Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Analysis of PBT and PET cyclic oligomers in extracts of coffee capsules and food simulants by a HPLC-UV/FLD method

    Emmanouil Tsochatzis

    Analysis of PBT and PET cyclic oligomers in extracts of coffee capsules and
    food simulants by a HPLC-UV/FLD methodBeskrivelse


  2. A Theory for Cephalopod Intelligence: The Alien Intelligence in Our Midst

    Michael Muthukrishna , Theiss Bendixen , Ryutaro Uchiyama & Jennifer Mather

    Templeton World Charity Foundation. 3 years. $233,785. ID: TWCF0464.


  3. Climatic impacts on the availability and transfer of chemical elements through Arctic terrestrial food-chains: a pilot study.

    Floris van Beest & Sophia V. Hansson

    The aim of this pilot study is to provide the first insight into climate change effects on the bioavailability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through Arctic food-chains. All living organisms require minerals and nutrients (i.e. essential elements) to survive, grow, and reproduce. In contrast, contaminants and potentially toxic elements, such as metals/metalloids including lead (Pb) or mercury (Hg) (i.e. non-essential elements) can suppress health and Darwinian fitness. Shifts in local availability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through food-chains can have negative effects across all trophic levels and ultimately on the biodiversity of entire ecosystems. Climate change is believed to impact the biogeochemical processes involved in the deposition, bioavailability, and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through terrestrial food-chains, by influencing aboveground-belowground linkages and trophic interactions. The Arctic tundra provides an ideal setting to study climate-induced shifts in the transfer of these elements as the region is warming rapidly and experiencing dramatic changes in snow regimes. Moreover, long-range transport of contaminants into the region also occurs, causing a serious concern for the health of humans and wildlife. The proposed pilot project will exploit long-term monitoring stations, muskox exclosures, and experimental warming plots in Zackenberg valley (Greenland) to collect the baseline field data needed to quantify climate change impacts on the bioavailability and transfer of essential and non-essential elements through local food-chains. By uniting empirical, experimental and predictive modelling approaches the project will deliver i) maps showing spatial and temporal variation in the chemical composition of different soil and vegetation types, ii) quantitative values of essential and non-essential element transfer between trophic levels, and iii) an assessment of how climate change can affect aboveground-belowground linkages and trophic interactions at Zackenberg. The design, results and outputs of this pilot study could set the golden standard for ecosystem monitoring and experimental projects elsewhere in the Arctic. Beskrivelse


  4. CoronaLytics: A 360 degree mobile/wearable data household approach to guide shared precision health and decision-making during the COVID-19 epidemic

    Carsten Lyng Obel , Kaj Grønbæk , Frederik Mølgaard Thayssen , Ulrik Bak Kirk , Per Kallestrup , Signe Herbers Poulsen , Trine Rolighed Thomsen , Allan Hansen , Daniel Andersen , Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen & Andreas Mathisen

    In the research project CoronaLytics, researchers from Aarhus University are collaborating with colleagues from general practice, among others. They combine and analyse health data obtained from citizens and their general practitioners during the first wave of the corona crisis. This is used to understand changes in behaviour and the spread of infection both within and outside households before, during and after the Danish Prime Minister closed society down back in March.Beskrivelse


  5. Cultured Meat – Nordic Take

    Jette F Young , Margrethe Therkildsen , Martin Krøyer Rasmussen , Sissel Rønning , Mattias Kaiser , Hanna Tuomisto , Robert Burton & Javier Fines Galera

    The network addresses the call for sustainable alternative protein for food production. Meat from traditional meat producing animals contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), deforestation, and puts pressure on valuable resources such as land and water. We need more climate friendly alternatives to produce meat, and to achieve this we need groundbreaking enabling technologies. A revolutionary new and promising alternative to the traditional way of producing animal protein is the cultivation of muscle cells outside the living animal in a bioreactor, thus bypassing animal production. Further, the network underpins the call for healthy and tasty food produced in environmentally and socially sustainable way; Meat is a palatable and highly nutritious food, which we need to produce in a more sustainable way, while still securing a high consumer acceptance regarding both production method and taste. Culturing of cell-based meat has the potential to be sustainable in terms of GHG emission, water and land; when energy use is delivered by a sustainable source.Beskrivelse


