Aarhus University Seal

Department of
Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Educational Philosophy, and General Education

About the department

The department is one of four departments at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University and is built around the Master's degree programmes in Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies - danish, - mathematics, - material culture and - music education; ICT-based educational design; General education; and Educational philosophy. The department's researchers are part of a number of research units.


The descriptions of the programmes are only available in Danish.


Sort by: Date | Author | Title


Name Job title Email Phone Building
Berndsen, Mette PhD Fellow metteberndsen@edu.au.dk B, 305
Blomhøj, Morten Professor blomhoej@edu.au.dk +4521560754 B, 352
Bols Slåttvik, Anja PhD Student absl@edu.au.dk 1483, 645
Bülow, Morten Winther PhD Student mobu@ps.au.dk
Bundgaard, Mette Amalie Fischer PhD Student mafb@edu.au.dk B, 350
Bundsgaard, Jeppe Professor jebu@edu.au.dk +4531192607 B, 310
Bussenius, Laura Østergaard PhD Student labu@edu.au.dk
Caeli, Elisa Nadire Postdoc elisa@edu.au.dk +4593508366 B, 339
Caviglia, Francesco Associate Professor caviglia@edu.au.dk +4541663378 1483, 652
Dalsgaard, Christian Associate Professor cdalsgaard@edu.au.dk +4521664955 1483, 648
de Thurah, Thomas Fabricius Cranil PhD Student thth@edu.au.dk B, 308
Ejersbo, Lisser Rye Emeritus lre@edu.au.dk +4561342694 B, 356
Færch, Julie Vangsøe PhD Student jvaf@edu.au.dk B, 354
Fougt, Simon Skov Associate Professor sifo@edu.au.dk +4593521980 B, 340
Fromholt-Iversen, Julie Special Consultant jfi@edu.au.dk B, 351
Gabrielsson, Rebekka Hegaard Research Assistant rega@edu.au.dk +4587159771 1483, 627
Gerster Johansen, Stine PhD Student sgj@edu.au.dk B, 354
Gjessing, Eva PhD Student evagjessing@edu.au.dk
Gregersen, Rikke Maagaard PhD Student rmg@edu.au.dk
Haastrup, Lisbeth Associate Professor liha@edu.au.dk B, 317
Halsboe-Larsen, Helle PhD Student helle@edu.au.dk B, 307
Hauer, Kristiane Part-time Lecturer hauer@edu.au.dk B, 322
Heger, Stine PhD Fellow stine.heger@edu.au.dk +4525580656 B, 303
Heiden, Thomas PhD Student trhe1@edu.au.dk B, 305
Hejsel, Tina PhD Student th@edu.au.dk 1483
Henriksen, Birgitte PhD Student bhen@edu.au.dk
Højgaard, Tomas Associate Professor tomas@edu.au.dk +4520567003 B, 347
Holflod, Kim Postdoc kimh@edu.au.dk 1483, 649
Holst, Finn Part-time Lecturer fh@edu.au.dk B, 306
Hudlebusch, Tina Member of Administrative Staff tihu@edu.au.dk +4523382444 B, 356
Jankvist, Uffe Thomas Professor utj@edu.au.dk +4587162941 B, 349
Kaasby, Mia PhD Student kaas@edu.au.dk
Kabel, Kristine Associate Professor kabel@edu.au.dk +4593521760 B, 336
Knudsen, Lars Emmerik Damgaard Associate Professor lada@edu.au.dk +4530226763 B, 312
Kristjansdottir, Bergthora Associate Professor Emerita bekr@au.dk +4593521040 B, 320
Laraignou, Anders Simmelkiær PhD Student ansl@edu.au.dk
Larsen, Line Kjærgaard PhD Student lkl@edu.au.dk B, 326
Lauridsen, Anja Rousing PhD Student arla@edu.au.dk
Laursen, Helle Pia Associate Professor heen@edu.au.dk +4587163874 B, 338
Ledet, Kristin Meulengracht Part-time Lecturer krim@edu.au.dk 1483
Lindenskov, Lena Emeritus lenali@edu.au.dk +4526306681
Lindhardt, Eva PhD Fellow evli@edu.au.dk B, 323
Neubert, Katja Member of Administrative Staff kane@edu.au.dk +4593508312 B, 331
Nørgård, Rikke Toft Associate Professor rtoft@edu.au.dk +4520466756 1483, 650
Norup, Maiken PhD Student mano@edu.au.dk
Olsen, Lise PhD Fellow lo@edu.au.dk B, 322
Østergaard, Maria Kirstine Postdoc mko@edu.au.dk B, 348
Pedersen, Alex Young PhD Student ayp@edu.au.dk 1483
Percy-Smith, Victoria Sofie PhD Fellow vps@edu.au.dk B, 309
Plummer, Christelle PhD Student c.plummer@edu.au.dk
Ravn, Malis PhD Fellow mrav@edu.au.dk +4553835456 B, 318
Reusch, Charlotte Folkmann PhD Student chre@edu.au.dk
Rørbech, Helle Associate Professor hero@edu.au.dk +4593521225 B, 343
Schilhab, Theresa Associate Professor tsc@edu.au.dk +4587163612 B, 325
Slüter, Josephine Emilie Student Worker josl@edu.au.dk B, 348
Stovgaard, Mikkel Associate Professor stovgaard@edu.au.dk +4587163827 B, 334
Tannert, Morten Postdoc mota@edu.au.dk
Thestrup, Klaus Associate Professor kthestrup@edu.au.dk +4521551302 1483, 654


Head of department

Department administrator