Aarhus Universitets segl

Afsluttede projekter

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  1. Bevægelse, sundhed og trivsel

    Karen Wistoft , Anne Bahrenscheer , Mathilde Sederberg & Andy Højholdt

    Forskningsprojekt ansøgning til Novo Nordisk FondenBeskrivelse


  2. Big Dutchman Smart Broiler inititive

    Anja Brinch Riber , Sigga Rasmussen , Tomas Norton , Marisa Erasmus , René Thomsen , Karen Margrethe Balle , Martin Rishøj & Simon Lague

    Projektet vil lave en PLF-løsning (præcisionslandbrugsløsning) baseret på kamerateknologi og avanceret billedanalyse til slagtekyllingproduktionen. Formålet med projektet er at overvåge forskellige aspekter af slagtekyllingers adfærd gennem kamerateknologi til forbedret dyrevelfærd. Dette inkluderer bensundhed, bevægelse og naturlig adfærd - alle hovedelementer, som indgår i de fem friheder. En vigtig fordel ved denne tilgang er, at det tillader landmanden konstant overvågning af dyreadfærd for at forudsige og bedre forstå, hvad der er bedst for dyrene. Det er ligeledes et vurderingsværktøj til kontrollører. Ved dagligt at kunne levere objektiv bevis vil give bedre vurdering gennem hele dyrets liv. Endelig giver dette tiltag en bedre dialog med forbrugerne, da det er muligt at videregive reel dyrebaseret bevis til forbrugerne, hvilket giver dem mulighed for at træffe vidensbaserede beslutninger.
    Projektet er finansieret af FFAR og Big DutchmanBeskrivelse


  3. Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship

    Nils Ole Bubandt

    Calrsbergsfondets monografistipendium til at skrive en videnskabelig bog om håb, død og genopstandelse blandt koral og mennesker i PapuaBeskrivelse


  4. Digitale teknologier i gymnasiets fremmedsprogsundervisning

    Christian Dalsgaard , Francesco Caviglia , Mette Brinch Thomsen & Mette Alma Kjærsholm Boie

    Digitale teknologier er i stigende grad integreret i vores sprogbrug samt i sprogfagenes pædagogiske praksis, men digitale kompetencer er ikke traditionelt en del af sprogfagenes DNA. Formålet med projektet er at bidrage til sproglærernes hensigtsmæssige anvendelse af it med henblik på at styrke elevernes sprogkompetencer og integrere digitale værktøjer og praksisser som naturlig del af at arbejde i og med sprogfagene. Projektet gennemføres som et aktionslæringsprojekt, hvor sproglærere fra syv gymnasier udvikler og gennemfører eksperimenterende undervisningsforløb med inddragelse af forskellige digitale værktøjer i sprogfagene. Projektet tager afsæt i en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, der afdækker sproglærernes brug af digitale værktøjer i fremmedsprogsundervisningen på de gymnasiale uddannelser. De eksperimenterende undervisningsforløb co-designes af lærere, sprogfolk og forskere med særlig opmærksomhed på fremtidssikring og institutionel forankring. Som led i aktionslæringsforløbet indsamles erfaringer fra de gennemførte undervisningsforløb. Erfaringerne anvendes til at udvikle fremmedsprogsdidaktiske materialer og ressourcer til anvendelse hos sproglærere i hele landet ud over projektets levetid; her vil der også være fokus på, at den organisatoriske forankring på nye skoler er en reel mulighed.Beskrivelse


  5. Digitale teknologier i gymnasiets fremmedsprogsundervisning

    Susana Ester Mellerup & Katja Gorbahn

    Formålet med projektet er at bidrage til sproglærernes hensigtsmæssige anvendelse af it
    med henblik på at styrke elevernes sprogkompetencer og integrere digitale teknologier og
    praksisser som naturlig del af at arbejde i og med sprogfagene (engelsk, tysk, spansk og