  6. Danske teaterarkiver i digitaliseringens tidsalder i forskning og undervisning

    Annelis Kuhlmann , Anna Lawaetz , Ulla Kallenbach & Birthe Aagesen

    Projektet søger at gøre forskning i og brug af teaterarkiver tilgængelig for undervisning i Teaterhistorie og analyse af skrevne og opførte værker, samt at bringe erfaringerne videre til ny forskning i digitaliserede teaterarkiver.Beskrivelse


  7. Drones4Safety

    Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen

    H2020 Research and Innovation action.Beskrivelse


  8. Emissionsfaktorer til vurdering af luftforurening i Nordhavnstunnellen i perioden 2025-2040

    Morten Winther

    I dette projekt beregnes emissionsfaktorer til Vejdirektoratet for vejtrafikken i perioden 2025-2040 til brug for vurdering af luftforurening i den kommende Nordhavnstunnel. Emissionsfaktorerne beregnes med en model udviklet på DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi der benytter emissions-data fra emissionsmodellen COPERT 5 samt trafikale data fra den danske vejtrafikprognose leveret af DTU Transport. DCE-modellen bruges til de nationale emissionsberegninger udført af DCE ved Aarhus Universitet (Nielsen et al., 2020). De beregnede emissionsfaktorer leveres i følgende detaljeringsgrad:

    • Emissionsfaktorer ved forskellige rejsehastigheder for bykørsel, med spring á 5 km/h.

    • Køretøjskategorier: Personbiler, varebiler, lastbiler, rutebusser og turistbusser.

    • Emissionskomponenter (udstødning): NOx, PM2.5 og NO2.

    • Emissionskomponenter (ikke-udstødning): TSP, PM10 og PM2.5.

    • Beregningsår: 2025-2040.


  9. Kortlægning af udviklingen i luftforurening fra krydstogtskibe og andre skibe i fem danske havne

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Morten Winther , Per Løfstrøm , Matthias Ketzel & Lise Frohn

    Rapporten beskriver anløb af krydstogtskibe og andre skibe i fem danske havne i perioden 2015-2019 og de tilhørende emissioner. Med OML-modellen er det beregnet, hvor meget krydstogtskibene og andre skibe bidrager til luftkvaliteten i nærområderne af skibene. De fem havne er Københavns Havn, Aarhus Havn, Aalborg Havn, Skagen Havn og Rønne Havn.Beskrivelse


  10. Queer and COVID Toronto

    Luseadra Joy McKerracher

    A mixed methods investigation of LGBTQ+ health experiences during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.Beskrivelse


  11. Rejsehastighedsafhængige emissionsfaktorer for vejtrafik i perioden 2018-2040

    Morten Winther

    I dette projekt beregnes for Sweco Danmark A/S emissionsfaktorer for vejtrafikken for perioden 2018-2040 med udgangspunkt i det seneste historiske år 2018. Emissionsfaktorerne beregnes med en model udviklet af DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, der benytter emissionsdata fra emissionsmodellen COPERT 5 samt trafikale data fra den danske vejtrafikprognose leveret af DTU Transport. DCE modellen bruges til de nationale emissionsberegninger udført af DCE ved Aarhus Universitet.
    De beregnede emissionsfaktorer leveres i følgende detaljeringsgrad:

    • Emissionsfaktorer ved forskellige rejsehastigheder med spring á 5 km/h.

    • Emissionsfaktorer ved forskellige rejsehastigheder for hhv. bykør-sel (inkl. koldstart), landevejskørsel og motorvejskørsel.

    • Køretøjskategorier: Personbiler, varebiler, lastbiler, rutebusser og turistbusser.

    • Emissionskomponenter: SO2, CO2, NOx, partikler (udstødning), CO, CH4, NMVOC og N2O.

    • Beregningsår: 2018-2040.


