pedro Carvalho & Maria Bebianno

    Aquatic pollution caused by anthropogenic activities has been one of the major environmental problems worldwide for decades. Rapid industrialization and urbanization are releasing "traditional" pollutants (e.g., toxic metals, pesticides, petrochemicals) and emerging contaminants (e.g., endocrine-disrupting chemicals, plasticizers, microplastics, and so on) into waters in unprecedented quantities and diversity, ultimately endangering biodiversity and human health. Meanwhile, management and control of risks of chemical pollutants, with varying scientific foundation, stringency, and efficacy, are being practiced in different countries and regions.

    A limiting factor for effective ecological risk assessment and thus management is the lack of knowledge of exposure, bioaccumulation, toxic effects, and toxicity mechanisms of various types of pollutions in waters with contrasting physicochemical properties. For example, the environmental behavior and bioavailability of metals are highly dependent on their speciation and water chemistry (e.g., organic matter, pH, and hardness), thus requiring site-specific risk assessments. In comparison, organic pollutants are also highly complex in terms of toxicity prediction and risk assessment due to their infinite structural diversity and mode of action. Due to different physicochemical properties and interactive effects of pollutants, the biological impacts and toxicity mechanisms of pollutants in the natural environment are more complex, posing challenges to risk assessment.

    This Research Topic aims to highlight recent advances in research on the toxicity mechanisms and ecological risk assessment of typical pollutions in aquatic environments. It primarily addresses bioaccumulation, biomonitoring, toxic effects, and ecological risk assessment and control of traditional and emerging pollutants. It welcomes high-quality original research papers on these topics, showing both technical breakthroughs and innovations with respect to the mechanisms of action and risk assessment. Review articles describing the current state and future directions of research in this field are also welcomed.

    Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Bioavailability and bioaccumulation of typical pollutants (toxic metals and organic pollutants) in aquatic environments.
    • Toxic effect mechanisms of emerging pollutants in aquatic organisms.
    • Biomarkers of emerging pollutants in aquatic environments.
    • Ecological responses to multiple environmental stressors in water environments.
    • Environmental fate, transformations, and biogeochemical process of toxic pollutants in aquatic environments.
    • Ecological risk assessments of toxic metals and emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems.
    • Human health risk assessment of aquatic pollutants.Beskrivelse


  20. Religious Rituals and Community in the Age of Social Distancing November

    Henrik Reintoft Christensen , Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen & Auli Vähänkangas

    The purpose of the network is to investigate how religious institutions, congregations and individuals in the Nordic region have been affected by the social changes brought about by the COVID-19 regulations.Beskrivelse


  21. Patient-driven digital data sharing as a tool for facilitating coherence and collaboration in cross-sectoral patient pathways

    Camilla Rossen , Charlotte Ettrup Christiansen , Nanna Rolving & Mette Terp Høybye

    Coherent cross-sectoral care pathways is often challenged by a healthcare system organised with
    sharp boundaries within and between sectors and professions. This leads to fragmented care
    pathways, leaving patients feeling powerless and frustrated with the lack of continuity in care and
    frustrated by the insecurity in terms of who holds the responsibility for their treatment. The increased
    digitalisation of the healthcare system has not improved the situation. We will overcome this
    Patient-driven digital data sharing as a tool for facilitating coherence and collaboration in cross-sectoral patient pathways.
    0069996 - Camilla Blach Rossen Page 6
    described challenges using a newly developed digital solution, BackTraceDigital, which shares
    relevant data. Through BackTraceDigital health data is collected in the different IT-systems of health
    care providers and made available for the patient, their relevant and care providers. The information
    is made easily available for the patients through an app and through the professionals existing ITsystems.
    With consent from the patient, data collected from the different sectors can be shared
    amongst professionals who treat and assist the individual patient. The applicant and the project team
    have spent the past 1½ years developing BackTraceDigital, and now the solution is ready to be
    tested and explored.
    The aim of this project is to explore how the implementation of BackTrace Digital affects the patients'
    experience of coherence in their cross sectoral care pathway. Through the project, we will explore how patients perceive the patient-professional collaboration and shared decision making while using BackTrace Digital. This is done using a mixed methods design, combining ethnographic methods with quantitative survey data, into an integrated analysis in order to fulfil the study
    aim. BackTraceDigital has been developed for patients with low back pain, as this group of patients poses the largest burden of disease in Denmark, as recently shown by the Global Burden of Disease Study, published in 2020, but can easily be adapted to other patient groups.Beskrivelse