  6. EDU-it projekt: Fleksible forberedelses, undervisnings, vejlednings- og feedback formater

    Helle Merete Nordentoft , Bo Klindt Poulsen , Karen Louise Møller & Hein Kasper

    Formålet med dette EDU-IT projektet er at udvikle og afprøve IT-didaktiske elementer, som understøtter de studerendes arbejde på modulet lige fra deres forberedelse til undervisningen (adgang til læseteknologier), selve undervisningen (omlægning af en undervisningsgang til online-undervisning), vejledning (i form af webinarer og blogs) og deres peer feedback i den kollektive akademiske vejledning (i form af wiki) på modul 3 i efteråret 2020 på Master i vejledning. Projektet er en forberedelse af revisionen af modulet med fokus på digitalisering af undervisning og vejledning som et led i kvalitetsudviklingen af modulet. Det reviderede modul starter i F 2021 og det er en del af den reviderede masteruddannelse i vejledning, som starter E 2020.Beskrivelse


  7. Electrochemical Hydrogenation of biO-crude

    Jacopo Catalano & Konstantinos Anastasakis

    ELYHOs aims at developing a novel and disruptive technology for the direct electrochemical bio-crude upgrading from biomass feedstock, specifically from hydrothermal liquefaction process, HTL. The main aim is to achieve a deep heteroatom removal and reduce the total acidity number of bio-crude to match the key figures for petroleum crude. This is critical to introduce the bio-crude into the existing petroleum infrastructures without any other treatment. Beskrivelse


  8. Embodying Academia

    Line Dalsgård , Andreas Roepstorff , Joseph Patrick Dumit , Aja Smith , Donna Hurford & Kathleen Stewart

    This pilot project explores embodied learning in anthropology and asks: What kinds of creative potential for research can be released and nurtured by explicitly training kinesthetic and affective sensitivities and attention? The study explores current anthropological research and teaching practices and, experimentally, brings three alternative embodied learning methodologies into these: contact improvisation, storytelling, and bodily-emotion-attention training. Anthropology is an especially privileged site to examine embodied knowledge practices, due to the centrality of the researcher’s body and emotions in fieldwork and analysis. Our aim is to advance knowledge of bodies as agents and resources in academic knowledge-making more generally. The study brings together a team of collaborators with experiences in embodied learning methodologies: Aja Smith (post doc), Joe Dumit, Kathleen Stewart, Donna Hurford, Andreas Roepstorff and Anne Line Dalsgård (PI).Beskrivelse


  9. Embodying Academia

    Line Dalsgård , Aja Smith , Joseph Patrick Dumit , Andreas Roepstorff , Kathleen Stewart & Donna Hurford

    This pilot project explores embodied learning in anthropology. The aim is to advance knowledge of bodies as agents and resources in academic knowledge-making. Embodied learning is a well-established element of learning within aesthetic and craftmanship traditions, increasingly in primary and secondary education, and while not officially part of the curriculum, anthropologists of science have also long documented the importance of embodied learning for the success of graduate students in medicine, chemistry, biology, and geology. Similarly, within anthropology it is a well-established fact that the researcher’s body and emotions play crucial parts in anthropological fieldwork and analysis. But what is it that makes embodied learning so crucial, not least for academic knowledge practices, and how can we become more attentive to the potentials of these dimensions for knowledge making?

    This study holds that:
    Intellectual creativity draws on underexplored kinesthetic and affective dexterities that can be recognized, trained and refined through alternative learning methodologies and in communities of practice

    To explore this hypothesis, we employ three research questions:
    • What are the features of embodied learning?
    • What is brought into light if we explore bodies as agents and resources in academic knowledge-
    • What kinds of creative potential for research can be released and nurtured by explicitly training kin-
    esthetic and affective sensitivities and attention?

    To respond to these questions, the study has a dual focus: academic knowledge practices and alternative embodied learning methodologies. More specifically, it explores current anthropological research and teaching practices and, experimentally, brings three alternative embodied learning methodologies into these: contact improvisation, storytelling, and bodily-emotion-attention training. Anthropology is an especially privileged site to examine embodied knowledge practices, due to the centrality of the researcher’s body and emotions in fieldwork and analysis. By exploring existing practices and examining the results of introducing the three embodied learning methodologies into teaching initi- atives, the study shall advance knowledge of bodies as agents in anthropological knowledge-making. The study brings together an international team of collaborators with experiences in embodied learning methodologies. The Interacting Minds Centre, AU hosts the project.Beskrivelse


