The Danish School of Education (DPU) participates in international research collaborations through joint projects (typically funded by the EU, national research foundations and other government agencies and institutions) in a number of strategic international research collaborations, as well as within the framework of the OECD and the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) etc.
The Danish School of Education’s researchers frequently participate in, contribute to and serve as keynote speakers in international conferences, and DPU welcomes a great number of visiting scholars from universities abroad every year.
The Danish School of Education is part of a number of permanent international partnerships and alliances related to research into the field of education. The school is the Danish member of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
The Danish School of Education is the Danish partner in a number of international comparative studies: PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) and ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study).
Each year the Danish School of Education hosts a large number of short- and long-term visiting scholars who come to Denmark to do their research. The International Office facilitates and supports opportunities for visiting scholars to work at Aarhus University and the Danish School of Education.