  12. Vision-based inspection navigation algorithm for ship inspection

    Erdal Kayacan

    by European Regional Development FundBeskrivelse


  13. Betydning af corona for pædagogisk kvalitet i daginstitutioner - herunder børns perspektiver på corona.

    Grethe Kragh-Müller & Lea Ann Christenson

    en spørgeskemaundersøgelse af pædagogers oplevelse af betydningen af corona pandemien for den pædagogiske kvalitet i daginstitutioner i Danmark og USA, herunder børns forståelse af corona.Beskrivelse


  14. Erfaringer og oplevelser med online undervisning på 10 videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner i foråret 2020

    Christian Dalsgaard , Francesco Caviglia & Christian Winther Bech

    Hensigten med projektet er at indsamle bred og solid viden om en række centrale spørgsmål som vil belyse erfaringer fra perioden med online-undervisning i foråret 2020 (under Covid-19-nedlukningen af institutionerne), og give et grundlag for institutioners og uddannelsers videre udvikling. Undersøgelsen tilrettelægges og gennemføres i et samarbejde mellem 10 institutioner, på tværs af institutionstyper (professionshøjskoler og universiteter), og med involvering af en lang række fagområder og uddannelserBeskrivelse


  15. Atmosphere design for delivery rooms at Regions Hospital Nordjylland

    Marie Højlund

    Fire fødestuer på Regionshospital Nordjylland i Hjørring skal i samarbejde med fire kunstnere indrettes med multisensorisk installationskunst for at fremme sundheden hos alle fødende på hospitalet.

    Kunsten skal bringe den unikke nordjyske natur ind på fødestuerne og derigennem nedsætte stressniveauet og fremme sundheden hos de fødende.

    Projektet er et samarbejde mellem hospitalet og fire kunstnere, som tæller billedkunstner Henrik Godsk, naturfotograf Morten Hilmer, komponist og forsker Marie Højlund samt Ph.d., arkitekt og designer Esben Bala Skouboe, som alle er anerkendte inden for deres respektive kunstneriske felt.

    De fire multisensoriske kunstværker kommer til at være en nyfortolkning af skagensmalernes arbejde og skal således bringe den nordjyske natur ind på fødestuerne ved at kombinere billedkunst, fotografi, musik og lys.

    - Kunstprojektet på Regionshospital Nordjylland kombinerer alle vores tre indsatsområder – Nordjylland, kunst og mental sundhed – og vi er derfor glade for at kunne bidrage. Kunstnerne er hver især anerkendte inden for deres felt, og vi glæder os til at følge projektet og se de færdige fødestuer, udtaler bestyrelsesformand hos Det Obelske Familiefond, Christen W. Obel, der har støttet projektet med 1,19 millioner kroner.

    Fødestuerne er inspireret af projektet ”Fremtidens Fødestue” på Hospitalsenheden Vest i Herning, hvor man i et pilotprojekt fra 2015-18 har indrettet en fødestue med multisensorisk kunst. Her viser resultaterne, at de fødende og deres partnere har vurderet forløbet på fødestuen yderst positivt og været tilfredse med oplevelsen.

    Fødestuerne med de nye installationer forventes at blive taget i brug i begyndelsen af 2021.Lægmandssprog


  16. Children's Interaction with Nature: Imagine, Narrated and Instituted

    Sally Dean Anderson , Gertrud Lynge Esbensen , Fredrika Mårtensson , Anne Caroline Prevót , Jeppe Læssøe & Stine Casparij KOndrup

    Work package 5 Education, Awareness and Participation; Task 5.1 Chilren's interaction with Nature Months (4-38) Lead: Sally Anderson. Abstract: Childrens' different positipons as minors, learners, social agents in specific contexts has potential impact on the implementation, transfer, and appropriation of environmental education programmes, digital learning platforms and landscape interventions aimed at enhancing children's awareness, learning processes and out door play. This task consists of a comparative litterature review, participant observation, interviews an collaboration with teachers and municipal authorities in Velica Gorica, Croatia and Aarhus (and with Paris Region).Beskrivelse


  17. Den Magiske Madkasse 2 - Følgeforskning og evaluering af national udrulning

    Karen Wistoft & Aske Clark

    Udrulning af programmet til 150 børnehaver og 150 skoler over hele landetBeskrivelse


  18. Ethical and methodological dilemmas in social science interventions - Careful engagements in healthcare, museums, design and beyond

