Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. The CAVA-Project: Comparing Adverse Vaccine Event Reporting – an interdisciplinary study of early 21st Century digital health citizenship in Denmark

    Marie Louise Tørring , Torben Esbo Agergaard , Dorte Rytter , Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen & Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo

    The Danish Medicines Agency’s pharmacovigilance database provides data about suspected adverse reactions reported in Denmark for specific types of medicine.1 The information is used to support postmarketing safety surveillance programs. Currently, thousands of case reports are submitted to the database each year, making it a vast repository of drug safety information. Sometimes cited as a limitation of pharmacovigilance, however, is the assumption that “stimulated reporting” of adverse events occurs in response to warnings, alerts, and label changes that are issued by the health authorities. In vaccine research literature, the idea of ‘stimulated reporting’ builds upon the assumption that reporting of adverse events may burst into self-oscillation when vaccinated subjects are prompted or triggered by feral vaccine risk communication in the media. This entails the hypothesis that adverse vaccine event reports reflect sensory, conscious and communicative phenomena tied to the rise of digital health communication and monitoring technologies that responsibilizes citizens for the care of themselves and others. By comparing communication environments surrounding the implementation of different vaccination programs in Denmark, the project aims to identify and explore self-oscillating effects of pharmacovigilance to understand how these imply a new kind of digital health citizenship emerging out of early 21st Century vaccine politics.Beskrivelse


  2. Værktøj til måling af interesse og motivation i naturfag

    Niels Bonderup Dohn , Morten Rask Petersen , Nanna Villumsen & Tine Bunk Schrøder

    CESE forskningsprojekt i regi af NAFA-programmet, støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden og VILLUM FONDENBeskrivelse


  3. EU ERASMUS+ Challenging Bias in Big Data user for AI and Machine Learning

    Albena Dimitrova Mihovska

    CHARLIE addresses the education and training gap on algorithmic bias in Higher Education. Ethics are the principles that guide us to make a positive impact through our decisions and actions and AI is evolving so fast that the ethical implications need to be not only regulated as the EU has done, but also understood by those in charge of implementing AI based solutions. Ethics in AI are key: they will play an important role in the near future and Universities need to lead this role for its students, the professionals that will take important decisions about AI in short-term.
    CHARLIE will provide a high-quality OER/Game-based approach to ethical AI training in higher education with DigCompEdu-compliant competences, this placing universities as drivers of change in Ethical AI by mobilizing stakeholders. The formative assessment will be based on an online digital simulator achieving a greater learner engagement in online education in the field of ethics/AI. The ethical AI content will be fully transferable from higher education to adult and Youth education, paving the way to qualification/credit recognition.


  4. Decoding the Rhizobiota Interactome for Improved Crop Resilience (INTERACT)

    Thanassis Zervas , Lea Ellegaard-Jensen , Carsten Suhr Jacobsen & Maria Scheel

    INTERACT will focus on the essential and mutually beneficial interactions between plants and microbes below ground. This project will go beyond a mere inventory of wheat plant microbiome community members, and will provide much needed insight into rhizosphere ecology and microbial communication, with a goal of establishing diagnostic chemical/biological signatures for agro-system stability. With this knowledge, we can rationally and strategically manipulate plant-associated microbial communities to support high plant productivity across challenging climatic and stress scenarios. These critical advances in our understanding of rhizosphere community structure and the chemical landscape that influences its formation and function will be achieved by using genomics, transcriptomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics, in-field and greenhouse plant phenotyping, and network analysis/model construction for evaluating rhizosphere interactions for wheat.Beskrivelse


  5. Metareview for 'Pædagogisk Indblik' (DPU)

    Oliver Kauffmann

    A metareview of published research on the role of the body in selected educational contexts (early childhood education and daycare; primary and secondary school). Beskrivelse


  6. Explaining Nordic Atheism

    Valerie van Mulukom , Anne Lundahl Mauritsen , Sara Evelina Lundmark , Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen & Roosa Haimila

    Over the last decade, researchers in the cognitive science of religion have started to converge on the idea that religious beliefs are adaptive, and as such, a product of evolved human psychology. This raises the question of how we can explain the presence of atheism around the world — if religious beliefs come naturally and intuitively as an adaptive trait, then whence religious non-belief? We propose, in line with recent evolutionary theories of atheism, that atheistic beliefs, like religious beliefs, are adaptive worldview beliefs made possible by evolved cognitive apparatus, and shaped by one’s local cultural context through cultural learning mechanisms.

