Aarhus University Seal

Globe-A: Globalization and the education of adults

About the project

GLOBE-A is a three-year multidisciplinary and comparative study that examines the ways diverse actors influence and respond to transnational policy development in adult education, and their effects on state policies in three socio-economic and political systems representative of the North-South divide. Special consideration is paid to adult basic and secondary education (i.e. the education of adults and out-of-school young people aged 16 or older up to completion of lower-secondary education by European standards).

Two transnational organizations (i.e. the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO, and the European Union - EU) and four countries (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Italy and the United States of America - USA) from three world regions (i.e. Europe, Latin America and Northern America) are the foci of attention.

This work is being carried out under the auspices of Aarhus University, Denmark, and the University of California-Los Angeles, United States, where it received ethical approval by the Institutional Review Board with reference number IRB#13-000554.

Dr Marcella Milana is funded through a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship under contract PIOF-GA-2011-297727; however, the work does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and in no way anticipates its future policy in this area.

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