TEPE Webinar on Teacher Quality
TEPE Webinar on Teacher Quality, 29th September 2022, 17.00-19.00 (CET). Keynote speakers: Professor of Education Emeritus Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute, USA and Professor Kirsti Klette, University of Oslo, Norway

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Zoom Meeting

Chairs: Maria Assunção Flores, University of Minho, Portugal and Helle Plauborg, Aarhus University, Denmark
At this webinar hosted by the TEPE network (Teacher Education Policy in Europe), the following questions will be discussed: What connections between teacher education and teacher quality have been highlighted in existing research? What are the (often implicit) understandings of ‘teacher quality’ that underlie these studies and shape the educational debate? In the wake of a number of international benchmarking surveys (e.g. the PISA surveys), many countries have been focusing on improving students' learning outcomes leading to discussions as to what are – and what should be - the overall purposes of the school. What understandings of teacher quality do these discussions imply? We will also discuss teacher quality as many teachers leave the profession, with teacher shortage seeming likely to be an increasingly widespread problem over the coming years. What impact will this teacher shortage have on teacher quality in our schools? How might teacher quality be understood if, for example, the pathways to becoming a teacher are widened? Finally, there may be differences in how teacher quality is understood. What changes and shifts characterize the understandings of teacher quality in the research literature? What are the implications of these understandings for the analytical approaches that are applied - and thereby for the results that are generated? Is teacher quality linked to specific teaching methods and contextual factors or is it more dependent on the personal characteristics of the individual teacher?
The webinar will be held on zoom. It is free of charge. Please use the link below to attend the webinar.
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