Aarhus Universitets segl

Funding and Performance of Uganda’s Public Universities

EPOKE Seminar PhD Research Proposal Presentation by Visiting PhD Student Erasmus Ambrose Okot, Gulu University, Uganda.

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Torsdag 30. maj 2013,  kl. 10:00 - 11:30


Room D120, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

Uganda’s five public Universities have over the past two decades or so experienced tremendous demand for university education and consequently, high student enrolment but disproportionate financial base that correspond with such upsurge. Uganda’s priority of resource allocation to, and within, education sector is more towards primary and secondary education than higher education. The universal primary and secondary education programmes are also adding upward pressures on higher education - challenge that the system seems ill-prepared to address.

At the same time, although Uganda government in the last two decades, pressured by overwhelming running costs and high student enrolment, allowed public universities to privately generate funds, it still denies the universities the freedom to set fees commensurate with the market rates.

These myriad of forces undermine academic quality and seems to hold funding mechanisms suspect, which has prompted this study.

Admission to the seminar is free.

Arranged by Research Programme EPOKE.