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Refugee Access to Higher Education (webinar)

by Emily Bowerman from Refugee Support Network and Marie-Annick Mattioli, Université Paris Descartes

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Tirsdag 15. december 2020,  kl. 14:45 - 15:45



We're happy to invite you to our next Refugee access to higher education webinar: it will take place on Dec 15th, from 2.45 to 3.45 CET (so 1.45 to 2.45 GMT), as part of the European Universities-Critical Futures 3-day event.

Press here to join via zoom



Following our "Students' voices" session in November, this webinar will focus on practioners' perspectives.

Two practioners have kindly accepted our invitation to share their experience around the following questions:

  • when and why did you decide to set up such programme?
  • who was involved?
  • what were the main issues you faced in building access programmes?
  • which solutions did you find?
  • what are the current issues you are still facing? Can you identify what remains to be understood?

Emily Bowerman, Head of Programmes, Refugee Support Network (RSN)

Through a combination of face-to-face advice and support, guidance, factsheets, workshops, training and research, Refugee Support Network (RSN) seeks to enable young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK to overcome their barriers to Higher Education. In this presentation, RSN's Head of Programmes Emily Bowerman will share key ideas and learning from this Access to HE programme.

Marie-Annick Mattioli, lecturer, co-head of the FLAVIC program, Université paris Descartes

The bridging programme FlaViC started 3 years ago at the University Institute of technology with a group of 15 migrant students from different horizons. It stemmed from a unique collaboration between 2 academics and the social services of our institution. While citizenship status is not an issue to access higher education in France, issues related to funding and legitimacy were major obstacles when the programme started. The project is now interconnected to different services at the IUT and the university of Paris, but many hurdles remain to make it sustainable. 

For your information, our following webinar will take place on January 15th, 2021 from 1PM to 2PM CEST. Our 2 speakers will be Katrin Sontag, Universität Basel and Isshane Otmani, Université de Lausanne. They will share their research perspectives on the blind spots of research on refugee access to HE. A specific invitation will be sent out soon.