    In this project, we empirically test this thesis through an examination of the relevant cultural contexts of the Nordic countries. In doing so, we propose new cultural learning mechanisms of belief, and test them together with cognitive factors through a survey with large, representative samples from the Nordic countries, thus providing novel insight into the relative importance of these different transmission factors. Moreover, by employing a worldview approach, atheism will be investigated not just as a lack of belief in God, but also as part of a broader secular worldview. This will further allow us to uncover different types of atheism.Beskrivelse


  7. Den-professionelle-relation-mellem-forsker-og-journalist

    Lene Kühle

    Abstracts og hand-outsBeskrivelse


  8. Meningsfulde sammenhænge i erhvervsuddannelsernes læringsrum

    Vibe Aarkrog

    I projektet undersøges det, hvordan eleverne skaber meningsfulde sammenhænge mellem teori og praksis og mellem de forskellige læringsrum (skole, oplæring i virksomheder og tredje læringsrum). Projektet tager imidlertid skridtet videre, idet fokus ikke kun er på meningsfulde sammenhænge, men også på, hvad eleverne i det hele taget oplever som meningsfuldt i deres uddannelse. Endelig undersøges det, hvordan oplevelse og skabelse af meningsfuld sammenhæng og transfer hænger sammenBeskrivelse


  9. Nationalt program for reduktion af luftforurening (NAPCP) - Udvikling i luftkvalitet og kvælstofafsætning frem til 2030

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Jesper Heile Christensen , Lise Frohn , Matthias Ketzel , Ole-Kenneth Nielsen & Marlene Schmidt Plejdrup

    Rapporten beskriver den forventede udvikling i luftkvaliteten som følge af basisfremskrivning af emissioner. Endvidere beskrives udviklingen i afsætning af kvælstof til land- og vandområder. Basisåret er 2020 og fremskrivningsåret er 2030. Resultaterne er baseret på modelberegninger af luftkvaliteten i regional baggrund
    (DEHM), bybaggrund (UBM), og for 98 gader i København (OSPM). Finansieret af Miljøministeriet.Beskrivelse


  10. Edvard Elgar bogprojekt

    John Parm Ulhøi


  11. Virtual Reality som læringsredskab.Anvendelse af Virtual Reality på SOSU-assistentuddannelsen til træning i proceduren bag Tidlig Opsporing af Begyndende Sygdom (TOBS) og Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungesygdom (KOL)

    Thomas Holdgård Jensen , Ida Susanne Lyngholm , Katrine Mygind Bach & Vibe Aarkrog

    Undersøgelse af læringsudbyttet ved brug af Virtual Reality (VR) på SOSU Østjylland i Aarhus. Undersøgelsen omhandler anvendelsen af VR-læringsværktøjet ”SundSim VR” udviklet af virksomheden AATE VR.Beskrivelse


  12. DEPARTED - a longitudinal study of irregular migration from Sub-Saharan Africa into Europe

    Christian Vium

    The proposed monograph 'Departed' is a journey alongside irregular migrants who travel from small villages in Sub-Saharan Africa through the hostile expanses of the Sahara desert, across the Mediterranean Sea, reaching Europe in the hope of establishing a better life for themselves and their families. Structured in three parts, the monograph presents a multitude of thick ethnographic cases based on recurrent anthropological fieldwork conducted in Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, and Denmark between 2006 and 2021.

