Romuald Normand, professor, Université de Strasbourg
Honorary professor at DPU, Aarhus University from 1 September 2020.

Romuald Normand is Fulbright scholar and professor at the University of Strasbourg, France. His main research topics are comparative education and policy studies as well as school management and leadership.
He has developed research projects on metrics and accountability systems in education, Lifelong learning and European policy/politics, higher education and the new academic work, New Public Management and professions, evidence-based education, and expertise.
He is Head of the Chinese-French Centre for Innovation in Education and Associate Professor at Beijing Normal University, China, convenor of the network “Sociologies of European” at the European Conference of Educational Research, associate expert at the Institut des Hautes Ecoles en Education et Formation (French Ministry of Education), and at the European Science Foundation.
Last books: 2020 with David Dolowitz, Magdalena Hadjiisky, Shaping Policy Agendas: The Micro-politics of Economic International Organizations. Edward Elgar Publishing.2018 with LIU Min, Carvalho Luis-Miguel, Oliveira A D. Dalila, LeVasseur Louis (eds) Education Policies and the Restructuring of the Educational Profession. Global and Comparative Perspectives, Singapore, Springer, 271 pages. 2017 The Changing Epistemic Governance of European Education. The Making of Homo Academicus Europeanus? Dordrecht, Springer.