Aarhus University Seal


Current research projects

  1. The Global History of the OECD in Education (associeret medlem)

    Ydesen, C. (PI), Reder, T. J. (Participant), Ørskov, F. F. (Participant) & Krejsler, J. B. (Collaborator)

    14/03/2018 → …

    Project: Research

  2. Professional Women at Aarhus University

    Nygaard, P. S. (PI), Sørensen, A. E. (Collaborator), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Collaborator) & Tamboukou, M. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  3. Policy futures: Researching on education policy, governance and administration at a time of political crisis in Europe

    Madsen, M. (Participant), Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Cone, L. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Hedegaard, M. L. L. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant), Jimenez, G. (Participant), Plotnikof, M. (Participant), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant), Laursen, R. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Nørgaard, C. (Participant), Binderup, T. (Participant), Vertelyté, M. (Participant), Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen, S. (Participant), Normand, R. (Participant), Robertson, S. (Participant), Mengel, P. (Participant), Tarby, S. C. M. (Participant), Moscovitz, H. (Participant), Zangrandi, E. (Participant), Harsbo, R. (Participant), Nygaard, P. S. (Participant), Sørensen, A. E. (Participant), Nuriler, H. (Participant) & Gibson, A. G. (Participant)

    COST Association Avenue du Boulevard – Bolwerklaan 21 1210 Brussels | Belgium

    01/03/2019 → …

    Project: Research

  4. DPU har mange talenter. DPU talentudviklingsprogram

    Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Staunæs, D. (Project manager) & Plotnikof, M. (Project manager)


    Project: Consultancy

  5. Asserting the Nation: Comparative studies on the rise of neo-nationalism in higher education. The case of continental Europe

    Brøgger, K. (PI), Zangrandi, E. (Participant) & Harsbo, R. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  1. Asserting the Nation: Comparative studies on the rise of neo-nationalism in higher education. The case of continental Europe

    Brøgger, K. (PI), Zangrandi, E. (Participant) & Harsbo, R. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  2. Diversity Work as Mood Work in Education

    Staunæs, D. (PI) & Vertelyté, M. (Participant)

    Independent Research Fund Denmark


    Project: Research

  3. Policy futures: Researching on education policy, governance and administration at a time of political crisis in Europe

    Madsen, M. (Participant), Brøgger, K. (Project manager), Cone, L. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Hedegaard, M. L. L. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant), Jimenez, G. (Participant), Plotnikof, M. (Participant), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant), Laursen, R. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Nørgaard, C. (Participant), Binderup, T. (Participant), Vertelyté, M. (Participant), Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen, S. (Participant), Normand, R. (Participant), Robertson, S. (Participant), Mengel, P. (Participant), Tarby, S. C. M. (Participant), Moscovitz, H. (Participant), Zangrandi, E. (Participant), Harsbo, R. (Participant), Nygaard, P. S. (Participant), Sørensen, A. E. (Participant), Nuriler, H. (Participant) & Gibson, A. G. (Participant)

    COST Association Avenue du Boulevard – Bolwerklaan 21 1210 Brussels | Belgium

    01/03/2019 → …

    Project: Research

Finished research projects

  1. WPR - introduktion til Carol Bacchis policy analyse

    Fristrup, T. (PI), Cort, P. S. (PI), Larson, A. (PI), Boelskifte Skovhus, R. (PI), Thomsen, R. (PI) & Kristensen, J. E. (PI)


    Project: Other

  2. Working life narratives

    Cort, P. S. (Project manager), Thomsen, R. (Participant), Mariager-Anderson, K. (Participant), Wahlgren, B. (Participant) & Wie Bang, S. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  3. What works: Formative Assessment

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Skov, P. (Participant) & Jensen, B. B. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  4. Videnspolitisk samtidsdiagnostik

    Kristensen, J. E. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>, Socialanalytisk Samtidsdiagnose


    Project: Research

  5. Vidensøkonomi, kognitiv kapitalisme og videnspolitik

    Larsen, S. N. (Participant) & Kristensen, J. E. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>, Forskningsprogrammet i socialanalytisk samtidsdiagnose