  10. Flycloud - digitalisering af insektproduktion

    Jan Værum Nørgaard , Ida Elisabeth Berggreen , Janne Møller Poulsen , Jane Lind , Carsten Lind , Johan Egsgaard , Emil Jakobsen & Jens Toppenberg

    Formålet med projektet er, at lave et digitalt værktøj (Flycloud) som skal indsamle data i realtid fra en industriel produktion af den sorte soldaterflue. Disse data skal organiseres og visualiseres, for at tydeliggøre den aktuelle produktionseffektiviteten for medarbejderne. Det digitale værktøj vil sammenkoble udledte gasemissioner og produktionsparametre til KPI’er (key performance indicators) som fx larve vækst, foderudnyttelse og udledning af drivhusgasser.

    Første opgave (WP1) er at identificere de vigtigste produktion og miljømæssige KPI’er. Næste mål (WP2 – forskningsdelen) er at koble data på CO2, NH3 og O2 med foderudnyttelse og vækst af larverne. Næste mål (WP3) er at udvikle og teste Flycloud ved at udvælge og validere sensorer og udvikle software og algoritmer. Til slut (WP4) vil værktøjet blive testet og optimeret i produktionen hos Enorm Biofactory A/S.

    De forsøg der laves i projektet på fordøjelse, metabolisme og emissioner hos den sorte soldaterflue larve, vil vise forholdet mellem nogle KPI’er fx emission af gasser vs fodersammensætningen vs foderudnyttelsen. Resultaterne vil fortælle hvordan larverne udnytter forskellige ernæringskilder i foderet, og gøre det muligt at tilpasse foderet hvis afvigende data, der kan skyldes foderet, vises på Flycloud. Dette vil gøre det muligt at opnå samme produktions standarder i hver batch.
    Projektet er finansieret af GUDP.


  11. Helbredseffekter af Black Carbon i Københavns Kommune

    Steen Solvang Jensen , Jørgen Brandt , Matthias Ketzel , Thomas Ellermann , Ole-Kenneth Nielsen , Marlene Schmidt Plejdrup , Morten Winther , Mikael Skou Andersen & Torben Sigsgaard

    Rapporten beskriver indledningsvis partikler generelt og black carbon (BC) i særdeleshed. Der foretages en kortlægning af kilderne til BC i Københavns Kommune. Helbredseffekter og tilhørende eksterne omkostninger af BC beregnes for Københavns Kommune under forskellige antagelser om BCs skadelighed, og usikkerhederne i forbindelse med denne følsomhedsanalyse diskuteres. Finansieret af Københavns Kommune.Beskrivelse


  12. Making Data Work Visible: Knowledge, Skills and Changing Professions in Healthcare

    Claus Bossen & Pernille Bertelsen

    Healthcare been rapidly and profoundly digitalized in the last decades and huge
    amounts of data is produced. The project investigates the new knowledge and skills required to work with data, and the impact of this new kind of data work for professions.
    The project’s point of departure is humanistic and critical data studies as well as socio-technical studies of work, emphasizing the contextual knowledge and skill required to generate and make data useful. The project applies qualitative,
    ethnographic research and document studies. Three subprojects focus on the following:
    1) a data work profession (medical secretaries),
    2) a data work site (a Business Intelligence unit), and
    3) an overview of new data work in healthcare in Denmark.
    The project’s contributions will be a) to make humanistic aspects of data work visible, b) analyses of how data work changes professions in healthcare, 3) inform healthcare stakeholders about skill requirements in healthcare.Beskrivelse


  13. Market economy or oriental bazaar? The nature of Roman economic activities as seen through the distribution of amphoras in Italy

