Crafting Ethnography
This conference inquires into the craft of ethnographic writing in dialogue with a group of experienced ethnographers.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Nobelsalen, 1485-123, Jens Chr. Schousvej 4, 8000 Aarhus
Ethnography is about writing — about conveying a sense of life, presence and attention and using detailed descriptions to establish analytical points that engage our imagination and extend our perceptions of worlds - both strange and familiar. This conference inquires into the craft of ethnographic writing in dialogue with a group of experienced ethnographers, who have been asked to open the doors to their workshops to explore personal experiences, analytical ambitions, genre aspirations, past and present writing practices and challenges – all with an eye to ethnography as a fine-tuned tool for educating attention and imagination and causing thought in writer and reader alike.
09.00-09.30: Arrival
09.30-09.45: Welcome v/ Sally Anderson and Jakob Krause-Jensen
09.45-10.45: 'A dog's life': the role of subjective experience in anthropological writing, Line Dalsgård, Aarhus University, DK
10.55-12.10: KEYNOTE: Working with the Artisans’ Cord: Stories in the Shaping of Ethnography, Kirin Narayan, ANU, Canberra, AUS
12.10-13.00: Lunch (can be bought at Nobelparkens Canteen)
13.00-14.00: Towards an anthropological appreciation of silence as an ethnographic key, Nigel Rapport, University of St. Andrews, UK
14.05-15.05: Unconventional crafters. Keeping boundaries and going beyond, Inger Sjørslev, Copenhagen University, DK
15.10-16.10: The anthropologist as editor: understanding the specifics and universals of policy, Nina Vohnsen, Aarhus University, DK
16.10-16.30: Wrapping it up
All are welcome.
Attendance is free but please sign up before April 8th.