Aarhus University Seal


Current research projects

  1. Asserting the Nation: Comparative studies on the rise of neo-nationalism in higher education. The case of continental Europe

    Brøgger, K. (PI), Zangrandi, E. (Participant) & Harsbo, R. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  2. DPU har mange talenter. DPU talentudviklingsprogram

    Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Staunæs, D. (Project manager) & Plotnikof, M. (Project manager)


    Project: Consultancy

  3. Policy futures: Researching on education policy, governance and administration at a time of political crisis in Europe

    Madsen, M. (Participant), Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Cone, L. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Hedegaard, M. L. L. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant), Jimenez, G. (Participant), Plotnikof, M. (Participant), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant), Laursen, R. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Nørgaard, C. (Participant), Binderup, T. (Participant), Vertelyté, M. (Participant), Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen, S. (Participant), Normand, R. (Participant), Robertson, S. (Participant), Mengel, P. (Participant), Tarby, S. C. M. (Participant), Moscovitz, H. (Participant), Zangrandi, E. (Participant), Harsbo, R. (Participant), Nygaard, P. S. (Participant), Sørensen, A. E. (Participant), Nuriler, H. (Participant) & Gibson, A. G. (Participant)

    COST Association Avenue du Boulevard – Bolwerklaan 21 1210 Brussels | Belgium

    01/03/2019 → …

    Project: Research

  4. Professional Women at Aarhus University

    Nygaard, P. S. (PI), Sørensen, A. E. (Collaborator), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Collaborator) & Tamboukou, M. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  5. The Global History of the OECD in Education (associeret medlem)

    Ydesen, C. (PI), Reder, T. J. (Participant), Ørskov, F. F. (Participant) & Krejsler, J. B. (Collaborator)

    14/03/2018 → …

    Project: Research

  1. Asserting the Nation: Comparative studies on the rise of neo-nationalism in higher education. The case of continental Europe

    Brøgger, K. (PI), Zangrandi, E. (Participant) & Harsbo, R. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  2. Diversity Work as Mood Work in Education

    Staunæs, D. (PI) & Vertelyté, M. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  3. Policy futures: Researching on education policy, governance and administration at a time of political crisis in Europe

    Madsen, M. (Participant), Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Cone, L. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Hedegaard, M. L. L. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant), Jimenez, G. (Participant), Plotnikof, M. (Participant), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant), Laursen, R. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Nørgaard, C. (Participant), Binderup, T. (Participant), Vertelyté, M. (Participant), Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen, S. (Participant), Normand, R. (Participant), Robertson, S. (Participant), Mengel, P. (Participant), Tarby, S. C. M. (Participant), Moscovitz, H. (Participant), Zangrandi, E. (Participant), Harsbo, R. (Participant), Nygaard, P. S. (Participant), Sørensen, A. E. (Participant), Nuriler, H. (Participant) & Gibson, A. G. (Participant)

    COST Association Avenue du Boulevard – Bolwerklaan 21 1210 Brussels | Belgium

    01/03/2019 → …

    Project: Research

Finished research projects

  1. Analysis concerning participation in adult education and training

    Larson, A. (Participant), Colding, B. (Project manager), Pilegaard Jensen, T. (Project manager) & Brown, R. (Participant)

    AKF/Trepartsudvalget om livslang opkvalificering


    Project: Research

  2. Approval of Modules in Prevocational Education and Training

    Cort, P. S. (Project manager), Aarkrog, V. (Project coordinator), Heidegger, G. (Project coordinator), Schreier, C. (Project manager) & Evans, K. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  3. BABAR - Becoming Adult Educators in the Baltic-Sea Region

    Milana, M. (Project manager), Larson, A. (Participant), Andersson, P. (Participant), Hammarin, J. (Participant), Jõgi, L. (Participant) & Jaager, T. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  4. BAEA - Becoming Adult Educators in the European Area

    Milana, M. (Project manager), Larson, A. (Participant), Jõgi, L. (Participant), Andersson, P. (Participant), Landi, F. (Participant), Søgaard Lund, L. (Participant), Jaager, T. (Participant) & Hammarin, J. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  5. Barnets skala

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (PI)


    Project: Research

  6. Best Nordic Practice

    Ehlers, S. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant), Wahlgren, B. (Project manager), Geiger, T. (Project coordinator), Wärvik, G.-B. (Participant) & Thång, P.-O. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>, Nationalt Center for Kompetenceudvikling


    Project: Research

  7. 'Bildung' and national goals

    Moos, L. (Project manager)

    Sydthy Kommune


    Project: Research

  8. Bog om Socialanalytisk samtidsdiagnostik

    Kristensen, J. E. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  9. Børnehavens og pædagogprofessionens historie og aktualitet

    Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Dahl, H. M. (Participant), Bayer, S. (Participant) & Sandbjerg Hansen, C. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  10. Boundless community - or two worlds

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Ulholm, P. (Participant), Rotvold, L. Å. (Participant), Neass Gjermund, N. (Participant) & Ballo, O. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  11. CEDEFOP - Detailed Thematic analysis on continuing Vocational Education and Training

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Laursen, P. F. (Participant), Sørensen, M. S. (Participant) & Frimodt, R. (Participant)



    Project: Research

  12. CEDEFOP: Training of VET teachers and trainersTransversal and Comparative Analysis

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Sørensen, M. S. (Participant), Laursen, P. F. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant) & Frimodt, R. (Project coordinator)