    Paulina Komar & Tom Brughmans

    This project aims to test models of the Roman economy using amphora distribution in Italy between 1 and 700 AD. The question whether it was market-driven or coerced transfers that dominated ancient Roman economic activities is crucial to the current discussion regarding the nature of the ancient economy, which has recently become polarised around two models: The ‘market economy’ model proposed by P. Temin, which states that Roman markets were integrated enough to enable the production and distribution of goods to be guided by prices, thus obeying the rules of supply and demand. The ‘bazaar economy’ model, which assumes that the flow of information within the Roman Empire was too limited to allow for market integration and the subsequent interdependence of various areas of the Mediterranean. According to P. Bang, who created the model, in such an environment prices must have been volatile because the usual rule of supply and demand did not exist. Therefore, instead of seeking profit, merchants shipped goods only to destinations that were deemed ‘safe’, mostly answering to the demand provided by the state. Therefore, most commercial transactions were organised in accordance with orders from the state, or certain institutions. Previous attempts to prove or disprove these models using the price of goods as evidence, or by adopting a comparative approach, have so far failed to provide conclusive results. This project proposes a new approach, which involves analysing the distribution of ancient transport containers in Italy throughout the Roman imperial period and late antiquity (1st - 7th c. AD). This distribution will then be compared with transport costs provided by ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, which is a computer-based model produced by scholars from Stanford University that shows transport conditions in the Roman Empire. If the distribution of amphoras in different centres of the Mediterranean matches the lowest cost contours, this would provide an argument for those who espouse the existence of the ‘market economy’ during the Roman times. Whereas, if the distribution does not match the lowest cost contours, then the ‘bazaar model’ would appear to be closer to reality. In order to further test the results, the amphora distribution will then be subjected to regression analysis and agent-based modelling (ABM). A regression model assuming that the percentage of amphoras is positively correlated with the lowest cost contours will be built and it will be compared with the excavated amphora distribution at different archaeological sites in Italy. Subsequently, an agent-based model will be constructed and implemented to verify whether the distribution of amphoras suggests high or low market integration. The application of computer-based analyses to archaeological material has already shown its potential with regards to the understanding of certain social and economic phenomena. Therefore, this project is an important step forward in the study of the ancient economy, as it will allow theoretical models to be tested and consequently proved or disproved.Beskrivelse


  14. NKJ--Exploring pathways to protect soil carbon stocks in agroecosystems

    Ji Chen , Thomas Kätterer , Kristiina Regina & Siri Svendgård-Stokke

    First, overview of current research activities on agricultural soil C among the Nordic countries. This network project is highly related to my Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship and Aarhus University starting grant projects. Both projects are to study soil C dynamics and the driving processes in agroecosystems. We will prepare an opinion or review paper entitled “Exploring pathways to protect soil C stocks in Nordic agroecosystems” as well as another meta-analysis paper on soil C stocks across agroecosystems. The planed publications are not direct deliverables from this network project but could be enriched by frequent discussion within this network project. This paper will build on the knowledge and insights from the project partners of the network and developed through the workshops, and will be submitted to an international journal.
    Second, overview of available results on agricultural soil C in the Nordic countries from long-term experiments and monitoring networks. There are several ongoing projects from the applicant’s institutes focusing on the soil C stocks in the agroecosystems. This provides us unique opportunity to align results from the different long-term data series available in the Nordic countries. The preliminary results will be extensively discussed within this network. We aim to extract new pathways to increase soil C stocks in agroecosystems based on the overview of existing research and preliminary results from ongoing studies. A comprehensive comparison of results from different Nordic regions will likely open new research areas for the future larger research projects.
    Third, research gaps for agricultural soil C in Nordic regions. Based on the abovementioned overview of research and meta-analysis, we will identify the major research gaps in the agroecosystems in the Nordic countries. Those research gaps will provide the basis for future research proposals. The network project will form the foundation for applying new domestic or international research projects. Participants outside Nordic countries will also promote the international larger research projects.Beskrivelse


  15. NOS-HS Workship series

    Christa Thomsen

    A Nordic perspective on strategy development and implementationBeskrivelse


  16. Social-emotional conditions for children during the reopening of kindergartens and schools after the Covid-19 lockdown

    Ane Qvortrup , Lars Qvortrup & Karen Wistoft

    Emergency COVID-19 between University of Southern
    Denmark and LEGO FoundationBeskrivelse


  17. Constructed wetlands for the treatment of cyanotoxins: enabling water reclamation for irrigation

    Pedro Carvalho , Carlos Alberto Arias & Anders Johansen

    More and longer events of cyanobacterial blooms are resulting in the irrigation of crops with contaminated water. Thus, the consumption of contaminated vegetables increases the risk of poisoning to humans. The usage of constructed wetlands to mitigate cyanotoxins contamination from surface waters is deemed interesting due to their proven capacity to reduce pollutants, their low- technological requirements and landscape integration. However, it is currently unknown if constructed wetlands can be used to remove the cyanobacteria biomass and degrade the cyanotoxins. In addition, a balance is needed in terms of process optimisation. Ideally, we want to clean the water from the cyanobacteria/cyanotoxins, while the nutrients should remain available for the crops. WETCYANO proposes an in-depth characterization of the potential for removal, including removal mechanisms and cyanotoxins biotransformation, as well as how shock loads of cyanobacteria may impact the microbial community in the constructed wetlands.Beskrivelse