    Niels Christian M Nickelsen

    A long running discussion within the social sciences and humanities are if and how researchers should engage with an intervene in their fields of study. Some worry that by being engaged the
    researcher is compromising their “objective” position, while other warn that by being distant the researcher will fail to improve problematic or unethical conditions. However, in a quite recent book Zuiderent-Jerak (2015) suggests that a problem in these discussions is that the act of engagement is separated from the production of knowledge. “Twisting the lions tail” Zuiderent-Jerak thus suggests interventions as a generative mode of knowledge production. This edited volume will add to the understanding about interventions as generative mode of knowledge production by discussing the dilemmas involved in this process and the motivations to engage and intervene from a theoretical perspective of care. We find this increasingly important in a time where on the one hand many researchers want to be more engaged in a world that is increasingly polarized, and on the other many research grants come with stipulations about partnership with actors outside academia. We identify two main ways of approaching engagement from a perspective of care. The first approach to care can be called a “care in practice” – approach which understands care as persistent tinkering. The care in practice approach employs a form of empirical philosophy aiming to study facts, concerns, goods and values produced in situ. Much like Jensen’s (2007) call to sort attachments and Zuiderent-Jerak’s (2015) suggestion of situated interventions, care in practice scholars have emphasized the importance of studying goods and values within the setting under study, rather than engaging with and bringing in normativities from the “outside”. In this context, Pols (2008) stress the promises of being re-scriptive and suggestive by interfering “in the practices studied by opening implicit notions of good care for (self) reflection” (Pols 2008: 52). Drawing on in situ observations and situated analysis researchers can thus make suggestions for improvement and construct interventions.The second approach is often called critical care. A key issue in this approach is to draw attention questions of power, to care’s non-innocence and to the exclusions reproduced in and through care (Martin, Myers & Viseu 2015). In relation to engagement and interventions, critical care scholars emphasize commitment as an important aspect of care (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017). Care from this approach is not just something existing in the practices and situations we study, but instead Puig de la Bellacasa urges the researcher to think about their own cares and asks, “what we are encouraging caring for?” (2011: 92). She suggests that interventions can be ethically committed without being normative. An approach which is “More than following the actors, less than showing ‘the’ way” (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017: 143). Similarly, López-Gómez suggests to use care as a heuristic for “taking sides, participating, acting, making a choice, taking a position, but without taking for granted a general or fundamental principle on which these actions would safely and coherently be grounded” (López-Gómez 2019: 10). Thinking about engagement with care, a number of questions arise. How can we make careful engagements and interventions? How can we make re-scriptions? What inequalities do we risk producing especially when there is funding involved? How do we take sides without taking for granted a fundamental principle of action? What tensions and struggles do we meet while engaging with care in practice? How does this affect academic work and output? The book will provide empirical examples of careful engagement, as well as theoretical reflections about the issues and questions presented above.Beskrivelse


  19. Impact of a prenatal screening program on the Down syndrome phenotype – an interdisciplinary approach

    Ellen Hollands Steffensen , Lars Henning Pedersen , Stina Lou , Steen Christian Rasmussen & Ida Vogel

    The aim of this project is to examine the impact of introducing first trimester screening for Down syndrome on an individual and familial level. We will employ qualitative and quantitative methods to answer research questions. Our results will update the knowledge of Down syndrome used in prenatal and postnatal counseling and in planning of support to families. Beskrivelse


  20. Insights into changes and antecedents of consumers’ IoT adoption and use

    Rebekah Brita Baglini , Marco Hubert , Shahab Kazemi & Markus Blut

    In the age of the internet of things (IoT), the presence of smart devices in everyday life is rapidly growing. This poses new challenges to owners that need to adjust to the promising new technologies. In addition, organizationshave to adjust their products in relations to other products to provide more value than they do alone. Both customers and organizations have to deal with and adapt to these transformational digital shifts. Nevertheless, while this development creates potential opportunities for companies and customers, it will also induce major theoretical and business-related challenges, which are mainly associated with the technological possibilities and consumer behavior with regard to IoT.To address these challenges, this interdisciplinary project will use structural equation modelling and natural language processing (NLP) (i.e., text mining, web scraping, topic modeling) to discover emerging concepts of user behavior, interdependencies and human-object relationships, which in consequence could be applied to IoT use in general.Beskrivelse


  21. Modeling of Embedded Software: a tool case study

    Jalil Boudjadar

    This project is funded by InfinIT Denmark. Beskrivelse


  22. MSCA--Increases biomass production and soil organic carbon stocks with innovative cropping systems under climate change

    Ji Chen

    Achieving climate-smart sustainable agriculture is one of humanity’s grand challenges, because there are some potential conflicts between climate change and biomass. The global demands for biomass production are expected to grow substantially by the end of this century, particularly with the increasing demands for non-fossil energy and materials. To meet the growing requirements for food, fiber and bioenergy, people have been seeking ways to increase biomass production in sustainable agriculture systems, such as optimized cropping systems. However, before unrolling the concept of optimized cropping systems on larger areas, it is critical to gain a better understanding of biomass production and soil carbon stocks due to the pressing challenges from climate change.

