Aarhus University Seal

Department of
Education studies

About the department

The Department of education studies is one of four departments at the Danish School og Education, Aarhus University and is build upon the Bachelor's degree programme of education studies and the Master's degree programme of education studies.

The researchers in the department are part of a row of research units.


The descriptions of the programmes are only available in Danish.


Sort by: Date | Author | Title


Name Job title Email Phone Building
Aarkrog, Vibe Associate Professor viaa@edu.au.dk +4593522064 B, 103b
Alexander, Rosie Ann Postdoc rosiea@edu.au.dk +4587151229 B, 226
Andersen, Ida Gran Part-time Lecturer idagran@edu.au.dk
Andersen, Julie Reng Research Assistant jra@edu.au.dk +4587151167 1483, 629
Andreasen, Lasse Justi Administrator/Journalist lja@edu.au.dk B, 104
Andresen, Bent B. Emeritus bba@edu.au.dk B, 108
Bach, Katrine Mygind Research Assistant kmb@edu.au.dk +4530591543 B, 112b
Brandi, Ulrik Associate Professor brandi@edu.au.dk +4521653717 B, 201
Bregnballe, Nanna Research Assistant nb@edu.au.dk +4587151165 B, 112b
Brøgger, Katja Associate Professor kb@edu.au.dk +4593508478 B, 213
Christensen, Søren Associate Professor socr@edu.au.dk +4587163623 B, 103h
Clausen, Thomas Part-time Lecturer thc@edu.au.dk +4593508630
Cort, Pia Seidler Associate Professor cort@edu.au.dk +4593522242 B, 211a
Dimsits, Miriam Part-time Lecturer midi@edu.au.dk +4552115099
Ebsen, Maia Assistant Professor maie@edu.au.dk B, 103g
Elkjær, Bente Professor Emeritus elkjaer@edu.au.dk +4550995380 B, 108
Fals, Katinka Bundgård PhD Student katinka@envs.au.dk 7407, 138
Frank, Nikolai Andersen Research Assistant nfr@edu.au.dk +4587151213 B, 206
Funck, Emil Layyous Part-time Lecturer emlf@edu.au.dk 1483
Gamborg, Maria Louise Assistant Professor gamborg@edu.au.dk +4521998710 1483, 625
Garre, Olivia Stenderup Student Worker ogarre@edu.au.dk B, 116
Hald, Charlotte Lange PhD Student chel@edu.au.dk 1483, 625
Hammershøj, Lars Geer Associate Professor lgha@edu.au.dk +4587163786 B, 103c
Harsbo, Rasmus PhD Student rharsbo@edu.au.dk +4593588296 B, 217
Hesselberg-Thomsen, Mia PhD Student miaht@edu.au.dk
Jacobsen, Stine Part-time Lecturer stja@edu.au.dk +4593522004 B, 225
Jensen, Bente Professor Emerita bj@edu.au.dk +4522119726 B, 114b
Jensen, Tine Wirenfeldt Part-time Lecturer tinewj@edu.au.dk
Jespersen, Stine Møller Part-time Lecturer au559168@edu.au.dk
Juelskjær, Malou Associate Professor malou@edu.au.dk +4593521448 B, 105c
Juul, Ida Associate Professor Emerita juul@edu.au.dk +4593508185 B, 114b
Kardyb, Daniel Assistant Lecturer dfsk@edu.au.dk 1483, 621
Kjeldsen, Niels Rudolf Emil Part-time Lecturer rudolf@edu.au.dk B, 108
Knudsen, Hanne Associate Professor hakn@edu.au.dk +4593508940 B, 103e
Kofoed, Jette Associate Professor jeko@edu.au.dk +4540433801 B, 105a
Krejsler, John Benedicto Associate Professor jok@edu.au.dk +4593508190 B, 218
Kristensen, Jens Erik Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita jek@edu.au.dk +4526320899 B, 114b
Læssøe, Jeppe Professor Emeritus jepl@edu.au.dk +4529164446 B, 108
Langkjær, Simon PhD Student sila@edu.au.dk +4587151148
Larsen, Philip Assistant Lecturer pl@edu.au.dk
Larsen, Steen Nepper Associate Professor stla@edu.au.dk +4550583380 B, 102a
Lindhardt, Line Beck Project Staff Member line@edu.au.dk B, 104
Lydiksen, Laura Vestergaard Research Assistant lalyd@edu.au.dk B, 112b
Lysgaard, Jonas Andreasen Associate Professor lysgaard@edu.au.dk +4593508101 B, 206
Madsen, Miriam Associate Professor mirm@edu.au.dk +4520842672 1483, 630
Majgaard, Klaus Part-time Lecturer au331556@edu.au.dk
Mariager-Anderson, Kristina Associate Professor kma@edu.au.dk +4593508044 B, 215
Marquard, Maria Special Consultant marq@edu.au.dk +4561339836 B, 232
Meier, Flemming Georg Teaching Associate Professor meier@edu.au.dk +4522161379 B, 227
Mikkelsen, Maria Falk Part-time Lecturer au182073@edu.au.dk
Møller Schmidt, Bea PhD Fellow bms@edu.au.dk +4587150187 B, 234
Moos, Lejf Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita moos@edu.au.dk B, 108
Mørch Groth, Emilie PhD Student groth@edu.au.dk +4587151209
Mossin, Christiane Part-time Lecturer chmo@edu.au.dk
Nielsen, Johan Bundgaard PhD Student jbn@edu.au.dk +4524850004
Nielsen, Lasse Research Assistant lni@edu.au.dk +4587151179 1483, 629
Nordentoft, Helle Merete Associate Professor hmn@edu.au.dk +4529426676 B, 223
Nygaard, Claus Part-time Lecturer clny@au.dk B, 108
Olsen, Astrid Postdoc amo@edu.au.dk +4587151189 1483, 627
Olsen, Frederik Boris Hylstrup PhD Student frol@edu.au.dk +4587151186
Persson, Maria Sønderby Research Assistant mariapersson@edu.au.dk +4587151152 1483, 629
Plotnikof, Mie Associate Professor mp@edu.au.dk +4561719495 B, 222
Puge, Katrine PhD Fellow puge@edu.au.dk +4587151172 B, 116
Rasmussen, Lisa Rosén Associate Professor lisa@edu.au.dk +4525671951 B, 103d
Rathje, Nadia Raphael PhD Student nrr@edu.au.dk
Ratner, Helene Friis Associate Professor helr@edu.au.dk +4530826019 B, 211b
Ravn, Ib Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita ravn@edu.au.dk +4528959501 B, 114b
Rokoguniwai, Maria Birch PhD Student maro@edu.au.dk +4587151164
Sandager, Jette Research Assistant jesa@edu.au.dk
Schrøder, Ida Postdoc idsc@edu.au.dk +4593522525 B, 214
Sprogøe, Jonas Part-time Lecturer jons@edu.au.dk B, 108
Staunæs, Dorthe Professor dost@edu.au.dk
Thomsen, Rie Professor with Special Responsibilities riet@edu.au.dk +4529426686 B, 230
Wahlgren, Bjarne Professor wahlgren@edu.au.dk +4526306679 B, 203
Wichmann-Hansen, Gitte Senior Researcher gwh@edu.au.dk +4542429707 1483
Zangrandi, Ester PhD Student esza@edu.au.dk +4593508347
Zinckernagel, Manuel Gallego Assistant Lecturer magz@edu.au.dk +4587151239


Head of department

Department administrator