  18. DIGITbrain

    Prasad Talasila , Peter Gorm Larsen & Michael Sandberg

    DIGITbrain is a marketplace hosting digital product brains of industrial products in order to facilitate Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS).Beskrivelse


  19. HyPErFarm - Hydrogen and photovoltaic electrification on farm

    Gabriele Torma , Jessica Aschemann-Witzel , Uffe Jørgensen , Marta Victoria , Jeroen Pullens , Carl-Otto Ottosen , Claus Hunsballe & Alea Scovill

    The EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action project “HyPErFarm - Hydrogen and photovoltaic electrification on farm” is a collaboration with 14 partners, in particular in Denmark, Germany and Belgium. The Department of Management will study the business case and public acceptability of agro-voltaic systems with dual land use for crop production and simultaneous power production. The project contributes to the general management and marketing and consumer behaviour field as well as to the study of farmer, citizen, and consumer acceptance of a sustainable technological innovation in particular. Beskrivelse


  20. Optimization of Asparaginase treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia for better survival and description of late effects

    Merete Eybye Dam

    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignant disease in childhood. Today more than 90% of children and 75% of adults (18-45 years) survive ALL. The enzyme Asparaginase (Asp) is an indispensable part of the multiagent treatment of ALL. Asp is associated with many toxicities, that often necessitates truncation of treatment. Asp preparations are derived from different bacteria and are thus foreign protein for the human body and may cause hypersensitivity reactions, either accompanied by clinical allergic symptoms or not. In both cases, the enzyme is inactivated without any benefit to the patient.
    Asp enzyme activity is measurable in plasma. Patients, who have their treatment truncated, have been shown to have an inferior outcome. For many years, prolonged Asp treatment for 30 weeks has been part of most protocols worldwide, but a recent Nordic randomized study showed that less Asp (8 doses vs 15 doses intramuscularly) results in the same disease-free survival and significant less toxicity in the less intensive treatment arm.
    Accordingly, in the current Western European protocol (ALLTogether), in which the Nordic Countries participate less Asp is now given. Unlike the previous Nordic protocol, NOPHO ALL2008, Asp will be initiated early during induction (day 4 compared to day 30) and given intravenously and not intramuscularly. For >50% of the patients in ALLTogether, the induction therapy has been reduced from 4 drugs to 3 drugs. This emphasizes the importance of optimal treatment. By therapeutic drug monitoring patients without activity will be identified in order to change Asp preparation. The high cure rate has a cost. Treatment related severe acute toxicities are common. Especially in teenagers and adults, thromboembolism is one of the most common acute toxicities and may result in post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) or pulmonary hypertension. The knowledge about these late effects is limited, including for ALL patients.

    In the present study, the aims are
    1) to do extended pharmacokinetic studies after intramuscular administration in ALL2008 in children and adults (for adults no pharmacokinetic data are published).
    2) to describe the incidence of hypersensitivity after intramuscular administration which is not well-documented
    3) to examine involvement of IgM antibodies, complement factors and enzyme-activity levels during treatment and correlate findings to inactivation. A pharmacokinetic model will be built.
    4) to identify patients early who are prone to inactivate Asp for substitution with effective Asp
    5) to describe the incidence and severity grade of PTS and sequelae after PE among children and adults, and to evaluate Quality of Life after deep venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism in children and adults.

    Materials and methods:
    Study I: Since February 2017 6500 samples from approximately 400 children and 65 adult patients have been collected. All enzyme activity measurements have been performed using the validated AHA-test (aspartic acid beta-hydroxamate). Clinical data about treatment days and hypersensitivity symptoms are collected from more than 50% of the patients.