    'Departed' is envisioned as a combined anthropological and photographic monograph. Through its form and content, it draws its reader into a kaleidoscopic journey mirroring that of the migrants as they navigate the many challenges confronting them.Beskrivelse


  13. Global Governance Beyond Neoliberalism

    Hagen Schulz-Forberg & Joshua Rahtz

    The last quarter century of war and economic crisis has revealed many of the limitations of international institutions, ending the era of liberal triumphalism which succeeded the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The period since 2008, characterized by acute economic crisis, the return of apparent great power rivalries, a threat of wider war between nuclear powers, is also accompanied by the historic acceleration of inflation and low growth globally. These developments, alongside a weakening of the liberal democratic order in general, suggest that the process of globalization itself – however illusory its promises for sustained economic dynamism once were – is also now being reversed.

    What are the underlying causes of the contemporary breakdown of globalization, flagging growth of the world economy, and the rise in militarism, including the militarization of much of civil society? Do such developments in turn mean that the neoliberal paradigm which informed globalization is likewise undergoing a fundamental change, or that it is itself being superseded? If the latter, by what, and driven by which political forces, deciding among which alternatives? Beskrivelse



    Vibe Aarkrog & Anne Katrine Kamstrup

    Projektet fokuserer på, hvordan eleverne skaber meningsfulde sammenhænge mellem teori og praksis og mellem de forskellige læringsrum. Læringsrum omfatter skole, oplæring i virksomhed og tredje læringsrum, fx skoleoplæring.Beskrivelse


  15. Study on the implementation of the provisions of the revised AVMSD concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services

    Cathrin Helen Bengesser

    Study on the implementation of the provisions of the revised AVMSD concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services for the European Commission's Communications Networks, Content and Technology.Beskrivelse


  16. Fokusgruppeinterview om Citizen Science og AU Library

    Astrid Ølgaard C Schriver , Gertrud Stougård Thomsen , Henrik Vetter & Tine Legarth Iversen

    Undersøgelse af behovet for at AU Library understøtter forskere på AU, som arbejder med Citizen Science aktiviteter. Udvalgte forskere på AU har til formålet deltaget i et fokusgruppeinterview, som danner baggrund for en rapport.Beskrivelse


  17. Enhancing Quality in Family Day Care

    Fabio Dovigo & Grethe Kragh-Müller

    This peer learning project will explore partners’ examples of inspiring and effective policies and implementation in family day care (FDC) governance and management systems, workforce professionalisation and development, and recruitment and retention, to strengthen the provision of accessible, affordable, high-quality FDC
    This aim will be achieved through 3 LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activities) and the development and dissemination of a final report and documentation detailing the learning arising.
    Project objectives:
    1. Identify and explore effective approaches to developing competent multi-level systems in FDC governance and quality management, enabling professionalisation and workforce development, and generating FDC recruitment and retention strategies, to strengthen FDC
    2. Share the learning with target groups and stakeholders responsible for multi-level policymaking and VET infrastructures, to influence policy objectives and actions
    3. Increase the capacity of partner organisations to advocate for effective policies and practices that enable high-quality FDC systems and services
    4. Explore further partnerships opportunities and ways to engage family day carers in EU cooperation and learning activities Learning Outcomes/Results
    •Project partners and target groups will demonstrate improved knowledge of effective policy options and instruments for FDC systems development, workforce professionalisation and development, and recruitment and retention due to participating in the LTTAs
    •Target groups and stakeholders will engage with their learning achieved through LTTA and final project output dissemination
    •Project partners will demonstrate an increased capacity to articulate and advocate for policies and implementation that strengthen the provision of accessible, affordable, high-quality FDC
    •Project partners will be more open and committed to transnational EU cooperation and exchange and would consider engaging in a further EU project that includes family day carers.
    This project links with the Erasmus + Programme priorities as in the partner countries socially and economically disadvantaged families, and children with special needs, are great users of FDC, in the Irish case, more than centre-based services. Yet there remain challenges in all 3 partner countries to supporting the workforce in FDC to meet the rights and needs of vulnerable children and families and progress inclusion and understand diversity. The workforce can lack the competence in inclusive pedagogy due to non-participation in relevant CPD.
    Family day carers, largely female, have poor pay and conditions: Professionalisation is crucial.
    While countries like Denmark have plans and management systems in place to pursue inclusive practice, and support access for a diverse population of children and families, strategies and guidelines from municipalities remain inadequate to accommodate children and families from non-standard backgrounds - exclusion is widespread.Beskrivelse


