Aarhus Universitets segl

Understanding and re-imagining radical alliances in a post-socialist school setting in Latvia. An ethnographic study.

CHEF Talk by Jelena Hercberga, PhD-student, Department of Management, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

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Mandag 9. september 2019,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Danish School of Education (DPU), Campus Emdrup, room D120. Video-link to CUDiM, Campus Aarhus, building 1483, room 656.

The objective of my PhD research is to further the thinking of radical democracy, and specifically the concept of agonistic pluralism, by contextualising it in post-communist educational settings. My aim is to explore how practically social connections across difference, which I name radical alliances, are conceived today by young people and how this perception can be re-imagined. Drawing on the literature of radical education, I approach schools as sites with anticipatory potential, i.e. sites where alternatives to the current consensus orientated democracy can be imagined and acted upon. I explore the problem in the case of tensions in Latvia – a society that has been torn apart by the inner-ethnic conflict between Latvians and Russian-speakers, which has ramifications in social exclusion and political engagement amongst minorities.