    Study II: Approximately 250 patients have been treated according to the ALLTogether protocol, and 2200 samples have been sent to Aarhus for activity measurements. These samples will be used for measurement of antibodies against PEG-Asp (1 sample before the first PEG-Asp dose and 5 samples between the first and the second dose). In addition, samples for determination of complement factors have been taken from 30 patients treated at Rigshospitalet and at Aarhus University Hospital.

    Jacob Nersting at Bonkolab, Rigshospitalet will assay antibodies to PEG-Asp by spiking patient plasmas with PEG-Asp. Subsequently, IgG-associated PEG-Asp is depleted with protein G affinity chromatography. Remaining (unbound) Asp activity will be monitored with LCMS as aspartate production after incubation with asparagine. The presence of antibodies to PEG-Asp is estimated by subtracting the measured, free Asp activity from the total Asp activity spiked into the plasmas.

    Data from 2200 samples from the 250 patients treated on the ALLTogether protocol will be sent to Uppsala where an expert group will build a pharmacokinetic model.

    Study III: All patients between 1.0-45 years of age and diagnosed with DVT and PE during treatment on the NOPHO ALL2008 protocol. In this period, 115 patients were diagnosed with DVT and/or PE.

    Children and adolescents (1-17.9 years of age) (n=71):
    • 58 patients with DVT
    • 13 patients with PE
    Adult patients (18-45 years of age) (n=44):
    • 24 patients with DVT
    • 20 patients with PE

    DVT: Clinicians and patients will be asked to measure signs of PTS utilizing the Modified Villalta Scale (MVS); modified because it has been modified and validated for use in children. The Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis recommend MVS use in children (12). For adult patients Villalta Scale (VS) will be used (3).

    Quality of Life: Both patients with DVT and PE, parents or guardian will be asked to report QoL by a previously validated questionnaire Pediatric Quality of Life inventory, version 4 (PedsQL 4.0, age adapted). For adults, SF-36, a validated QoL questionnaires will be used. Many of the patients will participate in the ongoing ALLSTAR study about late effects and QoL after treatment on the NOPHO ALL2008 protocol, and thus a collaboration about QoL is planned.

    There has already been collected a lot of data. Additional data regarding all cases will be collected during the study.
    Study I-III:
    Basic ALL-data on patients will be retrieved from the Nordic ALL registry
    1) Diagnosis, -date, risk-group, age at diagnosis, sex, weight and height at diagnosis
    2) Treatment response day 15, 29 and 79, and after block therapy for high-risk patients.
    3) Follow-up status

    Study I+II: Descriptive statistics. Comparison of mean L-Asp activity level using t-test for the comparison of two independent samples or ANOVA when multiple samples are compared.
    Study III: Cases with PTS will be compared with cases with DVT and no PTS. Factors associated with the development of post-PE syndrome will be examined by descriptive statistics due to small numbers of patients. Risk factors to PTS will only include max 5 variables in regression analyses, as number of cases in our study cohort is limited because of previously obtained data in period 2008-2016. Sample size calculation cannot be applied in this study design.


  21. Reconcile

    Jochen Teizer

    Hur kan energianvändningen i offentliga byggnader bli mindre och hur kan politik och riktlinjer utformas för att göra skillnad för samhället? De frågorna ska Reconcile arbeta med över gränsen.Beskrivelse


  22. Saline Farming: Innovativ landbrug til beskyttelse af miljøet og stimulering af økonomisk vækst (Salfar)

    Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen , Rong Zhou , Ulla Kidmose , Thayna Mendanha , Thomas Bak-Østerby & Louise Krogh Johnson

    Ressource forbrug og kulstofudledninger er store drivere for klimaforandringer. For at reducere disse vil vi i Salfar finde nye veje i landbrugsproduktionen sammen med andre store økonomiske interessenter
    Projektet sigter mod at promovere ressource effektivitet ved at (gen)bruge nedbrudt landbrugsjord og reducere forbruget af ferskvand. 10 åbne markforsøg/laboratorier vil blive etablere i de deltagende regioner til demonstration af innovative metoder til dyrkning på saltholdig jord med naturlig tilpasning af afgrøder. Der udføres forsøg med salttolerance hos afgrøder og landmænd undervises i salint landbrug og skabelse af nye forretningsmodeller. Der fokuseres på fælles branding af vore produkter som terroir-baserede kvalitetsfødevarer til støtte for grøn økonomi i Nordsøregionen.
    AU-FOODs bidrag består i at dokumentere unikke kvaliteter hos fødevarer i kraft af salts effekt på vækst, kvalitet og sensoriske egenskaber hos afgrøder og deres produkter.


