Aarhus Universitets segl

Genetic associations, architectures, and algorithms: surveying the sociotechnical infrastructure of data-intensive educational genomics

On April 28th, the Policy Futures International Webinar Series hosted a presentation on Genetic associations, architectures, and algorithms: surveying the sociotechnical infrastructure of data-intensive educational genomics by Ben Williamson.

Ben Williamson introduced a gripping discussion on how big data genomics studies have appeared in education in the last decade. He argued that, conceptually, examining educational genomics as an infrastructure of datafied knowledge production reveals how it is embedded in particular data-centred computational epistemologies and concepts which recast educational problems in terms of genetic structures and mechanisms that are discoverable from biological data, and potentially open to genetically-informed interventions in policy and practice.

The discussion was complemented by Deborah Youdell, Professor of Sociology of Education and Head of the School of Education, Birmingham University, and Petar Jandrić, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb.

The event was introduced and chaired by the Policy Futures program director and Associate Professor, Katja Brøgger from Aarhus University.