Aarhus University Seal

Philosophy of Education

About the research unit

The research unit investigates some inter-related areas in philosophy of education:

  1. Knowledge and learning: The relations between experience, language, reason and judgment. Epistemological and metaphysical conceptions and their importance for teaching, studying and learning.
  2. Formation, politics and religion: Political philosophy and norms in relation to formation (Bildung), democracy, citizenship and cosmopolitanism. Philosophy of religion, aesthetics and ethics.
  3. History of ideas: The relations between the history of philosophy and the history of educational ideas.
  4. Contemporary trends: Development of fields of knowledge and academic literacy.

These areas are explored critically from a variety of traditions mainly representing philosophical analysis, dialectics, critical theory, social analytical perspectives, "allgemeine Pädagogik", phenomenology and historical inquiry.


Name Job title Email Phone Building
Frandsen, Henrik Vase Associate Professor hvf@edu.au.dk +4528915943 D, 106
Frølund, Sune Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita sufr@edu.au.dk +4541589668 D, 141
Funder, Anna Christine Daa PhD Student anf@edu.au.dk +4587151197 D, 137
Grimm, Jon Auring PhD Student jag@edu.au.dk
Huggler, Jørgen Associate Professor johu@edu.au.dk +4560202790 D, 142
Hyldgaard, Kirsten Associate Professor hyldgaard@edu.au.dk +4593508186 D, 143
Kauffmann, Oliver Associate Professor kauffmann@edu.au.dk +4593508040 D, 148
Korsgaard, Ove Professor Emeritus ove@edu.au.dk
Olsen, Anne-Marie Eggert Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita ameo@edu.au.dk +4587163976 D, 144
Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard Associate Professor ssbe@edu.au.dk +4520467019 1483, 646
Sørensen, Asger Associate Professor aso@edu.au.dk +4551328145 D, 111
Wiberg, Merete Associate Professor wiberg@edu.au.dk +4520586298 1483, 647