  23. Sesame Street at 50: The Shapes of Digital Memory

    Helle Strandgaard Jensen , Josephine Møller Jensen , Alexander Ulrich Thygesen , Max Odsbjerg Pedersen & Victor Harbo Johnston

    I dette projekt samarbejder vi om at analysere erindringskultur på Twitter med det amerikanske børne-tv program Sesame Street som case. Vores metode er ’scalable readings,’ det vil sige, at vi kombinerer traditionel humanistisk nærlæsning med computer-assisteret analyse af to datasæt med cirka 200,000 tweets til sammen. Formålet er at undersøge, hvordan SoMe plaforme er med til at facilitere og forme erindringsprocesser og samtidig bidrage til diskussionen om ’digital humanties’ nytte i forhold til eksisterende forskning ved at diskutere kvaliteten af de bidrag som den computer-assisterede forskning kan have i forhold til traditionelle tilgange i memory studies og historie. Lægmandssprog


  24. Special Issue "Recent Advances on Phytotechnologies for Water Treatment and Management"

    Cristina Sousa Coutinho Calheiros , Sofia Pereira & Pedro Carvalho

    The way in which the occupation of the territory developed and the cities evolved led to a disruption in natural flows, especially in the water cycle. This has been also exacerbated by climate change, that affects water quality and availability. Phytotechnologies by utilizing natural processes to reduce environmental risk are key players to promote environmental pollution cleanup. The strategy for the territory’s resilience involves the transition of mono- functional to multifunctional areas using phytotechnologies. We welcome original research papers, case studies, and systematic reviews on one or more of the following topics:
    - phytotechnologies that have been applied to water treatment or contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation;
    - phytotechnologies as multifunctional ecosystem service providers;
    - solutions for water reuse and recycling through the application of phytotechnologies; phytomanagement approaches applied to wastewater; and
    - the latest trends in phytotechnologies as nature- based solutions for urban and rural territories.Beskrivelse


  25. Human First - Transitionsdidaktik. Kortlægning og udvikling af en transitionsdidaktik

    Nanna Ruengkratok Lang , Anne Bendix Andersen , Marianne Kleis Møller & Dorte Lindelof

    Human First er et partnerskab mellem VIA University College, Region Midtjylland og Aarhus Universitet, der samarbejder om bedre sundhed og samfund for det enkelte menneske. Et af indsatsområderne i Human First er at samarbejde om forsknings- og udviklingsinitiativer, der kan bidrage til en styrket sammenhæng mellem forskning, teori og praksis inden for sundhedssektoren – i og imellem uddannelse og praksis. I dette samarbejde indgår kommunerne i regionen også.
    Det er kendetegnende for de sundhedsprofessionelle uddannelser, at teori og praksis bringes i vekselvirkning, og det ses konkret i form af, at der i uddannelserne både indgår en teoretisk læringsarena og en praktisk læringsarena. At samspil mellem teori og praksis står centralt i de sundhedsprofessionelle uddannelser hænger sammen med, at der uddannes til en professions praksis, hvor man skal kunne løse specifikke praktiske opgaver, der samtidig er fagligt og teoretisk velbegrundede, forsvarlige og velreflekterede (Haastrup et al., 2013; Johansen & Frederiksen, 2013).
    Det er dog også en velkendt problematik, at overgangen fra den teoretiske uddannelse til de praktiske uddannelsesforløb (fra teoretisk til praktisk læringsarena og omvendt) samt overgangen fra uddannelse til job (fra studieliv til arbejdsliv, studerende til professionel) for mange kan opleves som overvældende og udfordrende (Haastrup et al., 2013; Schumacher & Meleis, 2010; Wieland et al., 2010). Uagtet, om det er noget, man er forberedt på, så indebærer det at skulle starte som nyuddannet i job, at der sker en forandring, hvor man både skal finde ind i en ny rolle, nye rutiner, nye opgaver, en ny kontekst og ny professionel identitet. Samtidig indebærer det også, at en organisation skal tage imod en ny medarbejder, hvilket også indebærer forandring i organisationen (Griffin & Moorhead, 2010).
    Vi ønsker i dette projekt at undersøge transitioner fra studieliv til arbejdsliv. Dette skal ske ved en kortlægning af eksisterende transitionsindsatser og -tiltag regionalt i relation til de videregående sundhedsfaglige uddannelser. Vi ønsker endvidere at undersøge, hvilke faglige og organisatoriske muligheder og barrierer, der eksisterer i forbindelse med etablering af tiltag, som er påtænkt at styrke ovennævnte. Denne indledende afdækning kommer til at danne afsæt for en nytænkning og afprøvning af transitionstiltag, der kan pege i retning af anbefalinger for en transitionsdidaktik.
    Projektet sigter mod en kortlægning og udvikling af en transitionsdidaktik, som både kan være deskriptiv i forhold til en status eller redegørelse for ”best-practice” erfaringer, og som samtidig kan være retningsgivende i forhold til udbredelse af transitionstiltag i regi af de samarbejdende organisationer i Human FirstBeskrivelse


