Aarhus Universitets segl

ASEM LLL eNewsletters 2009

ASEM LLL only TOP News11 


Dear ASEM LLL Hub Partners 

The year 2009 witnessed a significant development of the ASEM LLL Hub. Having received strong support from many ASEM governments and universities, we have expanded our partnership with higher education institutions and ministries in over 30 ASEM countries and 5 flagship international organisations. In cooperation with our Asian and European partners we have successfully organised four ASEM conferences, six research network meetings, and published books and research articles in international academic journals.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our sponsors, our partner universities and the researchers in the five ASEM LLL Research Networks for their contribution to increasing mutual understanding and strengthening collaboration among ASEM countries in the field of lifelong learning.
We are pleased to share with you some highlights of the year 2009 and also looking forward to working with you in 2010.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Arne Carlsen, Chairman of the ASEM LLL Hub
Que Anh Dang, Head of the ASEM LLL Hub Secretariat
Zoltan Loboda, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the ASEM LLL Hub
Sumate Yamnoon, Co-chairman of the Advisory Board of the ASEM LLL Hub


29-30 October 2009, Nha Trang, Vietnam
ASEM Lifelong Learning Conference: "Increasing Opportunities and Removing Obstacles for Lifelong Learning"
The two day conference brought together 120 experts from 22 ASEM countries and 8 international organisations with 14 presentations concerning various aspects and defining issues of lifelong learning in the two continents.  Not only has the conference realised the ASEM EMM2 conclusions, but also demonstrated strong commitment and interest of ASEM countries to learn from one another and to make lifelong learning a reality for their peoples
read the summary

ICER Seoul All- Oct 09 

29-30 October 2009, Seoul, Korea
ASEM LLL Hub Research network5 Workshop:"Managing and Developing Core Competences in a Learning Society"
15 presentations were delivered in three sessions of the workshop which stimulated the discussion on the nature, operation and conceptualisation of human competences in a learning society. 
- Life, Learning and Competence in a Learning Society
- School Curriculum for Competence Development in a Learning Society
- Competence in Higher and Adult Education in a Learning Society
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20-22 July 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
ASEM Conference on "Lifelong Learning: e-learning and Workplace Learning", 20-21 July
The two-day ASEM conference with special focus on e-learning and workplace learning was opened by the Thai Deputy Prime Minister. The event brought together 400 professors, young academics and ministerial officials from over 20 ASEM countries. 16 presentations at the conference addressed trends and issues with respect to the ways in which existing infrastructures in diverse socio-cultural and geopolitical contexts may hinder or facilitate the development of e-learning and workplace learning.
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20-22 July 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
ASEM Conference on "Lifelong Learning: e-learning and Workplace Learning", 20-21 July
Information Meeting for Asian Ministerial Representatives on ASEM LLL Hub Advisory Board, 21 July
11 senior ministerial representatives from 9 countries and 5 representatives from international organisations exchanged their understandings of LLL concepts and national policies.
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20-22 July 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 1 Meeting: "Development of ICT skills, e-learning and the culture of e-learning in Lifelong Learning", 22 July
Researchers from 13 ASEM countries discussed "how does e-learning contribute to lifelong learning" and plan to publish a 6-chapter book to create a reference framework for policy development at national and regional level.
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20-22 July 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 2 Meeting: "Workplace Learning as Competence Development", 22 July
University academics from 11 countries launched a cross-national survey on workplace learning to contribute to empirical and theoretical decoding of working places as lifelong learning spaces.
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Asem (82) 

28-30 June 2009, Bergish Gladbach, Germany
ASEM Conference: "Teachers and Trainers in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Professional Development in Asia and Europe"
70 Asian and European participants from over 20 ASEM countries convened to discuss key questions of the impacts of teacher training on adult learning and pathways to professionalisation for adult teachers and trainers in Asia and Europe
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AsemRN4 RigaJune09 

16-19 June 2009, Riga, Latvia.
ASEM LLL Hub Research Network4 Meeting: "National strategies of Lifelong Learning"
21 representatives from China, Denmark, Hungary, Korea, Latvia and Thailand participated in the meeting and exchanged perspectives on how lifelong learning strategies have been developed and implemented in respective countries. Two cross-country comparative research projects were initiated.
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14-15 May 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam
ASEM LLL Hub Exhibition and Presentation during the 2nd ASEM Ministerial Meeting on Education
The Meeting acknowledged that LLL provides a solid framework for sustainable human resource development, which generates economic growth, social welfare and enables individuals to pursue stimulating learning opportunities at all stages of their lives. The Meeting also agreed to strengthen the role of the ASEM LLL Hub in order to deepen common understanding of LLL concepts, to make research-based policy recommendations and to expand the existing partnerships to all ASEM countries
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11-13 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
ASEM LLL Hub Research Network5 Meeting: "Core Competences"
Seven researchers from Denmark, Korea, Latvia and Thailand met at the Danish School of Education to further develop research themes, theoretical frameworks and establish future directions of the network. 
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