Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD Project

Student voice as catalysts for rethinking and enhance

teaching in high school

This PhD project explores the importance of Student voice in creating a motivating and engaging learning environment and thus contributes to the development of teacher competencies in relation to classroom management.


The project aims through a phenomenological study to elucidate:

How knowledge about the phenomenon of student voice can help to achieve a deeper understanding of how the teacher can act constructively and tactfully in his teaching in order to create and maintain a motivating and engaging learning environment.

The project thereby meets the general need for increased knowledge of classroom management in high school and thematises this knowledge through students' perspective.

Elevstemmer i gymnasiet: - uddannelse overgår alle

Afhandlingen har undersøgt fænomenet elevstemme i en gymnasiesammenhæng og tager udgangspunkt i elevers oplevelser af ’at sige noget eller ikke sige noget’ i forskellige undervisningssituationer. Undersøgelsen bidrager med begrebsudvikling af elevstemme og tilføjer et vigtigt perspektiv i forhold til at forstå gymnasieelevers stemme.
Samtidig giver den anledning til at rejse en diskussion af pædagogisk imødekommenhed ud fra fænomenet elevstemme, der blandt andet handler om at kvalificere måden at lytte til elever på, anerkende deltagelse som tavs og undervise med blik for elevers tvivl.

Find siden med Ph.D. afhandlingen her.


The project will contribute with new knowledge that clarifies the life-world perspectives on students' experience and understanding of themselves as learners and thereby provide pedagogical and didactic implications for how the teacher can act constructively and tactfully in his classroom management and relational practice.

Thus the results can create a basis for information and discussions that contribute to a qualification of high school teachers' personal and professional teaching skills in relation to systematic developmental work.


  • Region Midt – Aarhus Universitet
  • Randers Statsskole
  • Skive Handelsgymnasium


September 2014 - September 2017