  26. Odders genetiske slægtskab i Danmark med fokus på Sjælland og nabobestande

    Liselotte Wesley Andersen , Aksel Bo Madsen & Morten Elmeros

    Formål: 1. oprindelsen og om muligt antal af de nyligt observerede oddere på Sjælland og Lolland ved sammenligninger med oddere fra nabobestandene i Jylland-Fyn, Sverige og Tyskland
    2. oprindelsen af den hidtil unikke haplotype observeret i den lille, eksisterende sjællandske population.


  27. Master thesis lecture

    Lasse Z. Jensen

    Slideshow from my masters lectureBeskrivelse


  28. Vaccination: pro, con and in-between. A cross-linguistic and cross-cultural qualitative interview study on discourse patterns

    Alexandra Regina Kratschmer , Marie Louise Tørring , Ana Paulla Braga Mattos , Byurakn Ishkhanyan & Rebekah Brita Baglini

    Recently there has been an outbreak of preventable infectious diseases, such as measles and pertussis, in parts of Brazil, the United States, and Europe. The outbreak has been associated with vaccine hesitancy, which is generally regarded as amplified through citizen-to-citizen communication on social media platforms and often associated with conspiracy thinking. Sub-projects of a larger project on this phenomenon have already studied aspects of the use of causal language in anti-vaccination online language (e.g. the use of counterfactual language: … would not have happened), as well as an experimental study testing the influence of both sender (doctor vs. mother-of-three) and language style (scientific/nuanced vs. “conspirational”/simplifying) on test subjects in an intervention study, which found that the intervention lowered the level of perceived dangers of vaccines, but did not affect conspiracy beliefs or vaccination intentions. Qualitative studies of social media posts for Italian and Brazilian Portuguese data are under preparation. The planned study adds another angle to the investigation: it will allow us to collect more extensive data stemming from an individual informant regarding vaccination-related narratives, causal and counterfactual reasoning, epistemic authority negotiation as well as membership categorization. In the dialogue, real-time adaptation of argumentative as well as negotiation strategies might be observed. This could also render differences between the spoken dialogue and online language evident and thereby indirectly highlight the particularities of the online vaccination discourse. Furthermore, questions about a hypothetical COVID-19 vaccine will be asked. Therefore, we also expect more data on counterfactual expressions. Being built upon a subject pool from Denmark, Italy, Armenia and Brazil, the study will furthermore shed light on cross-linguistic and cross-cultural differences of this discourse.Beskrivelse


  29. Nyt Cookiebanner på AUs hjemmesider

    Anja Cilius Jakobsen

    En præcisering af cookiebekendtgørelsen om , at et samtykke til cookies på hjemmesider skulle være et aktivt tilvalg, mulig granuleret stillingtagen og mulighed for at fortryde et samtykke implementeret på alle AUs 350 hjemmesiderBeskrivelse


  30. Alpha-synucleinopathy: Missing link between neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and Parkinson’s disease

    Astrid Juhl Terkelsen

    Part time clinical scientist position funded by Independent Research Fund DenmarkBeskrivelse
