Aarhus Universitets segl

The role of universities in post-pandemic Europe

CANCELLED. CHEF Talk (webinar). Chair: Susan Wright, Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark. The webinar is free and open to all.

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Fredag 2. oktober 2020,  kl. 10:00 - 12:00


A Zoom-link will be shared with the participants closer to the event.


The project ‘European Universities-Critical Futures’, with partners from 18 European countries, is designing a shared research instrument to study how, during the pandemic, universities’ pre-existing conditions have been exacerbated and new opportunities have arisen. Preliminary information suggests that the roles and responses of universities in different countries have varied considerably. At this ‘zoominar’, research teams from each country will share their knowledge and help shape a shared research instrument. 

Anyone interested in joining the Danish research team is welcome to contact Susan Wright suwr@edu.au.dk.

The webinar is organised by the Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF) at Aarhus University.