Aarhus Universitets segl

Roman Šva?í?ek: The Structure of Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication in a Classroom

A teaching dialogue and interaction in a classroom have been viewed as phenomena organized as the IRF three-part sequence (initiation, response, feedback) for many years now. Although researches unanimously confirm the IRF as the basic pattern of teaching communication, out of the whole stream of communication it is only verbal communication that is described by the IRF pattern concept.

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Mandag 3. september 2012,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


Department of Education, Aarhus University, Room A210, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

In my lecture, I will make an attempt to amend the traditional and unquestioned limited view by looking at the progress of nonverbal communication and focusing on its possible functions in the teaching process. The lecture capitalizes on an ethnographic research of communication in a classroom and it primarily analyses a teacher’s movement around the classroom and his/her body language. It describes both individual and objectified gesture components (Wulf, 2010). Primarily, it focuses on the structural effect that a teacher’s nonverbal communication has upon the whole teaching process. This is based on my assumption that there is a universal pattern of a teacher’s phasing of his/her teaching, where the verbal and nonverbal components are closely connected.

Roman Šva?í?ek, Ph.D., Department of Educational Scienes, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Brno. Executive editor of the Czech educational journal Studia paedagogica.