    Project: Research

  6. Tilgængeliggørelse af den skolehistoriske kulturarv

    Bennedsen, J. (Project manager), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Award holder) & Englev, K. B. (Project coordinator)


    Project: Other

  7. The Second Information Technology in Education Study - SITES, modul 2

    Bryderup, I. M. (Project manager), Brinkkjær, U. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant) & Kowalski, K. (Participant)

    Ministry of Children and Education


    Project: Research

  8. The relation between theory and practice in the education of teachers and preschool teachers

    Laursen, P. F. (Project manager), Moos, L. (Participant), Hansbøl, G. (Participant) & Krejsler, J. B. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  9. The Making of Leadership in Education

    Moos, L. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  10. The inclusive school in Randers

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Laursen, P. F. (Participant), Mottelson, M. (Participant) & Jørgensen, C. (Participant)

    Randers Kommune


    Project: Research

  11. The Governance of Career Guidance Systems in Nordic Countries - exploratory workshops.

    Mariager-Anderson, K. (PI), Larson, A. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (PI), Varjo, J. (PI), Rosvall, P.-Å. (Participant), Nafsika, A. (Participant), Sundelin, Å. (Participant), Hooley, T. (PI), Bårdsdatter Bakke, I. (Participant), Kalalahti, M. (Participant), Harjula, S. (Participant) & Vilkman, M. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  12. NOS-HS: The Governance of Career Guidance Systems in Nordic Countries

    Cort, P. S. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant) & Mariager-Anderson, K. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  13. The Faceless Masters of Higher Education. Governing Through Standards: the Bologna Process and the New Realities of Higher Education

    Brøgger, K. (Project manager)

    <ingen navn>, Augustinus Fonden, AUs Forskningsfond


    Project: Research

  14. The Development of active citizenship on the basis of informal l at schoolearning

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant) & Laursen, P. F. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  15. Testing and school reform in Danish education: An analysis informed by the use of ‘the dispositive’

    Hamre, B. (Participant), Kousholt, K. B. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant) & Krejsler, J. B. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  16. Successful School Leadership

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Jensen, B. B. (Participant), Kofod, K. K. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Day, C. (Project manager), Møller, J. (Participant), Johansson, O. (Participant), Leithwood, K. (Project manager), Gurr, D. (Participant), Mulford, B. (Participant) & Wong, K. C. (Participant)

    The Egmont Foundation


    Project: Research

  17. Study supporting the monitoring of FEAD

    Cort, P. S. (PI)


    Project: Other

  18. Stress, new forms of leadership and intervention - borderless work in public organisations

    Wright, S. (Project coordinator), Bovbjerg, K. M. (Project manager), Krause-Jensen, J. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant), Ørberg, J. W. (Participant) & Brorholt, G. (Participant)



    Project: Research

  19. Stress, new forms of leadership and intervention - borderless work in public organisations

    Ørberg, J. W. (Participant), Wright, S. (Project coordinator), Bovbjerg, K. M. (Project manager), Krause-Jensen, J. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Moos, L. (Participant) & Brorholt, G. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  20. Specialisterne

    Moos, L. (Project coordinator), Tetler, S. (Participant), Langager, S. (Participant), Hansbøl, M. (Participant) & Hedegaard-Sørensen, L. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  21. Specialeskrivning i en fremdrifts- og coronatid

    Cort, P. S. (PI) & Nordentoft, H. M. (PI)


    Project: Research

  22. Specialeprocessen i en fremdrifts- og Corona-tid

    Cort, P. S. (PI), Larson, A. (PI), Magne, J. (PI) & Nordentoft, H. M. (PI)


    Project: Research

  23. Soft privatization: The privatization of European education

    Brøgger, K. (PI) & Cone, L. (PI)


    Project: Research

  24. Slagelse Vision 2012

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Laursen, P. F. (Participant), Lund, L. (Participant), Ulriksen, L. (Participant), Jensen, B. B. (Participant), Jensen, U. H. (Participant), Mottelson, M. (Participant) & Jørgensen, C. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  25. Skrammel - dansk legepladshistorie 1850 - 2020

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (PI)


    Project: Research

  26. Skoleudsmykninger

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  27. Skole i 200 år: Markering af 200 års undervisningspligt i Danmark i 2014

    Gjerløff, A. K. (Project coordinator), Bennedsen, J. (Project manager), Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Applicant) & Astrup, M. (Contact person)


    Project: Research

  28. Skolechefer, politiske udvalg

    Moos, L. (Project coordinator), Kofod, K. (Participant) & Brinkkjær, U. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  29. SITES 2006 - an international comparative study of the use of ICT in education and training in primary and lower secondary school.

