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Book-talk about Kerry Shephard and Santhakumar V (2023): 'Universities with a Social Purpose: Intentions, Achievements and Challenges'. Speaker:…
Audit Culture. How Indicators and Ranking are Reshaping the World by Cris Shore and Susan Wright is being launched in a webinar hosted by the Global…
On 3 May, this conference brings together students, academics and university leaders engaged in experimenting with how university education can…
International Symposium and Festschrift for Sue Wright.
The idea that technology mediates our relationships with the world gives rise to many questions; in this talk, I will focus on two that seem…
What do better futures for higher education look like – and what can be done to bring these into being?
6 February 2024: 15:00- 16:00 CET
● 14:00…
This CHEF talk aims to shed light on diversity in educational leadership by delving into the role of middle leaders within Higher Education (HE) who…
Johanna Kallo, Academy Research Fellow in the Department of Education at the University of Turku
Chair: Dr. Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Co-Director of CHEF, Aarhus University, Denmark
Based on the thesis that diversity work is ‘mood work’,…
To mark 20 years since the 2003 Danish University Law, this event will draw inspiration from current major review of similar reforms to higher…
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