Aarhus University Seal

Previous research projects at the Danish School of Education

  1. GeoInt: Geographies of Internationalisation

    Adriansen, H. K. (PI), Juul-Wiese, T. (Participant) & Madsen, L. M. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  2. Remote Relocations: Work, Precarity and the Inclusion of Newcomers on Lolland

    Larsen, B. R. (PI), Whyte, Z. (Participant), Ledstrup, M. (Participant), Ilkjær, H. (Participant) & Brinkmann, T. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  3. Barnets skala

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (PI)


    Project: Research

  4. Rhapsode og god matematikundervisning i Københavns Kommune

    Højgaard, T. (Participant)


    Project: Research