Aarhus University Seal

Ethnicity, Diversity and Education

About the research unit

This research unit is the focal point for research done at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University whose aim is to explore the importance of ethnicity and diversity in various institutional and educational contexts.

The research comprises studies exploring the occurrence of social categories such as children, young people, pupils, parents, Danes, refugees, girls, immigrants, bilingualism and Muslims, as well as the diversity and differentiation which they represent. This includes studies of race, ethnicity, gender, age, class, religion, language, generations, sexuality, and how all these categories intra-act (inter-sectionality) – as well as studies of processes such as minorisation, racialisation, privileging and stigmatisation.

  • How are social categories given meaning; and how are these processes played out within and outside the institutional lives of children and young people and the issues of self-improvement, learning, motivation and wellbeing which they have to face?
  • How are the categories understood and perceived, and what is their impact on relations between (for instance) children and young people; between children/young people and childcare staff, teachers, managers and parents; or between parents and teachers?
  • How are these categories established (and how are they given meaning and value) based on relations in everyday life and in policy, teaching material and academic studies?
  • Which intervention technologies do categorisations call for and interact with?
  • What characterises the relations, opportunities and approaches of different individuals in relation to daycare institutions, schools and education in general?
  • Which social practices, strategies, communities and cultural forms come into existence when ethnicity and other identity factors and power relations are involved and are negotiated in various educational contexts?

The unit bases its work on a range of different analytical, methodological and theoretical frameworks; but adopts (in general) an approach which is inclusive of the majority/processes of majorisation and critical of standardisation and normativities. We focus in particular on physical, discursive, affective, material, linguistic and relational practices among children and adults; on the regulative practices that certain forms of communities, teaching, management and organisation contain; and on the resources used by children and young people to navigate in relation to these practices.

The unit has two objectives: (1) To create a forum and space for reflection in which questions of ethnicity, diversity and education can be presented, analysed and discussed across an beyond the boundaries between different subject areas and different methodological approaches. (2) To establish a platform from which we can use our research to shed light on and challenge the themes and issues that are taken up politically and ethically, in the media, in educational contexts and in academic studies with regard to the education, behaviour, integration, radicalisation of minoritised, racialized and ethnised children and young people.


Name Job title Email Phone Building
Anbert, Lærke Cecilie PhD Student lca@edu.au.dk
Berisha, Tringa PhD Fellow tringa@edu.au.dk +4587159537 D, 245
Brøndum, Tine Postdoc tineb@edu.au.dk D, 267
Gilliam, Laura Associate Professor lagi@edu.au.dk +4587163784 D, 281
Gjørding, Merethe Riggelsen PhD Fellow meretherg@edu.au.dk D, 245
Hald, Charlotte Lange PhD Student chel@edu.au.dk 1483, 625
Juelskjær, Malou Associate Professor malou@edu.au.dk +4593521448 B, 105c
Khawaja, Iram Associate Professor irkh@edu.au.dk
Kofoed, Jette Associate Professor jeko@edu.au.dk +4540433801 B, 105a
Mørck, Line Lerche Professor llm@edu.au.dk +4524446313 D, 201
Nielsen, Gritt B. Associate Professor gbn@edu.au.dk +4587159564 D, 261
Nygaard, Pernille Svare PhD Fellow pesv@edu.au.dk +4587150789 D, 332
Plotnikof, Mie Associate Professor mp@edu.au.dk +4561719495 B, 222
Staunæs, Dorthe Professor dost@edu.au.dk
Ulrik Andreasen, Lise Postdoc lua@edu.au.dk D, 267