Aarhus Universitets segl

Keeping international classrooms alive through virtual mobility

CHEF Webinar

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 3. november 2021,  kl. 13:00 - 15:00


Online (Zoom)


Press here to register for the event




In times of the pandemic, physical international mobility at universities has been restricted. National political decisions (e.g. in Denmark) are putting further limitations on the international classroom. In this interactive online workshop, we will share strategies and tools for enabling students and staff to be involved in the international classroom whether or not they can physically cross national borders. Two PhD researchers will share recent research findings on the conception and practice of virtual exchange. We will also discusss how strategies of international presence via digital means (virtual mobility) can be integrated into the curriculum and classroom practices.


The workshop will take two hours and include:


  1. Introduction;
  2. Keynote: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange by Anna Prisca Lohse (Hertie School, Berlin, Germany) and Mark Dawson (Coventry University, UK);
  3. Examples of current curricular and classroom practices of virtual internationalisation; 
  4. Sharing and discussing practices in groups;
  5. Collecting and disseminating practices;
  6. Take-aways and next steps.


The workshop is organised by two special interest groups within the Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education: Teaching and Learning in the International Classroom and Higher Education Policy and Practice. The workshop will take place online, it is free and open to all.