Aarhus Universitets segl

What will we do with the universities?

CHEF Lunch Talk.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 25. oktober 2018,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Danish School of Education, Campus Emdrup, Building D, Room D118, Video-link to CUDiM, Aarhus University, building 1483, room 656.


Universities play a central role in modern society. However, there is a lively discussion right now about the purpose and organization of the universities. Are they drivers of the modern economy or bastions of free thought?

Should we evaluate university courses according to the salary of graduates? Or should we focus instead on critical capacities and life-enhancing potential? Based on a recent book (‘Hvad vil vi med universiteterne?’, Informations Forlag, 2018), we will characterize the Danish debate over these issues as being lively and persistent, but, at the same time, stuck between two familiar positions. Rather than being caught in a polarized discussion (the ‘freedom fighters’ versus the ‘social engineers’), the argument is that universities should be seen as taking many different forms and serving many roles in modern society.

Equally, there are challenges ahead which cannot be addressed within the usual unproductive frameworks. Could we not be more imaginative in building the universities of the future? And could we not create a more open and reflective debate about the challenges ahead?