Aarhus Universitets segl

Leading Educational Institutes form alliance

The top ten Educational Institutes in the world unite in the International Alliance of Leading Educational Institutes.

To meet the new challenges facing the Danish education and competence development in a globalised world, the Danish University of Education has allied itself with the leading Educational Institutes in the world.

Vice-rector for International Affairs at The Danish University of Education, Arne Carlsen is very pleased with the establishment of the new alliance. He says: "The alliance will help to raise the standard of Danish education and contribute to the provision of the best possible competences for Danish students home and abroad. On a more practical level the alliance will give our students access to the best education institutes in the world".

According to Arne Carlsen the alliance is not a traditional alliance "We call it 9+1 because we want to stress the uniqueness of each member. Every member in the alliance is unique and equal, and each member is allied with each of the other members – hence 9+1".

The International Alliance of Leading Educational Institutes will be established as a think tank, focusing on global changes in the educational area and informing politicians of possibilities and challenges in the field of education. The pedagogic think tank will seek influence in the same way as other types of think tanks. Extensive strategic cooperation within research and education in the field of global development is to set a benchmark for international alliances. The members share common values on high quality research, the commitment to develop world class education, a multitude in perspectives and international cooperation.

Membership in the alliance does not prevent research- and education cooperation with other universities, however, activities involving members of the alliance will be prioritised. The chairmanship lasts two years and will rotate among the members.

The founding meeting of the alliance will be held in Singapore on the 20th -21st. august 2007 and Rector Lars Henrik Schmidt will be signing the protocol on the behalf of the Danish University of Education.