  18. Growth technology centre - Manufactory

    Søren Marinus Sørensen

    The plan is for the future growth technology centre to be a meeting place where companies are able to hone their abilities to produce sustainably and be on the cutting edge technologically and digitally – starting from the companies’ needs. The first phase, which is supported by 2.2 million Danish kroner from the Danish Industry Foundation, will take the form of a pilot project that will lead to the establishment of a growth technology centre called “Manufactory”.Beskrivelse


  19. KINGRAM 2

    Mette Thunoe & Lene Sønderby Bech

    Digital undervisning i kinesisk grammatik for begyndereBeskrivelse



    Emilie Mathilde Jakobsen

    The Manufactory project aims to establish a growth technology centre that will build a bridge between knowledge and production and thus strengthen the competitiveness of the Danish manufacturing industry. The centre will support companies in increasing their innovative capacity and technological understanding by providing access to specialised knowledge and resources.

    Manufactury unfolds in three phases 1. Pilot project, 2. Establishment, and 3. Operation. AU is leading the pilot project with activities such as testing project processes and new forms of collaboration between knowledge institutions and companies in the Midwest region, along with developing the strategic, economic and organisational plans for the centre.

    The project is funded by the Danish Industry Foundation, and the partner consortium consists of Business Skive, Bæredygtig Herning, DAMRC, Danish Sound Cluster, Dansk AM Hub, Digital Transformation Lab, Herningsholm Erhvervsskole, Klimatorium, Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Aarhus University (Engineering and BSS represented by DBD) and 20 companies.Beskrivelse


  21. Philology in the Early Modern Period (c. 1400-1700)

    Marianne Pade

    Carlsberg monografistipendiumBeskrivelse


  22. Air Quality, Health Effects and External Costs in Selected Cities in Nordic Countries

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Jesper Heile Christensen , Zhuyun Ye , Lise Frohn , Camilla Geels , Mikael Skou Andersen , Ole-Kenneth Nielsen & Claus Nordstrøm

    Evaluation of air quality monitoring in Nordic countries with a comparison between measurement data and the former and new WHO air quality guidelines is carried out for rural, urban background and street stations in 13 selected cities in 2021. Projection of air quality for 2030 for Nordic countries and 13 selected cities based on air quality modelling. Sector specific contribution to air quality in 2030 for the five Nordic capital cities based on air quality modelling and modelling of health effects and related external costs. Funded by Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (NKL) under Nordic Council of Ministers.Beskrivelse


  23. Angst: Hvad gør vi med klimaet

    Kenni Eilert , Rasmus Mondrup & Ida Grundfør Richter

    Angst is a collaborative film project where we are exploring the everyday experiences of climate change. Applying our knowledge from anthropology we explore along with the research participants the manifold encounters between "the climate", our everyday lives and everyday praxis in Denmark. The project explores both the affective dimension of climate change and the many ways this can determine how one lives one's life and what choices one makes in the everyday. Beskrivelse


  24. Ergonomiske interventioner som behandlingen for arbejdsrelateret muskel-skeletbesvær i arm, skulder eller nakke

    Jeanette Trøstrup

    Formålet er at klarlægge effekten af ergonomiske interventioner og identificere de mest effektive interventioner for voksne med arbejdsrelateret muskel-skeletbesvær. Projektet udarbejdes som et Cochrane review. Samarbejdspartnere: Sietske S.J. Tamminga, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, University of Amsterdam; Poonam Mehta, Peter Stubbs, Arianne Verhagen, Graduate School of Health, Discipline of Physiotherapy, the University of Technology Sydney.Beskrivelse


