Aarhus Universitets segl

Seminar E


Seminar E: ASEM LLL Core Competences



E1: Enhanced Competence: A Need in a Risk Society
Professor Dr. Kua Wongboonsin and Patcharawalai Wongboonsin, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

E2: Dimensions of Counselling Older Adults for Employability
Dr. Vaiva Zuzeviciute, PhD student Monika Miliusiene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

E3: Learning to use the Internet as a way to improve rural lives:Findings from the pilot project: "Improvement of Computer Usage and Public Internet Access Ability in Vietnam" funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Mr. Phan Huu Phong, Project Director, Viet Nam Public-Utility Telecomunication Service Fund, Ministry of Information and Communications

E4: A Global Study on the Changing Nature and Role of School Curriculum: From Transmitting Content Knowledge to Developing Students-Key Competencies
Asst. Professor Dr. Won-Pyo Hong, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.

E5: Examining the Development of Learning How to Learn Skills in Malaysia
Dr. Saemah Rahman, Assoc. Professor Dr. Ruhizan Mohd Yasin and Siti Rahayah Ariffin, Malayisa National University, Malaysia.

E6: Analytical Competences and Beliefs - Experiences and Results from Latvia
Professor Dr. Irina Maslo and PhD student Pauls Jurjans, University of Latvia, Latvia.

E7: Traditional concepts of "study" and "learning" in Confucianism area and a possible theoretical scheme for further discussion
Professor Dr. Sasagawa Koichi, Hosei University, Japan.