  22. Cryptic Commons: Welcome to the Cryptic Commons – an online and physical exhibition about data-security, socio-mathematics, and interventions across scientific disciplines

    Adrienne Mannov , Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen , Tinne Zenner , Jan Magnussen & Rafal Wisniewski

    All aspects of our lives are currently being digitalized! What does this mean for our communities, public structures and our well-being?

    Cryptic Commons is a space and concept that is under development and is formed through relations – a kind of socio-technical construction site – where data security, digitalization, cryptography and cyber-physical systems are objects for debate and co-creation.

    This is the online version of an exhibition that also exists in a physical format. The physical format was exhibited at Aalborg University (Denmark) in November 2021.Beskrivelse


  23. Restrictive Fluid Administration vs. Standard of Care in Emergency Department Sepsis Patients – a Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Feasibility Trial

    Marie Kristine Jessen Pedersen , Lars Wiuff Andersen , Jens Aage Kølsen Petersen & Hans Kirkegaard

    Forskningsprojektet har til formål at teste, om væskemængden givet til patienter med sepsis kan nedsættes med en tilbageholden (restriktiv) tilgang i fht. vanlig (standard) behandling.
    Studiet er et randomiseret, multicenter, feasibility forsøg. Beskrivelse


  24. Bayesian AnaLysis of Diabetes for Enhanced biomarkeR and drug target

    Peter Sørensen & Mads Kjolby

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common disease with a prevalence in Denmark of 250.000 diagnosed patients. T2DM has a strong underlying genetic component; for example, having a parent with T2DM, your risk is approximately 40%. Genetic variants associated with T2DM currently only explain 3% of the disease risk. Increased power to detect variants is mainly obtained by increasing sample size, or as we propose better use of existing data. We will increase detection power by developing a multi-trait and multi-component Bayesian Linear Regression (MT-BLR) model that combine information on multiple correlated traits and information on groups of genetic variants located within functional units (e.g., pathways). Our modelling approach allow better use of existing data such as functional marker information in biological databases, and availability of large independently collected genotype and phenotype data sets for a range of diseases, including T2DM. We will use these existing data to develop statistical models that better use information on correlated traits and disease for detecting genetic signals underlying T2DM. We anticipate that our modelling approach will generate novel biological insight into T2DM disease aetiology. Importantly, the discovery of novel genetic markers associated with T2DM can help identify potential drug targets for T2DM including genes and regulatory elements located nearby disease-associated variants or biological pathway. We will gather this information in a database for T2DM for genomic informed drug target identification, and the corresponding statistical methodologies will be implemented in open-source software packages allowing us to share openly with other research groups in academia and pharmaceutical industry. While the focus in this project is on improving the drug target discovery process our modelling approach can also be used for developing more accurate genetic risk predictors for complex diseases. We are convinced that our novel statistical modelling approaches and genomic informed drug target identification strategy can be applied to other complex diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease) contributing to the identification of potential drug targets for a range complex diseases.Beskrivelse


  25. Converting Time: A study of how histories emerge as people’s futures change and make demands on the past

    Jakob Timmer

    Our current world is increasingly characterised by uncertain futures, but how do we evaluate and revise our assumptions about the past as markers of identity? While the humanities’ interest in time is gaining pace, the realisation that the exploration of modes of temporalisation opens a privileged perspective on who we are and on the nature of the world has only scarcely lead to proper theorisation of how pasts emerge. In this fellowship, I will contribute to our understanding of how people make demands on the past as their future expectations change. A study of a religious movement in Solomon Islands will ensure that this theoretical advancement is grounded in ethnographic detail that has analytical clarity. I will complete a book manuscript, write an account of the theory that will be submitted to a journal, and organise a conference. Beskrivelse


