Aarhus Universitets segl

New Feature: Education for Sustainability Conference Insights

We are excited to announce the latest addition to our CHEF working papers series: Working Paper 40: Education for Sustainability. This paper, authored by Susan Wright, reports on the conference held at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, which delved into the development of education for sustainability across the faculty.

Key Highlights:

  • Conceptual Framework: The working paper discusses the need for a holistic approach to sustainability that integrates environmental, economic, and social dimensions. It also presents the dual focus of sustainable education: imparting knowledge about global challenges and empowering students to effect change.
  • Innovative Initiatives: Examples from universities like Humboldt and Maastricht showcase successful student-led projects that have significantly impacted their campuses and beyond. These initiatives emphasize interdisciplinary learning, peer-to-peer teaching, and practical project management skills.
  • Barriers and Opportunities: The paper identifies key barriers to sustainable education, such as institutional constraints and the unsustainable nature of higher education itself. It also highlights opportunities for bottom-up initiatives and the importance of supportive management and governance structures.
  • Future Directions: The conference outlined actionable steps to implement sustainable education at Aarhus University, including mapping existing initiatives, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and institutionalizing support for ongoing projects.

Learn More:

We invite you to read the full working paper and explore the innovative ideas and practical steps discussed to advance education for sustainability.

Further information about CHEF and registration for free membership is available at Centre for Higher Education Futures | CHEF (au.dk) To come on a visit, offer a seminar or publish in the working paper series please contact CHEF’s Co-directors, Professor Susan Wright suwr@edu.au.dk and Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen at ssbe@edu.au.dk at the Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University.