Aarhus Universitets segl

CHEF going online!

Due to current Covid-19 situation, Centre for Higher Education has moved most of its spring events online. This has resulted in three CHEF Talks being turned into webinars.


Due to current Covid-19 situation, CHEF has moved most of its spring events online. This has resulted in three CHEF Talks being turned into webinars with a wide participation from CHEF members from around the world.

The three online CHEF talks this spring were:

  • Danish higher education from Bologna to de-internationalisation (by associate professor Hanne Tange, Aalborg University, Denmark).
  • After neoliberalism: Speculative higher education for the Anthropocene (by professor Ryan E. Gildersleeve, University of Denver, US, and associate professor Jonas A. Lysgaard, Aarhus University, Denmark).
  • Are we all still here? Remote supervision of doctoral students (by  professor Gina Wisker, University of Bath UK).

The most recent event attracted 50 participants from 11 different countries including Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Malta, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Canada.

The recording of professor Wisker’s CHEF Talk from June 19, 2020, is now available as a narrated power point presentation.

  • Download the narrated presentation: Are we all still here? Remote supervision of doctoral students by professor Gina Wisker, University of Bath UK here.

Across the three spring events around 150 senior academics, early career researchers, PhD students, academic developers, and members of policy communities, institutions and organisations outside the university have participated and contributed to the CHEF community. We thank you all very much and look forward to see you again to our events in the autumn 2020!