Aarhus Universitets segl

Zoom Event: Ethnography in Higher Education

Organiser: Clemens Wieser (Aarhus University) and Angela Pilch Ortega (University of Graz).

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Mandag 16. november 2020,  kl. 13:00 - 14:30


On zoom (link is provided upon registration)

This zoom event is dedicated to Ethnography in Higher Education. It will present the new anthology Ethnography in Higher Education, which explores three themes: Ethnographic studies on higher education, teaching ethnography, and innovative approaches in ethnographic methods. The anthology incorporates contributions by researchers from Europe, America, and Australia, which will get together at this zoom event to present their ethnographic work in higher education.

Program overview: Welcome from the network – Book presentation – Breakout discussions dedicated to the three book themes – Plenary discussion – Network outlook.

In order to adjust the interactive part of our zoom event to the number of participants, we would like to invite you to register for the event. Our event dedicates time for a joint conversation amongst authors and participants, to exchange perspectives, thoughts, and knowledge on current approaches for ethnography in higher education. We especially want to encourage young researchers who are interested in ethnographic research to join the event and get in touch with the ethnography community. The online event is organized by EERA network 19: Ethnography.