    Many questions associated with optimized cropping systems remain unresolved: (1) Can we increase both soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and biomass production simultaneously in intensive agricultural systems? (2) How can we protect SOC with accelerated climate warming and intensified cropping systems? and (3) What are the main factors affecting SOC decomposition in the complex intensive agricultural systems?

    The overarching objective is to explore and reveal the determining factors that protect and increase SOC stocks while increasing biomass production with innovative cropping systems under climate change.


  23. New ways to design foods: Programmable Synthesis of Lipids and Continuous Liquid Interface (3D) Printing

    Zheng Guo

    The ultimate goal of this project is to create the product arrays of new lipid molecules with documented know-hows on programmable and standardized protocols; and to generate sufficient scientific knowledge and technology for building up a CLIP-based 3D printing for food application. Beskrivelse


  24. PhD project: Evaluation of potential risk factors of pre-natal aspirin treatment with emphasis on brain development, placental function and foetal growth.

    Julie Hauer Vendelbo , Zeyan Liew , Tine Brink Henriksen , Agnete Larsen & Lars Henning Pedersen

    Pre-eclampsia is a potentially life-threatening, placenta-associated disease that affects 3% of pregnancies. Aspirin treatment started early in pregnancy reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia but recent guidelines call for prophylactic treatment of 1 in 10 normal pregnancies based on a screening procedure. The problem is the paucity of data on the potential long-term effects, lack of maternal safety data, and surprisingly, insufficient knowledge on the mechanism behind the beneficial effects of aspirin. We will use advanced epidemiological methods to investigate potential risks of aspirin in the Danish registries and in a unique source of prenatal ultrasound data. Outcome include maternal postpartum haemorrhage, foetal growth, and neurodevelopmental offspring outcomes. To corroborate the epidemiological findings and to provide new biological insight in placental biology, we will perform Next Generation Sequencing on placental tissue from unexposed and aspirin exposed pregnancies. Beskrivelse


  25. Refining Remote Assessment in Primary Care during Covid-19

    Ulrik Bak Kirk , Per Kallestrup , Line Due Christensen , Marlene Christina R Møller , Amanda Paust , Linda Huibers , Bodil Hammer Bech , Henrik Schou Pedersen , Janus Laust Thomsen , Susanne Reventlow , Jens Søndergaard , Frida Susanna Greek Kofod & Ann Dorrit Guassora

    General practitioners (GP) are facing a new disease, COVID-19, and need new ways of interacting with patients. Both GPs and their patients unprepared, and they need guidance and support for this new situation. This project explores the urgent need for providing advice on COVID-19 management, aiming to improve the virtual consultations and to ensure safer consultations in the primary care setting.Beskrivelse


  26. Screen Encounters with Britain: Pilot Study Denmark

    Cathrin Helen Bengesser , Andrea Esser & Jeanette Steemers

    This pilot project investigates what young (16-34 years) European audiences make of British screen content at the crucial point of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. It is concerned with viewing practices, and preferences of film and television as well as with changing perceptions of Britain. The project combines quantitative and qualitative audience studies.Beskrivelse


  27. VILD MAD 2 - Følgeforskning i national udrulning. Den vilde mad som nationalt dannelsesprojekt

    Karen Wistoft , Mikkel Stovgaard & Aske Clark

    Følgeforskning med løbende feedback til projektpartnerne (MAD). Projektet er forlænget grundet COVID 19 indtil juli 23. DPU's andel indtil 31. december 22.Beskrivelse


  28. Betydningen af corona for pædagoger og børn i daginstitutioner

    Grethe Kragh-Müller & Lea Ann Christenson

    Undersøgelsens formål var at undersøge betydningen af corona situationen med nedlukning af daginstitutioner i foråret 2020 for børn og pædagoger i Danmark og USA.
    I Danmark blev der udsent et åbent spørgeskema til 90 daginstitutioner tilknyttet paraplyorganisationen Børneringen.
    I USA afventes stadig åbning af daginstitutioner.
    i første omgang er den danske del af undersøgelsen beskrevet i artiklen "Butikkerne er lukkede fordi luften er syg".


