Aarhus Universitets segl

New Dean appointed: Lars Qvortrup

Lars Qvortrup succeeds Lars-Henrik Schmidt as dean of the Danish School of Education

The new Dean of the DPU will be former professor in Media Science and director of the Knowledge Lab at Aalborg University, Lars Qvortrup, who is currently the rector of the Royal School of Library and Information Science. Lars Qvortrup will succeed Lars-Henrik Schmidt, who will move on to head a new research program at Århus University.

- In Lars Qvortrup, the DPU at Århus University will have a Dean with a vast insight into research management and collaboration with a broad spectrum of societal institutions, says Rector of Århus University Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, and continues: We look forward to collaborate with the new Dean, and we have great expectations to the continuing positive development at the DPU. The merger that made the DPU part of Århus University entails great opportunities for pedagogical research and teaching as well as the in-service and post-vocational training a university such as ours is obliged to provide in a knowledge society.

Since 1977, Lars Qvortrup has authored and edited more than 35 books and a number of articles for Danish and international anthologies. Furthermore, Lars Qvortrup has given lectures at universities all over the world.

- It is with a heavy heart that I leave the Royal School of Library and Information Science, but the opportunity at the DPU is just too good to pass up. In the current transition to the knowledge society, we more than ever need a healthy and strong school of education, one that can make an impact both at home and abroad, Lars Qvortrup says.

- The DPU must cover all aspects of education and learning from infancy to old age, and I find it particularly important that the DPU develops and expands close collaboration with not just other educational institutions in Denmark, but also with a wide range of private and public organisations, says Lars Qvortrup.

Lars Qvortrup will formally assume the position as Dean of the DPU on 1 January 2008.

For further information, please contact:

Rector of Århus University Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, tel.: +45 8942 1141

Dean of the DPU Lars Qvortrup, tel.: +45 4113 2989.



Read more about Lars Qvortrup:

The Royal School of Library and Information Science

Knowledge Lab, SDU