Aarhus Universitets segl

Digitalization, Neo/liberalization and the Re-making of the School Form

Keynote: Paolo Landri and Emiliano Grimaldi

  The Policy Futures research program hosted an international online webinar on ‘Digitalization, Neo/liberalization and the Re-making of the School Form’. Our Italian colleagues, Paolo Landri and Emiliano Grimaldi, gave a wonderful keynote. They both have long track records of researching education policy and governance, in particular in relation to school, digital technologies and privatization. Host and research program director, Katja Brøgger, introduced the guest speakers and chaired the session. Professor WSR John Benedicto Krejsler (Aarhus University), post doctoral researcher Pieter Vanden Broeck (UCLouvain), and PhD Scholar Lucas Cone (Aarhus University) provided thought provoking feedback and reflections on the keynote. Colleagues from all over Europe and the US joined the webinar and contributed to an inspiring plenary discussion.