  26. Digital Katalysator

    Annabeth Aagaard & Mette Neville

    Industriens FondBeskrivelse


  27. Græsningsregimer og landskabsudnyttelse i et langtidsperspektiv

    Niels Algreen Møller & Mette Løvschal

    I en tid hvor vi verden over oplever en accelererende udnyttelse af svindende ressourcer og overbelastede økosystemer er spørgsmål om fortidens strategier for landskabsudnyttelse og bæredygtige subsistensøkonomier blevet højaktuelle: Hvordan tilpassede fortidens bønder deres agerbrug og husdyravl til landskabet? Hvordan forvaltede de det landskab, der sikrede deres levebrød? Og på hvilke måder og i hvilken skala organiserede lokalsamfundene deres subsistensøkonomiske aktiviteter?Beskrivelse


  28. Phage therapy to boost bacterial oil spill clean-up in the Arctic

    Friederike Marie Luise Grundger , Tenna Riis & Leendert Vergeynst

    In a nutshell
    Oil spills are threatening the pristine Arctic and many natural remedies such as bacterial degradation are being investigated to mitigate future impacts. But can we do something to boost microbial degradation of oil spills? Oil-degrading bacteria are often in competition for resources with other bacteria in the environment, decreasing their efficiency. This study will investigate the role of bacteriophages – or phages – in dynamically controlling bacterial populations that are in direct competition with oil-degrading bacteria. If successful, the project will generate urgently needed fundamental knowledge on natural phage-host interactions in Arctic marine environments and will be key to targeted applications of phages to accelerate oil spill bioremediation in some of the world’s most vulnerable and extreme ecosystems.Beskrivelse


  29. Playful Learning

    Bent Sortkær , Jeppe Bundsgaard , Mona Have & Jesper von Seelen

    Playful Learning-programmet er et samarbejde mellem de seks professionshøjskoler i Danmark støttet af LEGO Fonden.

    Formålet med samarbejdet er at udvikle og fremme en legende tilgang til børns udvikling og læring.

    Programmet består af fire projekter, som tilsammen danner et nationalt udviklingsfællesskab med fokus på at skabe pædagogisk udvikling baseret på legens kvaliteter.Beskrivelse


  30. BackTrace Pilotdrift

    Mette Nørtoft Nielsen & Camilla Rossen

    Pilottest af digital sundhedsløsning til borgere med lænderygsmerter Beskrivelse


  31. Arctic Periods: Transnational Knowledge about Menstrual History and Wellbeing

    Lise Ulrik Andreasen

    During the 2010s, menstrual activism, art, media and policy in the Arctic region increased. In 2020, Scotland became the first country in the world to make period products free, and Arctic countries launched public health campaigns about menstruation. This project will bring together menstrual researchers from the region to exchange expertise and raise awareness of common ambitions regarding promotion of menstrual research and wellbeing in the Arctic. We will prepare the first literature review on menstruation in the Arctic, collaborate through online workshops, and organise one public event, thus providing policy makers in the region with historic and contemporary knowledge.

    The project is funded by the Scottish Government Arctic connections Fund 2021 - 2022 and is a collaboration between Dr. Røstvik (Aberdeen University), Dr. Saniya Lee Ghanoui (Suffolk University, USA), Josefin Perdotter (Gøteborg University), Mie Kusk Søndergaard (South Danish University) and Lise Ulrik Andreasen (Aarhus University)Beskrivelse


  32. Åben SIM

    Sebastian Schlafer

    Pilotprojekt. Frit tilgængelig simulationsklinik på IOOS uden for de regulære undervisningstimer.Beskrivelse
