Aarhus University Seal

Scholars visiting the Danish School of Education

Each year, the Danish School of Education at Aarhus University employs a great number of researchers from other institutions as visiting scholars. This page contains information about the options for support for these visiting scholars.

International Staff Office

The International Staff Office provides guidance and services for international researchers, accompanying partners and families, as well as PhD students and guest researchers at Aarhus University.


The Danish School of Education at Aarhus University sends researchers on short-term teaching and training visits to Erasmus partner universities, and we also welcome researchers and PhD students from these partner universities. An Erasmus partnership agreement is always required for this; but if no such agreement exists, it can be drawn up. The International Office at Campus Emdrup (Copenhagen) sets up Erasmus agreements. Scholars and PhD students who visit the Danish School of Education under the Erasmus scheme do not receive any financial support from Aarhus University, but are funded solely by their home universities combined with their Erasmus scholarship.

For more information contact International Coordinator Eva Lise Eriksen eli@au.dk.