  25. Studiegrupper på Institut for Datalogi

    Simon Raaby Holmgaard Poulsen

    Jeg skal finde ud af, hvordan datalogi arbejder med læsegrupper (studiegrupper) samt på hvilken måde det bidrager til faglig og social integration. Endvidere har undersøgelsen det formative sigte at bidrage med viden om hvorledes et frafald på uddannelsen potentielt kan formindskes.Beskrivelse


  26. The Bear in the Room: Russia’s Role in the United Nations Security Council (and How to Deal with It)

    Jonas Gejl Kaas

    Multilateralism has come under pressure in the past few years. Russia in particular has emerged as a main challenger and spoiler of the rules-based international order (USS, 2022: 16). This is evident in Russia’s voting behavior at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), where it is frequently using its veto prerogative as one of the five permanent members to block decisions. Most recently, Russia predictably vetoed a UNSC resolution condemning its aggression towards Ukraine. Ahead of Denmark’s prospective UNSC membership, this project aims to examine Russia’s diplomatic activities and practices at the world body. Based on this analysis, it explores opportunities and constraints from a small state perspective of how to deal effectively with Russia in the UNSC. Specifically, it investigates three strategies: (1) Pragmatist deal making, which refers to an approach of combining a low-key stance on matters involving great power rivalry with cooperative engagement on issues such peacekeeping, aid programs, and humanitarian disaster relief. (2) Isolation, which refers to an approach of close coordination with other Western council members to insulate Russia. (3) Bridge building, which refers to an approach of using formal and informal practices at the council to overcome Russia-Western divisions (where possible) at a time of heightened tensions. The project discusses the benefits and pitfalls of each strategy, aiming to identify the conditions under which one or the other approach are most likely to be successful. By highlighting the opportunities and challenges of each strategy, the project provides hands-on recommendations to assist Denmark in fulfilling its commitment to safeguard an international order based on rules and right (USS, 2022: 11). Beskrivelse


  27. RetPsykSom: A Patient Perspective

    Morten Deleuran Terkildsen , Lisbeth Uhrskov Sørensen , Christian Haurdahl Jentz & Jette Møllerhøj

    This project studies the experiences of forensic psychiatric patients being offered consultations with a GP during their admittance to a medium secure wardBeskrivelse


  28. Empowered Patientship

    Peter Gall Krogh & Stefano Maffei

    Samarbejde med Politecnico di Milano som en del af mit gæsteprofessoratBeskrivelse


  29. Forslag til opdatering af Københavns Kommunes luftkvalitetsindeks

    Thomas Ellermann , Steen Solvang Jensen & Torben Sigsgaard

    DCE - Nationalt center for miljø og energi har i et projekt for Københavns Kommune udarbejdet et forslag til et nyt luftkvalitetsindeks, som skal være baseret på Københavns Kommunes målinger af luftkvalitet. Det nye luftkvalitetsindeks er baseret på opdaterede retningslinjer fra WHO for korttidseksponeringen for PM2,5, PM10, kvælstofdioxid og ozon. Det nye forslag til luftkvalitetsindeks er forsimplet for overskuelighedens skyld. Forslaget til luftkvalitetsindeks er sammenholdt med måleresultaterne for 2021 fra gademålestationen på H.C. Andersens Boulevard og bybaggrundsmålestationen på H.C. Ørsted Instituttet. Endvidere er der lavet et nyt forslag til handleanvisninger for befolkningen i København, som er koblet til luftkvalitetsindekset og som har til mål at reducere borgernes eksponering for helbredsskadelig luftforurening. Handleanvisningerne er opdelt i anvisninger for almindelige - og sårbare borgere. Endelig er der udarbejdet en række mere vidtgående forslag til forbedring af luftkvalitetsindekset, hvor det blandt andet er foreslået at koble luftkvalitetsindekset til korttidsprognoser for udviklingen i luftkvaliteten. Finansieret af Københavns Kommune. Beskrivelse