    Bryderup, I. M. (Project manager), Brinkkjær, U. (Participant), Larson, A. (Participant) & Faurschou, L. (Participant)

    (Historisk) Danmark Pædagogiske Universitetsskole (DPU), Ministry of Children and Education


    Project: Research

  30. Schools in Denmark. A History of Everyday Life, Conditions and Visions over 500 Years

    Coninck-Smith, N. D. (Participant), Appel, C. (Participant), Nørgaard, E. (Participant), Jacobsen, A. F. (Participant), Gjerløff, A. K. (Participant), Fink-Jensen, M. (Participant), nørr, E. (Participant), sonne, P. (Participant), Rasmussen, L. R. (Participant), Ydesen, C. (Participant) & Larsen, C. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  31. School leaders' professional lives

    Moos, L. (Project manager), Møller, J. (Participant), Biott, C. (Participant), Sugrue, C. (Participant) & Shindler, J. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  32. Sammenhængskraft og populisme

    Kristensen, J. E. (Project manager) & Christensen, S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>, Socialanalytisk Samtidsdiagnose


    Project: Research

  33. Research of policy and research for policy in an era of transnational education policy making

    Desjardins, R. (Participant), Moutsios, S. (Participant), Cort, P. S. (Participant), Rasmussen, J. (Participant), Rubenson, K. (Participant), Schuller, T. (Participant), Burns, T. (Participant), Levin, B. (Participant), Walker, J. (Participant), Rinne, R. (Participant), Nielsen, S. (Participant) & Grootings, P. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  34. Relationship in Profession

    Moos, L. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  35. Reform-programmet: Rearticulating forms of motivation

    Knudsen, H. (PI), Nissen, M. (PI), Christensen, S. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Kofoed, J. (Participant), Juelskjær, M. (Participant), Rasmussen, L. R. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Kousholt, K. B. (Participant), Staunæs, D. (Participant), Mathiassen, C. (Participant), Hesselberg-Thomsen, M. (Participant), Hedegaard, M. L. L. (Participant), Jimenez, G. (Participant), Møller, N. (Participant), Sørensen, K. S. (Participant), Friis, T. (Participant) & Waleng, S. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  36. Quantitative evaluation of networks for counceling of adults in relation to education and training

    Larson, A. (Participant) & Wahlgren, B. (Project manager)

    Nationale center for kompetenceudvikling


    Project: Research

  37. PEEPP  Perspectives on European Education Policy and Practice

    Larson, A. (Participant), Garland, P. (Project manager), Eisenschmidt, E. (Participant), Michalak, J. (Participant), Gunbayi, I. (Participant), Löfström, E. (Participant), Blūma, D. (Participant), Kiefer, S. (Participant), Arreman, I. E. (Participant) & Gaber, S. (Participant)

    Erasmus (Intensive programme)


    Project: Research

  38. Pædagogprofessionens historie

    Hamre, B. (Participant), Hansen, C. S. (Participant), Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Bayer, S.A.-L. (Participant) & Hansen, A. E. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  39. Pædagogikkens Idehistorie

    Kristensen, J. E. (Participant), Korsgaard, O. (Participant) & Jensen, H. S. (Participant)


    Project: Research

  40. Organizational culture and participation in education among unskilled workers

    Larson, A. (Project manager)


    Project: Research

  41. New Management, New Identities? Danish University Reform in an International Perspective

    Wright, S. (Project manager), Nielsen, G. B. (Participant), Krejsler, J. B. (Participant), Ørberg, J. W. (Participant) & Carney, S. (Participant)

    Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv


    Project: Research

  42. National VET policy report reviewing the Copenhagen Process

    Cort, P. S. (Participant) & Rolls, S. (Participant)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: Research

  43. Mathematics in Action

    Moos, L. (Project manager)


    Project: Research