  29. AgilEIoT: Agile Edge Intelligence for Delay Sensitive IoT

    Qi Zhang & Alexandros Iosifidis

    Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond | Tematisk forskning - Digitale teknologierBeskrivelse


  30. Bioraffineret tang – Bæredygtig proteinkilde til funktionelle fødevarer (SeaSus-protein)

    Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard , Annette Bruhn , Søren Krogh Jensen , Marianne Thomsen , Marianne Hammershøj , Louise Juul Pedersen & Line Ahm Mielby

    Målet med SeaSus-protein er at udvikle 2-3 funktionelle proteinprodukter fra dansk tang ved at 1) teste effekten af bioraffinering (fermentering, ekstraktion og tørring) på kvaliteten af proteinprodukter fra fire nordiske tangarter: søsalat, sukkertang, vingetang og søl, samt 2) optimere metode(r) til ekstraktion af protein fra disse. Projektet vil klarlægge hvilke tangarter og bioraffineringsmetoder, der er mest optimale med hensyn til højt proteinudbytte, smag, fødevarefunktionelle egenskaber, proteinkvalitet og fordøjelighed. De mest lovende produkter vil blive testet i ost, både som smagsgiver (reduktion af salt, positiv på sundhed) og som erstatning for mælkeprotein (positiv på klima) samt i et farsprodukt. Da søsalatprotein er et nyt produkt på markedet og masseforekomster af søsalat skaber problemer i danske fjorde, vil projektet udvikle og demonstrere skånsom høst af søsalat i stor skala.

    Projektperiode: 01.04.2020-30.03.2023

    Finansiering: GUDPBeskrivelse


  31. Corporate Volunteering and Corporate Community Engagement

    Anne Ellerup Nielsen & Trine Susanne Johansen

    Stakeholder Relations & AgencyBeskrivelse


  32. COVID-19: Religion og eksistens

    Peter Birkelund Andersen & Henrik Reintoft Christensen

    Et VELUX-støttet projekt der undersøger eksistentielle konsekvenser af pandemien i forhold til danskernes religiøsitet Beskrivelse


  33. Crops for future climates – Improve roots, boost resilience, RadiBooster

    Christian Sig Jensen , Torben Asp & Just Jensen

    Projektets mål er at udvikle nye hvede-, græs- og kartoffelsorter, der kan producere op til 10 pct. mere udbytte end traditionelle sorter under forårs- og sommertørke.Beskrivelse


  34. Gæsteprofessorat ved Aarhus Universitet til professor Aud Sissel Hoel

    Lotte Philipsen

    Visiting Professorship at Aarhus University for Professor Aurora Hoel, July-Dec. 2020Beskrivelse


  35. Hotel Pro Forma: Amduat

    Marie Højlund

    Lydunivers til AMDUAT. En iltmaskine er en billedstærk forestilling med nykomponeret liveopført musik, ambiente lydlandskaber, videokunst, lys og performance iscenesat på en sjældent set 28 meter lang scene.

    Som Harald Voetmanns bog er forestillingen en sammensmeltning af fortællingen om en mand, som dør på Holbæk sygehus og den ægyptiske solguds rejse gennem dødsriget om natten. Amduat betyder ”det der er i underverdenen” og er navnet på den old-egyptiske forståelse af dødsriget.

    Musik og lydbilleder komponeres af komponisterne Hari Shankar Kishore og Marie Højlund. På scenen skaber Hari Shankar Kishore rytmiske lydfortællinger ved at fusionere elektronisk musik med autentisk nutidig ægyptisk musik af kor, stemmer og lydbilleder fra det ægyptiske gadeliv. Den rytmiske musik afbrydes og indrammes af ambiente lydlandskaber skabt af komponist og lydkunstner Marie Højlund fra hendes forskning af auditive danske hospitalsmiljøer.Beskrivelse
