Aarhus Universitets segl

Sustainability and Higher Education in a European Perspective

CHEF thematic webinar series 2

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 26. maj 2021,  kl. 15:00 - 17:00



Register for the event here



About the Webinar series

The webinar series is aimed at spurring academic debate, dialogue, community and engagement around the theme of Sustainability & Higher Education Futures. In the webinar series leading scholars, thinkers and practitioners will explore links between different concepts of and formats for sustainability and higher education. 

Higher education is central to the sustainability agenda in at least two ways:

  1. As higher education for sustainable development - Higher education as hubs for developing and disseminating knowledge about sustainable paths forward across society through focusing on sustainability issues as the object and content of research and education.
  2. Higher education as sustainable development - Higher education as signifying and embodying the hardship and need of constantly engaging with emerging challenges in order to change status quo and develop widespread sustainable development. 

This webinar series will approach these agendas from different perspectives though continued critical and creative dialogue around how, why, when and for what sustainability links with higher education futures. But the webinar series also has the mission of creating more engaging, interactive and participatory online events - with the aim of facilitating reflections and dialogue around the theme of Sustainability & Higher Education Futures in both thinking and action. Besides working towards lively and participatory interaction during the events, the webinar series will also have an informal social networking extension to continue the dialogue - much like the social mingling with a drink that follows after onsite seminars or conference presentations.

The webinar series is organised in collaboration between CHEF and the European Universities - Critical Futures project

Organised and chaired by Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard and Rikke Toft Nørgård, Center for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University and the European Universities - Critical Futures working group on Sustainable universities and higher education 

For this first webinar in the series we have the great pleasure to feature two distinguished researchers, and we look forward to inviting to dialogues surrounding the central discussions of how sustainability and higher education intermeshes. The further episodes of this series will be announced shortly.



Webinar Title: Sustainability and Higher Education in a European Perspective

Time: May 26 15:00 – 17:00 CET on ZOOM – link to follow

Hosted by: Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard and Rikke Toft Nørgård, CHEF Aarhus University



Prof. Dr. Katrien Van Poeck, Ghent University (Belgium): “Higher education and sustainable development: Learning for and/or learning from?”.

Katrien Van Poeck is associate professor at Ghent University's Centre for Sustainable Development. As a research professor focusing on the role of education in the pursuit of building a more sustainable world, she coordinates the research line on sustainability education, leading projects and networks on experiential learning in the context of sustainability transitions, sustainability in higher education, climate education and challenge-based teaching on real-world sustainability problems.



Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann, University of Vechta (Germany): “Sustainability governance at higher education institutions”.

Marco Rieckmann is Professor of Higher Education Development and Presidential Advisor on Sustainability at the University of Vechta (Germany). He is the representative of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) in the council of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). His main interests in research and teaching are (higher) education for sustainable development, global education, and sustainable university development.



Please register before May 24 at 23:59