    Project: Research

  13. Changing roles and competences of VET teachers and trainers

    Cort, P. S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  14. Childhood and Architecture. Spaces for Danish Children through 300 Years

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant) & Bygholm, J. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  15. DSM: Dansk skolemuseum

    Bennedsen, J. (Project manager), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Project manager), Nørgaard, E. (Participant) & Astrup, M. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  16. Dansk skolemuseum - udstilling af anskuelsestavler

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (PI), Astrup, M. (Participant) & Bennedsen, J. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  17. ECVET Trust

    Cort, P. S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  18. Educational Leadership

    Moos, L. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  19. Educational Policy Cultures in Parliamentary Systems: A Comparative Investigation

    Moos, L. (Participant) & Kofod, K. K. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  20. Educational Research Methodology in the European Context (ERMEC)

    Garland, P. (Project manager), Larson, A. (Participant), Karing, J. (Participant), Löfström, E. (Participant), Sauerborn-Ruhnau, H. (Participant), Bluma, D. (Participant), Michalak, J. (Participant), Vogrinc, J. (Participant) & Gunbayi, I. (Participant)



    Project: Research

  21. Effects of adult education and training. Effects at the individual level

    Larson, A. (Participant), Rosholm, M. (Project manager), Clausen, J. (Participant) & Skipper, L. (Participant)



    Project: Research

  22. EMIC: Erasmus Mundus Intercultural Competence

    Iannone, R. L. (Collaborator) & Cort, P. S. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  23. EPNoSL: European Policy Network on School Leadership

    Moos, L. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  24. Evaluation of bridgebuilding between folk high schools and vocational education and training

    Cort, P. S. (Project manager), Koudahl, P. D. (Project manager) & Mariager-Anderson, K. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  25. Evaluation of Finnish Lifelong Guidance System

    Larson, A. (Other)


    Project: Research

  26. Evaluation of the Copenhagen Process

    Cort, P. S. (Project manager) & Rolls, S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  27. Exploring Danish/Nordic and Scottish/UK education and pedagogy in a comparative perspective

    Krejsler, J. B. (PI) & Adams, P. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  28. Formation of National Teachers in a European Educational Space-A comparative study of the governance of teacher education in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway

    Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Petersson, K. (Participant) & Olsson, U. (Participant)

    Svenska Vetenskapsrådet


    Project: Research

  29. Fundamental but often forgotten perspectives

    Moos, L. (PI)


    Project: Research

  30. Gendered Formation of educational interests and aspirations in primary and secondary schooling

    Grønbæk Pors, J. (PI), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Sandager, J. (Participant), Plotnikof, M. (Participant) & Pors, A. S. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  31. Gendered Formations of Educational Interests and Aspirations in Primary and Secondary Schooling

    Sandager, J. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Grønbæk Pors, J. (PI), Plotnikof, M. (Participant) & Pors, A. S. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  32. Governing educational pasts, presents, and futures with data

    Madsen, M. (PI), Karseth, B. (CoPI), Piattoeva, N. (CoPI), Cheyenne Martinez Lunde, I. (CoPI), Laursen, R. (Participant), M. Blaabjerg-Zederkoff, D. (Participant), Ratner, H. (Participant) & Rokoguniwai, M. B. (Participant)

    The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS)


    Project: Other

  33. Hvilken demokratisk dannelse?

    Hedegaard, M. L. L. (PI)


    Project: Research

  34. ICCS. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study

    Bruun, J. (Participant), Allerup, P. N. (Participant), Christensen, S. (Participant), Lieberkind, J. (Participant), Hyldgaard, K. (Participant), Hansen, S. P. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant) & Kristensen, J. E. (Other)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  35. Inclusive Modules - Moving Young People On

    Cort, P. S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  36. Internationalization of Education Governance and Administration

    Brøgger, K. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  37. Kampen om 'Kvalitet' i daginstitutionen - på tværs af Profession, Ledelse og Forvaltning

    Meier, F. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant) & Poder, P. (Participant)



    Project: Research

  38. Læringsmål i undervisningen

    Clausen, T. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  39. Leadership for Learning

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Jensen, B. B. (Participant), MacBeath, J. (Project manager), Møller, J. (Participant), Green, D. (Participant), Portin, B. (Participant), Dempster, N. (Participant), Bagakis, G. (Participant) & Schratz, M. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  40. Leading Schools Successfully in Challenging Urban Context (Socrates)

    Moos, L. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  41. Learning for career and labour market transitions - individual biographies

    Cort, P. S. (Participant), Thomsen, R. (Project coordinator), Juul, I. (Participant), Brown, A. (Project manager), Merrill, B. (Participant), Alheit, P. (Participant) & Mulvey, R. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  42. Ledelse i og af den målstyrede folkeskole efter reformen

    Staunæs, D. (Project manager), Juelskjær, M. (Participant), Brøgger, K. (Participant), Pizmony-Levy, O. (Participant), Steiner-Khamsi, G. (Participant), Falkenberg, H. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Wied, K. (Participant) & Hall, L. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  43. Ledelsesrekruttering og fastholdelse

    Moos, L. (Participant) & Kofod, K. K. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  44. Lifelong Learning Eurobarometer

    Chisholm, L. (Award holder), Larson, A. (Participant), Mosseux, A.-F. (Participant) & Adams, J. M. (Participant)

    Forskningsprgram for komparativ uddannelsespolitik


    Project: Research