Aarhus Universitets segl

A little more conversation, a little less action, please - Rethinking learning games form the organisation.

PhD orral defence by Thomas Duus Henriksen, MSc. in Psychology

The thesis by Thomas Duue Henriksen concerns the design and use of learning games for teaching organisational development using the EIS Simulation as foundation for studying how learning games are involved in facilitating adult learning processes on change management. By focussing on those discourses on which the use and design of learning games draws upon, the study emphasises the position of the ideas that learning games as something fun, based on content exploration, and as something realistic as deeply embedded ideas. While studying these assumptions empirically through a methodology called labography, the mobilisation of a post-structuralist approach not only shows those assumptions to be too narrow for understanding the game-based learning process, it also shows how to innovate the design and use of learning games by the abandoning those old-fashioned conceptions of learning games.

Assessment committee:
Professor Timo Lainema, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Professor David Schaffer, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Associate professor Bente Meyer, The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus (chairman).

Associate professor Anne Maj Nielsen

Time:   26.10.2009, 14.00
Venue: Lecture hall D169