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The tiger turns green

Korea's master plan for the next six decades is Green Growth. To begin with, the focus is on growth rather than sustainability, but investment in education could turn the picture around, says Dr. Chankook Kim from Seoul National University.

"A top-down approach often looks effective and time-saving, and some governmental officials or leaderships in this country are used to this way of doing things. One of the problems with this way of doing things is that it is difficult for schools to implement the strategy.
They simply do not know how to do it."

On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the nation, the president of Korea, Mr. Lee Myung-bak, declared in August of 2008 that the national vision of Korea for the next 60 years would be 'Low Carbon, Green Growth'.


The aim with the new strategy is to correct an imbalance which has followed from the rapid economic growth in Korea since the 1960s. "This economic development, it turns out, has its disadvantages," says Dr. Chankook Kim from Seoul National University.

"The Republic of Korea is experiencing a seriously ill-balanced development in terms of environmental and social integration. Its development-oriented economic growth resulted in a pollution load that exceed the environment's auto-purification capacity and increased conflicts between regions, classes and generations. Consequently the level of Korea's national sustainability was evaluated to be weak in 2006."

A new growth engine?
Chankook Kim emphasizes the dual aim with the new strategy:

"It is important to note that the name of new growth strategy starts with 'low carbon'. The 'Low Carbon, Green Growth' strategy was adopted to address both environmental and economic concerns by reducing greenhouse gases and improving energy efficiency. Thus Green Growth is considered a win-win strategy for the economy and the environment. Expectations run high. The energy and environmental problems are crucial factors for sustainable growth, especially at a time when unemployment continues to rise and a powerful new growth engine has yet to emerge to take over the information technology industry."

This is a large, not so say enormous project for the Korean society. Chankook Kim mentions an element of coercion in the project: Korea is poised to achieve another breakthrough by advancing green technologies and greening its industry, economy and lifestyles. Korea is the world's thirteenth largest economy. However, due to climate crisis, high oil prices and high energy costs, there is concern of losing momentum for growth in Korea. At the same time, Korea is the tenth largest energy consumer in the world, with 97% of its energy consumption coming from imported energy sources. Its CO2 emissions are on an upward trend. It all boils down to the fact that Korea's socioeconomic structure of low efficiency and high consumption can no longer be viable against a fierce global competition. Korea is forced to pursue this dual strategy, Chankook Kim explains.

Green Growth is Korea's new paradigm
In response to the necessity of combining economic growth with environmental sustainability, the countries of Asia and the Pacific have adopted the Green Growth approach. Formally this happened during the 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific in 2005. The concept had been discussed in UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission forAsia and the Pacific) for a strategy of environmentally sustainable economic growth. And in 2008 the new president in Korea, Lee Myung-bak, made the 'green growth' strategy to a new paradigm for his administration.

What is the biggest challenge for climate change education in Korea?
"Recently most governmental supports for ESD or EEEE have been re-oriented towards Green Growth education. Rhetorically, the concept of green growth education is in line with the core of ESD or EEEE. It is claimed that to address the challenges of climate change, we need to change our worldviews and lifestyles as well as to find a way to increase energy efficiency.

Such fundamental changes in worldviews and lifestyles can be achieved by education. However, the features of green growth policy seem to have little focus on changing lifestyles and more on economic growth through green technologies or energy efficiency industries.

Furthermore, while the concept of 'green growth' combines the two imperatives of economic growth and environmental sustainability, it places little emphasis on social equity which is another important aspect of sustainable development.

Finally, the path that the Korean government has chosen is far from the participatory principles of sustainable development. In practice, many of Green Growth policies are implemented as a 'top-down' approach without any multi-stakeholder consultations," says Dr. Chankook Kim.

Little general participation
But who is responsible for the harmonization of growth and sustainability in Korea? How is growth and sustainability going to be a successful partnership?

"The challenges to green growth are less discussed than the possibilities in Korea. Personally, I believe that it is important to obtain consensus on the new strategy among stakeholders. Since we need investments by the business sector, participation of citizens as well as leadership by the government, a general consensus is essential for the success for the green growth policy," Chankook Kim says.

But reality differs slightly from the vision. The Korean government does not use the participatory principles of sustainable development. Instead the government uses a top-down approach.

How come? Chankook Kim explains:

"Korea has experienced rapid economic growth and the country values efficiency and a rapid pace. Having multiple stakeholders participate in setting directions of our society may take time and energy. In other words: Atop-down approach often looks effective and time-saving, and some governmental officials or leaderships in this country are used to this top-down way of doing things. One of the problems with this is that it is difficult for schools to implement the strategy. They simply do not know how to do it."

According to Chankook Kim, however, every sector in society was urged to adopt the policy and follow the programme after the Korean government chose the green growth strategy in August 2008. The formal school should for example reflect green growth policies in school curricula from the spring of 2009. But the problem is that teachers and principals at most schools do not understand how to incorporate the concept of green growth in the curriculum.

So has the current administration failed to implement the new strategy effectively?

"It is too soon to evaluate the new strategy and furthermore it is not for me to evaluate the current administration's accomplishment. However, I can say that the new 'Green Growth'-strategy of the current administration and the Education for Sustainable Development vision for a sustainable society lead by education are not entirely synchronised."

Education for new lifestyles
The national vision of Korea is "Sustainable development and sustainable society lead by education". In the vision, everyone learn the values, action competencies, and lifestyles for sustainable development. But right now it is most of all a vision. In order to make the vision come about, radical changes in world-view and lifestyles are called for. Dr. Chankook Kim explains just how fundamental these changes would be:

The national vision of Korea is "Sustainable development and sustainable society lead by education". In the vision, everyone learn the values, action competencies, and lifestyles for sustainable development. But right now it is most of all a vision. In order to make the vision come about, radical changes in world-view and lifestyles are called for. Dr. Chankook Kim explains just how fundamental these changes would be:

"Korea is one of Asia's most affluent countries with fully developed industries. Its culture of consumerism is reflected in short life-cycles of electronics such as mobile phones and even automobiles. It is relatively easy to use the 'green' to embellish the desire of economic growth. However, it really requires some dedication to change our lifestyles and worldviews. As in many cases and many countries, education is often considered a means to 'green growth' rather than a way to change worldviews and lifestyles fundamentally."

Can education change people's worldviews and lifestyles?

"Yes, such fundamental changes in worldviews and lifestyles can be achieved by education. For example, we have studied students' participation in school forest projects in order to investigate the effects on elementary school students, including changes in their mental image of their own school, attitude towards nature and forests and awareness of their relationship with the school forest. The study demonstrated that youth participation in school forest activities can help them become environmentally responsible and active in community sustainability issues. So education can, in principle, do the job, but the reality is that the features of green growth policy seem generally speaking to be less focused on changing lifestyles than on economic growth," says Dr. Chankook Kim.

By Claus Holm

Read more at www.greengrowth.org


Chankook Kim

Ph.D. in Environmental Education, Seoul National University. His research areas include Education for Sustainable Development and climate change education.

Favourite book about climate change?
How we know what we know about our changing climate: Scientists and kids explore global warming by Lynne Cherry and Gary Braasch. The authors successfully make climate change interesting and less frightening by showing children how to empower themselves as 'citizen scientists'. This book is excellent in separating fact from fiction and in making the topic less depressing.