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Philosophy and play in higher education

The Centre for Higher Education Futures has launched its series of CHEF Talks for the current semester.

Picture from the talk by Alison James with reference to play in the pandemic. Picture from: Pixabay.

Thank you so much for joining us in the CHEF Talks for the first half of September 2020. If you were not able to participate and missed (one of) the two first talks, you will find a brief summary here.

The invited speakers for the first two CHEF Talks were:

  • Ronald Barnett, Emeritus Professor
    University College London, IOE, UK
  • Alison James, Professor Emerita
    University of Winchester, UK

CHEF Talk: The Philosophy of Higher Education: Concepts, Contours, Challenges (September 8th )

Professor Barnett’s Talk was aimed at trying to identify key concepts, challenges, and future possibilities for higher education.

CHEF Talk: Play to Connect: Embedding Playfulness into Higher Education, Learning and Research (September 10th)

Professor Alison James’ talk focused on the importance of play as a means of connection, not just within higher education but also across other parts of our personal, societal, and cultural contexts. In the talk, Professor James included preliminary findings from an ongoing research project titled “The Value of Play in Higher Education”.

To see the full list of upcoming and past CHEF activities, please visit the CHEF website.